The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1201 Combined Shintsu

Body Refinement Pavilion, Rongyuan Demon Cave.

Hong Yuntian stood behind Lu Kun, pressing his palms on the center of the other's broad back. His chest and abdomen were ups and downs. Under the naked skin, there were faint clumps of black liquid flowing from his chest to his arms.

These liquids finally landed on the center of Lu Kun's back spine, turning into dense small tentacles, climbing up and down in both directions.

After a while, a raised black arched ridge was formed, and two astonishing divine senses gushed out from their bodies and intertwined above their heads.

The incomparably thick spiritual sense caused a circle of invisible storms, and the surrounding demonic aura couldn't help but be driven up and revolved around the two of them.

Lu Kun's spiritual sense reached the late Nascent Soul level when he entered the middle stage of bone transformation. Although Hong Yuntian had just finished his tribulation, his spiritual sense and bloodthirsty had been competing for many years. The degree of purity is even stronger.

Under the operation of the fusion of spiritual consciousness, the two spiritual senses blended with each other, almost reaching the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul period, and they slowly poured into the arched back of Lu Kun's back.

"Flesh and blood together!" With a light drink from the divine sense, the physical bodies of both sides began to change.

Hong Yuntian's body melted into a purple-black two-color liquid, and the edge of the liquid densely grew tiny tentacles that spread out along the arched back.

Lu Kun retracted his skin to reveal the underlying muscle tissue, as if he was actively sending his body into a huge mouth.

After a few breaths, the bodies of the two began to fuse together, becoming a humanoid body more than ten feet high and wrapped in purple-black scales.

After the integration was completed, the surging and violent divine sense still surrounded the raised arched back, and the surrounding divine sense storm became even more frantic, causing bursts of whistling in the cave.

At this moment, the internal organs in Lu Kun's body trembled, and he directly used the method of concentrating flesh and blood, turning the internal organs into clumps of blood, from the inside of the spine, concentrated into the vertebrae, and the chest cavity in the body suddenly changed. Empty.

And the flesh and blood on the raised back of the back also wriggled rapidly, and also penetrated into the spine. The pieces of the spine, surrounded by strands of silver blood, swelled rapidly and squeezed out from the gaps in the purple-black scales.

Due to the large edges and corners of these enlarged conical bones, it looks like a row of bone spurs has grown on the back. Lu Kun's tall body is pressed by the thick back spine. It's a humanoid monster that jumps out at any time.

With the deformation of the spine, the violent spiritual power around him also calmed down, and all entered his back.

This half-bent-over purple-black body shuddered slightly, his hands and fingers slowly moved closer together, forming two fists, but the speed of clenching the fists was a little slow, and it looked quite laborious, just like a child lifting a tripod, beyond self-control limit.

The humanoid monster sighed lightly, as if he knew the condition of his body. Aura flashed in front of him, and suddenly an eight-sided crystal appeared, quietly suspended in mid-air, reflecting a purple-black shadow on it.

"This is our fifth attempt. Although the spiritual consciousness is integrated into the physical body, the nervous systems of both sides are unified, but the combined strength of the two physical bodies exceeds two million kilograms, which is too terrifying. With the current neural control power, the force Too much but not enough.”

"If this magical power from the golden armored corpse can't condense the physical body's consciousness, the fusion secret technique will fail completely!"

The divine sense in the humanoid monster surged, as if talking to himself with divine sense, and as if he was communicating with someone, then he slowly opened his mouth and inhaled the eight-sided crystal into his mouth.

Then the Adam's apple squirmed, and at the junction of the back of the skull and the spine, the flesh and blood bulged outward, like a sarcoma that swelled rapidly, the size of a walnut, and an octahedron crystal was faintly visible inside.

Immediately afterwards, a cloud of brain-like liquid flowed down from the cranial cavity, and at the same time, a cloud of purple liquid poured upward from the spine below.

They are intertwined with each other, making the sarcoma continue to expand, gradually growing to the size of two fists, embedded in the top of the back, looking a little scary.


Suddenly, a pale golden light lit up from the flesh ball and spread toward the deformed flesh, like a piece of moonlight, illuminating the entire body.

The humanoid monster's eyes suddenly burst into a bright light, and the muscles of the whole body stopped trembling, and instantly tightened, as if it contained amazing strength.

I saw his hands open and close together, and quickly clenched his fists like electric light. Just five fingers clasped together, a turbulent air wave was generated, tumbling away in all directions, stirring the surrounding rich demonic aura, hitting the wall of the cave, Make a rumbling sound.


A hoarse and thick voice came from the monster's mouth, neither like Lu Kun's voice nor Hong Yuntian.

"I didn't expect that the most difficult thing is not to integrate the physical consciousness, but how to strengthen the neural control. The physical consciousness of the Nascent Soul's peak alone is not enough to control the terrible power of more than two million pounds!"

"This ghost crystal has temporarily transformed our spiritual consciousness into a kind of physical and mental power that spreads throughout the whole body, greatly increasing the neural control power, so that it can control the skyrocketing muscle power."

The joy in the eyes of the humanoid monster gradually subsided. He quietly sensed the situation of his body. The muscles under the scales of his body kept twisting, and his figure flashed, sometimes punching, sometimes kicking sideways.

The terrifying power carried in the flesh, in these simple attacks, stirred up terrifying energy, the entire cave was shaken, and the aura on the surrounding walls was even more flickering.

The humanoid monster stopped quickly, and he showed a bit of contemplation.

"Our combined strength has exceeded 2 million kilograms, but the nerve control is not enough. With the help of the crystal of the ghost, we can only display the ultimate power of the power of one yuan, and there is no way to exceed it."

"It seems that the inference before is correct, pure physical power can completely reach the level of one element power, and it can break through the limit without the power of will."

"Hey, that's not right, what is the source of the physical body..."

The monster seemed to have thought of something, two different energies were surging in its body, the purple scales trembled slightly, and an invisible force field slowly appeared on the surface.

But no matter how his body trembled, the range of this invisible force field seemed to be only one foot.

After a while, he stopped the trembling of his body, and his eyes flashed a little suddenly, and murmured:

"Understood, the source power of one body is radiated from the bone treasure as the foundation, and the other is radiated from the blood and blood magic power. At this time, the blood and blood magic power is turned into flesh and blood and embedded in the bones. , are still mutually exclusive.”

"The source field range of the bones is four feet, and the blood and blood magic power is three feet. Fortunately, the former is slightly stronger, otherwise we would not be able to radiate even the physical source power of this foot."

"With the blessing of one yuan, this foot should be enough."

While speaking, the force field outside the monster's body was agitated, and the surrounding demonic spirits gathered towards its body one after another. Almost instantly, the surface of the purple-black scales condensed into a layer of black and white light film.

This layer of light film looks very solid, and even the lines of scales are outlined on it, like a thin layer of armor, covering the surface of the monster.

"The source field is too weak, and it barely controls the vitality of the world, but what is this membrane? It's not like the magic power of vitality, it's a bit weird..."

The humanoid monster stretched out its palm, and the solid film on it spread out, turning into a ring of demonic vitality, trembling slightly, as if it wanted to make some changes, but the next moment, this layer of vitality was out of control, and it directly dissipate.

Then he clenched his fist again, and punched it forward, sending out a layer of turbulent energy, hitting the wall in the distance, and the ancient forbidden aura above it dimmed for a while.

"The source field conflicted with each other, and the power of the void disappeared, that is to say, the magical power of the void congealing essence could not be used."

The monster carefully sensed the situation in the lower body, the body trembled, and a pale golden spiritual streamer returned from all over the body to the sarcoid at the back of the head.

The light film on the outside of the body seemed to have lost some kind of support, and it turned into vitality and dissipated into the magic aura. The purple scales twisted, turned into dense liquid tentacles, and retracted back.

The flesh and blood of the two sides gradually began to separate, and the purple-black liquid turned into Hong Yuntian's body, and the tall body more than 10 feet tall was constantly shortening. The spine behind him and the internal organs in the body returned to their original shape. The crystal, suspended between the two.

Lu Kun looked a little excited and said: "Although the result is a little different from what was expected, this fusion magical power has been successfully completed."

Hong Yuntian nodded lightly, and his eyes flashed a bit of joy: "That layer of vitality light film can't take the initiative to attack, but the breath it contains is not less than the shape of vitality, plus the strength of two million pounds, this form Enough to fight against the cultivators of the Spirit Transformation stage."

Lu Kun slowly exhaled, calmed down, and thought a little: "However, this magical power consumes a lot, my blood essence not only needs to continue to maintain your liquid source, but also needs to assist in the operation of the physical body and consciousness, which can only be maintained. shorter time."

Hong Yuntian frowned and said: "The essence of flesh and blood in this seat is also quite difficult. Not to mention the activation of the crystals of the ghosts, the blood and magic power also needs to use the source of the flesh."

Lu Kun made an estimate and said: "In addition to the loss of my magical energy, this state can last for a quarter of an hour at most. If it is longer, my blood essence and physical energy will bottom out, and..."

He stretched out his palm, and the crystals of the underworld spirit floated slowly.

"This ghost crystal will also be consumed. If you use too much, maybe this ghost zerg relic will completely dissipate."

Hong Yuntian turned his gaze and found that the crystal had shrunk a bit compared to the previous one. The time they had merged just now was very short, and if the time reached a quarter of an hour, the consumption would be even more.

He snorted softly: "That's also more practical than your magic ape, at least it won't overdraw Shouyuan. As for the crystal of the ghost, don't those corpse kings also have a piece? If you grab it, you can do it."

Lu Kun's eyes flashed with intent, and he nodded lightly: "The consumption is indeed much better, and this magical power lasts for a long time, unlike the magic ape, which can only support a few attacks."

"However, there are still many flaws in the body after the fusion. One is the crystallization point of the back of the brain. If you suffer a strong attack, if you and I are separated from the physical body and spiritual consciousness, you will directly disintegrate, and there is no long-range attack method."

Hong Yuntian pondered: "According to our research these days, the fusion of physical and spiritual consciousness can only be at the junction of the spine and the brain, but the flesh and blood can be re-adjusted and placed in the neck and cranial cavity. , it doesn't matter if you speak or not."

"As for the long-range attack method, don't worry. After the fusion, there is a physical source force field. With the help of the void, the explosion speed is even more amazing. Even the monks in the spiritual transformation period are not easy to open the distance."

"Unexpectedly, this magical power can suppress those pseudo-gods to the disadvantage. Could it be that you still want to threaten the lives of such existences?"

With some pity, Lu Kun said: "If the source of the physical body does not conflict with each other, but integrates and grows, maybe he can use the power of the void, and with that magic dragon blade, the deterrent will be even greater."

Hong Yuntian raised his brows and said, "Magic Dragon Blade? Is that the body repair treasure you mentioned?"

Lu Kun smiled and said: "About Zhanbao, I will communicate with Brother Hong later, but this time I tested the fusion of magical powers. Lu has some insights into the cultivation of the central nervous system."

Hong Yuntian thought of the fusion process just now, nodded lightly and said, "The technique of unifying the body and mind, referring to the secret method in the Phantom Devil Child-Mother Art, takes the peripheral nervous system as the mother body, the internal organs as the intermediary, and the central nervous system as the child body. The two sides are fused in the spine."

"This method can not only strengthen the integration of spiritual consciousness and physical nerves, but also refine the spiritual consciousness, but to perfect it, the difficulty is no less than that of the real demon bloodline condensing of the Demon Stiff Body Refinement."

Lu Kun laughed and said: "There is no hurry to cultivate spiritual consciousness, but inspired by the nervous system, Lu has an idea that seems to be able to condense the blood of the real devil."


Hong Yuntian's eyes lit up.

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