The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1280 Tianyuanfang City

At the junction of Gulingzhou and Huatianzhou, there is a steep mountain range that stretches for thousands of miles. It is mixed with magical aura. The mountains are full of brown pine needles, each of which is about ten feet high. , extremely spectacular.

As this mountain range extended to the northwest, the trees above became less and less, and it gradually became barren. At the westernmost point, the bare rocks bordered the gray Zhongming Mountain.

At the intersection of the two mountain ranges, due to the interlacing of demonic aura and the power of cold, various chaotic aura storms surged, forming a huge valley with a diameter of hundreds of miles.

But now, the chaotic storm in the valley has disappeared, replaced by a black and white mist, which also attracts the surrounding demonic energy.

The majestic energy of heaven and earth intersected with each other, forming two black and white ribbons in the sky, slowly rotating with the valley as the center.

In addition to these demonic auras, there are also an endless stream of immortal cultivators flying. Some of them use flying instruments, and some fly into the void. Not only are there many low-level cultivators, but there are even many existences above the formation of elixir.

Among these immortal cultivators, one man and two women are extremely dazzling. Their bodies are covered with a light blue light. The man is wearing a snow-white brocade suit, with a dignified appearance, holding a folding fan, and a freehand look.

On the left and right sides are a pair of twin sisters. Although they have similar faces, one is plump and the other is tall and slender.

The extraordinary demeanor of the three people attracted the attention of many immortal cultivators, but when they felt the unfathomable mana in the elusive light, they were all startled and did not dare to look at it.

"This Tianyuan Square City is so prosperous, it doesn't look like a square market built for three years."

Liu Jinyuan looked at the endless stream of immortal cultivators around, and sighed while shaking the feather fan.

The plump Lan Yun'er said with a look of excitement: "Yes, even Nascent Soul cultivators have met several."

The tall and slender Azurite didn't speak, but her eyes flickered and looked around, filled with surprise.

The three quickly came to the sky above the valley. Liu Jinyuan did not enter from the entrance of the valley below like other immortal cultivators, but took out a jade talisman, and his lips wiggled slightly, as if he was communicating with someone.

At this moment, he suddenly sensed something and looked up to the south.

There was a middle-aged man with white hair, who had just flown out of the fog and was staring at him blankly. Seeing Liu Jinyuan looking over, he hurriedly turned into an escape light and flew in the direction of Guiyuan River. .

"Hey, isn't that the great elder of Taixuanzong, fellow Daoist Mo, he also came to Tianyuanfang City?"

Liu Jinyuan, who felt a little strange, couldn't help but diffuse the spiritual consciousness of the late Nascent Soul's peak, covering the nearby area of ​​a hundred miles. Soon, his expression became strange. In addition to Mo Hongcai of Taixuanzong, there were actually two others. Great monk.

There are more than ten monks in the Yuan Ying stage. If he is not mistaken, these people are Yuan Ying elders of the major sects in Dazhou.

Those who knew him greeted him in a hurry, and those who didn't know him left quickly, as if they were all in a hurry.

"Could it be that there was a large auction just now?"

Just when Liu Jinyuan was puzzled, the jade talisman in his hand suddenly lit up, and a voice came from it.

"Sect Master, go directly to Pingding Mountain on the border of Zhongming Mountain. Pavilion Master Chen of Xingyue Pavilion is waiting there and can start at any time. Junior Brother can't leave here for the time being... Ah, it's Senior Bingling, why are you here in person..."

Then the sound in the sound transmission stopped abruptly.

"Senior Brother Ma is called senior, could it be that the spirit transformation stage exists?" Lan Yun'er couldn't help but froze when she heard the latter sentence.

"It should be Venerable Ice Spirit of the Five Spirits View."

Liu Jinyuan also froze for a while, then shook his head and said: "No matter what they are busy with, the matter explained by Pavilion Master Lu is important, let's go first."

After speaking, he did not enter the square market below, but flew to the north, the twin sisters followed closely, and his eyes flashed with curiosity.

Those monks at the Nascent Soul stage were nothing more than those in the Nascent Soul stage, and there are even the seniors of the God Transformation stage. Could it be that there is a God Transformation level trade fair here?

Lan Yun'er couldn't help but ask, "Sect Master, why don't we go down and have a look."

Lan Jing'er's bright eyes looked at Liu Jinyuan, a little bit of anticipation flashed.

Liu Jinyuan shook his head and said, "Elder Taishang is still standing beside the magic circle in the extreme north, waiting for us to locate it, and this is something that Pavilion Master Lu personally ordered, so we can't take it lightly."

"As for any special auctions in Tianyuanfang City, when Junior Brother Ma is done, he will naturally tell us."

Lan Yun'er's plump lips muttered a few words, but she still followed behind her suzerain's elusive light.

The three of them were one late Nascent Soul and two early Nascent Souls. The distance of dozens of miles was fleeting, and they soon came to the north of Tianyuanfang City, the edge of the black and white fog.

"Sect Master Liu?" At this moment, a spiritual thought suddenly gushed out from a mountain peak wrapped in a gray and cold aura.

Liu Jinyuan followed his divine sense and looked over. The mountain was so gray that he couldn't see clearly, but as his divine sense approached, the mist on it opened to both sides.

It was like a strange restraint with the help of the cold air. On the mountaintop platform under the restraint, there were three cultivators in the Nascent Soul stage, headed by Chen Mingzhu from the Xingyue Pavilion of the Chu Kingdom.

There are several space cracks above their heads, and the cold air flows out from them, and three huge arrays with a diameter of several meters are in the shape of a zigzag, sitting on the ground.

These arrays are depicted with extremely complex array patterns, flashing with a crystal clear luster. They are all carved with ethereal crystals. There are several high-level spirit stones in the grooves around each array.

Liu Jinyuan landed on the top of the mountain with his twin sisters, clasped his fists and said: "Chen Pavilion Master, it is a pleasure to meet Liu Jinyuan in Xiabei Yuanzong."

Chen Mingzhu cupped her hands and said a little excitedly: "Sect Master Liu, we have been communicating with the Wanli Talisman for several years, so it's not polite. The teleportation formation here is properly adjusted, just wait for a few people to use the secret method to stimulate the power of space."

Liu Jinyuan nodded, turned his head and instructed, "Let's start."

The Lan sisters walked forward obediently, came to the bottom of several space cracks, took out the array magic tool, and began to outline on the ground in the center of the three space magic circles.

Liu Jinyuan waved his folding fan and said, "Chen Pavilion Master, in addition to the extreme north, the other two magic circles are connected to the Thirteen Kingdoms of the East Cloud and the Southwest Xiuxian Realm?"

Chen Mingzhu nodded excitedly and said:

"That's right, count the time, the fellow Daoist on Dongyun's side is coming soon. When the power of space in the space crack is activated to connect the three immortal cultivator areas, Tianyuanfang City will become the most lively in the entire immortal cultivating world. The place."

Hearing this, Liu Jinyuan sighed: "Only the strength of Pavilion Master Lu can mobilize the entire world of immortality, otherwise this market alone will be smashed by major forces."

Chen Mingzhu said with deep feeling: "Yes, the Xiuxian sects are truly united, and the burst of energy is beyond imagination, such as this ultra-long-distance teleportation array, if it is not for our two sects to learn from each other's strengths, it is impossible to arrange it."

Although Xingyue Pavilion is proficient in various arrays, the distance that this teleportation array spans is astonishing.

Later, under the leadership of Lu Kun, they got in touch with the Northern Yuan Sect in the extreme north. This sect was left by the One Yuan Sect to stabilize the channel against the spirit, and was extremely proficient in space-like formations.

The two sides communicated for more than two years before completing the plan. In addition to the need for a large number of ethereal crystals to teleport the array over long distances, they also had to use the power of space in the space cracks.

Liu Jinyuan looked around, looked at the gray and cold air outside, and said a little puzzled: "By the way, there are many space cracks in Dazhou. Why did Pavilion Master Lu choose to be in Zhongming Mountain? As far as Liu knows, The few corpse kings there should not be underestimated."

Chen Mingzhu smiled and said: "With the strength of Pavilion Master Lu, even if there is a gold armored corpse, it is nothing. I heard a Taoist friend of the Body Refinement Pavilion say that the several corpse kings here have reached some kind of agreement with the Body Refinement Pavilion. protocol."

"Not only will they not harass Tianyuanfang City, but they will even take the initiative to protect the north of it. There is no demonic aura here, and the area with dense space cracks is blocked, and the security of Fang City is greatly increased."

"After the Second Demon Race begins, this Tianyuanfang City can become a logistics base for immortal cultivators, supporting the frontline of the war at any time."

"Logistics base, it's no wonder that I chose this place because it turned out to use Zhongming Mountain as the second barrier."

Liu Jinyuan showed a sudden look, and only then did he understand why this Tianyuanfang City was so big.

He heard the younger brother who joined the Southwest Chamber of Commerce say that it took more than a year to build this Tianyuanfang City with the joint efforts of the major sects.

What kind of shop and auction house is only a small part of this place. There are also several large refining towers and alchemy rooms. It is said that the ferry by the Guiyuan River is building a large warship.

In addition, in the south of the valley, there is a vein of magic stone.

In the past, there was a threat from the Corpse King of Zhongming Mountain, and no forces were willing to mine this ore vein, but now that Tianyuanfang City is located, it has organized manpower to collect spirit stones and magic stones as a reserve for the city.

Liu Jinyuan looked at the ground expectantly.

With these three ultra-long-distance teleportation formations, cultivators can be teleported over at any time in the extreme north, the Thirteen Kingdoms of the East Cloud, and the southwest.

Tianyuanfang City can be said to connect the entire world of immortality. It is not only a giant square city, but also a logistics base for the Second Demon Race.

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