The Ancestor of Body Repair

#1343 broken battle (seven)


More and more dull vibrations came from the ground, Pan Yan's huge body was slamming around, while dodging the late-stage demon general who was chasing, while retracting the giant war crossbow on the ground into the rib space.

Such a move frightened the other demon soldiers to hurriedly put away the crossbow, and they did not set up any crossbow array, but took advantage of the arrival of the later demon generals to disperse around.

Through the observation of this time, the surrounding demons found that although this gravitational field is strange, its range is limited, and it can reach a range of 20 meters at most. Can be rearranged.


With a loud noise, two giant round-headed hammers with a black halo bombarded the muscle pimple on Pan Yan's shoulder. staggering.

The late-stage demon general who was chasing after him took the opportunity to rush in, with a black halo surging on his body. He had tried several times and found that as long as there was demonic energy attached to it, the influence of this gravity field would be reduced by more than half. .

The weight gain of tens of thousands of kilograms is nothing to the strength of the demon general's physical body of millions of kilograms in the later stage. If this gravity field reduces his weight, it will make his body more agile.

This demon stepped on the ground and caught the two round-headed giant hammers that had been bounced back with both hands. The muscles under the scales bulged one by one, exuding a fierce aura.

Holding the magic treasure to attack, in the later stage, the magic general can simultaneously exert millions of pounds of physical strength and strong magic power. Coupled with the powerful destructive power of magic power, the combat power is even more terrifying than ordinary tenth-level monsters.

Pan Yan saw that the gravitational field could not affect this high-level demon, and his expression remained unchanged. The magic energy in his body surged, and the radiating 20-meter gravitational field suddenly disappeared. The huge body full of muscle pimples also rushed towards the opponent. .

However, on its thick palm, a pair of dark yellow gloves appeared at some point. It seemed to be made of a special bone material. The fingertips of the gloves were like a few sharp bone spurs, and there were vortex-like gloves on them. Twisted the air, exuding an incomparably sharp power.

"It's the breath of the Demon King's field again, what kind of creature is this!"

"What is this guy doing..."

Then the late-stage magic general's expression changed. He found that the opponent did not make any defensive moves. He seemed to want to use his fleshly body to resist his pair of magic hammers in exchange for injuries.

After hesitating for a while, the pair of magic hammers turned from attack to defense, defending the opponent's bone claw weapon.


With a crisp sound, the bone claw gloves and the magic hammer collided.

At this moment, this late-stage demon general felt a strange wave coming from the claws of his hands. It was the same gravitational field as before, but this force field only diverged a few feet.

His arms and half of his torso were affected. Although he was protected by demonic energy, the weight of this part of his body was still reduced by half, and it seemed to be more powerful.

The weight of the arm muscles, shoulders and arms, as well as the muscles of the waist and abdomen suddenly changed, causing the demon to stagnate in the transmission of the core strength of the body.

The next moment, the other party's incomparably strong body collided with his demon body.


Like hitting a high-speed hill, Venus shot straight out of the eyes of this late-stage demon general, and the purple-black demon body was easily knocked out.

At this moment, a golden figure shot out from the magic fog on the side. It was a golden monkey. At the moment when it flew out, the surrounding magic energy rolled around and gathered behind it, forming a black magic ape. phantom.


A sky-shattering roar roared out of the little monkey's mouth, and the magic ape phantom behind him turned into a circle of light black halos, mixed in the sound waves, and the hundreds of magic soldiers and the three scattered toward the ground. Ten demon generals rushed away.

This roaring through the sky was more than twice as fast as before, and the surrounding demons didn't have time to get together to resist, and they were hit by this terrifying sound wave.

Those demon generals seemed to have been cast immobilization spells and stood on the ground, while the rest of the hundreds of demon soldiers, except for those who were standing in the same place and near the middle of the sound waves, had black blood overflowing from their scales, and their bodies seemed to suffer. hit hard.

With this roar, the body of the golden monkey expanded rapidly, instantly turning into a black magic ape like the previous illusion, a huge body two feet tall, arms like Optimus Prime, the only difference is the sides of its head. , with four golden ears.

On the palms larger than the grinding disc, several layers of silver palm shadow force fields were twisted, and with a wave of shocking force, they slapped the head and abdomen of the late-stage demon general in midair.

One after another dull blasting sounds came, and the late-stage demon general who was trying to struggle stopped moving and fell to the ground with a plop.

Immediately afterwards, the two-foot-tall black demon ape, together with Pan Yan, rushed into the group of thirty demon generals affected by Tongtian Roar, and the terrifying air waves and the fluctuation of the gravity field rolled again... …



"It's that Armored Demon Ape again!"

"It appeared, what about the five clansmen?"

"The Demon King's Force Field, the Demon King's Force Field again!"

"What race are these monsters!"

The ten late-stage demon generals in the sky saw the changes in the electric light and flint, and their eyes showed a bit of fear of the unknown. When they were hesitating whether to go to the rescue, two terrifying vitality pressures rose into the sky from a distance.

Liu Jinyuan and Yue Longfei, after discovering that the demons on the ground were suppressed by the Body Refinement Pavilion, seemed to have a tacit understanding, and without hesitation, they urged the imitation spirit treasures to try to entangle these ten late-stage demon generals.

In the face of two pseudo-god-level attacks, these high-level demon generals had solemn expressions and had to stand in place to resist. If they left, the demon generals on the battle boat would not be able to resist such terrifying vitality and magical powers.

For a while, terrifying fluctuations of vitality were heard from the two wings of the battle boat.


On the other hand, the battle on the deck of the Tiangang battleship also became intensified.

Seventy or eighty demon generals in the early and middle stages are located in the first half of the deck. Immortal cultivators supported by other formation nodes are located in the mid-air at the rear of the deck. At this time, they are controlling magic weapons and spells from a distance, and they are constantly attacking. other side.

With the passage of time, the faces of these demon generals became more and more solemn. They were all powerhouses at the Nascent Soul level. Although they were hindered by the demonic fog, they could also detect the battle scene on the ground.

The first three-headed and six-armed monster to attack the magic fog, the just-armed demon ape, the humanoid creatures with unusually strong bodies, and the excited human immortal cultivators around them.

All of this is linked together, and the demon monks have a bad feeling that this world of immortal cultivation seems to be different from seven hundred years ago.

Although they concentrated their efforts to enter the battleship, and killed the nine Nascent Soul monks who were sitting here with thunder, the battleship still maintained its formation.

Obviously the key point is in the cabin below the deck, but this deck is not only mixed with a lot of spiritual materials, but also reinforced with countless solid circles, and its strength is even comparable to imitation Lingbao.

Under the siege of nearly twice the number of cultivators in the Nascent Soul period, these demon generals could not break the deck in a short time, and even under the impact of a large number of magic weapons, they were still retreating a little bit.

"Whoosh whoosh!"

At this moment, several sturdy bodies rushed out of the fog on the ground. These creatures that looked like humans were twisted with the unique force field of the Demon King, and they killed the demon generals on the ground.

One after another fist fight mixed with the screams of the demons, which came from the ground below, made the demons on the battle boat feel a huge pressure.

"There are strong enemies in the front and back, and we are stuck in a quagmire."

"Unless Lord Demon King defeats those human race pseudo-gods, we are in danger."

"What should I do!"

"Do you want to retreat?"

Just when these demons were a little flustered, a steady voice entered the hearts of all the demon generals.

"You are wrong, we still have a chance!"

These demons couldn't help but look, in the center of the demon general team, there were three strong demon generals, all of whom were at the peak of the mid-term cultivation.

The one who spoke was the one with the strongest muscles. He sat cross-legged on the deck, and the other two demons pressed their hands on his shoulders. A stream of purple-black lightning energy was surging in his body, continuously pouring into the past.

The demon general sitting cross-legged, with a determined look on his face, looked in front of him, where there were seven Nascent Souls wrapped in magic nets, which were the Nascent Souls captured alive by this group of demons.


"Devouring Nascent Soul!"

"Break through the fake devil emperor!"

The surrounding demon generals saw this scene, and their expressions were greatly lifted, and then their bodies turned to surround them in the middle, and then the strongest demon general swallowed these Nascent Souls in turn.

At this time, the cloud of vitality in the sky suddenly rolled up...

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