The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1371 Inference

In Dazhou, at the junction of Gulingzhou, Huatianzhou and Zhongming Mountain, there is the most prosperous Tianyuanfang City in the Xiuxian world.

There are teleportation circles leading to various immortal kingdoms. There are auctions held almost every month. There will be cherished materials and treasures from all over the immortal cultivation world. The Nascent Soul old monsters who usually disappear, all gather here. .

Although there are an astonishing number of monks in the Nascent Soul period, no one dares to be presumptuous in Tianyuanfang City. Everyone knows that this place is jointly owned by several of the most powerful sects in the Xiuxian world, especially the Southwest Chamber of Commerce, which organizes the auction. There is Pavilion Master Lu, the most powerful person in the world of immortal cultivation, sitting in the town.

Not to mention the ordinary Nascent Soul stage, even the late great cultivators would not dare to be presumptuous here.


On this day, in the depths of Tianyuanfang City, at the top of the attic where the Southwest Chamber of Commerce was located, two immortal cultivators were sitting in an exquisite pavilion.

One of the short-haired and burly men was Pavilion Master Lu who had been passed down by immortal cultivators outside.

The other is the abbot of Zhiyuan. He holds a string of Buddha beads and recites the Buddhist scriptures in a low voice. Although he looks a little haggard and his body has lost a circle, his spirit and will is extremely active, and even the meaning of compassion is lingering around him.

"Master Abbot, your spirit and will seems to be spontaneously condensing the primordial spirit, and you can enter the realm of pseudo-god at any time. Is it related to the abnormal behavior of your Buddhist cultivators?"

"Moreover, according to the news that Lu also received, it seems that the Buddhist cultivation in the entire world of immortals is different, and the Buddha's name of 'Great Spirit King Buddha' is constantly reciting in his mouth."

Hearing Lu Kun's words, Abbot Zhiyuan sighed softly: "To be honest, I don't know what's going on, but when I recited 'Great Spirit King Buddha', my soul entered a wonderful resonance state."

"Every time I recite a sentence, the soul becomes more and more concentrated. This feeling is like all the Buddhist disciples who have crossed the region and participated in Zen and Dharma together, which makes the soul have a special resonance."

Having said this, he hesitated and said, "Although other Buddhist disciples feel this way, Lao Na saw a special illusion."


Abbot Zhiyuan recalled the scene at that time and murmured: "When the soul resonates, all the spiritual resonance power of Buddhist practitioners gathers towards Lao Na, causing Lao Na's spirit to appear a temporary sublimation in an instant."

"In a trance, I saw a golden Buddha statue standing in the clouds, which is ten feet high. The face of this illusion is exactly the face of the Great Spirit King Buddha recorded in Buddhism."

"The illusion of the Great Spirit King Buddha?"

Abbot Zhiyuan nodded, and then sighed: "Yes, but unfortunately Lao Na only saw this golden Buddha statue for a while, and it turned into a golden light all over the sky and completely burst."

"It was at that time that all Buddhist cultivators broke away from the state of spiritual resonance."

Having said this, Abbot Zhiyuan folded his hands together and said, "It's great, the Great Spirit King Buddha. Later, when Lao Na recites this Buddha's name, it will not have the effect of restraining his mind. This Buddhist senior has completely fallen..."

Lu Kun murmured: "The ten-zhang-high golden Buddha statue exploded into golden light? Did you sense anything?"

Abbot Zhiyuan rubbed his temples and sighed softly: "Pavilion Master Lu, Lao Na has been reviewing the scene at that time these days, except for the momentary illusion, he has found nothing, and other Buddhist disciples only experience that kind of spiritual resonance, any illusion. Haven't seen it."

Lu Kun thought for a moment and asked, "It resonated with your souls. Are the exercises practiced by the Buddha in the Immortal Realm all passed down by the Great Spirit King Buddha?"

Abbot Zhiyuan nodded and sighed: "At the end of ancient times, the vitality of heaven and earth was mixed, and Buddhism and Taoism were withered. Only by practicing the exercises of the Great Spirit King Buddha can we achieve success."

Lu Kun said: "That is to say, the Great Spirit King Buddha has used a special secret technique of the soul. This secret technique is so powerful that it even connects with you across the border."

When the abbot Zhiyuan heard this, he suddenly thought of something and said: "By the way, Pavilion Master Lu, all of our Buddhist spirits at that time had a feeling of being separated from the body, as if they were being attracted by something, but this force was extremely weak, and we didn't notice it carefully. , could not be found.”

Lu Kun pondered: "The power of the interface is extremely powerful, and you all have this feeling that the influence of the Buddha's cultivation in the upper realm will be multiplied. Xiu's soul has condensed, what kind of secret technique is this Buddhism?"

Abbot Zhiyuan rubbed the Buddha beads in his hands and said slowly: "This kind of phenomenon of spiritual resonance usually occurs when several Buddhist practitioners comprehend the truth of some kind of Buddhist Dharma when they are engaged in Zen and discussion. "

"However, the secret technique of the Great Spirit King Buddha's predecessors has an additional attraction to the soul."

Speaking of this, he suddenly changed his expression and said, "Could it be that senior is trying to break through the realm of Void Refinement with the help of the spiritual resonance of Buddhist disciples, but it failed?"

"Senior Great Spirit King Buddha has spent more than seven hundred years in the upper realm, and with his top-notch qualifications, it is entirely possible for him to cultivate to the Great Perfection of Spirit Transformation."

Hearing this, Lu Kun said with a puzzled look: "But Master Abbot, aren't Buddhist disciples merciful? Why does this secret technique of the Great Spirit King Buddha not only resonate with the soul, but also absorb the soul. Affected Buddhist practitioners are not dead."

Abbot Zhiyuan shook his head and said, "The Great Spirit King Buddha will never do anything to Buddhist disciples, not just Buddhism, as long as it is a human race, this senior will not kill anyone."

"The soul absorbed by that secret technique will definitely be spit out, just like Lao Na, just by looking at that golden Buddha statue, the will of the soul will have the tendency to condense the primordial spirit, this secret technique will definitely benefit other Buddhist practitioners in the upper realm more. "

When Lu Kun heard this, although he believed in the judgment of the abbot Zhiyuan, he always felt a little strange. It seemed that the vision of the Great Spirit King Buddha was not only a simple breakthrough, but they had too little information to do it. other inferences.

Abbot Zhiyuan didn't know what Lu Kun was thinking, and he sighed softly: "Senior Great Spirit King Buddha has soared up to now, and he has spent less than 1,600 years of life. With such a genius-like aptitude, he has no Entering Void Refinement, you can see the huge bottleneck of this realm."

Lu Kun also sighed: "Yeah, if you want to have more refining existence, you must fill it with a large amount of gods. If we can re-ascension, our interface with different time flow rates is the biggest reliance of the human race."

Abbot Zhiyuan folded his hands together, bowed to Lu Kun and said, "I have to thank Pavilion Master Lu for not only resisting the invasion of the demon race, but also allowing the false gods of the Xiuxian world to have the possibility to soar."

Lu Kun sighed softly: "Don't be in a hurry to thank me, I am the only one in the zangyuan period. If there is no new zangyuan physicist to take over, I'm afraid the world of immortals will return to its original state."

"Lu will have to ascend for more than 100 years. During this time, he will try his best to cultivate the next generation of physical cultivation. I hope that the body refining pavilion can be passed on forever and continuously send spiritual transformations to the upper realm."

Abbot Zhiyuan said slowly: "Pavillion Lu said that the inheritance of the human race is the most important thing."

"Obtaining the opportunity of the Great Spirit King Buddha, Lao Na's soul will spontaneously condense the primordial spirit, and he can try to break through the transformation of the gods. A new Buddha name must be born, otherwise Buddhist disciples will often encounter the invasion of inner demons, and the probability of going into the devil will greatly increase. "

Lu Kun said in surprise: "Lu Mou heard that only the orthodox spiritualization and Buddhist cultivation can have this effect. Did the master find the way to orthodox breakthrough?"

Abbot Zhiyuan smiled slightly and said, "Thank you to Pavilion Master Lu. After the Broken Kingdom was divided into the Demon Realm, the Demon Spirit's vitality became extremely pure, and the high altitude where the Guiyuan River was banned was the intersection of the two kinds of vitality."

"It wasn't particularly obvious more than a hundred years ago, but the vitality of the demons there today is just like the environment in which the Great Spirit King Buddha broke through."

"So that's the case, does the breakthrough of the abbot need Lu Mou's help?"

Abbot Zhiyuan folded his hands together and said, "It's good, it's good, thanks to Pavilion Master Lu, now the world of immortality is at peace, and other pseudo-gods are ready to follow Pavilion Lord Lu to ascend. The old man can rest assured to break through without Pavilion Lord Lu's shot."

Lu Kun nodded and said, "Then I wish Master success."

"It's good, Great Spirit King Buddha, Pavilion Master Lu, Lao Na is gone."

Abbot Zhiyuan chanted a Buddha's name, and the spiritual light in his body flashed, turning into a ray of light, and lasing out of Tianyuanfang City.

Seeing his figure disappear into the sky, Lu Kun said softly, "There are more than 150 years left. I have to follow the plan to speed up the training of my disciples and improve the strength of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

He turned his head and looked in the direction of Zhongming Mountain: "The first step is to help Yin'er break through to the Golden Armored Corpse!"

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