The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1379 True Demon Technique

Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian explored the underground for several months before leaving together. They wrote the various conditions of the underground into jade slips and placed them in the deepest part of the Sutra Cave in the Refinement Pavilion. Receive review.

Pan Yan's defensive power is abnormal, coupled with his special physique, he can barely penetrate 20,000 miles underground, and Lu Kun is also in the Dirty Yuan period, so the danger in the ground is within his tolerance.

But for ordinary body cultivators, the underground is extremely dangerous. Although according to their speculation, the bone can go thousands of miles in the early stage, but the energy consumption in the body is huge, and the consciousness is also limited, and it is likely to get lost in the depths of the ground. .

It is only in the middle stage of bone transformation that the transformation of flesh and blood occurs, the muscles of the whole body are equivalent to the magic weapon of maturity, the defense power is greatly increased, and the body repair can not be a small self-protection ability in the ground.

It is extremely difficult to comprehend the power of will. If you want to attack the visceral primordial period, it is best to start preparations in the middle of the bone transformation, and go deep into the ground to find the opportunity to comprehend the will. Maybe you can use the power of the underground to break the blood bones like Pan Yan. limit.

In general, the depths of the earth are forbidden places for immortal practitioners, but for physical cultivation, it is a treasure land where opportunities and risks coexist.


The Shattered Nation, the Arctic Mountains, in the cave house embedded in the abyss, Lu Kun and Hong Yuntian sat cross-legged, with two demon corpses beside them, one with a slightly ups and downs chest, which looked alive, and the other with ice. The spirit is incomparable, completely without the breath of life.

"It turns out that you are referring to the cultivation of the pseudo-devil emperor, and you can gather the transformed qi and blood demon energy into the internal organs, so that the internal organs can be improved to the extreme in a short period of time." Lu Kun looked at the dead body of the pseudo-devil emperor. Surprised.

Hong Yuntian also sighed with emotion: "Thanks to this pseudo-devil emperor being taught not long ago, otherwise this seat would not be able to search for the key information."

Lu Kun pondered: "Looking at it this way, the real magic formula has reached the stage of magic transformation, and the bone transformation stage of the Five Elements Body Cultivation is two completely different cultivation ideas."

"We cultivate the whole body into a magic weapon, and the magic transformation period is to gradually convert the energy in the body into blood magic energy, which is a kind of cultivation of body quenching energy."


Hong Yuntian nodded, and a jade slip appeared in his hand. He learned from Lu Kun, recorded his own insights and cultivation methods, and passed it on to the disciples of the Refinement Pavilion.

While recording it in the jade slip, he concluded: "The True Demon Art is a special way of refining the body."

"There are two ways to get started in this body training. One is to build a foundation based on the phantom devil's child and mother's skills, refine the devil's clone, and start to devour the corpse of the low-level devil's zombie. At present, this method is only successful and alive. down."

Hong Yuntian meticulously recorded, and even wrote down the process of starting the practice method back then, from devouring the flesh and blood of demons, to devouring internal organs, cultivating Yuntong Body Refinement, until the failure to break through Nascent Soul and being swallowed into a puddle by Qi and blood magic. bloody water.

"The other is the method currently adopted by the Body Refinement Pavilion. When the bone treasure peak body is cultivated in the integration of the body, if the body fails to be swallowed by the blood and magic power, the liquid gas that has devoured the body can be devoured through the Phantom Child Mother Technique. The blood magic power is transferred to the demon zombie clone at the level of the demon general."

"In this stage of the demon, it is necessary to cooperate with the demon cultivator to refine the demon body with the magic trick, and generate the supernatural power to be immune to the true demon, and then use the demon clone as a magic weapon to refine it with blood and magic power to realize the integration of the body. , to generate the source power of the body attached to the demonic avatar."

"This realm can be called a period of pseudo-magic transformation."

"The source of the true magic formula is blood and blood magic. Only when the physical source is attached to the blood and blood magic can it be considered to break through to the period of magic transformation."

"At this time, it is necessary to practice the magic zombie sleeping method created by this seat, separate the soul into the blood and magic power, and be in a state of semi-separation from the magic zombie body, and slowly transfer the source power of the body."

"This situation is equivalent to freezing Shouyuan. During this period, you will not feel the passage of time, and this seat has been sleeping for more than 70,000 years."

"If the body's source power is successfully transferred to the blood and magic power, then the breakthrough will be completed, the heaven and earth will sense, and the body will repair the thunder tribulation, and the terrifying power of heaven and earth will wake up the deep sleep."

As Hong Yuntian summed up, he recalled his own situation. Since the one-element secret realm isolated the heaven and earth from the thunder tribulation, he slept in a daze for so many years until Lu Kun's group came to wake him up.

But if the one-element secret realm does not isolate the thunder calamity, he will surely die under the thunder calamity without knowing the combat skills of physical cultivation and without the help of magic weapons.

Hong Yuntian recorded it here, looked up at Lu Kun, and said slowly: "As you said before, it is most suitable for the disciples of the pseudo-magic transformation stage to sleep in the secret realm of one yuan, but there is a problem, with the increase of time , the bloodthirsty meaning is also increasing, and the risk is increasing.”

Lu Kun pondered for a moment and said: "This is simple, every time the Unreal Secret Realm is opened, there are a lot of physiques from the peak of bone treasures. They can carry the spine and blood essence of high-level physique just like Li Qianfeng did. The meaning of blood is extracted and sealed."

"With the regular cleaning of the disciples of physical cultivation, the risk of breaking through these pseudo-magic transformation periods will be minimized. When they break through, pass the thunder calamity, and break through to the real magic transformation period, the hidden danger of bloodthirsty will be eliminated. completely disappeared."

Hong Yuntian was stunned when he heard it, and then a bit of sigh flashed in his eyes. The bloodthirsty meaning in the Demonic Body Refinement Judgment has always troubled the elders of the One Yuan Sect.

He was silent for a while and said: "According to this seat's speculation, this sleeping time is at least a thousand years. We can plan the number of sleeping disciples of the pseudo-magic transformation period, such as ensuring that one hundred people are always sleeping in the secret area. Wake up, in this way, these hundred disciples will become the foundation of the Body Refinement Pavilion."

Lu Kun nodded again and again, one day the body refining pavilion is green and yellow, and the number of Nascent Soul rank is in an embarrassing situation, so you can put some magic transformation period body repairs out, so as to ensure the number of high-level body repairs.

Hong Yuntian looked down at the jade slip, and continued to describe the follow-up cultivation of the True Demon Art.

"Magic transformation period, as the name suggests, is to fuse the essence of human and demon in the flesh to form a brand-new bloodline, hum, how powerful the compatibility of human bloodline is, the combined bloodline will only be higher than that of demons, this seat calls it It is the blood of the true devil."

At this time, he wrote the method of dividing and combining the bloodlines that he had researched with Lu Kun, as well as the cultivation process he had concluded, into the jade slip in detail.

"When each part of the body forms the unique bloodline pattern of the demon race, it enters the middle stage of the demon transformation. The cultivation of this realm is very similar to the process of the demon race breaking through to the pseudo-devil emperor."

"In the mid-term, if a demon general wants to become a fake demon emperor who specializes in the physical body, he must dissolve the demon infants in his body little by little, convert them all into magical energy, and distribute them to all parts of the body. Integration, resulting in the emergence of physical source power."

Hong Yuntian recorded it here, and he couldn't help looking at the corpse of the fake demon emperor next to him, sighing: "It's easy to say, but for the demons, the cultivation of the fake devil emperor is extremely difficult, and it has a great relationship with his own bloodline aptitude. relation."

Lu Kun said thoughtfully: "The talent of the blood of the demons is to refine energy, and the cultivation of the accompanying demonic energy is the refinement of energy. If the aptitude is less, I am afraid that it is impossible to transform all the demon infants."

Hong Yuntian said: "Yes, most demons can only convert a small amount of magic power even if they exhaust their lifespan, but there is another way to speed up the speed, and that is to devour the Nascent Soul of other races, especially the Nascent Soul of the human race. ."

He looked a little complicated and said, "The function of human blood is compatibility. There is no way to extract the source of the devil's spiritual energy. These energies are stored in the Jindan Nascent Soul, and it is only the last step of transformation."

"The demons can speed up the transformation of magical energy by devouring the golden elixir of the human race. For them, these are excellent medicine pills."

Lu Kun snorted coldly: "Now it's the other way around. Li Qianfeng and Huatian Temple have already researched the magic pill. From now on, the demons will be the pills for our body cultivation."

When Hong Yuntian heard the words, the corners of his mouth curled into an arc: "I have already seen the ideas of Li Qianfeng and that little monk, as long as you study it step by step, you can completely use the magic energy source of the magic general. The Magic Energy Pill can not only help the Five Elements Body Refinement, but also has an astonishing effect on the middle stage of the Magic Transformation."

"This seat is controlled by the method of flesh and blood clones to control the pseudo-devil emperor to devour the soul of the soul, transforming a large amount of magic energy sources, and only cultivated to the late stage of the magic transformation within a hundred years."

"If you use high-level magic energy pills, the training speed will not be much slower."

He then recorded in the jade slip and described the methods of transforming the source of magic energy one by one.

"Cultivation in the middle of the magic transformation is the process of extracting the source of magic energy from the magic energy with the help of the blood of the real demon, combining it with the magic energy of blood and blood, and cultivating it into the magic energy of blood and blood."

"When all the qi and blood magic energy has been transformed, it enters the late stage of the magic transformation. The physical strength of this realm has increased to 1.5 million jin, and with the blessing of qi blood magic energy, the physical strength has also been greatly improved. "

"This seat refers to the Pseudo Demon Emperor and the Five Elements Body Refinement Art, and stores the Qi and Blood Demon energy into the internal organs bit by bit. During the storage process, the internal organs are rapidly strengthening at the same time."

"It only takes a few decades for the strength of the internal organs to reach the strength of carrying the force of one yuan. At this time, it has reached the peak of the late stage of the magical transformation, and can prepare for a breakthrough in the big realm."

Seeing that Hong Yuntian finished recording this true magic formula, Lu Kun pondered: "Brother Hong, have you found the breakthrough method of the devil emperor in this fake devil emperor's soul? Will you have any reference for your breakthrough? value."

Hong Yuntian looked at the Demon Emperor who was lying next to him and still had some breath, and said with a little regret, "Yes, but Demon Emperor Luo Yue only taught a general idea, and did not teach the related methods of breaking through the magic circle and changing energy in the body. decision."

Lu Kun asked curiously, "How did the Demon Emperor break through?"

Hong Yuntian said slowly: "You should remember that when we dealt with the first fake devil emperor, that guy quickly blew himself up and died, and the fake devil emperor that Yuanzong faced back then could also blew himself up at any time."

"This self-destruction was caused by their direct operation of the Devil Emperor's breakthrough method..."

Lu Kun was stunned for a moment, and said at a loss: "In such an instant, they can attack the Demon Emperor? Break through by self-destruction?"

Hong Yuntian recalled the information about the soul search and explained: "From the mid-term demon general to the pseudo-devil emperor, the demon clan transforms the demon infants in the dantian into demon energy little by little, enters various positions of the body, and uses this energy to complete the whole body. change."

"In order to become a real Demon Emperor, you must condense these energies again, and through the connection between the power of the Nascent Soul and the Dantian, the Dantian is forcibly merged with the internal organs to form a different kind of internal organ Dantian."

"Visceral Dantian?"

Hong Yuntian shook his head and said: "Completely different from yours, the demons reassembled the magical energy after the integration of the flesh into the Nascent Soul, and merged with the internal organs to form a kind of devilish baby. The internal organs Dantian they formed can be regarded as a kind of immortal cultivation It is the combination of Dantian and the internal organs of the entity."

"Through this kind of dantian, the devil emperor can improve his cultivation in the way of a devilish baby. In other words, the devil emperor still uses cultivation energy as the core, but this energy greatly improves the physical body."

Lu Kun said strangely: "How did the self-destruction come about? The energy in the Demon Race doesn't seem to conflict with each other."

Hong Yuntian frowned and said, "The first step of the Devil Emperor's breakthrough is to reunite the magical energy of the whole body into the Nascent Soul, and the dantian will be fused with the internal organs under the traction of the remaining power of the Nascent Soul."

"According to the information of this search for souls, it is said that the moment when the virtual dantian and the physical flesh and blood merge, a terrifying destructive power will be generated. Only with the blessing of the magic circle unique to the demons can this kind of power erupt for a short time. suppress."

"Then, when the dantian and the internal organs are half-fused, the fake devil emperor must quickly absorb the meaning of the real devil, sink the soul into the internal organs, and form the internal organs' primordial spirit. With the adjustment of the primordial spirit's power, this outbreak will be controlled to a certain extent. ."

"As long as these powers are evacuated little by little, the biggest difficulty will be overcome, and the visceral dantian unique to the Devil Emperor will be produced. The magic energy in the dirty baby is transformed into magic energy."

"Under the blessing of this new energy, the power of the physical body is rapidly increased, thus reaching the realm of the power of one element."

Lu Kun suddenly said: "So it turns out, their primordial spirit and energy core are all internal organs, so by smashing their internal organs, they can completely kill the Devil Emperor."

"And with the blessing of this peculiar demonic baby, its internal organs' defense and resilience are extremely amazing. If you want to break the internal organs, you must either deplete its demonic energy, or use a powerful force that far exceeds its resilience."

"The Devil Emperor is really powerful. The defense of the body from the inside to the outside is so terrifying."

Then he thought about it: "Looking at it this way, the Demon Emperor is completely different from the body repair. The body repair relies on the power and blood runes to double the strength. What is the magic of this devilish baby? times, what is its essence?"

Hong Yuntian looked at Lu Kun fascinated, frowned and said, "According to what you said, the visceral primordial stage of physical cultivation is mainly the cultivation of blood vessels, constantly strengthening the radiation power of blood vessels, and blood vessels are the embodiment of energy."

"The devil's dirty baby of the devil is another kind of energy, a kind of energy suitable for the devil, and its function is probably somewhat similar to the radiation power of this bloodline. The cultivation of the devil and the devil is completely different. You don't need to be here. It takes too much effort.”

Lu Kun naturally understands this truth, but what he thinks is much deeper than Hong Yuntian. In his opinion, the radiation of blood is essentially the depths of blood runes, a kind of powerful but extremely tiny blood nuclear force. external performance.

The essence of bloodline power is this kind of blood nuclear force similar to strong interaction, so what is the essence of the devilish baby, is it also blood nuclear force, but the form of expression is different.

Or, the demon baby of the demon clan is a force similar to the blood nuclear force...

The visceral dantian of physical cultivation is generated by the collapse of the force of one yuan, and it is a kind of utilization of microscopic power. According to Lu Kun's speculation, the power of the primordial spirit of the cultivator is also a microscopic power.

The demons use the internal organs to control the self-exploding power, so this explosive power seems to be related to the microscopic power...

Thinking of this, there was a wry smile on the corner of Lu Kun's mouth. In order to study the cultivation methods of the Zang Yuan period, he was almost bewildered by himself, and he always thought about the microcosm and the source.

He shook his head and spit out a mouthful of turbid air: "Brother Hong, your internal organs have been completed, how do you plan to break through, referring to the method of the Devil Emperor?"

Hong Yuntian snorted coldly and said, "The demons only generate the source power of their bodies when they arrive at the Pseudo-Devil Emperor, which is far behind us in physical cultivation. Besides, the original human body of this seat has long since turned into a pool of blood, fused with blood and magic power, and there is no such thing as What kind of dantian to cultivate."

While speaking, he glanced at Lu Kun, raised his chin slightly, and said: "This seat has understood the meaning of being strong and unyielding, and the true demon blood in the body has the brutal will of the demons, so I can try the double-helix bloodline amulet like you. A breakthrough in the text!"

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