The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1203 Breakthrough Opportunity

There have been a lot of major events in the Southwest Xiu Xianjie recently. The one-yuan secret realm has been closed ahead of schedule. It is rumored that several top-level monsters and beasts have escaped from the secret realm. Demon spirit.

However, at that time, the powerhouses of the Body Refinement Pavilion blocked Zhongzhou, and no immortal cultivators knew what the results of those monsters were.

In addition, what immortal cultivators are most interested in talking about in the past two years is that the Blood Refining Sect, which has lived in the Gorefiend Mountains for a long time, has moved its sect. The Demon Dragon Mountain and the Gorefiend Mountain were exchanged for the Body Refinement Pavilion.

A discerning cultivator can see clearly that the location of the Blood Refinement Sect is too embarrassing. It can be said that it is surrounded by the Body Refinement Pavilion. The pavilion Lu is rumored to have the power to transform the gods. In this case, it is not surprising to move the sect.


In the southern state of Qi State, the abyss of death, the ancient prohibition here disappeared completely at some point, and a strong cold air was rippling around.

In the thick gray fog, a strong immortal cultivator flew from time to time. Some of them were holding magic plates, some were holding various weapons, and they seemed to be transforming the abyss.

In the middle of the abyss, Pan Yan, a veteran disciple of the Body Refinement Pavilion, and Li Qianfeng and the other three newcomers to the bone transformation stage were suspended in mid-air.

Pan Yan looked at the scene below, and said with a strange expression: "These dead creatures are too vigilant, they have already left the abyss of death, it seems that the change of the Magic Dragon Mountain 90 years ago shocked them."

Li Qianfeng said with a look of disappointment: "I originally wanted to try the magical powers of body training magic, but it was empty..."

Hearing this, Pan Yan narrowed his eyes and said, "Don't worry, there will be no less battles in the Body Refinement Pavilion in the future. When you were in Zhongzhou two years ago, the guy who was almost killed by Master should be a strong man in Da Zhou. "

"Obviously those immortal sects still don't give up on body training exercises. They may have found out the strength of the body training pavilion. If the master is entangled by several gods, with our current strength, I am afraid we will face a tough battle. "

"So these years, you have to do everything possible to improve your strength, and don't slack off."

Li Qianfeng and the others looked solemn: "Yes, Uncle Shi."

"Hey, the residual restrictions at Elder Shi's place are a bit formidable, let's go down and help."

While speaking, the four people flew towards the abyss in one direction.


At the bottom of the abyss of death, in a cave with an extremely cold atmosphere, two figures stood on the gray-black rocky ground. One of them was burly with short hair and a square face, and the other had a well-proportioned figure and a bald face. It was Lu Kun and Hong. cloudy sky.

At this time, Hong Yuntian was naked, holding a magic stone in each of his hands. On his white and tender skin, there were dense purple-black dots. These dots were about the size of a thumb. converge.

I don't know how long it took, the dots stopped, and complex lines were drawn under the skin. In addition, the bones, blood vessels, and even the internal organs were dotted with purple-black lines.

It seems that there are countless strange purple-black totem lines on all parts of the body.

After a while, Hong Yuntian's eyes trembled slightly, and he opened his eyes. He looked at his body and sighed: "The power of life is really amazing. With its help, the magic essence has been distributed to the peripheral nervous system. All parts of the body."

"If there is a true demon's intention to enter the body, it can take the spinal cord as the core and radiate to the peripheral nervous system of the whole body, and then use the method of dividing and combining the blood vessels that we have developed to gradually condense the blood of the true demon."

His dark eyes flashed with excitement: "When these purple-black lines disappear completely, it is the time when the true demon bloodline has reached its peak. At that time, with the blessing of this bloodline, the liquid human race essence can also be solidified into a solid state."

"It means that the physical body has returned to the human race, but there is a real demon bloodline in the body. At that time, under the action of the bloodline, the basic strength of the physical body has surged to at least one million kilograms."

Lu Kun nodded lightly and said, "Not only that, Brother Hong's blood will be several times stronger due to the blessing of blood."

"Even if you don't use Lu's blood essence, you can still use the secret sealing technique to seal the bloodthirsty thoughts that appear from time to time, greatly increasing the safety of the soul."

Hong Yuntian looked at the totem lines on the body, calmed down and said, "This method of dividing and combining bloodlines will continue to be perfected in the process of cultivation. After all, the basic method is tested with the bloodline of the gibbon."

Lu Kun said with a smile: "We've considered it over and over again, and it's basically no problem. It's nothing more than a modification of the details, but Lu hopes that Brother Hong will wait for the end of the trip to the Broken Country before entering the state of cultivation."

Hong Yuntian narrowed his eyes and said, "Are you worried about those pseudo-gods in Da Zhou?"

Lu Kun nodded and said: "Yes, if Brother Hong officially starts to cultivate the true demon bloodline, his form will be solidified into a human form. Although he can also perform the secret fusion technique at this time, the demon essence cannot release energy, and can only bless 500,000 kilograms. Power."

"In this way, after the fusion of our strength, we only have 1.7 million jin, which cannot reach the level of one yuan power. Lu Mou's magic ape transformation and magic dragon knife have a limited number of attacks, so they cannot fight for a long time, and it is not safe. ."

"And the combined magical power can fight for a quarter of an hour. Even if we encounter a dangerous situation, we can be sure to protect ourselves."

Hong Yuntian said in silence: "Okay, then wait, I also want to see what kind of combat power the Fit Divine Ability has."

Speaking of which, he seemed to have thought of something, raised his brows and said, "By the way, didn't you say that this method of dividing and combining blood vessels can help you enter the later stage of bone transformation?"

"There are still eight years, you can try to break through, and then go to the big week."

Lu Kun smiled bitterly and said, "This is also my speculation. Whether it is feasible or not is unknown."

Hong Yuntian asked curiously: "With your physical aptitude, what bottleneck did you encounter at the peak of the middle stage of bone transformation?"

Lu Kun said slowly: "Brother Hong should know that in the later stage of bone transformation, blood can be transformed into bones, but because Lu Mou's bone treasure is fused with silver dragon meteorite, it is too strong for blood to break through."

"I have estimated that if the blood is increased by at least 20%, there will be a chance to break through the boundaries of the bone treasure and complete the blood-bone transformation. But at this time, the blood can no longer be grown through cultivation, and it can only be strengthened by using foreign objects to have a chance to break through."

Hong Yuntian suddenly said: "I understand, you want to find a powerful bloodline and differentiate it into the power of will and the source of blood. If the bloodline is strong enough, the source of blood is enough to strengthen the blood."

Lu Kun said: "That's right, if Lu can get a bloodline equal to or stronger than that of the Gibbon, he can use the source of blood inside to increase the blood strength."

Hong Yuntian pondered for a moment, then shook his head and said: "It seems that your method is almost impossible to achieve. Even in the ancient times, the giant ape was the top monster, and there are few more powerful than it, by the way... …”

Having said this, a flash of memory flashed in his eyes and said: "I remember that the blood of the giant ape of the One Yuan Sect has leftovers, and it was sealed in a forbidden place."

Then he hesitated again: "But tens of thousands of years have passed, not to mention whether the Yuan Dynasty brought it into the upper realm, the Yuan country is probably very different from that year, and this seat is not sure to find it."

Lu Kun chuckled and said, "Brother Hong, you are wrong. Today's Immortal Cultivation World really has a bloodline equivalent to that of the giant ape!"


Lu Kun turned his head to look in the southwest direction, and slowly spit out four words from his mouth.

"True Dragon Bloodline!"

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