The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1213 Ancient Dragon Tomb (Part 2)

"Finally found……"

Lu Kun's consciousness sensed a seabed dozens of miles away, showing a bit of joy.

When Hong Yuntian heard the words, his divine sense followed his direction.

It was a seabed with a range of ten miles, surrounded by a circle of slightly raised rocky hills, only more than 20 feet high, barely forming a small valley.

In the valley, there is a ring-shaped dark blue water circle, which is exactly the same height as the surrounding hills. Under the agitation of turbulent sea water, it surrounds the mountain and hides the scenery in the valley.

Hong Yuntian's spiritual sense wanted to continue to penetrate, and then he felt an extremely rich and proud thought coming from the blue water circle, making people have the urge to worship, and he quickly withdrew the spiritual thought.

"What a domineering force of will, that Jiaolong is right, there must be the blood of a real dragon here."

Lu Kun squinted, glanced around the small valley, and said slowly: "There are a lot of ghost creatures near the dragon tomb. After getting close to the dragon tomb, I can't release my consciousness, so be careful."

Hong Yuntian nodded, facing the true dragon's willpower, his expression became a bit dignified, a layer of pale silver blood poured out of his body, covering under the skin, forming a silver blood film layer.

In order to ensure the time for Hong Yuntian's demonic state to be displayed, Lu Kun has already given enough blood essence, and when his true demon bloodline is completed, he can rely on his own blood to resist the power of will.

As the two approached, they found that under the blue water circle, that is, on the rocky ground of the valley, there were densely packed small holes, from which wisps of dark blue water flowed.

Under the action of the turbulent impact of the vortex, these water currents gradually converged and rotated in the valley, forming a natural volitional water flow restriction.

Lu Kun couldn't help but think of Lingming Demon Valley, and some doubts flashed in his eyes:

"Strange, why didn't these volitional waters leave the valley? Could it be that, like Lingming Demon Valley, the dragon king inside still has residual consciousness, controlling the pride to protect himself?"

Just as he was thinking about it, a seemingly innocuous rock beneath him suddenly exploded, and a black beetle with a length of seven feet rushed out. Sixteen pairs of insect feet slid rapidly. Push forward hard.


Hong Yuntian's eyes turned cold, and a layer of purple-black scales appeared outside his body. He ignored the jaw teeth on both sides that were like sharp blades, and instead moved forward aggressively. The index finger and middle finger of his right hand were together, and a layer of conical vortex was floating on it, poking at the opponent's worm's mouth.


A crisp sound passed through, and the huge jaw teeth like scissors were clamped on the scales on Hong Yuntian's waist, shining with harsh water.


However, Hong Yuntian's fingers sank into the opponent's mouth, a powerful penetrating power flashed past, and a pale green blood mist burst out from the black beetle's mouth, bursting a few teeth.

Immediately after that, the body of the Body Refinement Pavilion's great elder, who was more than five feet tall, rushed directly into the mouth of the worm, and the violent force rolled in the opponent's body.

The black beetle let out a painful roar, and the sixteen pairs of insect feet twitched. After a while, a phantom of a mini beetle flew out of the body in horror.

But the surrounding sea water blurred for a while, and an invisible force spread out, churning it into pieces, and the beetle's body stopped twitching completely.

Immediately afterwards, the body of the worm with the coercion of the Nascent Soul in the early stage shrank strangely, and the figure of six or seven zhang shrank to more than four zhang.

After a while, a small hole burst out in its shriveled abdomen, and Hong Yuntian's figure rushed out, holding a gray-black inner core in one hand, and holding the dead worm corpse in the other hand.

He smashed his mouth and spat out a large cloud of pale green flesh and blood, and said with some regret: "The flesh and blood essence of the worm is a little different, and it has little effect on the blood and magic power."

"However, the pure and cold power contained in the inner alchemy is a little helpful to the cultivation of this seat."

The corner of Lu Kun's mouth twitched, but he forgot that Hong Yuntian was a ruthless man who devoured the flesh and blood of demons, and part of his demonic body was the body of a zombie.

"It's just an eighth-level worm, and the flesh itself is not as strong as Brother Hong. If... Hey, there are so many high-level worms here!"

As he spoke, the rocks below were shattered one by one, and worms of different sizes gushed out from the ground. There were as many as a dozen of them, all of them above the eighth-level aura, and even a few of them were ninth-level. exist.

"Very good, just look at the flesh and blood of the ninth-level worm, whether it will help with cultivation."

Then these two small bodies fought with a large number of worms.


"Damn, how did this guy get here!" Deep in the rocky seabed, the small eyes of the spirit-devouring mother worm showed horror, and he recognized Lu Kun who was fighting in the sea through the underworld worm he controlled. .

The soul of the ghost ants is also fluctuating. Some of the ghost worms outside are creatures in the abyss of death. They store some of its mental power and can also perceive the battle situation.

It couldn't believe it: "The guy in the body refining pavilion, is it chasing him all the way from the abyss of death?"

Tun Ling observed the battle outside and settled down: "Nearly a hundred years have passed, this guy has come a long time ago, and his purpose seems to be this corpse dragon forbidden area."

"Could it be that this person has entered the period of spiritual transformation and can resist the arrogance?"

The ants said in a dignified tone: "I met him three hundred years ago. This guy was only in the stage of forming an elixir, and he could be immersed in the real magic water, ignoring the meaning of the real magic, not to mention the higher cultivation level now."

Tun Ling heard the words, his fat body twisted: "In this case, can this guy enter the forbidden area from the front, damn, the underground ban has taken us decades, and it is about to get through!"

The compound eyes of the ants shone and said: "No, this sacred object is already the last one we know, swallowing the spirit. For today's plan, we can only sacrifice a small part of our spiritual power, stimulate the potential of the clan, and quickly get through the ban."

"There are still many worms in the forbidden area that are controlled by the power of will, which can help us support us for a while."

A bit of hesitation flashed in Tun Ling's eyes, thinking that its breakthrough must rely on sacred objects, and gritted his teeth: "Okay!"

After the two of them discussed, invisible spiritual fluctuations poured into the bodies of the surrounding spirit-devouring insects and ants. The eyes of these insects all glowed red, as if they had entered a state of rage, and the mining speed increased sharply.


At the same time, outside the Dragon Tomb Valley.

Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian suddenly noticed that the aura of the worms around them had greatly increased, not only the physical strength had increased a lot, but even the power of coldness in their bodies had also increased a bit.


Hong Yuntian was in a half-human, half-demon form, with 800,000 jins of power surging in his hands, but was knocked out by a beetle with giant pincers.

The color of surprise flashed in his eyes: "Lu Kun, the underworld insects have the magical power of explosive power, the cold power of this ninth-level underworld insect seems to have blessed some kind of special energy, exerting the power comparable to that of a great monk. ."

At this time, Lu Kun just slammed the knife tail of another ninth-level worm, and his body couldn't help staggering.

He looked at the cracked hole in his fist, and even saw the silver bones inside, and said with the same surprised expression: "This feeling is like the cultivator of the late Nascent Soul mobilizing the vitality of heaven and earth. Could it be related to the environment of the maelstrom?"


Hong Yuntian looked at the surrounding enemies, his eyes radiated bloodthirsty light, and a deep magic breath permeated his body, turning into a nine-foot-high demonic body, the skyrocketing power, and the surrounding ghosts. The insect forced back and joined Lu Kun.

"The surrounding is cold and cold, and there is no heaven and earth vitality. We don't need to fight and rush directly into the dragon tomb. These guys are definitely no match for the erosion of pride."

"it is good!"

The strength of the surrounding worms has greatly increased. Although the two of them are not afraid, there is no need to waste their qi and blood.

I saw Lu Kun's body shining with astonishing treasures, back to back with Hong Yuntian, their bodies spun rapidly, and the two 1.2 million jins of source force fields intertwined, turning into a huge silver cone vortex.

In just a dozen or so breaths, seven or eight worms flew out, rushed out of the swarm, and plunged into the blue water flow outside the Dragon Tomb Valley.

Endless arrogance rushed towards the two of them. Lu Kun used his divine sense to hide his magical power without being affected in the slightest. A layer of silver blood essence armor appeared outside Hong Yuntian's scales to resist the power of will.

This layer of blue water is dozens of feet thick, and there is no other restriction except for the proud and powerful water flow.

After they passed through, they entered a brand new place, and the sea became very calm all of a sudden, making the two of them uncomfortable.

"What a strong magic energy!"

Lu Kun stepped on the gray-black rocky ground, showing surprise, golden light flashing in his eyes, observing the surroundings.

Behind it is a thick dark blue current, and in front of it is a barren rocky seabed. In addition to the cold air, there is also a strong magic energy flowing in the sea water.

Within the field of vision, the most striking thing is a few miles away, a large pit of nearly a hundred feet, which seems to contain endless suction, and the blue water flow above converges into a giant water column and falls into the deep pit.

Lu Kun had a clear understanding in his heart. It was the strong suction from this pothole that made the valley form such a closed will restriction.

Hong Yuntian looked at the giant pit in the distance, and his eyes were a little strange: "The body of the devil is a little throbbing, there seems to be something special that is attracting this seat."

Lu Kun turned his head to look, and found that the scales outside his demonic form were trembling subconsciously.

"There's something that attracts the zombie body? Wait..."

Halfway through his words, his face suddenly changed, his hand flashed, and a gray stone knife that was one foot wide and four feet long appeared. blood red blade.

"What's the matter, the magic dragon blade is also..."

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