The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1329 Bloodline reorganization, life transformation (2)

"What kind of magical power fluctuation is this, why is it so terrifying!"

Lu Kun sensed the fluctuation in horror, then calmed down and focused on the double helix rune.

He found that this one was bearing a steady stream of terrifying impact. Although it didn't fall apart like the previous runes, it seemed that it couldn't last for long judging from the degree of shock.

"When the power rune was born, the magical power fluctuations were obviously very gentle, how can the fusion of blood power magical powers be so violent!"

"The double-helix rune can survive for a while, and a solution must be found."

"Hey, the two wills are not completely integrated!"

Lu Kun soon noticed that in the inner liner of the bone spurs in the middle of the double helical structure, only half of the purple-black brutal will group and the yellow will group were fused into gold, and the remaining half was still separated.

"Need external help to integrate?"

Lu Kun's mind quickly rushed towards the double helix rune, but in the face of the terrifying supernatural power fluctuations and the aura of violent will, his mind seemed to have hit a hurricane and was bounced back directly.

"Damn, the violent will is so terrible, the mind can't get close at all."

"No, these two wills seem to be melting into each other!"

Although his mind was blasted out of the double helix chain, he also noticed a phenomenon. In this state, the meaning of brutality and the meaning of frenzy were mutually annihilated, as if the energy they had disappeared had produced this terrifying soul fluctuation. .

Lu Kun seemed to understand something, and quickly sensed outside the bloodline pool, and found that the terrifying bloodline supernatural power fluctuations easily rushed out of the visceral island and entered the silver sea of ​​blood essence, rippling with huge waves.

"Such drastic fluctuations continue to consume two kinds of will energy, which must be the active magical power of blood."

"Active magical power, what do I want to do with active magical power, what I want is passive magical power!"

"It's obvious that they've already merged, but why do the two wills consume each other? When I used the Snow Soul Dual Blades, weren't they successfully fused? Why are they still in a semi-fused state?"

"Wait, Snow Soul Dual Blades! Semi-fused state!"

"I understand, it's the power of life, and the bone spurs lack the power of life!"

As Lu Kun's thoughts surged, the surrounding silver sea of ​​blood essence rolled more violently, and those huge waves collided with each other with incomparably thick blood energy.

With the impact of the blood essence waves, countless milky white auras appeared over the ocean. These auras seemed to contain some kind of special life breath. Under the control of Lu Kun's mind, they rushed towards the bloodline pool in the middle.

Every aura of light accurately landed on every oscillating bone spur liner.

They are like some kind of calming pills, and the terrifying fluctuations of bloodline magical powers are calmed down, and the original two semi-integrated will lights are also quickly blended under the catalysis of this life breath.

The blood rune of the double helix structure quickly stabilized, and the bone spurs inside shone with more and more intense golden light, and this light quickly spread to the entire blood pool.

At this moment, Lu Kun only felt that the golden light had endless suction, and his three-in-one consciousness disintegrated in an instant. Was sucked into the blood rune of the double helix.

Immediately afterwards, a peculiar wave gushed out from this golden bloodline pool, crossed the five visceral islands, and entered the sea of ​​essence and blood in all directions.

The original silver blood essence was directly dyed into gold under the action of this wave, and the entire visceral dantian shone under the dazzling golden light.


Hong Yuntian and Xiao Jin's souls felt a whirlwind, and they returned to their respective flesh and blood, and then they heard a roar full of violent breath in their ears.

An unmatched force poured out from the visceral ball in the middle, and the flesh and blood of one of them and one monkey seemed to hit a meteorite and was blasted away.



Their vaguely fleshy bodies escaped Lu Kun's body at an astonishing speed, and with the sound of air popping, they slammed into the ice rock peak a hundred feet away.

Hong Yuntian directly turned into a pool of flat liquid, slumped on the ice rock, Xiao Jin on the other side, and the big bone treasure in his body, there were even slight cracks, and the snow-soul double-knife blades on their bodies were also dimmed at this time. Unstoppable, as if he had been hit hard.

Before the man and the monkey had time to check his injuries, the ground under his feet began to tremble.

The surrounding huge peaks were shaken by this force, and countless snowballs and ice cubes rolled down from the top of the mountain, making a loud rumbling sound, as if the sky was falling apart.

They couldn't help but look up and saw that the entire sky was covered with a rich white halo. Countless heaven and earth vitality gathered here from all directions, and in the abyss ahead, countless deep halo of magic vitality also rushed out. .

Ling Yuan Qi and Demon Yuan Qi, one white and the other black, two kinds of vitality with terrifying coercion, converged towards Lu Kun, the latter's body was like a bottomless pit, continuously absorbing two very different vitality.

After a while, its burly body gradually floated up, and an invisible force poured out from its surface, and the air was twisted wherever it passed, and the few space cracks it hit were even directly twisted into nothingness.

The air waves squeezed by the force field hit the bodies of Hong Yuntian and Xiao Jin, and under the violent impact, cracks appeared in the ice rock behind them.

Fortunately, the force field stagnated when it spread to 60 feet, and then rolled back, bringing back a large amount of demon spirit energy.

Under the action of this strange force field, the black and white vitality quickly merged into a pale golden halo, which enveloped Lu Kun, forming a twisted golden ball of light with a radius of ten feet.

Looking at this scene, Hong Yuntian's arrogant face couldn't help but become excited: "The power that blasted us out before, I am afraid it has reached the dual level, plus the passive force field of this zhang, the power of the void of 60 zhang. , Lu Kun, he succeeded!"

On the other hand, Xiao Jin was also surprised. Under the induction of his six-eared macaque, he could clearly hear the changes in Lu Kun's body.

Time passed by like this, and the surrounding demon spirit energy was continuously injected into Lu Kun's body. The powerful vitality wave rolled in all directions, but there were dense spatial cracks around the Arctic Mountain, and these fluctuations did not spread. too far.


Several days passed, Hong Yuntian and Xiao Jin had regained their ability to move. They stood hundreds of feet away and watched the spectacular scene of Lu Kun absorbing the vitality of heaven and earth.

Compared with a few days ago, the aura of the Arctic Mountain at this time is much thinner in the sky. The surrounding abyss can even see the black rocks and space cracks at the bottom through the sparse magical energy.


At this moment, a violent blood pressure rose from Lu Kun's body, and Hong Yuntian and Xiao Jin trembled slightly subconsciously. This terrifying pressure made them have the urge to worship. , the blood of the real devil and the blood of the six-eared macaque in his body also rolled out of control.

The demon spirit energy that had gradually dissipated, after this bloodline fluctuation appeared, shot towards Lu Kun in mid-air at a faster speed.

They did not enter his body, but rushed towards his back, blending into a golden halo of vitality, which became solidified under some kind of distorted force field.

An illusion with a height of 10 feet manifested. This illusion became clearer and clearer. His face and limbs gradually appeared, and he became the appearance of a human race man. His appearance and body were exactly the same as Lu Kun...

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