The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1313 Mirage Lightning (Last Part)

"Not good! This thing is aimed at the soul!"

Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian's senses immediately discovered that the deep purple thunder light that hit their feet was violently intertwined with the golden spiritual brilliance on the surface of their bodies.

After just a breath or two, the layer of pale golden spiritual power on his feet was broken by a small hole.

This double-headed, four-armed flesh body that was flying rapidly in the void, as if its feet softened when running, it stumbled a somersault, and hit a few thunder lights in the mist, the golden spiritual power on its body surface. Light film, there are more gaps.

Lu Kun hasn't really entered the stage of visceral yuan. Although his physical consciousness has reached the stage of completeness of the central nervous system, he can only control the power of one yuan freely. The remaining 400,000 kilograms cannot be controlled by the physical nerves.

And the two-headed and four-armed body that he and Hong Yuntian fused together possessed a power of 3.4 million kilograms. In order to control such a terrifying power, they could only use the help of the crystals of the underworld as they did when they activated the supernatural powers. of pure spiritual power to fuse each other's physical and spiritual consciousness.

The golden light film on the body surface represents the control of the power by their fused spiritual consciousness. If a piece is missing, the muscles there will lose a certain degree of control.

The lightning strike that hit the foot directly caused a chain reaction. The body with two heads and four arms collided randomly in the magic fog, and the invisible force field around the body kept twisting, sometimes nine feet, sometimes six feet, sometimes shrinking to five feet. Foot, the speed dropped dramatically.

Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian felt this, and without the slightest hesitation, they directly released the supernatural powers.

On the flesh with two heads and four arms, the pair of arms with dark black totem lines, and the horse-faced head quickly melted into a liquid.

They wrapped the ghost crystals between the necks, and retracted along the spine and the shoulder blades on both sides. This deformed body quickly returned to the appearance of Lu Kun, and the surrounding chaotic passive force field stabilized in five feet.

Lu Kun's face was dignified, the precious light in his body flashed, his hands and legs stepped on the void again, and he shot away in the original direction.

However, due to the release of the supernatural power, the pure spiritual power of the ghost crystal can not be used. He can only exert the power of one yuan now. Although its flying speed mainly depends on more than 200 bone treasures, it is also reduced by a full 30% compared to before.

In addition to the sharp drop in flight speed, Lu Kun also hit more thunder lights. His body was already printed in dark purple, and dozens of thunder lights scurried wildly in his body, but they were blocked by a violent tumbling indomitable will.

Hong Yuntian's heavy voice came from inside his body: "Lu Kun, this thing is specifically aimed at the soul, and its power is probably reaching the limit of the interface. This seat's will won't last long!"

"The limit of the interface, the peak of the middle stage of God Transformation?"

Lu Kun showed an inconceivable look, but he thought that this magic fog formation was arranged through a crack in space, and the other side was probably the Demon Venerable of the Demon Race. His expression changed drastically, and finally he gritted his teeth and said:

"Brother Hong, stimulate your true demon bloodline and use the power of bloodline and willpower to protect the soul."

"What about you……"

"I have my own way."

"it is good!"

The communication between the two was almost completed in an instant, and Hong Yuntian immediately took action.

He gathered its flesh and blood essence into a purple-black flesh ball, curled up on the edge of Lu Kun's internal organs. The surface of the flesh ball rolled with blood containing brutality, and they condensed into crystals between the twists.

Lu Kun's blood essence, which contains the meaning of madness, and Hong Yuntian's blood, which is full of the meaning of true demons, can use the blood condensing method to seal the will, and naturally have the ability to resist such spiritual attacks.

Hong Yuntian, the crystal of the true demon bloodline outside the flesh and blood ball, is the first line of defense, and the second line of defense is a powerful and unyielding meaning, using two defenses to protect his soul.

But in the face of this divine soul defense method, the deep purple thunder light didn't seem to be afraid. They directly separated a group of thunder light to wrap the flesh ball, and the rest continued to explore other parts of the flesh.

When Hong Yuntian shrank into a flesh ball, Lu Kun indented his divine soul into his spinal cord, and at the same time activated his divine sense to conceal his divine powers. These thunder lights swept across his spine and skull in turn, but he did not seem to find his divine soul.

"I didn't expect my soul to hide magical powers so powerfully, even..."

Just when Lu Kun was slightly relieved, a panicked voice suddenly came from a soft rib in his body: "Lu Kun, the speed of the three-headed devil emperor was not affected by the lightning, and it is only four hundred meters away from us!"

Hearing this sentence, Lu Kun's face changed suddenly, his chest vibrated, and he roared in ventriloquism: "Xiaojin, protect your soul with blood crystals!"

Before this sentence was finished, the deep purple lightning in the body seemed to have discovered something, and all rushed into the soft rib where Xiao Jin was.


The little monkey let out an exclamation, and then there was a surging qi and blood fluctuation from the soft ribs.

Xiaojin has the blood of a six-eared macaque, and it also contains the meaning of madness.

"Lu Kun, what should I do, this energy is so powerful that the blood condensate can't resist it for long." The little monkey's panicked voice came from the soft ribs.

"Don't worry, keep calm!"

While thinking about the countermeasures in his mind, Lu Kun slid and ran in the void with his limbs. In order to increase his speed, he didn't even avoid the lightning in the dark clouds, but just kept his head down.

"These strange things are obviously the special means of the Mirage Dream Thunder Light, the magic fog formation."

"It seems that the entire magic fog is full of this energy, and it can't fly out in a short time."

"The magical powers that are completely aimed at the soul are still at the peak level in the middle of the gods. Brother Hong and Xiaojin can't support it for too long."

"Three-headed devil emperor, with my current power of one yuan, it is impossible to be an opponent, and if the opponent surrounds me, the source force field is squeezed, and there is no chance to even escape!"

Lu Kun gritted his teeth, and even rubbed out sparks of metal interlacing, his eyes were extremely red, and his brain was spinning wildly.

"No, there must be a solution, even the worst solution!"

"The current crisis is these thunder lights. If Brother Hong and Xiaojin's souls are injured, I alone will have no chance to escape from the three-headed devil emperor's pursuit."

"The Mirage Dream Thunder Light must be solved!"

"Without Xiaojin's guidance, in this magic fog, I can't find the space channel, and I can't destroy the magic of the demons."

"Since the source can't be solved, then find a way to isolate the Mirage Lightning Light from the body! As long as the spiritual light film can be re-condensed, I can restore the strongest power."

"Isolating the mirage thunder light, the blood crystal magic can help to some extent, and Brother Hong's indomitable will can also resist."

"By the way, if you have the power of will at the mid-level of God Transformation, can you isolate this strange magical power?"

"Frenzy magic!"

Thinking of this, Lu Kun's eyes suddenly lit up.

"In this case, although I can't break through, but the two swords of the snow soul are different. Brother Hong and I's cultivation base is stronger than when the two swords were refined. Create a frenzy."

"And then use the powerful will of this fusion, cooperate with the will of unyielding, and the technique of blood condensing to repel the Mirage Lightning!"

But just when he thought of a solution, the little monkey's dazed voice came from his soft ribs: "Lu... Kun, I can't stand it... I'm so sleepy... I..."

Then Lu Kun heard a slight snoring sound coming from inside, which made him stunned for a moment: "Mirage Meng Leiguang, with a dream word, is it to make the soul fall asleep?"

At this time, the crystal flesh ball that Hong Yuntian transformed into also trembled, and a vague vibration sounded: "Lu Kun, this thunder light is already impacting the unyielding meaning of this seat, do you think of a way!"

Lu Kun's chest vibrated violently, and ventriloquically said, "I think about it, Brother Hong, we will fuse the dual swords of snow in our body, and fight against this mirage thunder light with frantic magic!"

"Furious magic? In the body? What should I do, this seat will be affected by the dream at any time..."

"The double swords of snow soul are now wrapped outside the internal organs, you attach the essence of flesh and blood to the magic sword, and then..."

"No, they... this seat..."

After that, Hong Yuntian's ball of flesh and blood, like a pool of thick blood, attached to Lu Kun's inner and outer snow-souled magic knife, and then there was no movement. It seemed that Hong Yuntian's divine soul also fell into a deep sleep...

7 more...

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