The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1339 The Broken Battle (3)

At the same time as the six vitality clouds were rolling, six accompanying spells appeared in the area of ​​the battle boat magic circle below them.

Under the fiery red vitality clouds, there are huge flaming garlands, and the bottom is surrounded by six warships, which are superimposed layer by layer and linked with the vitality clouds in mid-air.

Below each of the other vitality clouds, there are similar spells, including ice crystal-colored snowflakes, cyan whirlwinds, lavender lightning, yellowish sand and dust, and golden mists.

They cover the six formation nodes, and at the same time exude unique fluctuations, absorbing the surrounding heaven and earth vitality.


A crisp bird chirping suddenly resounded between heaven and earth, and a fiery bird whose entire body was composed of a fiery red halo rushed out from a cloud of vitality.

Every feather on its body is clearly visible, and it seems that there are delicate runes circulating inside, and the strong force of vitality is diffused, and at an amazing speed, it shoots towards the demon army in the distance. go.

"Hmph, with the help of the power of the magic circle, it is barely able to have the supernatural powers in the early stage of God Transformation, and the human race here is even weaker."

The blood barbarian demon king flew in front of the demon army. When he saw the giant flaming bird flying out of the magic circle, he couldn't help snorting coldly. Solid axe blade.

Its tall body leaped up, stepping on the twisted air under his feet, and an axe slashed at the flame giant bird.


The brilliance of fire vitality and demon vitality echoed each other, and the flame giant bird was split by the magic axe mixed with huge power, turning into a little bit of aura and dissipating.

With the appearance of the firebird, several other clouds poured out one by one powerful and terrifying spells.

From the earth-attribute vitality cloud, a giant square seal like a hill flew out. It not only contained the heavy aura of earth-attribute vitality, but also contained a terrifyingly heavy force.

In the ice attribute cloud is an ice phoenix similar to the previous firebird, fanning the ice crystal wings that look like spikes.

The golden cloud shot out a weapon that looked like a golden halberd, with sharp short blades on both sides, and a sharp sword tip in the front section, with a strong sharpness.

The last two vitality clouds are a thunder hammer formed by the fusion of electric light and a giant wind blade like a meniscus long knife.

In the face of these powerful vitality spells, the six demon kings who had already flown out of the formation raised their magic weapons one after another, and attacked them with their powerful magic energy and powerful force field supernatural powers.

Except for the demon king who made a new breakthrough, who staggered and smashed the wind blade of vitality, the other demon kings looked quite relaxed.

But then, their expressions became solemn.

I saw that in the cloud of vitality of the formation in the distance, powerful spells emerged one after another. When the first wave came to the Demon Race, the second wave was already on the way, and even the third wave was about to emerge. The gaps are normal, one by one, they continue to rush towards the demon army.

Several demon kings originally planned to attack the battle boat on the ground, but they didn't expect the speed of these vitality spells to be so amazing, but if they didn't block them, the demon generals behind them couldn't stop such a terrifying attack at all.

"I want to consume our magic energy through long-distance spells, hum, it's just seven pseudo-gods, even if there is an array to help, the fighting power of human race gods is too weak."

"We killed a few of them, and other demons will try to destroy the formation nodes below."

After the blood barbarian demon king finished speaking, he took the other five demon emperors and flew in the direction of the five clouds of vitality.

Although a group of pseudo-gods can use the power of the formation to continuously cast vitality spells, they are also unable to leave the core position of the formation because of the formation.

When Venerable Fire Spirit and others looked at the demon king who was getting closer and closer, they were not surprised. The advantage of the demon king was in melee combat, and the opponent would naturally not attack from a distance.

"As planned, trap the Demon King!"

"it is good!"

Following the sound transmission of Venerable Fire Spirit, the true essence of these pseudo-gods surged in their bodies, holding a magic plate in one hand and a magic trick in the other, staring intently at the galloping Demon King.

"Wait until they fly to the height of the vitality cloud."

"A little bit."

"Watch out for them speeding up"

"It's now!"

Seeing the six demon kings enter the sky, the magic spells in the hands of these pseudo-transformation gods loosened, and the surrounding vitality clouds suddenly trembled violently.

The clouds representing the three attributes of wind, thunder, and ice quickly sank, and a rich three-color halo stirred, and in the blink of an eye, an incomparably vast cloud of ice and thunder was formed under the feet of everyone.

At the same time, the other three vitality clouds flashed overhead, mixing into the same vast red and yellow clouds.

One up and down, two layers of thick vitality clouds intertwined and merged at the edge, like a closed elliptical sphere that stretched for dozens of miles, trapping these pseudo-gods and six demon kings inside.

The eight immortal cultivators in the middle were surrounded by a thick layer of six-color light shields. They looked at the demon king who was a little dazed, their hands kept moving, and magic weapons that exuded amazing aura shot out, attacking those demon kings. .

More than 80 years ago, Venerable Huo Ling and the others fought in the magic fog, and they were extremely passive. Now, with the help of the Thirty-six Formations of Heavenly Gang, the Demon King has been pulled into this cloud full of spiritual energy. , the surrounding vitality cloud still pours out a terrible spell from time to time.

"Boom boom boom..."

With bursts of roars and terrifying fluctuations, the eight powerful people and the six demon kings fought fiercely within the restriction of the Tiangang Magic Array.



As the Demon King was trapped by the prohibition of the Thirty-Six Arrays of Tiangang, the immortal cultivators in the battle boat below were all excited, but then they discovered that the Tiangang formation seemed to have changed a bit.

The ellipse-shaped vitality cloud in the sky divided the formation into two layers, the upper and lower layers, and the vitality of heaven and earth with a radius of hundreds of miles converged directly to the upper layer of the formation.

In the upper layer of the suppression of the majestic spiritual vitality, the magic fog and magic energy in this area were squeezed down and sank to the ground, with a thickness of ten feet, almost reaching the deck of the Tiangang battle boat.

At this moment, the lower layer of the Tiangang Magic Array is like a sea of ​​magic fog. Thirty-six warships are divided into six groups of positions, floating on the sea, and there are six magic protection columns. These magic prohibition columns are isolated from the magic fog. At the same time, it also supports the vitality clouds in the air.

When the immortal cultivators used their spiritual sense to probe the magic fog, their expressions changed. The remaining magic fog had no effect on the monks of the god-turning stage, but as soon as the spiritual senses of the monks of the Nascent Soul stage entered it, they felt dizzy. The feeling of sleep.

They looked further into the distance, and the sixteen teams of demon monks had disappeared, apparently entering the demon fog.

"Be careful, the demons will definitely concentrate their strength to attack a position."

"Increase the defense ban and support each other at any time."

"You can't leave the battle boat easily, be careful of the demons sneaking up from the magic fog!"

The cultivators of the Yuan Ying period communicated through specially-made sound transmissions, and they mentioned mana one by one. Many people even took out the magic weapon and were ready to fight at any time.

Time passed little by little, and the demonic mist below slowly drifted. It was impossible to see where the demonic troops were or which warship they planned to attack. Immortal cultivators could only wait for the opportunity.

Suddenly, the magic fog near the ice-attribute position suddenly tumbled, and more than 100 deep purple rays of light shone inside.


"They're going to attack!"

"Quick support!"

Although there were only nine Nascent Soul monks on this warship, the five warships around it immediately supported it, and dozens of magical treasures were immediately shot from a distance under the control of the Nascent Soul monks.

At the same time, the ice crystal snowflakes in the sky turned into a icy mist and rushed towards this magic mist.

"Whoosh whoosh..."

There were bursts of breaking sounds in the air, and the expected demon general did not appear, but more than a hundred black magic arrows instead.

The colorful magic weapons in the sky, mixed with the brilliance of various spells, collided with these magic arrows.

"Boom boom boom..."

A violent explosion sounded, and when those arrows hit the magic weapon or spell, they exploded directly, and countless destructive breaths rose into the sky.

The complexion of many immortal cultivators changed slightly, and they felt that their magic weapon was greatly impacted, and the weak magic weapon even suffered some spiritual damage.

Fortunately, in the past few decades, because of the emergence of physical cultivation, the Xiuxian world has transformed the control method of magic weapons. When magic weapons are hit hard, they are basically not involved and are not injured.

At this time, the magic fog below rippled in the violent spell shock wave, revealing the scene inside.

The sixteen teams of demons have already split their formations. The demons will stand at the front in the later stage, and the rest will be located on the two wings, lurking on both sides of the battle boat. If there are immortal cultivators flying over to support them, I am afraid they will be attacked.

And those magic soldiers are all standing behind the later magic generals, each group of three magic soldiers, forming a strange circular formation.

Each group of demon soldiers jointly held a giant crossbow, one stuck the crossbow body, the other two pulled the crossbow string, and placed a crystal clear black long arrow on it.

While using the power of the flesh, these magic soldiers injected magic power into the giant crossbow, and the mysterious magic patterns in these long arrows lit up.

As these magic soldiers released their palms, they launched a second round of powerful magic arrows.

There was almost no interval between the attacks of the demons, and the immortal cultivators only intercepted part of it, and the rest bombarded the defensive aura outside the battleship, making it dim a lot.

The more than 100 lurking demon generals, seeing that they could not attack the immortal cultivator, waved their giant weapons and rushed out of the demonic fog to surround the warship, as if to blast its defenses in one fell swoop...

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