The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1352 Planning

Several months have passed, and the prohibition on the Guiyuan River has been completed. Thirty-six Tiangang warships, plus one hundred and eight man-made islands, echo each other's prohibitive power, forming a black and white mist in the sky. , soaring into the sky.

The disappearance of the seal and prohibition of Yuanzong, coupled with the effect of the strange magic fog of the demon race, the western area where the magic fog is located, the space cracks are full of magic energy, while the eastern half is the opposite, all pure aura.

Viewed from the broken sky, the black and white fog over the Guiyuan River is prohibited, dividing the country into two distinct black and white regions.


At the northernmost end of the Guiyuan River, there are countless cracks and gaps in the space mixed with ice cubes, and a large amount of ice water flows continuously to the outside. It falls on the river surface hundreds of feet below, and bursts of clouds and mists containing cold air rise, intertwined with the black and white mist above. Together.

In the high sky above the river, seven immortal practitioners were suspended in the black and white mist. The leader was Lu Kun, the master of the Body Refinement Pavilion, and the remaining five pseudo-gods of the human race and the abbot of wisdom were behind him.

Fairy Beihan was holding a jade plate, and with her Dao Dao Jue playing, several Icelands on the river lit up with a light blue brilliance, she breathed a sigh of relief: "Lord Lu, there is no problem with the last three islands, return home. The Yuanjiang ban has been completely formed, dividing the broken country into two regions, east and west."

Lu Kun nodded lightly and said, "In the future, the area west of the Guiyuan River will be called the Broken Demon Realm, and the east will be the Broken Spirit Realm."

Having said that, he glanced at everyone and said lightly: "The Demon Realm is owned by the Body Refinement Pavilion. As the Body Refinement Pavilion is an area where the demons are kept in captivity, other demons who want to explore the Demon Realm need to ask the Body Refinement Pavilion for instructions."

The rest of the pseudo-transformed gods have no opinion after hearing the words. There is no magic cultivator among them, and there is no need for the resources of the magic domain.

And even if Lu Kun handed it over, they didn't dare to ask for it. There are still many demon generals in the Demon Realm. If there is another Demon Lord, only the Body Refinement Pavilion has the strength to take it down.

Lu Kun looked at the black and white fog in the sky, and continued:

"As the boundary between the Broken Demon Realm and the Spirit Realm, Guiyuan River is guarded by the major sects of the Xiu Xian world. The thirty-six Tiangang battle boats can only be controlled by those sects who have the transformation of the gods, so as to inherit the urging of the Tiangang Thirty-six Arrays. Law."

"The remaining 108 islands will be handed over to the 36 most powerful sects in the Xiu Xian world to maintain, and the resources of the Broken Spirit Realm, except for the Arctic Mountains, can be handed over to these 36 sects for development."

"What do you think?"

Several pseudo-gods thought about it carefully, and all nodded in agreement.

"The old man has no opinion."

"In exchange for guarding the border of the Demon Realm for the resources of the Spirit Realm, no sect will refuse."

Abbot Zhiyuan hesitated and said: "Lord Lu, if there is a demon in the thirty-six factions..."

Lu Kun said with a serious face: "You have all seen how Wu Wenxuan was killed by the fake devil emperor back then."

"God Transformation Demon Xiu has almost no resistance in the face of existences above the Demon King, and the number of one-yuan jade pendants is limited, and the refining method has also been lost to prevent border restrictions from being penetrated by demon souls. These 36 sects do not allow demons. The door exists."

"If the Demon Dao sect wants to develop, it can become a subordinate sect of the Body Refinement Pavilion. This pavilion will provide exquisite magic Dao exercises and control this risky path of magic cultivation in its own hands."

Abbot Zhiyuan was about to say something, but he finally sighed. As for the other pseudo-transformed gods, they were not monks of the Demon Sect, so naturally they would have no other opinions.

"As for how to determine the ranking of the thirty-six sects, arrange for the disciples to discuss."

Then Lu Kun turned his head to look at the land full of space cracks, and sighed with a bit of exclamation in his eyes:

"After the war between the worms and the demons, many land islands have disappeared. According to Fairy Beihan, the other side of the extreme north is the area where the cultivators and the demons really fought in the ancient times."

"Like the Great Maelstrom, there is no place for the human race to survive. The real habitat of the human race is only the continent under our feet, the land of the extreme north, the Broken Country, the Great Zhou, the Southwest, and the Thirteen Kingdoms of the East Cloud, except for this land, The rest of the Xiuxian world is the ocean."

Several pseudo-gods listened carefully. They all knew about this, but they didn't understand what Lu Kun meant when he mentioned them. However, in the eyes of the abbot Zhiyuan, a bit of enlightenment flashed.

Lu Kun continued: "According to Lu's estimate, the area of ​​the ocean is at least ten times that of the land."

Having said that, he turned around, looked at the group of pseudo-transformed gods, and said lightly: "So Lu intends to make the artifact spirit root method newly researched by the Body Refinement Pavilion public to the world, and its core materials, using Not magic pills, but demon pills."

Gu Deming and other cultivators were stunned for a moment, and then they were surprised.

"The method of generating spiritual roots out of thin air?"

"Replace with demon pill!"

"The sea is incomparably vast, and the number of sea-monsters below level 8 is staggering."

"Those sea monsters with insufficient intelligence are not the forces of overseas monsters. Even if we hunt them, they will not interfere."

"This solves the problem of the spirit root material!"

When they got the magic pill tool spirit root method before, they had some guesses about it, but the tool spirit root method involves the body refining after all, there is no sufficient conditions to study the feasibility of the magic pill, I didn't expect Pavilion Master Lu to put it directly Out.

Lu Kundao: "Lu made the method of the root of the artifact to the world, hoping to increase the number of cultivators, whether those warriors with the root of the tool practice traditional exercises or worship the body-refining pavilion, this pavilion will not put one's oar in."

He paused, looked up at the sky, and murmured: "The upper realm still needs our support, and the cultivation world must quickly improve its strength. If the human race in the upper realm is defeated, I am afraid that the demons will cross the boundary through other means. "

"Even the invaders may be those races that are stronger than the demons."

These fake gods were all silent when they heard the words. Through the ancient books and the information shared by Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian, they knew that the human race in the upper world was going through a terrible war. That is, new exercises can appear in the world of immortal cultivation to help the upper realm.

Now that I think about it, the One Yuan Sect has succeeded, and Lu Ge has created a line of body-refining and cultivating immortals, which has a strong fighting power higher than that of traditional immortal cultivators.

"Okay, let's take a look at the space channel of Demon Domain."

Hearing Lu Kun's words, everyone else nodded. This is the question they are most concerned about at the moment. After defeating the Demon Race, how long will the space channel there last.

Then, everyone shone with all kinds of auras and flew to the southwest.

The demonic mist above this divided demonic realm has long disappeared, but at a height of several meters close to the ground, there is still a purple-black mist, which is filled with a drowsy aura.

These pseudo-gods probed around, and when they saw the figure of the demons under the magic fog, a bit of thought flashed in their eyes.

With the strength of Pavilion Master Lu, the remaining demonic fog can be completely destroyed together. Now it is left to keep the demons in captivity. The demonic fog on the ground is a natural prohibition for the demons.

With the flight of everyone, Gu Deming and others suddenly felt that the power of the surrounding space became stronger, but there was still a lot of distance from the space channel.

Amidst the doubts of several people, the consciousness couldn't help but lean forward, and his expression suddenly froze.

I saw a giant palm print with a size of dozens of feet suspended in the high sky in the distance. It is composed of hundreds of tiny cracks, and the strong power of space is gushing from above.

"This palm print..."

"Break through space and shatter the power of the void?"

"Is it made by Master Lu?"

Almost at the same time, all the pseudo-transfiguration gods looked at the burly man beside him.

Lu Kun wrote lightly: "Yes, under the palm of Lu Mou's Zhenyuan, three of the four devil emperors died and one was disabled."


Several pseudo-gods all took a deep breath and looked at Lu Kun's eyes with horror.

In their conjecture, Lu Kun's battle against the Demon Emperor should be defeated by the special supernatural powers of physical cultivation. Now it sounds like the battle is solved with one move.

In a trance, everyone came to the bottom of the giant palm. Compared with the human race, the body was extremely small, and even the thinnest space crack had a thick waist.

These pseudo-gods can even see the faint blue starlight inside, and the whirlwind of space that keeps spinning.

A rumor came to their minds at the same time.

In the ancient times, as long as the cultivators reached the late stage of God Transformation, they could use their own strength to forcibly shatter the void, and directly fly to the upper realm without any space channel.

The palm print in front of him shattered the space of the Immortal Cultivation Realm, indicating that Pavilion Master Lu can burst out the power of the late stage of God Transformation, and can easily fly to the upper realm?

Just when this thought flashed through their minds, they suddenly felt a tightness around their bodies, and an invisible force field swept out, and the five pseudonymous gods and abbots of wisdom all moved closer to Lu Kun.

Outside the main body of the Body Refinement Pavilion, a huge force field suddenly appeared. This twisted elliptical sphere, with the burly body as the core, radiated outwards for ten feet, wrapping everyone inside.

Then the force field ball shot upwards, hitting the giant palm print that exuded a strong spatial aura.

The five pseudo-gods were still hesitating whether to struggle or not, when they saw that the cracks in the dark blue space were shattered by the distorted invisible force after they hit the edge of the force field ball.

Afterwards, the oval force field ball was like a rag, rolling back and forth, "wiping" the palm print of this dozens of feet of space cleanly.

Along with a wave of air, several pseudo-transfiguration gods were released by Lu Kun. They were suspended in mid-air, looking at the disappearing palm print, their expressions gradually became a little excited.

They were not surprised that Lu Kun was able to smooth out the cracks in the space, because the magic fog was destroyed in this way. What really shocked them was that the other party could take them to hit the cracks in the space together.

Although there are still a lot of space forces penetrating in, they can easily resist them with their pseudo-god cultivation.

Does this mean that Pavilion Master Lu not only has the ability to shatter the void, but can also protect other people and bring them into the Nervous Spirit Passage to ascend to the upper realm together?

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