The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1321 Situation

Hong Yuntian listened to Lu Kun's words and thought about it: "This three-headed six-armed form is equivalent to an advanced supernatural power with two heads and four arms. In addition to you and me, Xiaojin must be added to integrate the physical bodies of our three physiques before it can be used. come out."

After a while, Xiao Jin's body also recovered a lot, he swayed and turned over and said: "I heard the voice transmission of those demon emperors, saying that the power of this supernatural power has reached the level of the middle-stage demon emperor, it seems that the demon emperor is in control in the middle-stage. It's the power of duality."

Then it danced again and said: "By the way, Lu Kun, you said that if more bone metamorphosis stage body cultivation and body fusion are combined, will the strength be stronger, reaching the power of three yuan, or even four yuan."

Lu Kun shook his head and said: "The three of us can combine the power of the physical body, and we have spent so much magical power. It is difficult to achieve without any condition. It is almost impossible to integrate into the physical body of other physical training."

"The basis of the two-headed and four-armed supernatural powers is Brother Hong's unique flesh and blood avatar supernatural powers, which can only be achieved by practitioners of the Demonic Toughness Refinement Technique."

"And our three-headed and six-armed supernatural power just barely succeeded on the basis of two-headed and four-armed, with the help of the blood of the six-eared macaque to devour supernatural powers and magic ape transformation."

"The two of you are fused with my physical body in two completely different ways. Not to mention whether there are other ways of merging with the physical body, my physical nerves can only be grafted with two different flesh and blood if they die."

Speaking of this, Lu Kun seemed to recall something, opened his mouth, spit out a crystal clear eight-sided crystal, and narrowed his eyes:

"And we have to ponder this magical power carefully. In the end, if it hadn't been forcibly cut off the neurosarcoma with the help of the supernatural power of the Xue Soul Shuangdao, I'm afraid it would not be so easy to separate it."

"The longer the physical consciousness is fused through the crystal of the ghost, the more difficult it seems to be separated. This situation has not appeared when the two heads and four arms were used before, and it is likely to be somewhat related to the characteristics of the physical consciousness itself."

"If I can enter the Dirty Yuan period, my physical and spiritual consciousness will increase greatly, and I can control more powerful physical power, I should not need the crystal of the ghost, so the current display time of the three heads and six arms must not be too long, at least not more than the battle just now. time."

When Hong Yuntian and Xiao Jin heard the words, they both showed fear.

After they killed the Demon Emperor, they were horrified to find that the physical and spiritual consciousness could not be separated.

In the end, if it wasn't for the use of the double swords of the snow and the madness to cut off the sarcoma wrapped in the crystal of the ghost, I am afraid that they will stay in that form forever, it would be terrible...

After a moment of silence, Lu Kun suddenly asked: "By the way, Xiao Jin, after we forcibly exited the three-headed six-armed state, was your body affected? It used to be five feet tall, but why is it back to the previous two feet?"

"I don't know either..."

The little monkey scratched his head, looked at his body, and seemed a little puzzled. Then a powerful blood force surged out of his body, and his body began to climb, returning to the previous five-foot appearance.

It grinned, and just about to say something, a strong sense of resentment suddenly rose in the body, the little monkey looked startled, and shrank back again, and this strange will disappeared.

Xiao Jin said with a strange expression: "By stimulating the blood, I can restore my body, but at this time, the meaning of resentment will come out, trying to affect my mind."

Lu Kun said curiously, "But you didn't seem to be affected just now."

Xiaojin put his hands on his hips and said triumphantly, "That's natural, I've known for a long time that your divine sense can hide your magical powers."

"Then why were you affected by Mirage Lightning?"

The little monkey's smile stopped abruptly, and he said a little embarrassedly: "Cough, I forgot to use it at that time..."

The corner of Lu Kun's mouth twitched, and then he raised his brows, as if sensing something, he looked up, and saw several immortal cultivators flying towards his position in the direction of the Tiangang formation.

"Great, Master, you're fine..." It was Huang Xiaoyun who spoke, with a sharp sword light, he landed in the ravine with a look of joy on his face.

Immediately afterwards, several other pseudo-gods flew over, and when they saw Lu Kun's intact body, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Then these people saw the demon corpse on the ground with a hole in its chest, a body more than ten feet long, like the scales of armor, exuding bursts of terrifying coercion,

The faces of everyone couldn't help changing. Before, they couldn't accurately judge the cultivation base of the Demon Race through the video. At this time, after a close inspection, they found that the breath was much stronger than the Demon King.

Venerable Huo Ling couldn't help but said, "Pavillion Lu, is this Demon Clan the legendary Demon Emperor..."

Lu Kun said solemnly: "Yes, not only it, but the two who escaped are also Demon Emperors!"

"Devil Emperor!"

"It turned out to be the Demon Emperor of the Demon Race!"

After hearing the words, these pseudo-gods all took a deep breath.

With a wave of one hand, Lu Kun put away the Demon Emperor's body on the ground, and said solemnly, "This time Lu has found a lot of information, let's go back and discuss."

Then he took these trance-like pseudo-gods and flew in the direction of the Tiangang Great Array.



Half an hour later, on a peak at the edge of the Tiangang Great Array, nine cultivators sat cross-legged.

Lu Kun was sitting on a rock with a little golden monkey lying on his shoulders. Among the other eight people, except for the abbot Zhiyuan, they were all the human race pseudo-gods in this immortal cultivation world.

"Lord Lu, you mean that the demons sent this time include five demon emperors, five demon kings, hundreds of demon generals, hundreds of demon soldiers..." Abbot Zhiyuan said in a difficult tone.

The expressions of other pseudo-gods were extremely ugly, and everyone felt the pressure of suffocation.

In the classics inherited from their sects, it is mentioned that the devil emperor is a terrible existence. He has amazing physical power, and can control the vitality of the devil at the same time. The middle of the gods.

With such a terrifying demon army, if they swarmed up, it would be impossible for them to resist...

Lu Kun looked at the fearful expressions of these people, and snorted coldly: "Under Lu's strong attack, there are only four demon emperors and four demon kings left in the demon clan. What's there to be afraid of?"

When everyone heard this sentence, they came back to their senses. The Devil Emperor is indeed powerful, but they have the monster Lu Pavilion Master. In the battle just now, Lu Pavilion Master not only gained the upper hand in the battle with the three-headed Devil Emperor, but also killed one. , Looking at it this way, the Demon Emperor seems to have nothing to fear.

Abbot Zhiyuan couldn't help asking: "Pavillion Lu, since you can suppress the three-headed devil emperor, then if you face the four-headed devil emperor..."

Lu Kun frowned and said, "It's hard to say, these devil emperors are not only powerful individually, but also proficient in a special battle formation that can fuse each other's force fields with each other."

"It's easy to solve if they appear alone, but the more they are, the stronger the combined strength will be. If the four devil emperors join forces, even if Lu Mou uses three heads and six arms, it may be difficult to suppress them, but it's a tie. should be no problem."

The abbot of Zhiyuan was refreshed and said: "As long as Pavilion Master Lu can contain the four devil emperors, we can use the power of Tiangang Thirty-six Arrays to kill them, and then we will help Pavilion Master Lu deal with the devil emperors."

Venerable Huo Ling said: "Wisdom, don't forget, this grand formation requires thirty-six great monks to sit in, which is most of the late Nascent Soul in the Xiu Xian world."

"According to the information from Pavilion Master Lu's investigation, there are hundreds of demon generals sent this time, and eighteen of them are in the later stage. If they join the big formation, if we deal with the four demon kings, we may not have enough energy to deal with these high-level demons. magician."

At this time, Gu Deming suddenly said:

"These demons may not take the initiative to attack after seeing Pavilion Master Lu's magical powers."

"According to the investigation of Pavilion Master Lu, there is also a kind of divine soul attack in the magic fog that is comparable to the peak of the middle stage of God Transformation. With this barrier, the demons can always hide in the magic fog."

"You must know that they can break through to the Demon King in the Immortal Cultivation Realm. As long as they keep hiding in the magic fog to recuperate, their overall strength will become stronger and stronger."

"More importantly, after five hundred years, the fluctuations in space will stabilize, and there will be more demons that can be sent over. If a few more demon emperors are sent over, the strength of the demon army will be comparable to that of the ancient times. ."

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help nodding their heads. If they were demons, they would not be able to shrink if they found that the human race had a peak interface like Pavilion Master Lu.

Hearing this analysis, Lu Kun frowned.

Abbot Zhiyuan hesitated for a moment and said, "I wonder if Pavilion Master Lu can sneak into the magic fog again and use his supernatural powers to bring the Devil Emperor out..."

Lu Kun shook his head and said: "These demons are extremely cautious. When Lu sneaked in before, he found that their patrols were extremely thorough. Under the sneak attack, they only had time to kill one demon king, and the other party's support arrived."

"Now that they have been killed by me again, a demon emperor must be bound together. The four demon emperors and four demon kings joined forces in the magic fog, and Lu Mou couldn't please him."

Everyone was silent for a while. Before the demons came, they were worried about how to defend against the attacks of the demons and hold the entrance to the Broken Kingdom, but in the current situation, they hoped that the demons would take the initiative to attack.

After a moment of silence, Lu Kun seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly his expression changed, "It's not impossible."

"any solution?"

"What's the best plan for Pavilion Master Lu?"

Lu Kun stood up slowly, looked in the direction of the magic fog, and narrowed his eyes: "It's very simple, just destroy this magic fog formation."

"Destroy the magic fog?"

"how is this possible!"

"This is a powerful formation deployed across borders by demon powerhouses. How to destroy it?"

"Hey, there's..."

These pseudo-gods couldn't think of any way to destroy the magic fog, but when they looked out along Lu Kun's gaze, they couldn't help but be stunned.

I saw that in the vast black magic fog, the fan-shaped passage that was punched out by Lu Kun's three heads and six arms, for some reason, still maintained the appearance of the previous battle, and did not close...

Today, I will make up for what I owe in April. If you have a monthly ticket, you can support it!

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