The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1323 Try (Part 1)

Two days later, a spirit boat shot out from the ban in Tianyuanfang City.

In the front section of the spirit boat, Yue Longfei and Shi Yin'er stood side by side. One of them controlled the spirit boat to fly to Xihai Prefecture, while the other observed the surrounding movement and kept vigilance.

In the room at the back end of the spirit boat, Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian were sitting cross-legged, and Xiao Jin was also sitting between them, and they were communicating with each other.

"So, do you want to use the form of three heads and six arms to fuse the violent will?" Hong Yuntian said.

Lu Kun said slowly: "Yes, when we were fighting the Demon Emperor, the meaning of rage was fused with the help of the two swords of snow soul. Although it has nothing to do with my own blood, it can be fused so smoothly. The three-headed and six-armed form No way."

"If you take out the double swords of the snow soul from the internal organs and activate the three heads and six arms, then Brother Hong, your flesh and blood can directly convey the meaning of the true devil, and portray the devil's flesh and blood on the internal organs, and Xiao Jin can help me guide the madness. meaning."

"In this way, I have enough mind to try to use different bloodline rune structures in the bloodline pool of the visceral dantian to fuse the violent will."

Hearing the words, the little monkey patted his chest and said, "Don't worry, Lu Kun, as long as I transform into five feet and hide my soul, I can make the meaning of resentment manifest and urge the blood vessels to devour magical powers."

"When the time comes, I will control the flesh and blood, and you don't need to use the flesh and blood."

Hong Yuntian frowned and said, "After these two days of research, we are confident that we will use the three heads and six arms again, but under frequent urging, there is a risk of fusion of the physical body and spiritual consciousness. It can't be wasted easily, it's fine if it succeeds, if it fails..."

Lu Kun smiled and said, "We are not fighting. We only need to use the internal organs of the three-headed six-armed supernatural powers. There is no need to integrate your physical power, and without the crystals of the ghosts, there will be no risk."

Hong Yuntian thought for a while, and then suddenly said: "Understood, if we use the method we calculated before, not only will this seat help you to paint lines on various parts of the body, but you must also be distracted to absorb the frenzy."

"With the help of the three-headed and six-armed method, we can directly engrave the bloodline pattern on your internal organs and input the power of will."

Speaking of this, he said a little curiously: "The magical power of this true demon bloodline, in addition to passively increasing strength, is to refine real magical energy. If it is merged with your frantic bloodline, I don't know what special magical powers will be born."

Lu Kun said with some anticipation in his eyes: "Other magical powers are fine. As long as the power can be further increased, I will be satisfied."

"The realm of the Devil Emperor is similar to that of the Dirty Yuan period. Since the Demon Emperor in the middle period has the power of dual elements, it means that the physical cultivation in the middle period of the Dirty Yuan period can also achieve such power."

"If my power exceeds the power of one yuan after my breakthrough, it will be easier to explore the path of cultivation in the Dirty Yuan period."

Having said this, he smiled and said, "Let's think about it, let's discuss how to condense blood lines."

Hong Yuntian pondered: "The task of this seat is simple, you only need to decompose the essence of the devil's flesh and blood, and condense the lines of the real devil's blood on your internal organs, right."

Lu Kun said: "Yes, in addition to the real devil bloodline pattern, I will manifest the power bloodline rune to facilitate Xiaojin's infusion of madness, but we need to determine how these two patterns are intertwined on the internal organs."

Hearing this, Xiao Jin shook his head and said, "That's not easy, just like the double swords of Xue Soul before, half of the visceral ball is on one side."

Lu Kun said: "Let's simulate it first."

Then they started to discuss.



This spirit boat is a fine product refined by Treasure Treasure Pavilion, and it is controlled by a great cultivator. The speed is amazing, and it didn't take long to arrive at Xihai Prefecture.

When Lu Kun tests the blood rune that integrates the will, he must manifest the visceral dantian. His current physical body is in the realm of pseudo-visceral essence, and he will break through if he is not careful. Therefore, he must try it in the field of pseudo-god essence, and his spirit will collide. Below, the breakout can be interrupted at any time.

Xihai Prefecture is the territory of the Five Spirits Temple, and most of the vitality is refined by the will of Venerable Ice and Fire, as long as one finds a demonic vein within this range.

There are many such places in Xihaizhou, and they are basically Buddhist temples. With the token of the abbot of Zhiyuan, Lu Kun and the others came to a small mountain with a height of hundreds of feet under the guidance of a Buddhist monk in the early Nascent Soul.

This place is located in the southeast of Wuling Temple. According to this Buddhist cultivator, when Venerable Fire Spirit broke through to become a deity, he had personally seen the vision of vitality in the sky spread to this mountain.

Lu Kun dug a simple cave house here, and Yue Longfei and Shi Yin'er were protecting the law outside.


"Okay, let's start."

Inside the temporary cave, Lu Kun stood quietly on the ground, the flesh on his chest opened, revealing his ribs and the internal organs below.

The internal organs were wrapped by gray-black and silver-white snow blades. Under its control, these blades moved along the flesh and blood on both sides, and moved to the left and right arms respectively. Then the internal organs were concentrated inward and squeezed into an oval-shaped internal organs. The ball hangs just below the sternum.

Immediately afterwards, a fist-sized pill that seemed to condense some kind of purple-black flesh and blood flew out from a rib space. It was the flesh and blood essence pill refined from the Demon King's corpse.

Hong Yuntian grabbed it in his hand, and a strong blood flowed out of his body. His body melted like a candle and turned into a pool of black liquid. Under the action of invisible force, he stretched out tentacles and climbed in. Lu Kun's chest.

On the other side, Xiaojin's two-foot-tall mini body turned into a ray of light, submerging into the chest cavity that was vacated due to the concentration of internal organs.

Accompanied by the aura of the bloodline, the body of the little monkey gradually swelled, and grew to be five feet tall in Lu Kun's body.

Under the golden hair on its body, a large amount of dark yellow blood gushed out. The blood was like some kind of special mucus, which made the little monkey and Lu Kun's flesh and blood begin to fuse. slow.

"Beastmaster Transformation."

With Lu Kun's low voice, the bone treasure in his body lit up with bursts of silver light, and the magic energy and blood essence in the flesh and blood also rolled, with a special wave of evil greed, filling the little monkey's body.

Xiao Jin seems to have noticed that the flesh and spirit consciousness operates the method of concentrating flesh and blood, and its flesh, bones, and internal organs are separated from the body, which is compatible with Lu Kun's physical acceleration.

At this moment, two different kinds of flesh and blood appeared on the left and right sides of Lu Kun's chest. One was Hong Yuntian's black flesh and blood essence, and the other was Xiaojin's dark golden flesh and blood essence. in the lateral rib space.

The former sucks the water of true demons, and the latter is connected to the stone of oath that contains the meaning of frenzy.

Then Hong Yuntian's liquid flesh and blood began to tremble, and the demon king's flesh and blood essence pill was decomposed by it and used as a material for depicting runes, mixed with the cruelty in the water of true demons, and carved a line on the left side of Lu Kun's visceral ball. Complex blood lines.

At the same time, Lu Kun's bloodline power was also violently tumbling, and the power bloodline rune naturally manifested, occupying the left half of the visceral ball.

The essence of Xiaojin's flesh and blood is covered on it, injecting the meaning of frenzy into these runes.

"Xue'er, protect them."

Lu Kun whispered in his heart, and the dual blades of Xue Soul, which were divided into two sides, received some kind of order and turned back. The magic blade covered Hong Yuntian's flesh and blood, and the spirit blade protected the little monkey's flesh and blood.

"The source collapses, and the dantian manifests."

The terrifying power of one yuan suddenly erupted, forming a violent force, which was restrained in the internal organs by the strong blood essence.

The vitality of the nearby demons quickly manifested, turning into circles of black and white halos, entering Lu Kun's body, blessing on the dual blades of Xue Soul, helping Hong Yuntian and Xiao Jin's flesh and blood to resist the impact.

When Lu Kun sensed this, he breathed a sigh of relief, and then Dacheng's physical consciousness poured into the visceral ball through the spinal nerve.


With the injection of physical consciousness, Lu Kun felt that his nerves were severely hit, and the visceral ball rolled like boiling water...

Except for the two updates made up today, I still owe 15...

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