The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1354 Soul Destruction Vortex

Shattered Realms, Arctic Mountains.

The deep pit that was hit by Lu Kun had disappeared, replaced by a cave dwelling embedded in the cliffs of the abyss.

This cave is very simple. Behind the stone gate there is only a hundred-zhang hall made of rocks. There is no restriction on the wall, and it is dotted with golden light spots, as if gold ore is inlaid in it.

Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian stood in the hall, and there were eleven tall demon bodies, four demon emperors, six demon emperors, and a fake demon emperor on the ground.

Some of these demon bodies were motionless, some had their chests undulating slightly, and half of them seemed to be alive, but their bodies were covered with a layer of golden nets like fishing nets.

In the center of the hall, a purple-black demon baby more than one foot high was suspended in mid-air, the air around it was slightly distorted, and two tyrannical consciousnesses containing violent and unyielding will were wrapping it.

After a while, the aura of the divine soul in the demon baby dissipated, and a mass of brutal will spread outward, wrapped in a golden blood mist that appeared out of thin air, and condensed into a blood ball.

Lu Kun took the small ball in his hand, frowned and said, "After our divine consciousness merges, we not only possess two wills, but also surpass the divine consciousness in the early days of divine transformation, but we still cannot find useful information from soul searching."

Hong Yuntian snorted softly:

"I told you a long time ago that the spirits of the demons are different from those of the human race. Under the influence of the real demon contract, the spirits will collapse as soon as the soul is searched. For the existence of the demons, the spirits will either be destroyed in battle, or they will be contained in it. Most of the soul of memory is hidden in the body."

"If you can easily search for souls, the One Yuan Sect already has a lot of information about the demons."

Lu Kun waved one hand, and a stone box made of broken dragon stone appeared in front of him. He put the demon baby who had lost his soul in it, and then reinforced a layer of seal with blood and put it away.

Then he looked at the eleven corpses on the ground and asked, "Didn't the One Yuan Sect find another way?"

Hong Yuntian closed his eyes and recalled for a moment, then said slowly: "At the end of the first Demon Race, my cultivation base was still shallow, and I hadn't yet become an elder of the One Yuan Sect. Later, I heard from the elders in the sect that they said that the Demon Race is this. This kind of soul is hidden, a bit similar to the bloodline memory of top-level monsters."

"Bloodline memory?"

Hong Yuntian nodded and said, "According to the elders, after beings above the Demon King are captured alive, their blood will absorb their souls. These souls hidden in the blood can exist for a long time, far exceeding their normal lifespan."

Hearing this, Lu Kun couldn't help but think of the Demon King Heisha who escaped from the Demon Island and was finally refined into a Demon Soul Pill by Old Demon Pang. He heard Old Demon Pang saying that there were other demon souls who escaped, but they were also refined by the Blood Refining Sect. Refined into Demon Soul Pill.

The demon soul can survive for tens of thousands of years, which is probably related to this strange secret technique hidden in the blood. Moreover, in the demon island, the spirits of the other two demon emperors have all dissipated, and the spirit of demon kings like Heisha has survived. with the help of other forces.

Hong Yuntian continued: "Later, the One Yuan Sect developed the One Yuan Jade Pendant, which seduced the demon soul from the body in various ways and captured it."

"But these demon souls that have been separated from the bloodline seem to have lost contact with the original body. They can only use the new body to seize the new body, and the demon souls that have infiltrated the bloodline have been planted with some kind of restriction. will die outright."

"After repeated attempts by the One Yuan Sect, unless the internal organs of the Demon King are destroyed, these remnants will remain in the bloodline. Later, due to the good progress of the Devil's Body Refinement in this seat, the Supreme Elder left a lot of high-ranking. corpse."

Lu Kun showed a look of surprise. No wonder the One Yuan Sect developed the One Yuan Jade Pendant. On the one hand, it guarded against the seizure of the demon soul, and on the other hand, it was to capture the remnant soul in the demon corpse.

Then he pondered: "When we were studying the road to refining the body and transforming into a god, we already found that the internal organs were extremely important to the Demon Emperor. They are the key to the blood of the Demon Race, just like the body cultivation in the zangyuan period."

Hong Yuntian glanced at Lu Kun and said, "You have successfully broken through to the Dirty Yuan period, and you have also manifested a vision of the human race's bloodline. The power of the bloodline completely surpasses those of the top demon races."

"You may be able to solve the helpless bloodline demon soul of the One Yuan Sect, and I feel that the study of this demon soul has great reference value for the inheritance of the body repair bloodline that you guessed before."

Lu Kun nodded lightly. He glanced at the demon corpses on the ground, and suddenly said: "The female demon king was caught by us more than 80 years ago, and we broke the dantian, crushed Nascent Soul abruptly, and the spirit dissipated."

"And when we explored the magic fog before, when we fought with two heads and four arms, and three heads and six arms, we used the magical power of the dungeon to absorb the souls of the devil king and the devil emperor."

Hong Yuntian frowned and said, "I want to use the light of the cave to extract the remnant soul, but I think it's better to try to explore its bloodline memory. After all, you have a bloodline primordial spirit that has never appeared in the world of immortality."

"Don't worry, it's rare to catch so many demon kings alive, let's try the light of the vortex first."

Lu Kun pondered for a moment, then said slowly: "This magical power is to operate the source force field in another way. Its inspiration comes from the formation of the visceral dantian, and it has the effect of attracting the soul. The arm state is displayed, and the frequency and method inside are a bit confusing."

"Chaos?" Hong Yuntian looked puzzled.

At this time, Lu Kun had stretched out his hands, palms facing each other, and the twisting force field ten feet long in front of him spun in front of him, and soon formed a double-opening golden funnel, and the invisible force field collapsed toward the middle. Exudes a terrifying suction.

The surrounding demonic spirits gathered inwards one after another, surging power rippling in the air, the entire cave swayed, and the demon corpses on the ground were also strongly attracted.

Lu Kun closed his eyes and seemed to be sensing something. He saw that the palms of his palms turned upside down, and then his arms trembled and pulled away to the sides.

The double-mouthed golden funnel trembled slightly and separated directly. A golden light funnel appeared on the left, and a watermelon-sized vortex appeared on the right. The twisted air inside was twisted at a very high speed, exuding a deep dark light.

Lu Kun loosened his left hand, and the golden funnel collapsed directly. At the same time, the rioting demon spirit in the cave suddenly quieted down, and the demon corpse floating in the air also fell to the ground with a plop.

There was only a pitch-black vortex left in the air, quiet and silent, as if it was swallowing something silently.

Hong Yuntian, who was on the side, just glanced at it, and felt his soul tremble, feeling like he had come out of his body. He quickly turned his physical consciousness, hid it to his spine, and stepped back ten feet. Intentionally suppressed, only barely suppressed the throbbing of the soul.

He raised his head and looked at the ordinary, dark vortex without any breath with a horrified expression.

At this time, Lu Kun's left hand was empty, and the demon corpse that the demon baby belonged to just now floated in front of him, and the pitch-black vortex was just at the position of his head.

Strangely, this vortex does not seem to have any power, and the scales on the corpse do not rise and fall.

Then the vortex gradually moved down, the neck, shoulders, when it enveloped the chest, a dark purple devil face was pulled out, it twisted and trembled, as if trying to resist the suction of the vortex.


Lu Kun opened his mouth slightly, and spat out a cloud of golden blood mist. The blood mist ignored the black vortex that directly hit the soul, penetrated into the demon body, wrapped the distorted shadow of the demon soul, and turned into a ball of blood and flew backwards. back.

Then the dark vortex disappeared without a trace, and the soul-sucking power in the air also dissipated.

Hong Yuntian suddenly felt the pressure greatly reduced, and he exclaimed in his tone: "Lu Kun, the light of your vortex seems to be different from last time."

Lu Kun looked at the blood ball in front of him and smiled slightly: "When we cast the light of the vortex for the first time with two heads and four arms, we found that this magical power can attract the soul."

"The effect is just like when I broke through the dirty essence, I forcibly sucked out the primordial spirits of the pseudo-gods from the primordial qi of heaven and earth. In addition, it also blessed the technique of the vortex of source power."

"I have officially broken through to the Dirty Yuan period now, I have the power of dual elements, and have a clearer understanding of this magical power. I found that the terrifying suction force and the small-scale forbidden element field, and the magical power that absorbs the soul, are two different. rotation pattern and frequency.”

"How and how often?"

Lu Kun sighed: "Yes, if it weren't for the display of violent supernatural powers, which gave me a new understanding of the reverse compression of the physical source, I am afraid I would not have thought of this."

"When the source force field rotates at a low frequency, it shows a terrifying suction force of more than two million kilograms, and it has a strong control of vitality. "

"But if you collapse it in the reverse direction, it will have the effect of adsorbing the will of the divine soul. The higher the frequency, the stronger the adsorption force to the divine soul."

"The Light of Cave Vortex that we used before was to forcibly combine these two methods. Although there are two kinds of magical powers at the same time, these two characteristics have not been brought into full play."

"It should be like what I just did, separate the light of the vortex, the positive rotation is called the golden light of the vortex, and the reverse collapse of the high frequency can be called the devastation vortex."

"However, this kind of reverse collapse, it seems that only after the source force field reaches the level of one-element force can it be displayed with the help of that huge force."

When he said this, he said with a thoughtful look: "Judging from the situation just now, the suction force generated by the vortex does not act on things other than the soul. What is the principle..."

For some reason, Lu Kun thought of gravity. He had always regarded the source of the physical body as a variant of gravity, but now that it collapsed in reverse, it actually produced a force against the soul, which has no mass, or in other words, the mass is very light.

He has a certain feeling that the special power of Yuanli seems to contain the essence of some kind of power, which plays an extremely important role in the future realm of physical cultivation.

Hong Yuntian didn't know what he was thinking. He was amazed at the use of the source energy of the flesh body: "In the Dirty Yuan period, the source force field has such changes."

Lu Kun said with emotion: "The power of body repair is always changing."

"Low-level physical cultivation combines physical brute force with the attributes of the five elements to counteract the magic weapon of low-level immortal cultivators. High-level physical cultivation has the source power of the physical body, and only with this special power can it be used to counter the power of the Nascent Soul. ."

"And when the source power of the physical body reaches the level of two million kilograms, it can not only control the vitality, but also collapse in the opposite direction, acting on the soul."

Hong Yuntian listened to these words, and seemed to understand: "It seems that with the improvement of strength, physical cultivation has gradually approached the essence of a certain power, which is completely different from traditional immortal cultivators."

Lu Kun also had this kind of insight in his heart, and then he buried all kinds of thoughts in his heart, smiled and said: "Let's first study the secrets of the cultivation of the demons, and see what special restrictions are added to this forcibly ingested soul. ."

After he finished speaking, he suspended the blood in front of him, merged with Hong Yuntian's unyielding consciousness, and poured into this group of divine souls that were absorbed by the vortex.

When they first started searching for their souls, the latter trembled, and the illusory devil face lit up with a totem pattern composed of a special ring, accompanied by a deep blood aura, the group of devil souls exploded and dissipated. empty...

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