The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1337 Broken Battle (1)

In the depths of the magic fog, the small valley near the space channel has disappeared, replaced by a huge city that stretches for more than ten miles.

This city is divided into two layers, the inner and outer layers. The outer layer is wrapped by a black stone wall, which seems to be built directly from the ground rocks. It is engraved with a series of special rune words, and flashes of magic light.

When the nearby magic fog approaches, it will surge upwards, forming a semi-circular magic fog shield over the city, filled with purple-black energy, exuding a sleepy mysterious power.

The inner layer of the city is a formation with a diameter of about 100 feet in diameter. There are about 20 purple-black stone houses in it. These stone houses are located in the nodes of the formation, and they are surrounded by strong magic energy.

In the center of the formation, near the space passage, an altar was built that climbed up the stairs. Eight demons stood on it in two circles, forming a double-circle formation staggered inside and out.

The four Demon Emperors stood in the inner circle, and behind them was a Demon Lord in the outer circle. A twisting force field surged between them, and deep purple lightning rays rolled inside, as if they were cultivating some kind of joint secret technique.

Suddenly, a stone house not far away trembled, and there was a strong sense of brutality. The nearby demon energy seemed to be attracted, turning into black halos and gathering towards it.

The high-level demons on the altar sensed this scene and looked over.

"Blood Wind successfully broke through?"

"Among the nine late-stage peak demon kings, two have successfully made breakthroughs. If there are two more, we will be able to gather eight demon kings, and then we won't have to fear the three-headed and six-armed monster."

During the few demons talking, the surrounding demon energy became more and more turbulent, and countless black halos poured out from the demonic fog outside the city and gathered crazily here.

Even the sound of gusts of wind and thunder could be heard in the air, which sounded like the sound of excessively turbulent demonic energy, and the surrounding demonic fog was even more churning.

"This movement is a bit loud."

"Strange, it's obviously an ordinary Demon King breakthrough, how come the fog of nightmare has been stirred up."

Suspiciousness flashed in the eyes of several devil emperors, and they looked at the purple-black magic fog that was rolling outside the city.

Just when they felt strange, the space passage behind them lit up with bursts of blue light, and the countless space cracks in the distant magic fog also shone brightly, like the stars in the sky kept flashing.

After a while, the thick magic fog covering the city dimmed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and the sleepy aura above it declined rapidly.

"No, this is a sign of the Nightmare Mist's failure."

"How is it possible, count the time, it's only been a few days in the Demon World, and it's impossible for Lord Demon Lord to remove the Mirage Dream Disk."

Just when the several demon emperors were shocked, the ground under their feet began to tremble, and the demonic fog was violently churning like huge waves in the sea.

The initial sound of wind and thunder in the air has now turned into a continuous roar, as if some kind of violent air wave rushed into the magic fog.

"In the end what happened!"

The eight high-level demons didn't care about the demon king who was breaking through. The totem pattern between the eyebrows lit up with bursts of light, and their divine senses poked outwards.

Because the Great Nightmare Formation was rapidly fading away, its power was greatly reduced, and its consciousness had been probed a hundred miles away. When they saw the scene in the magic fog, they were all stunned.

I saw that at the core of the violently tumbling magic fog, there was a golden whirlwind with a full length of hundreds of feet, impacting in the magic fog. The space was constantly distorted, and a space crack was torn open.

Wherever it passed, whether it was the space crack in the magic fog or the space torn by this golden whirlwind, it was smoothed out by the twisting force field it radiated.

And it also has some kind of terrible suction, followed by a white halo, and the spiritual energy is like a huge wave, rushing into the magic fog.

When these Demon Emperors and Demon Kings were about to use their divine senses to probe this golden whirlwind, they immediately felt an extremely violent will impact, as if they had hit a solid wall of will.

"Ferocious Will! Golden vitality, it's that monster!"

"This guy is using the power and force field characteristics of the interface limit to smooth the cracks in space."

"More than 30% of the space cracks collapsed, and the nightmare formation completely dissipated."

"He found us."

"We must stop him, come on, use the double-star battle formation we practiced!"

In the surging consciousness, the eight demon powerhouses maintained a double-circle formation, and the force field rolled around, arousing the rich demon energy around them, forming an oval purple-black escape light, lasing into the distance. go.

As the distance between the two sides approached, the golden whirlwind gradually became clear in the eyes of several Demon Emperors shining with purple light.

In the middle of the whirlwind, a burly humanoid creature was spinning at a high speed. Within a range of ten feet outside, it was enveloped in pure golden vitality, and both palms were holding a golden light sword.

The two knives are like top-level magic weapons, with solid long-range force fields extending from both ends, fused with the vitality of the magic spirit, forming two sixty-foot-long golden vitality swords.

Under the astonishing spin speed of the humanoid creature, the two large knives spun one after the other, hitting the space cracks in the magic fog with the largest attack range.

The spinning humanoid seemed to have spotted the galloping demons, and the two spiral knives reversed. The original state of a 120-meter frontal spiral impact now turned into a sideways advance.

The terrifying golden broadsword that kept staggering, every time it slashed, it created bursts of space ripples, and the power of the blue space swayed, like a destroying knife wheel, cutting towards them.

"Double-star battle formation, fuse the magic weapon, attack its side!" Seeing this, the leading Demon Emperor Luo Yue said with a very solemn expression.

The formation of several demons changed rapidly, the double circle became one up and one down, four demon emperors stood on the shoulders of a demon king, and the force fields of the two sides were intertwined with each other, and the passive force field of each combination increased to nine feet.

Immediately afterwards, a magic weapon appeared in the hands of each devil emperor. Different from the various weapons before, this time there were four identical warhammers.

They lifted it above their heads at the same time, and four hammer shadows of vitality emerged. They moved towards the center of the circle under the interweaving of rich dark purple lightning energy, and they merged together in an instant, becoming a full thirty A long, giant light hammer surrounded by purple lightning.

Afterwards, the raised hands of the four Demon Emperors spun around their heads, aimed at the two spiral knives that had been cut, and hammered them away from the side.

The golden double-knife helix seemed to react extremely fast. The vertical rotating helix knife light was tilted ninety degrees and collided with the solid warhammer.


A dazzling black and gold halo bloomed, and the nearby space was like a spider web, with dense blue cracks appearing, which were constantly smoothed and shattered in the distorted force field.

The golden broadsword seemed to carry a powerful force and inertia, and opened a gap on the warhammer, followed by the bombardment of the second golden sword, which enlarged the gap.

The muscles of the four Demon Emperors and the four Demon Kings were trembling all over their bodies, especially the four Demon Emperors, holding the warhammer with both hands, the deep purple energy in their bodies tumbling.

There seems to be some kind of energy support inside the thirty-zhang Yuanqi warhammer, and the gap quickly solidifies. With its strong restoring force, it resists the spiral cutting of the golden double knives.

The purple-black hammer shadow became more and more dazzling, but the golden sword light became more and more dim. After several rounds of rotation, the two sixty-meter golden sword lights were completely shattered.

The burly man holding two knives seemed a little surprised when he saw this scene, but before he could do anything, the purple-black hammer shadow suddenly exploded, and the twisted force field was mixed with dark purple lightning, as if teleporting. Its burly flesh is wrapped.

Immediately afterwards, the eight high-level demons had come around the burly man, and their positions had changed to the original inner and outer circles. A twisted circular cage with a radius that wraps the burly man inside.

This force field cage seems to isolate the vitality of the devil, and the golden light on the burly man's body disappears, leaving only the passive force field, which resists the contraction of this cage, and no one has an advantage.

"Successful, the double-star battle array combined Yuanshen and Demon Yuanneng to simulate the space seal, and he couldn't absorb Yuanqi."

"Why does this guy have the power of a mid-term Devil Emperor in this form? He only has a violent will in his body, and the meaning of indomitability and resentment are gone."

"What about the three heads and six arms?"

These demons exchanged a few words with each other, and suddenly found that the burly man was gushing out the blood of the sky, golden light emerged from under the skin, and the passive field radiated golden luster.

"No, this guy still has vitality energy in his body!"

The expressions of the four Demon Emperors changed, and they quickly stabilized the force field. Under the tumbling golden force field of the burly man, although the circular cage did not collapse, it rolled in the air.

"You can still trap him!"

"Pull back the altar and suppress it with the power of the magic circle."

"it is good!"

"Wait, there is movement in the distance!"

"what is that?"

At this moment, the eight demons suddenly looked to the east, and saw dozens of huge battleships appearing on the edge of the sparse magic fog, rolling colorful forbidden light curtains between each other. On the top, there are many figures of human races.

These warships form a special formation, with six terrifying auras bred in them.

"Human race cultivators? How could they suddenly attack."

"This guy looks like a human race, is it a human race monk?"

"This seems to be the thirty-sixth formation of the human race. Although the aura is much worse than that of more than 700 years ago, there are at least six kinds of power in the initial stage of God Transformation."

"This monster destroyed the magic fog and entangled us, and the remaining clansmen couldn't stop this human race."

Several demon emperors felt troubled immediately. They thought that the three-headed and six-armed monster was a creature from the spiritual realm who had entered this world by mistake, but looking at the situation, even if the guy was not a human race, he might have formed an alliance with him.

Demon Emperor Luo Yue looked at the burly man who was fighting against them, and said solemnly: "For today's plan, only our four Demon Emperors can hold back this monster, and you organize people to break the Heavenly Gang formation of the human race."

One of the demon kings couldn't help but said, "Lord Luoyue, without our words..."

"You take out a quarter of your primordial spirit! Although your strength has dropped slightly, with the addition of the two new demon kings, Blood Wind and Weeping Stone, it is enough to deal with the human race."

"Yes, my lord."

Hearing the words, the four demon kings condensed a fist-sized purple-black light ball in their hands, hitting the chests of the four demon emperors, and then flew towards the demon city below.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the burly man's golden force field suddenly rose, propping up the surrounding circular cage by a foot or two. Although he was still unable to break free, the huge force led the cage to turn left and right. Turn, roll towards the distant sky...

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