The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1199 The magic period

Hearing this, Hong Yuntian shook his head and said, "It's easy for you to say, when you cross the ninth catastrophe, the liquid source form of this seat is the combination of the two."

"Although with the power of life, the soul will not dissipate without a substance, but this state is not durable, and the power of the flesh can only be expressed through the power of the void, which is the rootless source."

Lu Kun looked at the half demon corpse under his feet, and pondered: "This point is easy to solve. Brother Hong can refine the bones of the devil emperor into human bone magic treasures according to the idea of ​​​​refining the body, and then use the blood and magic power to make magic treasures. It is refined in the form of a magic weapon."

"If you only use the human bone magic treasure during battle, with Brother Hong's control over the blood and blood magic, there shouldn't be any problems with this bone."

Hong Yuntian frowned slightly and said: "Even if this problem is solved, the essence of the human race will at least reach the level of your fleshly body, so that you will have the opportunity to devour the essence of the devil."

Lu Kun's eyes flashed with thought, and he said slowly, "We can change our thinking."

He looked at his arms and said, "Lu has a power that far exceeds that of the same level of physical cultivation. On the surface, it seems that it is due to the bloodline of the giant ape, but in fact it is due to the madness inherited in the bloodline."

"Blood will?" Hong Yuntian raised his brows.

Lu Kun nodded and said, "The various top monsters in the Xiu Xian world have different bloodline supernatural powers. In fact, it is the use of bloodline for the will of madness. strength."

"It is in the fusion of this bloodline and the bloodline of the human race that I gradually release the power of the bloodline inside, so that I have such strong physical power, and the transformation of the magic ape into a supernatural power is to transform the second will of the true devil. The power of the blood runs with the supernatural power of the blood, and the power of the physical body is blessed twice, causing it to skyrocket."

Speaking of this, Lu Kun suddenly asked: "By the way, Brother Hong's soul is immune to the will of the real devil. I wonder if the energy in the body can guide the direction of this will?"

Hong Yuntian raised his brows, took a few steps forward, stretched out his palm, the power of the void was like an invisible big hand, picked up a ball of real magic water in the center of the Rongyuan Demon Cave, and swallowed it directly.

The energy in the water of true demons seems to be clearly divided, the pure demonic energy is absorbed by the blood and magic power, and the remaining true demonic meaning does not rush to his soul, but pours into the essence of the demon. purple-black skeleton.

These brutal thoughts flowed in it, as if it was the environment of the water of true demons.

He was stunned and said: "They directly entered the essence of the devil..."

Lu Kun was pleasantly surprised: "In this way, Lu's vision will be more easily realized."

Hong Yuntian was a little confused.

Lu Kun explained: "According to our previous analysis, the physical breakthrough method of body refining requires a strong foundation of strength, and Lu's foundation comes from the bloodline of the giant ape."

"When I was studying the art of internal organs tempering, I found that the madness of the monsters can spontaneously merge into the blood, producing the blood power of the Gibbon Gibbons."

"If the essence of the devil is regarded as a special kind of blood, the meaning of the true devil is the true meaning of this bloodline inheritance. Can the combination of the two be transformed into the power of the bloodline, so that it can truly merge with the essence of the human race?"

Convert the essence of the demon into a special bloodline? This idea is simply unbelievable, and Hong Yuntian couldn't help being stunned.

Lu Kun said to himself: "My magic ape turned into a supernatural power, which is to use the bloodline supernatural power to use the meaning of the real devil to infuse it into the physical body and temporarily increase the power of the physical body."

"The essence of magic can enhance Brother Hong's physical strength, and it can also attract the meaning of true demons. This feature is very similar to blood. It can be learned from the magic of magic ape, reverse deduction, and try to transform the essence of magic into a kind of inheritance. The special bloodline of the true devil's intention."

A sudden look flashed in Hong Yuntian's eyes, and he murmured: "I understand, from another angle, the half-human, half-demon in this seat, in the form of a demon, can be regarded as some kind of blood supernatural power, and your psychic power. The giant arm, the magic ape becomes extremely similar."

"Your physical strength talent is blessed by a special bloodline. If this seat fuses the essence of the devil and the true devil into a brand-new bloodline, it is equivalent to the same as your gibbous ape bloodline, which essentially enhances the strength talent. ."

The more he thought about it, the more he felt that this was a direction, his expression gradually became excited, and he couldn't help but patted Lu Kun on the shoulder: "You guy's thinking is really strange, no wonder you can open up the road of body training."

"If the bloodline of this true devil's blood is successfully created, the essence of the human race will naturally be able to absorb it easily with the help of blood and magic power."

Lu Kun's emotions were also a little high: "Yes, according to this idea, Brother Hong's Demon Zombie Body Refinement Art is actually using demon corpses as materials, and gradually extracting a special kind of true demon blood, transforming the human body into a Demon."

"This kind of real demon body is likely to be stronger than the demon race. After all, the demon emperor's body is only a million jins of power!"

"Brother Hong's current state might as well be called a period of demon transformation."

Hong Yuntian's expression changed for a while, and after a long time, he spit out a suffocating breath, and his expression became calmer: "It's not too late, we immediately study the method of reversing the refining bloodline."

Lu Kun said solemnly: "The magical powers transformed by the magic ape are also very inspiring for the breakthrough of the transformation of the gods. It is extremely difficult to reverse the deduction. Before that, Lu must fully understand the essence of the magic zombie of Brother Hong."

His expression changed and he said: "By the way, we might as well try the combined attack technique we guessed before."

Hong Yuntian looked up and down at the man in front of him, and snorted coldly, "Aren't you afraid that blood and blood will devour flesh and blood?"

Lu Kun laughed and said: "Lu Mou is only one step away from the late stage of bone transformation, and the blood is on the verge of gathering blood into a treasure. Brother Hong, if he has the ability, just come and devour it."

A bit of excitement flashed in his eyes: "Just try the strongest liquid source form, I don't know if I can break through the shackles of the power of one element."

Hong Yuntian thought about it and said:

"The essence of this magical power is to temporarily refine the essence of the devil by absorbing your blood essence and bursting the energy level of blood magic power in a short period of time, so that the two can be temporarily merged and the strongest power erupts."

"If it is attached to you, the liquid source will merge into the muscles and combine the power into one, but how the physical source will be integrated, this seat is not sure."

"Understood, Brother Hong, just give it a try."

As he spoke, a trace of silver blood appeared from the pores of Lu Kun's skin, and his entire body was dyed silver, exuding an astonishing power of qi and blood.

Hong Yuntian walked forward, the flesh and blood on his body melted like a candle on fire, turning into a black liquid, and the purple-black bones inside his body also melted one by one. They transformed into dozens of tentacles and climbed up. Lu Kun's body.

These liquid energies greedily absorbed the silver blood essence, and the breath became stronger and stronger.

The two distinct liquids gradually began to fuse, with muscle fibers, twisted flesh, and tiny scales flowing in them, like a hideous flesh-and-blood creature, covering Lu Kun's burly body.

The skin on its body disappeared in a stream of silver light, revealing the wriggling muscle fibers underneath, and the purple-black liquid flowed into it like blood dissolved in water.


Lu Kun couldn't help shivering, and he felt these liquids, like little ants, climbed up the muscle fibers, clenched their sharp teeth, and bit their flesh and blood.

Accompanied by the crunching sound of metal friction, the pain of the ten thousand ants gnawing at the flesh and blood was continuously transmitted to the brain through the nerves. Rao has a strong will, and he couldn't help crying out in pain.

After a while, the muscle fibers in his body gradually turned purple and black, and became thicker and thicker. Lu Kun had to run the bone treasure, using the magical power of the silver dragon meteorite to increase the bones to adapt to the stronger muscles. .

Soon, his burly body swelled up like a balloon, growing to over ten feet, and small purple scales grew on the surface of his skin.

But the muscles of his whole body were shaking violently.

"Lu Kun, the blood and magic power can't swallow your flesh and blood, so take the initiative to provide the blood essence to this seat, otherwise the essence of the devil will come out..." Hong Yuntian's spiritual sense suddenly came out of the flesh and blood.

"it is good!"

When Lu Kun thought about it, a large amount of blood gushed out from his bones, and actively sent it into the black energy clinging to the muscle fibers. After a while, his body stopped shaking.

He slowly exhaled a turbid breath and looked at his arm. The five fingers of the right palm trembled and folded inward, as if it was difficult to hold a fist...

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