The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1311 Suppression

At this moment, the dark purple light in the body of the Black Mountain Demon Emperor was massive, and the passive force field that had retracted to three feet suddenly rose, ingesting the Black Horn Demon King, followed by a dark purple lightning ball from his hand. Played out, submerged into the latter's body.

The disintegrating passive force field of the Black Horned Demon King seemed to be re-condensed due to the injection of lightning energy, and even temporarily blended with the force field of the Black Mountain Demon Emperor, barely stopping the downward trend.

Even so, their bodies were also fixed in place.

The Demon Emperor of Montenegro felt this, and showed a bit of a hideous color. He raised the axe in his hand. Not only was thick dark purple energy rolling on it, but there was also a thin layer of force field distortion.

But at this moment, he felt that a new squeezing force appeared in the surrounding air, and the two demons were once again greatly oppressed by the dynamic field due to the temporary fusion of the magic energy.

"What is the situation, how can the remote force field be used twice!"

The Demon Emperor of Montenegro couldn't help but look up and look forward.

I saw the monster with two heads and four arms, while they were fighting against the funnel vortex magical power, it had already come to thirty feet away, and the pair of palms in front of it still maintained an opposite state, but the other pair of arms, I don't know what. Time to gather over the top of the head.

A gray-black large knife with a special bone pattern was held in it, and the pair of palms melted into a black liquid strangely, blending with the knife handle.

The surrounding demonic energy madly gathered towards it, especially the demonic energy filtered by the golden funnel, surging more cheerfully, as if it had a special affinity with this monster.

In one or two breaths, a full fifty feet of black sword light extended from the top of the magic knife, and the surrounding squeezing force became more and more obvious.

The Demon Emperor of Montenegro did not look at the sword light at this time, but stared at the pair of arms holding the magic sword. Under the pale golden light film, a layer of complex totem lines appeared, and there was some kind of faint pattern. Black streamer surging.

"Blood pattern, how can this deformed monster have the blood pattern of my high-level saints!" He seemed to have seen some incredible scene and almost lost his voice.

I don't know if it was influenced by his emotions, or if there was a new layer of squeezing force around him, the passive force field that he and the black-horned demon king temporarily merged suddenly collapsed, and the bodies of the two demons suddenly lost control and began to fall downward.

And the black sword light that swelled to fifty feet and carved the mysterious hyperbolic rune structure, with unparalleled power, crashed down.

"Damn, the devil energy is under the control of the opponent, it's too passive!"

Feeling this coercion comparable to the peak of the early Devil Emperor, the Montenegrin Devil Emperor immediately woke up. He didn't care about the Devil King who was about to be swallowed by the funnel. Before his passive power field collapsed, he swung his thick arm backhand upward. go.

This axe that shines with deep purple light, with a power of two million pounds, twists a layer of force field, facing the incomparably huge sword light.

Although this axe looks very small, it seems to contain extremely terrifying energy. The distorted deep purple light stagnated for a while, before being blasted out by the great force of the sword.

Taking advantage of this chance to breathe, the Demon Emperor of Montenegro raised the circular bone spur shield with both palms, curled up and hid behind the shield.

The thick scales on the surface of the body, under the blessing of rich lightning energy, dispersed into small scales, wrapping its curled body into a purple-black scale sphere.


The slightly dimmed gigantic sword light was chopped down from top to bottom, and the violent power mixed with the terrifying power of vitality, shrouded the two demon powerhouses.

At the same time, the golden funnel vortex below also shone brightly, and the swallowing suction power inside soared. Within the body of the Black Horned Demon Emperor, a ball of purple light seemed to be affected in some way, and was directly sucked out by this swallowing power.


The black sword glow and the golden funnel intertwined with each other, forming a black-gold energy storm, violent aftermath of vitality, mixed with terrifying air waves, rolling in all directions.

After a while, the magic fog in the range of two or three hundred feet was all squeezed out, and a semi-circular pothole of about one hundred feet appeared on the ground.

The body of the Black Horned Demon King became shattered, the calf below the knee twisted into a strange arc, and the broken bones were squeezed out of the flesh.

The original demon head was flattened by some terrifying force, the bone spurs on both shoulders were broken, and the scales on the torso split open after another, revealing the broken flesh inside.

With the exception of some demonic essence, all the aura of divine soul dissipated, leaving only this broken body and a square shield beside him.

As for the Demon Emperor of Montenegro, his body more than ten feet tall was half-kneeling on the ground, with a lot of broken scales under his feet, and the shield was held in his hands. Deep purple energy, the body is still repairing.


With the sound of air tearing, the monster with two heads and four arms rushed towards the deep pit.

Seeing this, the Black Mountain Devil Emperor's face changed wildly, deep purple lightning rolled around in his body, and six feet were scattered by the dynamic field, his feet stepped on the ground, and he wanted to escape backwards.

But he had just been attacked by two terrifying magical powers, and the injury was too late to recover, and it was difficult for him to explode at the first time.

After only retreating two or three feet, the monster came within its close range, and a more terrifying force field radiated out, squeezing the force field of the Black Mountain Devil Emperor like a destructive force.

Immediately following this force field that spreads nine feet, with a strong suction force, the 10-foot-tall body of the Black Mountain Demon Emperor is attracted, and the four arms raise relatively small fists, bombarding down like a storm.

The Black Mountain Demon Emperor tried his best to block with his shield, but he was within the range of the opponent's force field. Every movement was extremely laborious. The most important thing was that the opponent had four arms, and he was knocked to the ground in an instant.

The monster with two heads and four arms pressed it firmly on the ground, and the four arms kept waving. Stop the bombardment.

A huge roar, a crash, resounded in this huge pothole.

In just a few breaths of time, the body of the Black Mountain Devil Emperor suffered at least thirty or forty rounds of heavy blows. The broken scales mixed with purple-black blood splashed in the air, and the huge body of more than ten feet was smashed into the ground.

But as the number of heavy blows increased, the dark purple energy in his body became more and more dazzling. They flickered and circulated between the flesh and blood, constantly repairing the broken flesh and blood. It seemed that as long as the energy was still there, the energy source would continue to repair.

This energy also has a lot of defensive magical powers. The stronger the defensive power, the stronger it is. It is the most concentrated in the internal organs. Although the majestic power penetrates into its body, it does not endanger its life.

The monster with two heads and four arms seemed to have discovered this. The arms with the black totem inscribed were raised, and the gray-black magic knife appeared between them.

But at this moment, in the depths of the magic fog in the distance, there was a sudden roar, and three huge weapons shot out from the depths.

A spinning double-headed axe, a large knife carved with some kind of animal head, and a giant round-headed hammer.

These three weapons flashed with dazzling deep purple light, and there was a thin layer of invisible force field on the surface. During the flight, they also continuously absorbed the surrounding magic energy, forming a solid vitality halo on the outside.

After flying over the distance of a hundred feet, the light of vitality outside each weapon has grown to twenty feet, containing terrifying power, bombarding this monster with two heads and four arms.

When the monster saw this scene, the two arms continued to bombard the Black Mountain Demon Emperor below, and the other two arms holding the gray-black magic knife turned sideways. The magic sword beam swept away at the three huge weapons.


An even more intense air wave rose into the sky than before, and the rays of light from the four huge weapons condensed with vitality were intertwined, and a steady stream of terrifying air waves rolled in all directions.

The two sides first stalemate for two or three breaths, and then the black sword light of fifty feet trembled violently, and the condensed vitality inside broke apart from the three clashing places, and collapsed into groups of primitive demonic vitality.

The light of the three huge weapons has also dropped a lot, but they still have enough power to continue to blast forward.

The monster with two heads and four arms saw this, without any hesitation, stepped on the ground with both feet, a lot of treasure light surged in the body, and the figure turned into a phantom and retreated.

He actually gave up the Demon Emperor of Montenegro who was powerless to resist, picked up the corpse of Demon King Black Horn not far away, and fled towards the distance.

On the other side, behind the three giant weapons, three huge bodies flew in sequence, two males and one female. Their bodies were almost the same height, and they were all over ten feet. Except for the female Demon Emperor, whose body was slightly slender, the others All are huge.

They landed in the pothole, grabbed their weapons, and looked at the Black Mountain Devil Emperor, who was bloody on the ground and repaired by dark purple energy, all with a solemn expression.

The energy in the bodies of several people rolled, and a ball of lightning flew out of their hands, which was injected into the body of the Black Mountain Devil Emperor, which made the latter's repair speed soar.

"Luo Yue, this monster's strength is close to 3.5 million kilograms, and its supernatural powers are even more bizarre. It is comparable to the mid-term Devil Emperor, and he cannot be allowed to escape."

The Demon Emperor of Montenegro stood up reluctantly, clutching his bloody chest, and his consciousness was filled with fear.


His consciousness fluctuated endlessly, and he transmitted the magical power he had just encountered.

The bald-headed Demon Emperor, who was the strongest and most sturdy, had a solemn expression when he heard the words. The dense totem patterns on his head shone with light, and all the demons within 30 miles around received a message.

"Xuemang came to meet Montenegro, everyone returned to the space channel, and activated the Mirage Lightning Light of the Nightmare Array!"

He then looked at the other two and said solemnly, "It's a rare opportunity, we can't let this monster escape, we form a battle formation to chase!"

"it is good!"

The three demon emperors flickered, forming a triangular square, and the dynamic fields all around their bodies intersected with each other. One after another, deep purple lightnings interlaced in these three force fields, as if they merged into one force field.

Then they rose up, dazzling rays of light erupted all over their bodies, and the fused force field formed a pointed cone suit, chasing toward the fleeing direction of the two-headed and four-armed.

The three devil emperors did not know what means they used, and the speed of the explosion was extremely terrifying, and it seemed that they were not much weaker than that monster...

owe 6...

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