The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1326 Discovery

Shattered Nation, the core of the Tiangang Great Array, in the attic of a riverside island.

Several pseudo-formed gods formed a circle, with Venerable Fire Spirit and Venerable Ice Spirit sitting in the middle. The two were pale, and their bodies were rolling with fiery and icy coldness. , the strength of their will mixed with the true essence, into the body of these two people.

After about a day, the pale faces of the Five Spiritual Temples turned pale, and the primordial spirit in the body also stabilized.

Venerable Huo Ling stood up slowly, and bowed his hands to the surrounding pseudo-gods: "Thank you a few fellow Daoists for your help, otherwise my junior brother and I would probably spend a lot of time to stabilize our primordial spirit."

Xue Bihua of the Thirteen Kingdoms of Dongyun said strangely: "In your situation, it's as if you have just broken through to a pseudo-god. What happened? Could it be that you have made a mistake in cultivating some kind of meta-mysticism?"

Several others also looked at the two suspiciously.

Venerable Huo Ling's face twitched and he sighed: "If the old man is not wrong, it should be the work of Pavilion Master Lu..."

Everyone was shocked.

"Lord Lu?"

"You and Lu Ge took the initiative?"

"Isn't Pavilion Master Lu practicing three heads and six arms in seclusion?"

On the other hand, Fairy Beihan, after hearing this sentence, remembered what happened in the Arctic Mountains 80 years ago, a thoughtful look flashed in her eyes, but she didn't say much.

Venerable Bing Ling smiled bitterly and said, "Pavillion Lu said that he would use our vitality domain to cultivate supernatural powers, but I didn't expect this kind of supernatural power to almost squeeze my brother and I's will out of the vitality field."

"If Pavilion Master Lu hadn't stopped at the last minute, I'm afraid my senior and my brother's primordial spirits would have been severely damaged in the air."

Hearing this, Gu Deming murmured: "I heard a message from my disciples that there was a vision of vitality in Xihaizhou. I thought that there was a Taoist friend in the Five Spirits Temple attacking the pseudo-transfiguration, but I didn't expect it to be the master of Lu Pavilion."

Cangfeng Taoist thought: "The three heads and six arms of Pavilion Master Lu's ability to capture Yuan, even the Thirty-Six Arrays of Tian Gang can't grab it, and it's not surprising that he can squeeze the will of Yuan Qi field."

He persuaded: "The two of you can be patient for a while. When Pavilion Master Lu has mastered three heads and six arms, he can destroy this magic fog formation."

"I hope so." When Venerable Huo Ling said these words, he suddenly glanced at Mo Qing of Qingyunmen with a strange look.

Seeing this, Mo Qing had an ominous premonition in his heart for some reason, and then he remembered that eighty years ago, Lu Kun made a deal with a few of Da Zhou's transformation gods.

One of them is that he will cultivate some kind of magical power in the vitality field of Da Zhou, and there will be some changes in the vitality of heaven and earth, so they don't make a fuss.

"Could it be that……"

I don't know if it's a coincidence, but just thinking of this, the mocking intent in his body trembled violently, as if his primordial spirit was being hit hard by some terrifying force.

"Damn, this is called only some changes?"

"Friends, help me!"

Everyone also discovered Mo Qing's vibrating primordial spirit, but they responded extremely quickly, surrounding him in the center, and using the same method to help him stabilize his primordial spirit.



Dayuan Prefecture, somewhere deep in the valley within the Qingyunmen sphere of influence.

Lu Kun was immersed in the visceral dantian, feeling the white vitality above the bloodline pool, and found that the mockery inside was much more stable than the ice and fire twins. Although the vitality was also sinking, the speed was very slow.

"This fellow Mo Qing seems to be the power of will that he has comprehended. Not bad, in this case, there will be plenty of time."

He then put his mind on the bloodline pool. The origin of the demon bloodline on the left was mixed with cruelty, and it was close to the edge of the visceral island. The right side was the power bloodline pool.

"Although the rune transformed by the demon is also a hyperboloid structure, its blood source particles are the blood of the gibbons and monkeys. The particles are much thicker than those of the human race. The blood source of the demon race seems to be directly embedded in the particles."

Lu Kun recalled the previous rune structure. A power rune water drop gushed out from the bloodline pool, followed by many bone spur-like demon bloodline source particles, like tiny flying needles, flying under its control. come over.

The supernatural power fluctuations of the hyperboloid runes seem to have no effect on these bone spur particles, directly allowing these tiny flying needles to enter the rune structure.

Within the surface of the power rune, the human bloodline origin particles are shaped like muscle fibers, and the meaning of madness is like fascia. Those bone spur particles are naturally inserted into the muscle fibers.

Seeing this, Lu Kun's mind moved, and a mass of cruelty rushed over, trying to glue it to these long needles.

A vibration of "Om" flashed, and the cruelty did not attach to it. Instead, it injected some kind of power into the bone spur needle, which caused the entire hyperboloid rune to rotate, exuding faint strange fluctuations.

"It seems to be somewhat similar to the way the Magic Ape Transformation works."

"I have long since abandoned this kind of active magical power. Passive enhancement of strength is the key. Find a way to incorporate brutality into it."

Lu Kun pondered for a while, and a lot of human bloodline origin particles poured out of the bloodline pool. These tiny muscle fibers flew to the long bone spurs and entangled the other end.

At this time, the origin of the bloodline of the demon race in the shape of a bone spur, one end was inserted into the hyperboloid rune, and the other end was wrapped by the origin of the human race bloodline.

"The two ends of the bloodline rune of the real devil condensed before, and the two ends of the bone spur particles are wrapped by the origin of the bloodline of the human race, so that the cruelty can be successfully connected."

Then, Lu Kun mobilized the cruelty of the demons. This will fell smoothly on the other end of the bone spur, and then a special suction appeared, and the upper and lower arcs of the hyperboloid rune began to move closer to the middle.

"Boom" sounded loudly.

The hyperboloid rune is closed by the bone spur particles and the meaning of brutality, and it turns into a double elliptical structure. In each ellipse, there are bone spurs inserted horizontally. Intentional black light.

"Hey, the structure is very stable, is this a success? But this double-ellipse structure looks a little familiar."

Lu Kun was stunned for a moment, but then sighed in his heart.

"What is the use of structural stability, the meaning of frenzy is on the edge of the ellipse, and the meaning of brutality is in the bone spur in the middle. There is no way for the two to merge."

"And this structure has no magical power fluctuations. Except for the stability of the structure, it seems to be useless..."

This thought flashed through his mind, and the human bloodline essence in the double elliptical rune structure was broken, and re-turned into a hyperboloid structure with bone spurs.

"Just now, the stable structure was the main priority, and now the combination of the two wills is given priority."

Since there was plenty of time, Lu Kunjing thought about it.

"First of all, the two wills must have a joint. The bone spur particles should not be inserted into the muscle fiber particles, and should be in contact with the will of frenzy."

Thinking of this, in the hyperboloid rune, the bone spurs began to move, sliding from the muscle fibers to the nodes of madness, but the two seemed to have nothing in common, they couldn't be glued, and they were very loose.

Lu Kun thought about it, and at this part of the bone spur, a muscle fiber was wrapped around it, covered with the origin of human blood, and the bone spur smoothly merged into the meaning of madness.

"Then, just like before, add cruelty to the other end of the bone spur."

The brutality on the surface of the visceral island gushed out and wrapped around the other end of the bone spurs. Next, the same scene as before appeared. The hyperboloid structure began to be absorbed by the brutality, and the bone spurs on the two curved surfaces attracted each other and closed into a double ellipse. structure.

What was different this time was that there was only one Demon Bloodline Origin Particle between the Intent of Madness and the Intent of Cruelty, but even so, there was no sign of the two wills being combined in the slightest.

Lu Kun tried to control it with his mind, but the bone spur in the middle seemed to be a huge resistance, and the two wills did not mean to move at all.

"The fusion of the two wills has only been realized on the Xuesoul Double Sabre. The Spirit Sabre and the Magic Saber are made from the fusion of my blood essence and the essence of the magic bone. If the Xuesoul Double Sabre is a macro perspective, then in the bloodline pool. The bloodline rune structure is the microscopic angle."

"Then that inner gut rune..."

As he pondered, the bone spurs inside the double oval trembled slightly, and the muscle fibers that had wrapped around both ends began to stretch.

Gradually, bone spurs and muscle fibers intertwined, and the latter was like a small long line, forming a strange pattern on the backbone of the bone spur. If this pattern is enlarged, it seems to be somewhat similar to the inner liner pattern of the Snow Soul Shuangdao.

The two wills became eager to move under the urging of Lu Kun. They merged inwards little by little along the lines on the bone spurs, one yellow and one black.

At this time, the rune structure of the double oval trembled violently, and strange fluctuations permeated it, like some kind of special magical fluctuation.


A slight cracking sound came out. The double-ellipse structure suddenly broke from the middle and turned into two rings. The center point of the rings was a black meaning of brutality. , shining golden light.

Lu Kun was stunned to perceive this scene, but then, the two rings seemed to be unable to withstand the fluctuation of the magical power, and shattered.

"Failed again..."

Lu Kun stabilized his mind and continued to analyze.

"The first double elliptical structure is very stable, but the two wills cannot be intertwined, and there is no fluctuation of blood supernatural powers."

"The second time, the two wills can be forcibly compatible, but the fluctuations generated after the fusion cause the power rune to split into two ring structures."

"One focuses on structure and the other focuses on the fusion of will. If there is a way to combine the advantages of the two, will it be successful?"

Lu Kun kept thinking about two different structures in his mind. For some reason, he always felt that the rune structure of the two experiments seemed to have been seen somewhere.

"Strange, hyperboloids, double ellipses, rings, and bars inside. If I have seen this strange structure, I will definitely not forget it."

"Or, didn't you see it in the Xiuxian world?"

At this moment, Lu Kun seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly began to murmur in his heart.

"Hyperbolic surfaces, double ellipses with horizontal strips inside, rings with built-in radius strips, these rune structures, if they are transformed into three-dimensional models, this is not..."

"The double helix..."

"The double helix structure of DNA!!!"

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