The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1373 Golden Armor Corpse

In the center of the four major seas, in the deepest part of the vast maelstrom, there is an area full of space cracks, and the dark blue cracks are constantly surging out of the cold air.

A circular deep pit of hundreds of feet, located in the seabed with the densest space cracks, surrounded by countless ghostly flying ants with the size of fists, these ants are like an army, surrounding this deep pit in a circle, as if guarding. what.

Inside the deep pit, there are tens of thousands of ants scurrying non-stop. These ants are a little different. They have no wings on their backs, their skin is colorful, and there are no thick jaw teeth on their skulls, but a mouthpart full of countless sharp teeth. .

They kept gnawing at the rocks inside the deep pit, as if they were eating, and as if they were digging a cave.

In the center of the circular pit, under a space crack of more than two feet long, crawling with a fat ant, it is the tenth-level ghost ant that once lived in the death abyss of Qi.

Its appearance is a little different from before, its body has lost a lot of weight, and its length is less than ten feet. Between the two tentacles of its head, something like a horn protrudes.

This unicorn seems to have just formed, and it swayed slightly with the surging of the surrounding sea water. Through the faint skin, one could see a crystal clear diamond-shaped crystal under the unicorn.

A wave of terrifying spiritual power, with the shaking of the horn and the tentacles, surged from the head of the ant to all directions, and under the influence of the cold air from the cracks in the space, a special ripple appeared. , radiating into the rocks around the trench.

The ghost ants lay on a pile of glazed corpses of spirit-devouring insects. Through the gaps in these corpses, countless ant eggs were arranged, and five-colored ants kept crawling out of them.

In the process of gnawing at the surrounding rocks, they would twitch and fall from time to time. At this time, the surrounding ants were very proficient in carrying the corpse on its back and transporting it to the location of the ghost ants.

There are tens of thousands of five-colored ants around, and dozens of them die every moment. Under the stimulation of the mucus in the mouth of the ants, these colorful ant corpses gradually turn into gray spots of light, which merge into the ants. in vivo.

This ghost worm, whose spiritual power has reached the level of a god, does not seem to be able to directly absorb the vitality energy in the cold air.

Time passed little by little, and the corpses of the swallowing insects gradually decreased, and strange five-colored ants were continuously hatched, helping the ants to extract a little bit of vitality energy from the cold air.



After an unknown amount of time, the gloomy and cold air flowing out of the cracks in the surrounding space suddenly rioted, causing circles of gray sea water ripples, and a gray halo even appeared out of thin air.

The pair of compound eyes of the ghost ants suddenly lit up, as if it sensed something, and the terrifying mental power was mixed with emotions of shock and surprise.

"What happened, the cold force in the space cracks shook so violently, could it be the space storm between Master Zongzu combing the interface?"

Its two tentacles swayed, reaching a powerful spiritual power at the level of a god, and carefully probed into the thick space gap above.

"No, it seems that there is a riot in the other part of this interface. With this scale of shock, a new insect king was born? Are there high-level worms in other places?"

"Wait, there is a human breath in it, is the zombie breaking through to the insect king?"

"According to Lord Insect Ancestor's design, zombies are at most late stage of Nascent Soul. If they break through to Insect King, they will be controlled by bloodthirsty intentions and become tools that only know how to kill!"

"After tens of thousands of years, this design finally succeeded?"

"Hey, the surging of the cold vitality has some influence on the space storm here, there is a small gap..."

The worm seemed to have found something, and the fat body quickly curled up, turning into an extremely hard gray rock ball, and rushing directly into the space passage above.

The bodies of the surrounding five-colored ants and the ghostly flying ants seem to have lost some kind of control, and the breath of life inside is constantly weakening. After a while, there is no breath. There are only dozens of the most powerful ghostly flying ants, each with its limbs and legs. trembling slightly...



"Has that fellow of Zhiyuan finally impacted the transformation of the gods? He actually wanted to use the pure magic aura of the Shattered Kingdom to imitate the Great Spirit King Buddha of the year and advance to the orthodox transformation of the gods!"

"Hey, even if there are a few more orthodox gods in the world of immortality today, it will not change the dominance of the Body Refinement Pavilion. The other old guys probably have no interest in competing for resources."

"But what does Lu Kun mean by this sentence..."

In the Qingyuan Valley of Taixuanzong, Gu Deming was sitting on a tree pole of the ancient Qingyuan tree, holding a sound transmission in his hand, and his consciousness repeatedly swept the last sentence in it, and there was a faint voice of Lu Kun.

"Gu Deming, get ready, it will take one hundred and forty years as soon as possible, or one hundred and sixty years later, and you will fly to the upper realm with Lu You."

Gu Deming frowned when he heard the unquestionable tone inside.

"What does the tone of Lu Kun's order mean? I, Gu Deming, don't want to fly, can't I?"

He then thought of something, and his expression became more and more ugly and a little indignant.

"This guy's supernatural powers are too perverted, and can squeeze the will in the realm of vitality. Even if he escapes to the north and south, I am afraid he will be hit hard by him, or even knocked down the realm..."

"Damn, is it that he and every pseudo-transformation god are sending messages like this, wanting to take us to forcibly ascension, so as to avoid the worries of the body refining pavilion?"

"But without us, what will happen next time the demons invade!"

At this moment, Gu Deming suddenly sensed something, stood up suddenly, looked in the direction of Zhongming Mountain, his face changed.

"What a terrible fluctuation, the vitality of the world near Zhongming Mountain has been stirred up."

"Is Lu Kun looking for those corpse kings to test their magical powers?"

At the same time, Mo Qing of Qingyunmen also felt it, but he, like Gu Deming, guessed that Lu Kun was doing something, and had no past thoughts at all.


In the high sky of Zhongming Mountain, I don't know when there were countless flashing clouds, each of which was wrapped in a space crack, longing to exhale a gray halo, filled with a strong force of vitality.

In the middle of the Valley of Corpse Kings, Shi Yin'er was quietly suspended in mid-air, and her appearance had changed a lot from before. Her exposed skin had changed from gray to pale, and her beautiful face became more delicate, like a Some sickly weak women.

In the center of its white forehead, a strange diamond-shaped mark appeared, and the pale golden light flickered slightly, and a terrifying bloodthirsty meaning was lingering around this mark.

However, as time passed, the breath of bloodthirsty became weaker and weaker, and was replaced by a stronger and stronger aura of spiritual power.

At the same time, the silver armor with golden lines on its body continuously absorbs the cold energy gathered around it.

As time passed, the cold and cold energy around him gradually calmed down, and the bloodthirsty meaning completely disappeared.

A layer of golden light slowly poured out of Shi Yin'er's body, turning into streaks of golden snakes surging around her body. The armor on her body began to thin, and soon it turned into a close-fitting golden jade garment, highlighting her body. of exquisiteness.

At this time, the diamond-shaped mark between her eyebrows also disappeared on her forehead, the gray-white eyelashes below trembled, her eyelids gradually opened, revealing a pair of large eyes with pale golden pupils, and a very special coercion spread from her body. .

Outside the Valley of Corpse Kings, thousands of zombies, even the entire Zhongming Mountain, no matter how high or low their cultivation bases were, they all crawl on the ground and tremble unceasingly after sensing this terrifying pressure.

And the five corpse kings at the forefront were half-kneeling on the ground, and their faces that looked like humans were full of excitement.

"Yin'er, did you succeed?"

Hearing this voice, Shi Yin'er's big golden eyes blinked, the aura of Ming Yuan in her body gradually subsided, and a cheerful voice spit out from her warm lips: "Success! Pavilion Master, Yin'er has successfully broken through. "

Hearing this, Lu Kun finally breathed a sigh of relief. Thinking of the last-minute change, he couldn't help asking, "What was the bloodthirsty intention before, this special will seems to want to take your body."

Shi Yin'er patted her bulging chest, and said with some fear: "When the Ming Dan is about to succeed, all the bloodthirsty thoughts in the depths pour out, and it seems that she wants to enter the crystal of the primordial spirit."

"However, after the primordial spirit condensed into a crystal, it possessed the terrifying magical power to devour the will, and directly refined the bloodthirsty meaning."

Lu Kun murmured: "Devouring the will? Is it because of the talent of the human race bloodline?"

At this time, the five corpse kings flew over slowly, and they all looked very excited, half-kneeling to Shi Yin'er and salute: "I have seen the golden armor corpse king."

When Shi Yin'er heard this, she curled her lips and said, "The King of the Golden Armored Corpse, it's so unpleasant to hear, so you won't be allowed to call him that in the future."

Zhalei Yasha and the others were stunned for a moment, but they were a little overwhelmed under his pressure.

Lu Kun glanced at the corpse kings and said lightly, "I'll bring Yin'er to meet a few pseudo-transfiguration gods in the Xiuxian world, try the magical powers of the golden armor corpse, and discuss your future breakthroughs when you come back. ."

After he finished speaking, an invisible force field poured out of his body, wrapped Shi Yin'er inside, turned into a pale golden escaping light, and shot away into the distance, leaving behind the five excited corpse kings...

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