The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1288 Thoughts in the Immortal Cultivation World

When Pan Yan heard the words of Xuanhuang Qi and Gravity Field, he sighed emotionally, "It's right to say that it's Gravity Field, but after I discussed it with Master, this magical power seems to have deep meaning."

"Deep meaning?"

When everyone heard this, they were even more surprised.

Pan Yan organized the following words: "It's not so much a gravitational field, but rather a gravitational force that drives and changes the earth."

"Gravity of the earth? Didn't it change the weight? What does it have to do with gravity?"

Pan Yan stretched out his palm, and a wooden chair ten feet away suddenly made a creaking sound, followed by a bang, which turned into a pool of sawdust, and even maintained the square shape of the seat on the ground.

He said slowly: "At first, I thought that the gravity field was the weight of the control target, but with the increase in the number of casts, I gradually felt that the force of gravity was not my source field, but it seemed to be connected to the earth."

"The moment the chair shattered, it was not that its own weight had increased, but that the gravity of the earth had increased by a hundred times, causing its internal structure to collapse."

The surrounding body cultivators thought of the scene just now, and Pan Yan's explanation, all showed a bit of contemplation.

As high-level physique practitioners, they naturally know the gravity of the earth. When the physique is at a low level, many fighting methods have already used the gravitational force of the earth, that is, the acceleration of gravity.

At the high level, the pavilion master created a meteorite combat technique, which fell from a high altitude at an inclined angle. In addition to using a part of the acceleration of gravity, it also cooperated with the flight acceleration of the whole body of bone treasures, which caused the destruction of the forbidden formation. Terrorist shock.

They can understand the gravitational force of the earth, but Pan Yan said that he can change the gravitational force of the earth, which makes them a little confused and confused.

Just when everyone was thinking about it, Lu Kun suddenly said: "You guys regard the gravity of the earth as an alternative source field, but the direction of this source field is always vertical to the ground, and its suction is very stable."

"Xiaoyanzi's magical power of void gravity is just through the bone of the black and yellow and the source of the flesh, so that the suction force of the earth in a nearby space is suddenly increased."

"The gravitational field of the earth?"

"An alternative source field!"

Substituting the source force field, these disciples thought for a while, and then they understood, but then more questions popped up in their hearts.

Everything in the world is bound to the ground by this force, even if it is an immortal cultivator, it is only at the stage of forming an elixir that it can completely get rid of this earth source force field. How big is its scope of action? What is there beyond this range?

The sun, moon and stars are all outside the earth. What power do they rely on to escape the terrifying source field of the earth?

The more everyone thought about it, the more dazed and frightened they felt, and they found that although they were a bone-transformation stage body cultivator, they were considered a high-end combat power in the world of immortals, but compared to this world, they were so insignificant.

Seeing the trance of several disciples looking up at the sky, Lu Kun sighed:

"When Xiaoyanzi and I were discussing gravity, we also flew up to check it out."

"The gravitational force of the earth still exists in the extremely high places of the Immortal Cultivation World, and the gravitational force it receives has decreased. However, there is a thick layer of wind in the sky, which is difficult for ordinary gods to pass through in the early stage."

"Beyond Gangfeng, there is an endless power of space. Even if I reach the real early stage of zangyuan, I'm afraid I won't be able to pass through."

"The sky full of stars, the alternating sun and moon, and the earth are not something that our current cultivation can penetrate. All you need to know is that objects as heavy as the earth have their own special kind of stability and stability. A source field of terrifying range."

Speaking of this, his eyes became deep.

There are records in the common sense of the immortal world. The sky is extremely high, and there is a thick layer of wind. Entering it is like suffering from endless high-level wind blades.

Going up to the Immortal Cultivation Realm, there is no record, but he and Xiao Yanzi relied on the defensive power to pervert, and they went all the way up, and found that beyond the Gangfeng, it turned out to be the majestic power of space. The stars in the sky seemed to be close at hand, but they were far away. out of reach.

Lu Kun knew the laws of the celestial bodies. The Great Zhou, the Five Dragon Seas, the Great Maelstrom, the East China Sea, and the East Cloud Thirteen Kingdoms were connected in a cycle, indicating that this world is also a spherical shape.

At first, he thought that the sun was the star that the planet revolved around, and the two moons were satellites, but beyond the endless wind at high altitude, it was not a cosmic space, but the power of a strange space.

According to his understanding, even the body-protecting aura of a cultivator at the core stage can fly in space.

But here in the high sky, that layer of turbulent wind alone stopped most of the cultivators, and the strong space power outside was countless times stronger than the space seal he felt on the ancient battlefield.

Combined with common sense on earth, Lu Kun felt the strangeness of this world more and more.

These thoughts flashed in his mind, and he said slowly: "Okay, don't think too much, Xiaoyanzi, go ahead."

All the disciples came back to their senses, but Lu Kun's words "a very heavy object has its own special source force field" was deeply imprinted in their minds.

Pan Yan looked at the expressions of the other disciples and was quite touched. This is the second time he has heard Master's words, and he always feels that it contains infinite mysteries, and he also vaguely feels that it has something to do with physical cultivation.

Putting aside the strange thoughts in his heart, Pan Yan continued: "The difficulty of breaking through to the middle stage of bone transformation, as Master said, is how to fuse muscle fibers with blood-transformed fibers in a short period of time."

"Although the passive source force field cannot be used when the gravitational field is cast from a distance, all parts of my own body can be blessed by the gravitational force."

He blushed and said: "So when I was breaking through, my body was crawling on the ground, and all the muscles were transferred to the back, and the muscle fibers transformed by blood covered the muscles."

"Then add the gravitational field to all the blood fibers, so that the gravity of this part of the blood increases by a hundred times, collapses into the muscle fibers, and then assists the body's source force to squeeze in the opposite direction. Under the combined force of the two, the fusion is completed in an instant. "

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then they realized that this gravitational field is not the source of the flesh, but is exerted by the magical power of the Xuanhuang bone. The long-distance void gravity cannot coexist with the source of the flesh, but it can be in one's own body.

When Pan Yan made a breakthrough, it was like having two source force fields working together.

"Each of us has a different focus and supernatural powers in the training of the body. I practice the five-element body-refinement, and I have a five-element chaotic demon body."

"This physical body attribute has two main functions, one is to cultivate the chaotic mana that suppresses Qi and blood magic power, and the other is that after entering the bone transformation stage, I can clearly sense the existence of the vitality of heaven and earth, and create various kinds of vitality that stimulate the vitality of heaven and earth. The source power operation skills."

"Otherwise, the cultivation method that attracts vitality into the body in the later stage of bone transformation cannot be created."

"However, I relied on strength talent to break through, and did not unearth other mysteries of the Five Elements Chaos Body."

Lu Kun sighed slightly. He looked at the disciple sitting at the end and said, "Gao Yong, although your little five-element chaotic demon body cannot sense the vitality of heaven and earth, maybe there is something special that I haven't noticed."

"How to use physical attributes to make breakthroughs depends on your future discoveries."

Gao Yong said with a slightly excited expression: "Yes, Pavilion Master."

Lu Kun skipped Xiaojin, looked at the others, and said slowly: "Xiaoyanzi's method is to tell you that in the bone transformation stage, the bone treasure is still the core of the body, and combined with the way of refining, you can try to combine those with the attributes of the body. The suitable materials are integrated into the bone treasure."

"Xiaoyun is also preparing for the breakthrough in the middle stage of bone transformation. With the help of the Southwest Chamber of Commerce, he has collected enough Gengjin Stones."

"If you integrate this famous treasure of sharp gold into the bone treasure, it will not only greatly increase the attack power, but also use the power of sharp gold to reduce the difficulty of flesh and blood fusion, just like I used Tongtian Roar to scatter the muscles of the flesh."

"You can also find suitable materials and try to strengthen your own bone treasure."

"Although Evian, you used Gengjin Stone to break through, but there are still many metallic materials of the same grade, you can consider them all."

"Zhao Qiming, you are of the poisonous wood attribute, try to find some special wood attribute materials. As for Qianfeng, after the demon clan war starts, see if there are any special materials in the hands of the demon clan."

After listening to Lu Kun's analysis and adding Pan Yan's example, these disciples of the bone transformation period suddenly realized that the pavilion master was taking the pure power route.

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