The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1388 Hong Yuntian's Blood Rune (Part 2)

"How could this be? Wait, the visceral island of this seat..."

Hong Yuntian's mind was shaken. He quickly checked the bloodline pool and found that the visceral islands that looked like coral reefs had all turned into peak islands.

They stand tall on the sea of ​​qi and blood, and their surface glows with a purple sheen, as if covered with a layer of hard scales.

The fluctuations radiated by the annular double helix did not penetrate after hitting these visceral islands, but were blocked by these giant islands and could not radiate out at all.


Hong Yuntian was startled when he saw this scene.

"Is it the problem of the five internal organs? Losing the power of life, the island has returned to the mixed state of human and demon essence. Is there anything special about this state that makes the blood radiation of the double helix ineffective?"

Although the double-helix bloodline structure was successfully condensed, because the force of life was separated from the visceral island, the radiation of the bloodline was blocked, and the radiation could not be radiated to the ocean of blood and energy outside, and the power of the flesh body could not be improved at all.

Moreover, due to the lack of Lu Kun's special life force, his two wills could not be fused together.

That is to say, the double-helix rune is completely useless to him, Hong Yuntian. It is just that he cannot integrate his will. Even the most basic physical strength cannot produce any qualitative change because of the weirdness of the visceral island.

"How could this be... it's all in vain..."

"Could it be that this seat can only break through with the power rune chain, and can only have ordinary power of one yuan?"

Hong Yuntian murmured in his heart, and a strong unwillingness emerged in his heart.

His cultivation path can be said to be extremely rugged. When he was young, in order to find the universal magic power between the demon and the human race, he used his own body to refine the corpse and devour the rotten flesh of the demon, creating the demon body refining technique.

Brother Hong Yuntong died of breakthrough. He merged this practice and cultivated the magic power of Qi, Blood and Darkness. Later, he failed to break through Nascent Soul, and the flesh and blood had to settle in the Demon Zombie clone, cultivated the source of the body, and finally fell into a deep sleep.

After waking up more than 70,000 years later, in order not to be covered by bloodthirsty, he created the method of flesh and blood avatar, and had to swallow two demon-strengthening disciples, as well as a large number of blood beasts, to maintain his sanity.

Relying on these former disciples of the body-refining line of the One Yuan Sect, he barely survived until the secret realm of One Yuan was opened again. With the help of the Body Refinement Pavilion, he finally passed the thunder tribulation and entered the period of magic transformation.

Over the years, Hong Yuntian has gone through all kinds of hardships before he has thoroughly researched the Demon Race and completely perfected the True Demon Art.

At this time, if he wants to give up the blood of the true demon and use the rune breakthrough of the five elements of body refining, then his tens of thousands of years of hard work, the help of so many seniors of the One Yuan Sect, and the sacrifice of the disciples of the One Yuan Sect, is it not a waste of time? .

Hong Yuntian thought about it, a stubbornness gradually emerged in his heart, and the unyielding meaning in his blood seemed to be affected, and he was actively churning.

"Double helix, what bullshit double helix!"

"Without Lu Kun, wouldn't this seat be impossible?"

"What is Lu Kun, he only stepped out of the bone transformation stage with the help of this seat's handwriting. This seat created the magic rigid body refining technique, and even lived for tens of thousands of years with the help of secret techniques, a mere bloodline rune. , I also want to stop this seat! Is it worthy to stop this seat?"

"I don't believe it. Without Lu Kun's double helix, there is no way to combine the runes of the two races!"

"This bullshit double helix will be broken for this seat!"

Hong Yuntian roared in his heart, as if he was venting the emotions he had accumulated for a long time, the kind of suffocation that was suppressed by Lu Kun in all aspects.

The double-spiral runes in the bloodline pool trembled, and the life force that melted into the connection key all poured out and returned to the surrounding visceral islands. The five towering peak islands quickly shrank and turned into coral reefs, floating in the air. On the sea of ​​blood.

The invisible microscopic source power turned into countless palms, and the two spiral main chains were torn apart, turning into the previous two main chains, the true demon and the power blood rune chain.

After doing all this, Hong Yuntian felt that he suddenly relaxed, and his thoughts became faster.

"When the blood of the real devil is still there, even if the life force in the visceral island is transferred up and down, whether it is the essence of the devil's viscera or the essence of the human viscera on the water surface, it can radiate the fluctuation of the blood vessels."

"That is to say, the radiation of the true magic rune alone can penetrate the visceral island."

Thinking of this, Hong Yuntian directly controlled the True Demon Rune Chain in the Bloodline Pool, staggering the first and inner transfers, and soon formed a ring structure.

Each unit in this structure is a ring with three vertical bars. These rings are connected to each other, and finally form a large ring, from which special bloodline fluctuations radiate.

Hong Yuntian immediately felt that his physical strength was rapidly increasing, but he was still far from the power of one yuan. Then he thought about it, and the power of life in the visceral island was all suspended.

Without these energies, the human and demon essences in the five islands began to mix, and soon turned into towering peaks, huge islands covered in scales.

The bloodline fluctuations of the true demon bloodline rune hit it, and it seemed to be blocked as well, unable to penetrate.

"Or not?"

"The visceral island mixed with human and demon essence can actually shield this kind of bloodline radiation?"

"Do you want to return the power of life to the visceral island?"

"No, this seat must integrate two blood runes, and the power of life is indispensable."

"Hmph, since the human and demon essences in the visceral island are chaotic, then this seat will mix up the blood runes."

Hong Yuntian's heart sank, and the chain of power runes in the bloodline pool began to end, but under the radiation of the bloodline of the true magic rune, the cohesion of the power rune seemed to be greatly hindered.

"The two kinds of bloodline radiation cannot exist at the same time? If so, then condense at the same time!"

Hong Yuntian did not hesitate at all, the microscopic source power surged, forcibly splitting the just condensed True Demon Rune.

Without the Rune Chain of the Bloodline Primordial Spirit, the blood core force in it had not yet appeared, and it couldn't resist the tearing force of the microscopic source force. It quickly separated and turned into the original True Demon Chain.

Immediately following the two rune chains of power and true demons, they floated up and down in the bloodline pool. They staggered end to end at the same time, and the will nodes inside merged little by little, gradually forming a ring structure.

The basic unit of the upper ring true devil bloodline rune is a standard circle with three vertical bars, while the lower ring power bloodline rune, the basic unit is a standard ellipse, with three small circles hanging on the edge of each ellipse ring.

Hong Yuntian looked at the two rings that were gradually forming, and a crazy idea was brewing in his heart.

"The power of life can fuse the human and demon blood runes, so why does this seat connect the shitty will key, and it is possible to forcibly fuse these two standard annular bloodlines."

"The diameter of the true magic circle is equal to the long diameter of the power ellipse, so this seat can start from these two endpoints and use the adhesive of life force to forcibly fuse them."

"In this way, the upper surface of the bloodline ring is the rune surface of true demons, and the lower surface is the rune surface of power, forming a double-sided bloodline ring that mixes true demons and power!"

While his brain was thinking, he mobilized the milky life force and landed it on the intersection of the small ellipse and the small circle that had been formed in the two annular blood vessels.

Time passed little by little, and the two large rings gradually formed. They were suspended in the bloodline pool one by one, and under the control of Hong Yuntian, the two were almost stuck together.


Two crisp sounds came, the real demon and the power bloodline rune ring condensed successfully at the same time, and two completely different bloodline radiation spread from it, they were intertwined with each other, and there seemed to be a strong conflict between them, and the entire bloodline pool was boiling.

"Integrate this seat!"

Hong Yuntian roared in his heart, and the life force on the two circles lit up in turn. The small circle in the true magic rune and the small ellipse in the power rune directly merged together in these dazzling milky white rays of light.

The life force of the true magic formula has the effect of fusing two kinds of flesh and blood essences, and the same is true for the basic bloodline units.

The true magic rune ring is on the upper front, and the power rune ring is on the lower back.

At this time, the radiation fluctuations of the two different bloodline runes seemed to stop conflicting, just like two children who were fighting together, suddenly tied together by ropes, unable to fight even if they wanted to.

Gradually, the fluctuations of the bloodline radiation became a same frequency under this forcible neutralization. They no longer conflicted with each other, but spread together in all directions.

In the face of this brand-new radiation, the giant visceral island in the shape of a mountain did not seem to block it, allowing the wave to leave the bloodline pool and rippling toward the ocean of qi and blood outside.

Hong Yuntian felt a powerful force emerging from all parts of his body, and the dragon-human body that had been transformed into a dragon began to shrink and change into a humanoid state.

1.5 million catties, 1.7 million catties, 2 million catties...

Soon, Hong Yuntian regained his human form. Unlike the previous condensed double helix, his physical body possessed the real power of one element, his internal organs dantian did not disappear, and his physical strength continued to grow.

2.2 million jins, 2.5 million jins, 2.8 million jins... It has been swelled to 3 million jins, and the improvement of physical strength has stopped.

"One and a half dollars of power?"

Just when Hong Yuntian felt the change of physical strength, his soul suddenly received an incomparably powerful suction, and was suddenly sucked into the brand new double-sided bloodline ring.


The next moment, he felt that his soul was being pulled by two forces, as if it were about to split at any time.

"Damn it! The bloodline fluctuations have been resolved, but the two wills are on the positive and negative sides. If you want to smelt the bloodline primordial spirit, you must split the divine soul."

Hong Yuntian's divine soul trembled. He tried his best to resist the splitting force, trying to activate the six-eared rune tentacles on the true devil's ring, but at this time he only had the divine soul, and he had not yet begun to smelt the primordial spirit, so he could not activate the six-eared at all. Devouring magical powers of runes.

If it is the previous double-helix structure, then the soul can be transferred to the will key in the middle to ensure that it will not split temporarily, but in the middle of this double-sided ring structure, there is no will key at all, and it is replaced by a double-sided structure that is fused together.

"If the soul is forcibly divided into two halves, the power of the soul is simply not enough to smelt the primordial spirit, it must be interrupted!"

Hong Yuntian forcibly endured the tearing sensation of his soul, mobilized the microscopic source force, turned it into an invisible blade, and slashed at a node of the double-sided ring.

The ring structure was abruptly opened a gap, and then there was a terrifying shock wave of energy, which radiated to the outside along this opening, and the original bloodline radiation disappeared.

But without this bloodline power, the split of Hong Yuntian's soul slowly stopped.

"I'm about to get rid of the visceral dantian, the magic dragon has changed... What's going on, the soul of this seat..."

Just as Hong Yuntian was about to transform into a dragon man, he found that his soul was trapped in a double-sided ring rune, and he couldn't communicate with the corpse dragon clone at all.

"No, this seat still has a microscopic source power, and the physical power has not subsided, but still maintains a power of one and a half yuan."

He was stunned for a moment, and then he thought of the energy shock that appeared from the rupture of the bloodline ring.

"Lu Kun said that the cultivation method in the zangyuan period, after cutting off the ring structure, there will be a pulse of energy, this energy can maintain the power of the body for a short time, is that just a blood pulse shock wave? It broke through the internal organs island blockade?"

"But even so, this energy can't last for too long. If it can't solve the problem of the split of the soul, this seat will either split the soul, unable to break through the dirty essence, or the soul will be buried forever in this double-sided blood rune!"

In Hong Yuntian's cultivation career, there have been several situations of crisis breakthroughs. This kind of crisis not only does not make him afraid, but makes his thoughts run faster.

"The reason for the split of the soul is that the two wills reside on the positive and negative sides of the bloodline circle, and they do not intersect with each other. If these two sides can intersect..."

Hong Yuntian sensed the fracture of the double-sided ring, and an inspiration suddenly appeared in his heart.

He manipulated the surrounding microscopic source force and brought the two fractures of the ring close to each other, and then he suddenly reversed one of the fractures, making the power rune face up, the real magic rune face down, and then from the circle A little life force poured out from other parts of the ring, forcibly bonding the opposite fractures on both sides.


The powerful bloodline radiation appeared again, and Hong Yuntian immediately felt the power of the flesh refill, and the feeling of tearing his soul disappeared.

"Success?" Hong Yuntian was overjoyed.

In the bloodline pool at this time, a strange ring structure is suspended.

This ring is like an undulating mountain range. The positive and negative sides of the true demon and the power are like rugged mountain roads. They twist and meet on the ring, and they are strangely connected to form a plane.

The double-sided ring has strangely changed from the original double-sided to one-sided!

If Lu Kun sees this strange rune structure, I am afraid that his eyeballs will pop out. One ring is double-sided, and both sides are one. It is the famous three-dimensional structure on the earth.

Mobius Ring!

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