The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1309 Probe (Last Part)

In the Shattered Kingdom, in the depths of the thick purple-black demonic mist, two huge male demons were flying in the mist.

The smaller one is nine feet tall, with bone spurs on its joints, a single horn on its head, delicate scales on its face, and a strange totem that resembles a triangle on the scales on its forehead.

On the other hand, the body of the other demon was much larger, more than ten feet tall, and the bone spurs were similar, but the scales on the body surface were a little different.

Black short hair, most of the forehead is covered with totem lines, if you look closely, you will find that it is also a triangular totem, but it is a lot more complicated.

The limbs of this demon are extremely thick. Even the thick scales can outline its thick muscle lines. The whole demon body exudes a heavy breath, and the surrounding demon mist is not small, and it is squeezed to six outside the foot.

"Heijiao, the golden sword light you saw last time really has the power of the middle stage of the Demon King?" The tall Demon Race suddenly asked.

The one-horned demon was stunned for a moment, and then revealed a bit of recollection: "At that time, we were all wrapped by the power of space, and the sense was not clear, but even if there was no middle stage of the demon king, it was still the peak of the early stage, otherwise it would be impossible to agitate. Space turbulence."

Hearing the words, the tall Demon Race revealed a thoughtful look: "This time, the three Demon Lords joined forces to expand the space channel with the power of the interface, and also summoned all the nearby Demon Emperors who could come. It seems that this Nine times out of ten, it is the middle stage of the Demon King, and the supernatural power is not small."

The Demon Race known as Heijiao couldn't help but said at this time: "Brother Montenegro, based on our information from a few years ago, there is not even a real initial stage of divine transformation in the human race, so this is at most a spirit that entered this world by mistake. World creatures, shouldn't be dispatched for this battle."

"Even 700 years ago, when the Saints attacked this interface in an all-round way, they were only willing to send seven Demon Emperor early stage and one Demon Emperor mid-stage powerhouse over. This time Lord Demon Venerable was too much of a fuss, in order to maximize the teleportation. , and even sacrificed a Demon Emperor."

"You must know that we have so many people, even a mid-level demon king can deal with two or three."

The tall demon known as Montenegro said mockingly: "Black Horn, at the same age, I became a demon emperor, and you only broke through to the early stage of the demon king, which is caused by this limited vision."

He ignored the slightly embarrassed look on his face, and continued: "Every devil emperor is extremely precious to the saints, who doesn't know this, and Lord Devil Venerable knows the importance of devil emperors. Since they are willing to make such sacrifices, There must be considerations, so don’t think about any human race, deal with this immortal world with the most cautious attitude, and even treat the existence of the middle-stage demon king as the top race in the spiritual world.”

"Do you know that if this guy is really a certain race in the spiritual world, we must kill him completely. If this magical interface is known to the big family in the spiritual world, we will have nothing to do with us, even the saints. There will also be catastrophes.”

The Black Horned Demon King showed some disapproval at first, but after hearing the last sentence, he gradually figured out the key points, and his expression became solemn: "Understood."

Montenegro said earnestly: "Full of consciousness and careful patrolling, the meaning of several Demon Lords grabbing this interface is for the low-level Demon Race to quickly cultivate. At this time, you must be especially careful to prevent that guy from sneaking in and teleporting the space... …”

At this moment, a turbulent power of space surged out from the depths of the magic fog, and even brought a wave of air, and the surrounding magic fog also churned up. Can not help but paused.

Montenegro raised his brows and said, "This wave... the demon king's teleportation is over. It seems that the number of demon kings is the same as the number of demon emperors. The demon king only teleported five."

Hei Jiao heard the words and said with a relaxed expression: "This is not very good. A devil emperor and a devil king are the best battle combination of our saints, and the safety of any group is guaranteed."

Montenegro nodded slightly, but still looked cautiously: "That said, we still follow Luo Feng's order and patrol within 30 miles. Even if there is a battle, they can come to support quickly."

"Hei Feng and the others are dead. We don't know the specific magical powers of the other party. This guy can pass through the fog of nightmares, and he killed two demon kings so quickly."

Hei Jiao's eyes were a little strange and said: "I heard that Lord Demon Venerable has arranged for a demon general who has a high chance of breaking through to the pseudo demon emperor."

"In this way, that guy should have failed to break through. Otherwise, a fake devil emperor and two devil kings would not be killed so easily."

Montenegro was silent for a while, before slowly saying: "There is another possibility, that is, the fake devil emperor and the two devil kings are all wiped out..."

Hei Jiao heard the words, the corners of his eyes twitched, but he did not refute, if it is a powerful race in the spiritual world, it can really do this...



In the deepest part of the magic fog, a total of six demons were suspended in mid-air, and they formed a triangle around the huge space crack.

In the deep blue passage, a faint blue light is rolling, with twenty light spheres extruding outward, and a tall figure is faintly hidden in each light sphere.

The squeezing speed of these light balls is not slow, but in the area they pass, there is a large dark blue storm rolling, and strong spatial fluctuations are rolling in it.

After half an hour, when these light balls passed through the storm, there were only eighteen light balls left, and two completely disappeared.

"Very good, there is only a 10% mortality rate, and this wave of demons will be able to come to 18 people."

"Master Mozun's supernatural powers are really unimaginable. After joining forces, they can actually take advantage of the power of the interface, and use the method of gradually reducing the energy level to maximize the transmission of the saints."

"The space channel will become more and more intense as the transmission progresses. If it wasn't for my physical strength, I'd be dead inside."

"Even if Lord Mozun responded in a timely manner, a Demon Emperor died, and the Demon King lost more."

"According to Lord Mozun's plan, the demon king will change to a lower level when the death rate reaches 50%, and the demon general will control the death rate at 70%, and the first wave will be 10%. There are hundreds of demon generals, and there are countless lower demon soldiers."

"As long as we play steadily and multiply our clansmen quickly, it will be enough to occupy this world in five hundred years."

With the exchange of several demons, the first group of dark blue figures were quickly teleported out. There were eighteen people, and their breaths were extremely strong, all of which were powerful late stage demon generals.

In midair, a female demon with a special flower totem on the side of her face, said lightly: "You people, divide into six groups to go out on patrol, remember, you must be within 30 miles, and if there is any trouble, the first Time is a warning."

"Yes, my lord!"

These demon generals, as if they had been trained, soon completed the grouping, and entered the surrounding purple-black demonic fog according to six directions.


Behind a black rock more than forty kilometers away from the space channel, the magic fog here is slightly distorted, as if there is a breeze circling.

Beneath this invisible layer of air is Lu Kun's dignified face.

Hong Yuntian gritted his teeth rolling in his body: "Are the demons crazy? For our small interface, there are actually three demon lords who took action to suppress the power of the interface. There are five demon emperors, five demon kings..."

Lu Kun murmured in his heart: "According to your information, Brother Hong, the weaker races in the upper realm do not even have a fusion period. The three Demon Venerables are probably all the strong ones in the Demon Race."

"We underestimate the temptation of this interface to the demons."

Hong Yuntian said in a very solemn tone: "Lu Kun, the situation is extremely dangerous now. With such strength from the Demon Race, Xiu Xianjie is not an opponent at all. The best way is to take advantage of their scattered attacks and defeat them."

"As long as we obtain the Demon King, or even the Demon Emperor's corpse, we will have enough materials to study the fusion of madness and demonic intent. Only when you truly step into the realm of dirty vitality will the Xiuxian Realm have a chance to win."

Lu Kun's eyes flashed a hint of coldness and said: "According to the situation more than 80 years ago, this strange magic fog also restrains the demons, and the detection range is limited. Xiaojin's magical power completely restrains the magic fog, but this place is more suitable for us. fighting."

Hong Yuntian was stunned and said: "Do you want to do it? Thirty miles away, the demon emperor inside can come to support at any time, and it sounds that these demons are extremely cautious and difficult to attack."

Hearing this, Lu Kun did not speak, but silently calculated something in his heart...

These two days are all entertainment...ow 4

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