The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1256 Times have changed

Inside the cave, Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian were both caught up in their imaginations about the future.

The greatest use of the bloodline inheritance is that it can make the body refining and transforming spirits continue to rise.

Moreover, Wulingguan occupies the west coast and is adjacent to Wulonghai. It is rich in resources. Each generation of great monks has more than five people. With the breakthrough experience left by the predecessors, it is easy to give birth to gods.

If the body refining pavilion has the inheritance of bloodline will, it can also achieve continuous levels of the visceral primordial period, and the anti-spirit channel that can only be passed in the middle stage of the spirit transformation, with the supernatural power of physical cultivation in the visceral primordial period, the probability of passing through is higher than that of cultivators of the same level. too much.


After a while, Lu Kun gradually calmed down, and his dark eyes flashed with thoughtful light: "Although I have lost all my supernatural powers, in the late stage of bone metamorphosis, I have the power of one element, which can manifest my internal organs and dantian. ."

"On this basis, I have the opportunity to try the madness and magic. I just glanced at it, the bloodline pool is bright silver, and the origin of the gibbon monkey and the demon bloodline has been cleaned up."

"Fortunately, the bloodline rune that the demon ape has transformed into is remembered in my heart. The special structure is regularly embedded with the original particles of the demon race."

Hong Yuntian also came back to his senses, he pondered for a moment and said: "The blood rune transformed by the demon is a fusion of the blood of the gibbons and the demons. Your current power rune is the condensation of pure human blood, and the blood of the demon. Unrelated.

"It would be extremely difficult to condense it into a stable human and demon blood rune, and integrate it into the frenzied magic."

Hearing this, Lu Kun smiled and said, "That's right, but the origin rune that combines the blood of the human race and the demon race can be referenced from Brother Hong."

"This seat?" Hong Yuntian was a little confused.

Lu Kun said slowly: "Brother Hong seems to have forgotten that when you were cultivating in the early stages of the magical transformation, the strange patterns formed by the magic essence particles..."

Hong Yuntian was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of something, and there were terrifying demonic breaths surging from his body.

Gradually, purple-black spots appeared on the surface of the skin, bones, and internal organs. These spots were twisted with each other, sketching out complex and mysterious patterns, and they looked like a strange totem.

He murmured: "What do you mean, this figure that is manifested in various parts of the body by the essence of the demon through the nerves of the flesh, is a structure of the origin of blood?"

Lu Kun nodded and asked again, "Brother Hong, is the distribution of the essence of the demonic zombie created by you taking the initiative to draw it, or by the automatic adjustment of the fleshly body."

Hong Yuntian recalled the process of perfecting his own practice, and said with a bit of surprise in his eyes: "Although it is the nerves of the physical body that this seat motivates, the shape of the differentiation of the magic essence is adjusted by the physical body itself."

"In other words, the true demon bloodline of this seat is a fusion of the origins of the human race and the demon bloodline to form a brand-new bloodline rune structure."

Lu Kun nodded heavily, and said a little excitedly: "The method of breaking through in the Dirty Yuan period is to actively condense the origin of the human race's bloodline, use the body's spiritual sense to motivate, and then cooperate with the power of will to glue it into a power rune structure, Brother Hong becomes demonic. The initial practice is the same as this principle!"

Hong Yuntian looked at his body, feeling the essence of the two fleshly bodies inside, and said with a complex look in his eyes:

"Back then, I wanted to find the secrets of body refining from the demons and create the magic rigid body refining technique. I didn't expect it to be essentially a technique that integrates the blood of both human and demon."

"The blood magic power has united the flesh and blood of the two. After the true devil's meaning is drawn into the body, the blood magic power and the essence of the flesh are self-regulated to form this stable pattern of the magic essence."

"The bloodline magical power it forms should be different from the power rune. I am afraid that this seat will not know until it enters the middle stage of the magical transformation."

Speaking of this, Hong Yuntian seemed to have thought of something, and he said with a strange expression: "Wait, if you say that, before you broke through halfway, you thought of the true demon blood of this seat, otherwise you would not have quit so decisively."

Lu Kun shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Even if I know the true structure of Brother Hong's true bloodline, there are other difficulties to create new bloodline runes."

"First of all, the new bloodline rune requires repeated tests, but this test can only be carried out in the visceral dantian, and the results can be obtained intuitively."

"But in my current physical state, as long as I activate the visceral dantian, I will irresistibly enter the breakthrough state of the visceral primordial period. Normally, the visceral dantian has only one chance to open."

Having said this, Lu Kun said with a bit of happiness: "Fortunately, the breakthrough was made in the Arctic Mountains. There is already a solution to this."

"As long as I manifest the visceral Dantian in other pseudo-god's vitality fields, the conflict between the will of vitality refined by those old guys and the will of madness can make me break away from the breakthrough state in time."

"Just go to the sites of those old guys to test it."

When Lu Kun talked about the pseudo-god, his tone was light, and he didn't take those old guys to heart at all.

Compared with half a year ago, his strength is completely different by the world, which is equivalent to resident in the state of magic ape.

Before Lu Kun and Fairy Beihan fought, he had already understood that the pseudo-god's primordial spirit could not withstand the power of one yuan at all. Unless he was entangled by seven or eight primordial spirit chains from the beginning, those people would definitely not be his opponents.

And with the power of one yuan, Lu Kun, whose source field has increased to five feet, has no chance to let the opponent take the lead.

"As for the second difficulty..."

Speaking of this, Lu Kun's expression became serious: "Many experiments on the rune structure will require a large amount of the origin of the blood of the demon race! The two demon emperors on the Demon Island have been refined into snow-soul double swords, so it is necessary to Catch the fresh demon king."

Hong Yuntian felt that this was not difficult, and he said directly: "The ancient battlefield seems to be about to open in half a month. If there are two demon kings, you can just grab it in the end."

"Two-headed demon kings are not safe."

Lu Kun shook his head, and said with a somewhat solemn expression: "Brother Hong, the words written by Senior Li outside say that after the ascending of the One Yuan School, the power of the interface will be strengthened, and it will not affect the middle stage of the human race, but the cultivation level of the Demon King is all right. suppressed in the early stages."

"Is it real?"

Hong Yuntian nodded and said, "That's right, so Li Changxuan's cultivation in the middle stage of the gods easily swept away the demon king hiding in the broken country. Why, you still want to capture the middle stage demon king?"

Lu Kun did not answer, fell silent, and asked again: "Senior Li also said that the demons are able to send the demon king in by the vibration of the space seal every five hundred years. If the demons open the space seal, how much can they come in? Demon King."

"There must be restrictions, otherwise, at the same time that the One Yuan sect was soaring, it would not have left so many arrangements so calmly."

Hong Yuntian frowned slightly and seemed to understand what Lu Kun was thinking. He said coldly, "Lu Kun, you are crazy. If the space seal is opened, the world of immortals will face the second battle of demons!"

"No, I'm not crazy."

Lu Kun looked extremely calm: "Brother Hong, you haven't answered my question yet."

Hong Yuntian said solemnly: "The space cracks in the ancient battlefield were actively torn apart by the ascending faction of the One Yuan Sect. They are very narrow and have limited bearing capacity. The space storm inside is extremely violent, and there is only one gap every five hundred years."

"If there is no seal from the One Yuan Sect, the demons will take advantage of this gap to send at most ten demon kings in at one time."

Lu Kun calmly said: "In five hundred years, no more than ten, and the two who came from the ancient battlefield this time, no more than eight, can do it!"

Hong Yuntian said with a very serious expression: "Lu Kun, the seal must not be opened. This seat knows your supernatural powers. If you want to surprise, attack them one by one."

"But do you know that in the early days of the ancient demon race, there were restrictions on space cracks. The number of demon kings was not large, and there was not even a demon emperor in charge. Why did the battle become more and more difficult later on?"

Without waiting for Lu Kun to speak, he continued: "It's because they focused on defense in the early stage, focused on guarding the space channel, and continuously transported a large number of low-level demons."

"The magic of the Demon Race is very special. It can increase the cultivation base by swallowing the golden core of the cultivator."

"They supported the war with war, and they were restrained by the Underworld Zerg at that time, and their strength swelled like a snowball."

"If it wasn't for the betrayal of the Tong-armed Demon Ape, which caused chaos in the back of the Demon Race, plus the breakthrough of the elder Taishang in the upper realm, the immortal cultivator would not be able to win at all."

"This seat asks you, if eight demon kings are together and focus on guarding the cracks in space, can you beat them? As long as you can't defeat them, there will be eighteen demon kings in five hundred years! Even more!"

Facing Hong Yuntian's questioning, Lu Kun turned around, he was silent for a while, and said slowly:

"When the body repair enters the bone treasure stage, it is necessary to activate the blood magic power with the help of the water of the real devil, so as to rely on the energy that the magic power and mana destroy each other, to temper the bone treasure."

Hong Yuntian was stunned, not knowing why Lu Kun said this.

"When the Bone Treasure Dacheng is reached, the essence of the devil must be integrated into the bones, so that a bone treasure has the magical attribute, so that it can be refined by the blood and magic power as a magic treasure, complete the integration of the body, and generate the source power of the body."

"The battle treasures of the Bone Transformation Stage, the Power of the Great Five Elements, and the Three Origins Heavy Monument, their refining materials are inseparable from the Demon Clan's corpse. Treasures like the Snow Soul Sword even use the Demon Emperor's body."

"Most of the demon corpses obtained by Lu are related to the Demon Island and left by the One Yuan Sect. The demon corpses in the Demon Gate of the Southwest Xiuxian Realm were also acquired by the Body Refinement Pavilion."

Lu Kun sighed and said, "But with the successive breakthroughs of the descendants of body cultivation disciples, these materials are already stretched thin, and the number of next generations of disciples will only increase..."

Hearing this, Hong Yuntian's expression couldn't help but become complicated. Why wasn't his Demon Zombie Body Refinement line like this back then, and there were almost no Demon Corpses available in the back...

Lu Kun turned around at this time, his eyes fixed on Hong Yuntian, his voice gradually became louder: "Brother Hong, the Demon Race is not a wild beast, but the material of the Refinement Pavilion, which is rarer than the monster beast. Material."

Lu Kun's expression became more and more frantic. He waved his fists, and his roar echoed in the cave.

"Fighting with warfare, where can we get their demons, it is our body training pavilion's physical training with warfare to support warfare!"

"The main force fighting against the demons is not you and me, nor the traditional immortal cultivators, nor the demon clan, but the physical cultivation! This immortal cultivation world will be the world of physical cultivation in the future!"

Lu Kun reached out and patted Hong Yuntian's shoulder:

"Brother Hong, times have changed!"

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