The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1254 A New Realm

In the cave mansion of the mountain peak inside the Arctic Mountain, an invisible force stirred inside, and the strong wind hit the wall, making a rumbling sound.

Several nearby Broken Dragon stone houses were shaking violently, and cracks kept appearing on the extremely hard gray stone walls, but these invisible forces were only rolling within 30 feet to the left of the cave.

In the depths of this area, Lu Kun's face was full of pain. The burly figure was crawling on the ground, and his ten fingers kept sinking into the hard rock, as if grasping tofu, pinching out potholes.

At the same time, its physical bones are constantly twisting, sometimes the vertebrae are squeezed out of the back muscles, sometimes the joints grow bone spurs, and the body shape also grows and shortens with the bones in the body.

Every time the skeleton changes, an invisible force surges out from the skeleton, like invisible air knives, bombarding in all directions.

More than 40 feet away, next to the colorful jade house at the other end of the cave, Hong Yuntian folded his arms around his chest, and a strong and unyielding stubbornness surrounded his body, suddenly strong and weak, as if he could not take it out freely.

He looked at the constantly distorted body in the distance, and his dark eyes flashed with anticipation.

After an unknown amount of time, the cluttered air knives suddenly disappeared, Lu Kun's body stopped twisting, and those distorted bones suddenly turned into silver mist and poured into his body.

Immediately afterwards, the terrifying power of qi and blood surging like the sea rose into the sky, and circles of invisible power centered on its body, surging in all directions.


Accompanied by the violent explosion, all the Broken Dragon Stone Houses within a range of thirty feet turned into dust in an instant, and terrifying air waves rolled around.

Seeing this scene, Hong Yuntian's expression changed. He didn't take the air wave forcibly, but flickered and hid behind the colorful jade house.


The multi-colored prohibition of the God-Transformation Forbidden flickered wildly. After being hit by this amazing air wave, the forbidden aura that could resist the attack of the God-changing God actually collapsed.

"The remaining power of the power of the void has such power?"

Hong Yuntian looked at Lu Kun, who was still crawling on the ground in the distance, with a shocked expression: "Could this guy succeed? After breaking through to the late stage of bone transformation, he directly controls the power of one element?"

"Wait, the vitality of the surrounding world..."

At this time, he suddenly found that the spiritual energy in the cave began to tumble violently, white halo balls appeared out of thin air, and the terrifying power of vitality filled the cave.

As the surrounding vitality manifested, the cave at the foot of Hong Yuntian also shook first, but then the vibration became more and more violent, making a continuous deafening sound, as if the sky was falling apart.

"This is due to the impact of the vitality of the heavens and the earth outside, and the vitality of the entire Arctic mountain space has been inspired by Lu Kun?" Hong Yuntian raised his head and saw that a large number of white halo balls were squeezed into the wall at the top of the cave.

These heaven and earth Yuan Qi continued to flow, as if endless, falling from above, but they did not enter Lu Kun's body, but circled around him, forming a strong Yuan Qi whirlwind.

As the coercion in the cave became more and more terrifying, Hong Yuntian was gradually squeezed to the edge of the farthest wall, and his body had to turn into a demonic body. He looked at the more and more amazing visions, showing an incredible expression , murmured:

"Original qi fills the body, and the divine essence is unified. This is the celestial phenomenon that smelts the primordial spirit."

"Physical training does not have Nascent Soul, is it the fusion of will and internal organs?"

"Strange, why is the spiritual energy circling outside and not entering its body?"

When he was puzzled, a hint of coldness suddenly shook in the Yuan Qi whirlwind, as if it was forcibly squeezed out by some kind of force.

Hong Yuntian was a little surprised.

"I know, this is where Fairy Beihan broke through to become a false god. The primordial qi of heaven and earth has been refined by her will. Only by refining these wills can she instill her primordial spirit."

"The power of one yuan is really fierce, and the vitality that has been refined by the fake gods can be forcibly... Hey, why did the mountain stop shaking..."

At this time, the Yuan Qi whirlwind that wrapped Lu Kun suddenly trembled, as if it had lost some kind of support, and it collapsed all at once, turning into a dense ocean of spiritual energy, a white piece like a fairyland.

"What's the situation! The breakthrough failed?" Hong Yuntian stared blankly at this scene.

At this moment, an excited voice came.

"Hahaha, I understand, it turns out that the body refining and transformation of the gods are actually going to break through in this way!"

Lu Kun stood up at some point, he looked at his body with excitement on his face.

When Hong Yuntian heard the words, he was completely confused. Why did this sentence sound like a successful breakthrough? He couldn't help but ask: "Lu Kun, what happened just now, the vision of vitality is that you are smelting the primordial spirit?"

Lu Kun looked up, he seemed to sense something, and said in a pleasant tone, "Brother Hong, have you realized the power of will?"

Hong Yuntian waved his hand and said in a hurried tone: "I have lived for so many years, and I have a precious reincarnation formation to help me, so I can naturally succeed, but it's you, did you fail or succeed in breaking through the gods?"

Lu Kun's figure flickered, and he came to Hong Yuntian. He laughed and said, "Fortunately, there is no breakthrough in God Transformation, otherwise Lu would have lost a lot."

Hong Yuntian had a blank look on his face, and did not understand what it meant at all.

Lu Kun calmed down, remembered the discovery he had just made during the breakthrough process, and said slowly: "Brother Hong, the power of one yuan is only the level of the physical body reaching the level of god transformation. If you want to truly enter this realm, you still cannot do without the power of will. It should be found that I only stimulated the spiritual energy just now."

Hong Yuntian was stunned for a moment and said: "Power of will? Spiritual energy? I understand, you just used the meaning of madness, and then you wanted to break through with the madness and magic, so you stopped it?"

Lu Kun nodded and said emotionally: "Speaking of which, I have to thank Fairy Beihan, thanks to the heaven and earth's vitality here being refined by her will, and conflicting with the will of madness, I have the opportunity to break free from the breakthrough process. "

"If in other places, as long as the vitality of heaven and earth enters the body, it cannot be stopped, then the crazy magic that we have worked so hard to study will be wasted."

When he said this, he seemed to have thought of something, and said excitedly: "Brother Hong, do you know that, according to my findings, if I break through with madness, it is very likely that there will be an extra door that is exclusively for me, no, it should be It is said to be a bloodline magical power that belongs to the human race!"

When Hong Yuntian heard the words, he couldn't help showing curiosity: "What did you find, and what state have you reached with your current body?"

"Yes, in the physical realm, I have to try it..."

Lu Kun was stunned for a moment, and then he stretched out his palm impatiently, a terrifying wave spread out, and a large amount of vitality manifested in the void thirty feet away, and they quickly gathered together and turned into A fuzzy palm about five feet in size.

"Hey, weird."

Lu Kun raised his brows, the blue veins on his arms burst out, and his palms clenched fists violently. The fuzzy halo palms suddenly clenched into fists, which became extremely solid, with mysterious runes flashing on them.

These runes are all a special hyperboloid structure. They are intertwined and twisted with each other, and there is an inexplicable sense of oppression.


With the swing of Lu Kun's fist, the white vitality fist hammered on the ground, the terrifying vitality wave kept rolling, and the ground rocks of the entire cave were instantly smashed into pieces, revealing the silver restriction below.

Outside the Jade Stone House, the Forbidden Spiritual Light, which could resist the God Transformation's blow, even collapsed.

Hong Yuntian hid behind Lu Kun, feeling the monstrous power of Yuan Qi, and his expression was excited: "The power of one yuan, the void condenses Yuan, the strength has really reached the level of a god."

However, he later found out that Lu Kun's blue-veined arm was puzzled: "Why, it's a bit difficult to exert the power of one yuan?"

Lu Kun's arm muscles relaxed, he felt the situation in his lower body, and thoughtfully said: "Brother Hong, do you remember, the one-element power of our combined supernatural powers can only be freely displayed with the help of the crystal of the ghost."

Hong Yuntian reacted immediately, and his face changed slightly: "What do you mean, the control power of the physical nerves is not enough to stimulate the power of one yuan?"

Lu Kun pondered: "This kind of terrifying power requires extremely high control over the nerves."

"Fortunately, over the years, I have been cultivating the central nervous system, and with the gains of the past few months, I can barely control the power of one element."

He estimated in his heart: "The power may not be able to be controlled accurately, the nerves are too tight, and if the power of one element is activated for too long, I am afraid that the physical nerves will easily fall into a state of exhaustion."

Hong Yuntian frowned and said, "Looking at it this way, you are now equivalent to the realm of body refining and pseudo-god."

Lu Kun smiled slightly, and said in a proud tone: "Yes, but so what, the power of one element freely exerted, the passive force field of five feet, and the range of condensing energy in the void of thirty feet, even if it is a real god, Lu Mou. Not afraid at all.”

Hong Yuntian looked at the confident Lu Kun, and the worry in his heart was completely let go. With such fighting power, Da Zhou's pseudo-gods were nothing to be afraid of.

After relaxing, his curiosity popped out and he asked, "What have you discovered in the past few months, you suddenly went from the peak of the mid-bone transformation to the body refining pseudo-god."

"Haha, it's a long story, at first..."


Outside the North Pole Mountain, Fairy Beihan staggered and almost collapsed to the ground. She felt the spirit that had completely calmed down in her body, and her eyes were full of horror and fear.

"Could it be that the divine powers of the orthodox gods can separate the will of the original qi refined by the pseudo-gods."

"Just now, it seems that he took the initiative to cut off the magical power. If he continues to use it, at least half of the primordial spirit in this palace will collapse. Even if he can keep his realm, his strength will be sharply reduced."

Thinking of this, she suddenly understood something, and her expression became extremely ugly.

"Damn, Lu Kun is threatening this palace and wants this palace to reopen the inner space of the Arctic Mountain. If you don't do this, this guy will definitely hit me hard..."

At this time, the three people in the ice cave slowly came out. The twin sisters looked frightened and undecided. Liu Jinyuan barely kept a bit of composure. He looked at Fairy Beihan with a gloomy face and asked carefully: "Master, just now What happened?"

Fairy Beihan did not answer this question, she took a deep breath and said, "Go, let's return to the entrance of the inner space..."

Liu Jinyuan and the twin sisters couldn't help looking at each other, wondering what happened.


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