The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1274 Afterwards

In the purple-black mist, two men who were somewhat embarrassed fell to the ground.

Hong Yuntian returned to his human form, wearing a strong black suit, his face was slightly pale, and he seemed to have consumed a lot.

"This trick is too terrifying. In order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, I also used the magical powers of the heavens and the earth while fusing with the Snow Soul Saber. With one move, most of the blood and essence was directly consumed." Lu Kun said a little weakly.

Hong Yuntian slowly stood up and sighed, "It's not just the blood of my blood, the madness of the two demon kings, the true spirit of the devil, and the will of the devil you killed, all of them. worn out."

"When the golden sword light fell, it even tore apart a space and approached the limit of the interface. I am afraid it has the power of the peak of the middle stage of God Transformation."

Lu Kun didn't show any pride, but said solemnly: "The magic hand in the space crack should be the combined powerhouse of the demon clan. It crushes our strongest blow across the interface, just like crushing an ant. "

Hong Yuntian said slowly: "The existence of a body is the top cultivator in the upper realm. It takes no effort to destroy Lianxu, but with the power of the interface to suppress it, that guy can't come over."

He didn't seem to care about that magic hand and didn't continue the topic.

"The power of the frenzied demonic fusion of the dual swords of snow and soul is similar to what we deduced, but what is strange about this seat is that the space storm that was just triggered didn't hurt your body? You don't seem to have even used the blood bone armor."

As Hong Yuntian spoke, he looked at Lu Kun's undamaged body with a puzzled expression.

Lu Kun recalled the scene of the dark blue storm approaching, and said, "After the space storm touched the source force field on the surface of the body, it seemed to be twisted and swiped directly from both sides of the body."

"The fact that we were blasted so far was just the impact of the space storm."

Hearing this, Hong Yuntian flashed a look of amazement in his eyes and said: "At such a close distance, if there is no treasure in the body in the early stage of the transformation of the gods, they will all be injured. The source force field opened directly."

He murmured: "The power of warped space? The source power of the flesh is really amazing..."

"Twisted space..."

When Lu Kun heard this word, his expression became strange, and he suddenly remembered a common sense on earth before.

The essence of gravity is the distortion of space-time.

The physical source force can distort space, and what does it have to do with gravity?

And he still remembers that the ability to distort space seems to be related to the mass of the object, but the weight of his current physical body has long been impossible to measure.

If he puts a scale under his feet, Lu Kun can control the weight between zero and two million pounds as long as he adjusts the direction of the source force field...

When he first understood the source force of the physical body, he thought about whether the source force field was related to a gravitational field, but Lu Kun was a sports player, and he was good at human anatomy, so he didn't know any advanced knowledge of physics.

He shook his head, put these heady questions behind him, and stood up slowly.

"Hey, interesting."

At this moment, Hong Yuntian suddenly showed a strange color, and a milky white jade pendant appeared in his hand, and threw it to a rock with a size of 10 feet behind.

I saw a ray of white light pouring out of the jade pendant and swept away into the rock, and then a small fist-sized green ball of light was ingested, exuding a wave of divine soul fluctuations, the divine soul seemed to fall into a coma and was directly rolled up. Enter the jade pendant.

"There is actually a devil's soul. The first devil's soul and Nascent Soul were crushed by you, and the second was involved in the crack of space. Could this be the fake devil emperor's?"

"That guy separated a part of his primordial spirit to lead us away. He used his body to self-explode to cover it up, but in fact his spirit was transferred?"

Hong Yuntian's consciousness glanced around, touched his chin and said: "The primordial spirit has collapsed, and only the soul is barely surviving. It seems that on the way to find the space seal, the space storm that erupted head-on hit in vain."

Lu Kun took the jade pendant from Hong Yuntian and said with joy: "Just the kind of special energy that can be tortured by the fake devil emperor."

"It is impossible for them to speak when it comes to the secrets of the demons."

Lu Kun said nonchalantly: "It's okay, if it doesn't work, take it to alchemy. The blood alchemy sect has the method of refining the Demon Soul Pill."

Putting the jade pendant in the rib space, he looked at the thin mist that was faintly glowing with white light in front of him and said, "Go, go and see how the space seal is doing."

Hong Yuntian didn't care about this demon soul either. For the Body Refinement Pavilion, the body of the fake demon emperor was much more valuable than the soul. A fresh corpse could completely study the purple-black lightning energy.

Moreover, it can also be refined into a demon, and the disciples who failed to break through the period of bone transformation should be transferred to the body-refinement technique of demon, and cultivate with the body of a pseudo-devil emperor. After breaking through to the period of demon transformation, they should have the same magical powers as Hong Yuntian.

The two walked forward for dozens of steps, and then left the thin mist. The entrance was an open area with a range of thousands of meters, and the center was a hollow with a diameter of one hundred meters, blooming with blue starlight.

Hong Yuntian glanced at the fog behind him and sighed: "This magic circle that the demons cast from the air is really terrifying, such a terrifying space storm, which can sweep at least dozens of miles, was actually suppressed by this fog within a thousand feet. "

"Lord Lu."

"Fellow Daoist Hong."

At this time, a few figures flew from the edge of the fog not far away. It was those pseudo-gods. There was still a lingering fear in their eyes, and they looked at the eyes of the two with a strong awe.

If Lu Kun hadn't reminded them to stay away along the edge of the fog and aura, they would probably have been involved in the destructive sword light just like the demon king.

Seeing these people, Lu Kun said lightly, "Let's go and see the situation of the space seal."

These fake gods nodded again and again, they came back one step earlier than Lu Kun, but before, whether it was the golden sword light or the purple-black magic hand, it was too terrifying, and they didn't dare to check it out for a while.

When everyone was flying, Mo Qing of Qingyunmen couldn't help but ask: "Lord Lu, have you broken through to the real state of God Transformation now?"

Hearing this sentence, everyone else looked over.

Lu Kun shook his head and said, "Lu Mou didn't say it before, but now it's the cultivation of body refining and pseudo-god-turning. Although he almost broke through to the real god-turning realm not long ago, he found that the timing was not right, and he was suppressed by me."


"Physical refinement pseudo-god..."

The expressions of the surrounding people were all stunned, even a little dazed, slaughtering the demon king, forcing the fake devil emperor to self-destruct, such strength is just a fake god, so what are they...

What's more, the timing was wrong, and the breakthrough was suppressed. When they made a few breakthroughs, they were all trembling, for fear that the breakthrough would fail, Lu Kun actually gave up...

Several people even felt that Lu Kun deliberately said this to anger them...

Lu Kun hardly explained one more sentence: "Lu has a special aptitude. Under the same realm, his combat power is one or two small realms higher than the normal disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

A small border or two...

The corners of these fake gods twitched. When they were in the Nascent Soul realm, the six fake gods could not do anything together. This is a small realm, almost a big realm...

In silence, everyone came to the dark blue space black hole, feeling the majestic power of space, only Hong Yuntian's consciousness rushed out without hesitation.

These talents discovered that Hong Yuntian, a spiritual consciousness who had just entered the late Nascent Soul stage, actually realized the power of will, and even the Buddha's heart of the abbot Zhiyuan was somewhat lost, and he kept reciting the Buddha's name.

Forget it, Lu Kun, the elder of the Body Refinement Pavilion is also a monster.

After a while, Hong Yuntian's consciousness was withdrawn, and he breathed a sigh of relief: "Our strike hit the node with precision. Although it was still a little short of the limit of the interface, it successfully detonated the space storm."

"It should be able to stop the Demon Race for 80 to 100 years."

"The terrifying golden sword light just now didn't destroy this space crack?"

A few people around were puzzled.

Hong Yuntian looked at these pseudo-gods with disdain: "What do you know, our joint strike just now seems powerful, but it is nothing in the ancient times, at least five people in the One Yuan School of that year could use it. Such magic."

"The battle of the ancient demons gathered the power of the entire Xiu Xianjie, coupled with the powerful formation from the upper realm, and smashed the small continent on the other side of the extreme north into a chaotic spatial turbulence, and the war ended."

"Earlier, the underworld insects invaded. In order to destroy the space channel, the powerful overseas loose cultivator alliance and the Shanghai tribe took action, forcibly blasting the large island group into the current maelstrom."

"If it wasn't for the space seal here that was left behind by the One Yuan Sect, the knife just now wouldn't be able to achieve this effect."

The fake gods looked at each other in dismay. Although they had some information about the war between the demon races, they couldn't know the details. However, Pavilion Master Lu said that the elder of the Body Refinement Pavilion was a descendant of the One Yuan Sect, and he believed it a little in his heart.

"It's good, the Great Spirit King Buddha, so to speak, after a hundred years, the demons will come out again, and the space seal will be lost. We are likely to face the demon army." Abbot Zhiyuan said worriedly.

"For a maximum of 100 years, the world of immortals will face the second battle of the demon race?"

The other pseudo-gods heard the words, and all showed fear.

Lu Kun snorted coldly: "What are you afraid of, after the ascending of the One Yuan Sect, the power of the interface has changed, and the cultivation base above the middle stage of the demon general cannot enter, plus the power of space is hindered, the number of transmissions is limited, at most ten Demon King."

"We can completely guard the entrance of Guiyuan River and slaughter these demons in a broken country. Magic pills, demon babies, demon souls, and demon bodies are all good things."

"Only in the early stage of the Demon General, this is true."

"Up to ten Demon Kings?"

Hong Yuntian said indifferently: "The Supreme Elder of the One Yuan Sect is a powerhouse at the upper realm refining level. This is the information that the old man left for this seat. In this way, the demons have nothing to fear."

Lu Kun looked around at the people around him who looked suspicious, especially at Venerable Fire Spirit. An invisible squeezing force suddenly spread out.

The two pseudo-gods of the Five Spirits Temple and Mo Qing of Qingyunmen immediately felt that their bodies were tightly bound, and they could not even communicate with the heaven and earth outside.

Lu Kun said in a cold voice, "The accounts of the two demon kings have been written off with a certain Lu, how about the three of you."

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