The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1315 Defense

Led by Luo Yue, the bald-headed devil emperor, the three-zhang-high devil emperor with a black aura on his face surrounded Lu Kun's body.

The passive force fields outside their bodies echoed each other under the shuttle of deep purple lightning, constantly squeezing the latter's source force fields.

Lu Kun's expression was solemn, and while the force field was still resisting, his body suddenly curled up, only to see his hands clasping his chest, his legs bent and his knees tucked into his abdomen, and his head buried in his chest.

From the gaps in the limbs, clumps of silver blood gushed out, and they condensed into solid bone, and the entire body became a sphere that seemed to be made of silver bone, like a rock.

"This monster's mind is still clear, and the Mirage Thunder Light is actually ineffective against him!"

"It's not necessarily ineffective. Didn't you see that his other head and a pair of arms disappeared, and his strength was reduced to the level of the early Devil Emperor?"

"Then why does this guy still have consciousness to escape, and even take the initiative to use defensive measures?"

"Maybe it is supported by some kind of divine soul defense magical power."

"Hmph, no matter how long his soul can resist, it is a fact that his power declines, we will destroy it in one go!"

Several demon emperors communicated with each other quickly, and within two or three breaths, Lu Kun's passive field was completely burst, and the violent invisible force impacted on the silver bone sphere.

The surface of the latter trembled violently, as if it was under great oppression, and there were bursts of silver blood mist on it.

Then six huge scale armoured fists with bone spurs, mixed with terrifying power, violently bombarded in.

"Crack clap..."

Those fist bone spurs penetrated into the tiny cracks of the bone armor from three different directions, but they were quickly blocked by some kind of impediment. The fist bone spurs more than a foot long barely penetrated a half, accompanied by the sound of metal clashing. stagnate.

The three-headed devil emperor was stunned for a moment, and then he felt a powerful invisible force surging out of the opponent's body, forcibly squeezing their exhausted fists.

"What is that, harder than our bone spurs?"

"Can the body also radiate force fields?"

"This layer of bone armor is filled with the power of qi and blood, and it seems to be transformed from blood!"

"He has the aura of brutality in his body, and the blood lines that Montenegro said before. Does he have the high bloodline of our saints?"

Although the three-headed devil emperor's fist did not break the opponent's defense, he felt a lot of breath, and his eyes couldn't help flashing surprise.

This monster's current strength is only two million kilograms, which is comparable to the initial demon emperor, and the range of the passive field is five feet, which is one foot less than theirs, but it can radiate from the body.

When he fought against the Black Mountain Demon King before, this monster was in the form of two heads and four arms. The passive field was nine feet long, and the physical strength reached more than three million kilograms, and it could even radiate fifty thousand pounds. Zhang's long-range force field.

However, this two-headed and four-armed body seemed to be ineffective after being hit by the mirage thunder light, a bit like some kind of special physical supernatural power.

In the other party's body, there is also some kind of armor made of blood. This kind of bone armor that covers the flesh. They have only seen those bugs. This monster in front of him also has the bloodline of the worm race?

All kinds of strange phenomena made the three-headed devil emperor excited. If they caught this monster and studied its fleshly body, would they be able to develop similar special magical powers.

You must know that in the Demon Race, physical supernatural powers are extremely rare, and the owner either inherits it from the bloodline of a high-level Demon Emperor, or has advanced to the Demon Emperor as a Demon Emperor.

Thinking of this, the three-headed devil emperor looked at the silver armor, full of greed, and the invisible force field around them fluctuated more violently. Layers of thick black halo.

Then six fists, several elbow bone spurs, and knee bone spurs, with one after another phantom, bombarded away like a storm.

The silver bone ball was wrapped in the force field of the three devil emperors, almost fixed in mid-air, unable to move, like a living target, enduring a steady stream of bombardment from all directions.

"Boom boom boom..."

There was a continuous roar, and the cracks on the silver armor expanded at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the powerful blood energy inside kept steaming, as if repairing the cracked bones.

The attack of the three devil emperors did not go deep. They knew that the opponent's body could radiate the force field, and they wanted to capture his body, so they kept attacking the bone armor outside, trying to drain his blood.

The violent air waves kept rolling, and the surrounding magic fog was even more rippling, as if a huge wave had risen in the sea, and under the vibration of a powerful force, it was surging in all directions.

The magic fog of a hundred or two hundred meters around was all emptied, and it continued to expand, but the mirage thunder light was not affected in any way, rippling in this open area, and in the surrounding space cracks, it continued to flow out. With a path of lightning that contains dreams.

Under the continuous offensive of the three-headed devil emperor, the repairing speed of the silver bone ball soon couldn't keep up with the breaking speed, and the gaps and cracks on it were getting bigger and bigger.

But just when this thick layer of bone armor was about to shatter, bloody strips of reddish flesh suddenly emerged from those gaps. They were like vines composed of muscle fibers, growing in the bone cracks. middle.

These thick muscle fibers like vines twisted and twisted in the cracks, as if releasing some kind of amazing force, and these terrifying forces circulated on the bone armor.

At the same time, some lines that looked like capillaries spread out from the muscle fibers, and soon covered the entire surface of the bone sphere.

Those solid bone armors are like changing forms, sometimes soft, sometimes hard, and there is an invisible force flowing on them.

The three Demon Emperors immediately felt that the material of this bone ball became extremely tough, and when their power slammed up, there would also be a considerable rebound and buffering force.

Those thick muscle fibers and tiny fibers that look like capillaries, like countless needles and threads, intersperse these solid bone layers and weave them into some kind of armor with stronger defense.

"The defense has become stronger?"

"What's going on with these flesh and blood fibers, can the other's fleshly body be transferred at will?"

"Hmph, the defense has indeed increased, but it still seems to consume a lot of blood essence. I don't believe that his blood is endless."

"No, there seems to be a change!"

As soon as the consciousnesses of several Demon Emperors exchanged, they felt a strong and unyielding will rising from this bone ball. This thought seemed to be unyielding in the face of any difficulties and dangers.

On the surface of the silver bone ball, the invisible force generated by the vibration of muscle fibers seems to have undergone some kind of special change under this will, and a faint brilliance emerges, as if a strange layer of eccentricity has been plated on this armor. of light film.

The power of the devil's vitality attacked by the devil emperor collided with this layer of light film, and a small half of it collapsed directly.

"The power of will of the human race?"

"That's not right. We sensed the brutal will of our clan in his body before, so why did we have another will?"

"A divine soul can only fuse with one kind of will, and there are two divine souls in the other party's body?"

"This energy of will is not strong, and it will be completely suppressed by the mirage thunder light, how can it be manifested?"

"More than that, I sensed a frantic thought in its flesh and blood just now."

"How is it possible that this monster has three wills?"

The most sturdy bald-headed devil emperor said with a solemn expression: "Remember the mission of Lord Mozun, this monster is the first priority to kill! Its supernatural powers change many times. To be cautious, we will try our best to mobilize the magic energy to attack. ."

"Don't think about saving its flesh, just kill it!"

"it is good!"

Listening to the words of the Bald-headed Demon Emperor, although the other two demons felt a little regretful, they did not have any objection. Deep purple lightning flashed out of their tall bodies.

These energies converged on their fists and the bone spurs in their joints. In the black halo of magic energy, there were purple lightnings that kept jumping, and a strange coercion emerged, which seemed to carry some kind of destructive aura...

owe 10...

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