The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1391 Hong Yuntian's Bold Ideas

"Boom" with a loud noise.

The central cave of the North Pole Mountain exploded a hole, and two figures, one gold and one purple, shot out from it like electric lights. The air around them was distorted and collided with each other, making a continuous burst of sound.

From time to time, the faint blue space gaps were drawn around the blurry air, revealing the two figures inside.

The purple one is a monster with two heads and four arms. Except for one head and a pair of arms, which are human-like, the rest of the body is covered by purple scales. The head and the arms are also depicted with strange interlaced ring runes, which shine brightly. Dazzling purple-black glow.

The surface of this monster was filled with a lavender twisting force field, and four fists sandwiched a purple halo, slamming towards the golden figure at an unparalleled speed.

And that golden figure, his hands also clenched fists, and a layer of golden light film was wrapped on it to bang against it.

But after all, two fists are hard to beat with four hands, and the speed of the purple figure's punches is a little faster, resulting in the golden figure being beaten without the ability to fight back, but the opponent did not attack its vital points, and those purple fists all slammed into it. On the golden light film of the arm, it was bleak.

In this way, the two entangled bodies shuttled through the Arctic Mountains at an extremely astonishing speed. In just a few breaths, they crashed through two ice peaks one after another.

Just as it was about to pierce through the third mountain, a terrifying power of qi and blood suddenly surged out of the golden figure, and all the veins on its surface swelled up, densely covering the whole body, and the whole person contained an explosion-like oppression. sense.

"Boom boom boom!!!"

Almost in an instant, the speed of the golden fist shadows seemed to have skyrocketed several times, and countless golden fist shadows slammed toward the opponent, directly overpowering the number of purple fist shadows, and the suppressed golden force field also oscillated rapidly.

Between the staggered fist shadows, two blurred semicircles of force fields, one gold and one purple, gradually emerged, and the two figures seemed to be instantly stagnant in mid-air, in a state of evenly matched power.

Countless golden-purple air waves rolled around, and the top of the mountain that was nearly a hundred feet away was directly shattered into powder.


At this moment, dark clouds suddenly appeared in the high sky of the Arctic Mountains, and a coercion that seemed to collapse from the sky fell from the sky, and the spreading cracks in the space suddenly stopped the trend.

After feeling the pressure, the two who were fighting against each other stopped attacking at the same time as if they had a tacit understanding.

The golden figure rolled with qi and blood, and the blue veins on the surface of the skin that seemed to explode gradually retracted, while the human head and arms in the purple figure gradually softened, turning into a pool of bright red flesh and blood balls that shrank, and finally disappeared into the back and disappeared.

"Brother Hong, did your bloodline fission succeed? This two-headed six-armed supernatural power seems to have increased the power to the power of the three elements!"

Lu Kun was suspended in mid-air, rubbing his arm wrapped in golden light. He seemed to have suffered a little from the battle just now, but his expression was a little excited.

Hong Yuntian's demon head was looking up at the sky, those black clouds and the suffocating pressure of heaven and earth have dissipated, leaving no trace at all, with a bit of unfinished expression in his expression, it seems that the battle just now was not enough .

Hearing Lu Kun's words at this time, he put his hands behind his back, glanced at the other's rubbing his arms, and said lightly: "Of course it was a success. What you Lu Kun can do, this seat can also."

"After the fission of this seat's blood vessels, the divine soul also spread all over the body, but unlike your violent supernatural powers, it did not improve the neural response, but all the human and demon essences in the body boiled, and the two were in a state of interdependence."

Lu Kun asked curiously, "Dependency? So Brother Hong has become two heads and four arms?"

Hong Yuntian raised his brows and said, "I sensed this, and I thought of our combined supernatural powers at that time, which is a state where human and demon essences are interdependent, and their powers can be superimposed."

"I tried it and it turned out to be the case. After changing into two heads and four arms, not only did the strength greatly increase, but it reached the level of the power of three elements, and the combat power brought by the four arms was beyond imagination."

Lu Kun thought of the scene of being pressed and beaten just now, and nodded with conviction. After Hong Yuntian's transformation, his strength was much stronger than him. With the help of his four arms, the number of fists doubled, completely suppressing him.

Even if the defensive power of the golden blood was amazing, he couldn't resist it for a long time, and finally relied on the violent supernatural power to regain the disadvantage.

"Unfortunately, the interface suppression here is too serious, otherwise this seat will still be able to fight with you for five breaths."

Hong Yuntian sighed with regret, the supernatural powers of two heads and four arms were beyond imagination, and even Lu Kun, who possessed the power of dual elements, was completely suppressed by him, but it was a pity that he was suppressed, otherwise he would still want to compare with Lu Kun's violent state. Compare.

"Five breaths, which means that Brother Hong's two-headed and four-armed supernatural power can only maintain ten breaths? If it continues, Mohuan Rune will collapse?" Lu Kun asked.

Hong Yuntian shook his head and said, "The way this seat's blood vessels split is different from yours."

Then he described the process of using the power of life to support the short stick of the real magic rune in detail, and some sighed: "This magical power is quite peculiar, and the energy consumed is the power of dirty energy and life."

"If the power of life is consumed too much, the Mo ring structure may collapse because of this. In addition, the internal organs are also under great pressure."

"Visceral islands?"

Hong Yuntian recalled the scene in his body and said: "The visceral island of this seat has lost its life force, and it has become a giant peak mixed with human and demon."

"Although it has the ability to isolate ordinary bloodline radiation, in the face of the terrifying fluctuation of bloodline fission, the mixed essence inside is extremely difficult, and the ten-breath time is the limit, and it will be severely damaged if it lasts longer."

Lu Kun said thoughtfully: "After the internal organs of human and demon are mixed, there is such a shielding magical power, but through practice, the internal organs in this mixed state should be able to continue to improve."

Hong Yuntian said slowly: "The structure of Mohuan and Double Helix are both circular, and the cultivation paths may not be much different. We will study this later."

Speaking of this, a bit of inexplicable color flashed in his eyes and said: "After this breakthrough, I suddenly have a bold idea in my heart, and I feel that I can try it."


"Lu Kun, the devil emperor named Luo Yue is still with you."

Lu Kun was stunned and said, "You want to search for the soul, but if we force the soul search and let this devil die, the devil will know that the entire army will be wiped out here, and the next time the tunnel to the devil opens..."

Hong Yuntian interrupted: "You Lu Kun's soul search will naturally lead to his death, but this seat is not necessarily."

Hearing this, Lu Kun thought for a bit, and then came to a sense: "Brother Hong's physical source relies on the Qi and Blood Demon Yuan, which can be turned into a liquid, wrapping the internal organs of the Devil Emperor, strengthening his internal organs in the form of flesh and blood avatars, and in the Devil Emperor's body Internalized visceral dantian."

"In this way, the Devil Emperor's internal organs will be damaged at most, and he will not die. Brother Hong, you can also try to decompose the hidden rune of his bloodline and read his memory in the internal organs' dantian."

Hong Yuntian was silent for a while and said, "Not only that, maybe I can try a new method."

"A new method?" Lu Kun was a little confused.

Hong Yuntian didn't answer directly, but asked: "Lu Kun, do you think that the supernatural power of this seat, who transforms into a human and demon form, can infiltrate the demon clan in the future and become an undercover agent of the human clan."

Lu Kun nodded and said, "Brother Hong is no different from the orthodox Devil Emperor after he transforms into a demon. After reaching the upper realm, he can completely join the demon camp and secretly help the human race."

Hong Yuntian shook his head and said: "You think too simply, the true demon bloodline of this seat is very unique, if you mix in in the form of a true demon, I am afraid that it will be taken away by the strong demons to study the bloodline immediately, there is no way to do it. Undercover."

"What is the new method that Brother Hong said?"

Hong Yuntian turned his head to look west of the Shattered Nation, in the direction of the crack in the Demon Race space, and said slowly:

"If this seat can be parasitized in the internal organs of the Luoyue Devil Emperor in liquid form, and try to control his soul, then can we use this Devil Emperor's identity and body to pass through the spatial cracks of the devil race and ascend to the devil world."

"Ascension to the Demon Realm?"

Lu Kun's mouth could not help but slowly open his mouth: "Brother Hong, you're crazy, there must be a Demon Lord-level terror on the opposite side of the space passage. Even if you can parasitize the Devil Emperor's internal organs, how can you guarantee that you won't be discovered."

Hong Yuntian said slowly: "This seat has controlled the body of the fake devil emperor and knows the secrets of the internal organs of the demon race. Their spirits are stored in the internal organs. Identifying the spirit is basically through the prohibition of the spirit, and the identification of the flesh is the possession of the demon monk. the breath of blood."

"If this seat is parasitized deep in the internal organs of the devil emperor, he can use the method of flesh and blood to clone the opponent's physical nerves and manifest the power of his bloodline, while the devil emperor's spirit is usually hidden in the internal organs and is not exposed. The chances are low."

Lu Kun couldn't help but said: "But this is too risky, it's like going straight to the base camp of the demon world, in case of failure..."

Hong Yuntian said coldly: "If it is discovered, this seat will immediately destroy the blood of the soul, and let the demons know any secrets of body repair!"

"But Lu Kun, have you ever thought about what you think they will do next if this seat is successful and won't be suspected by the demons?"

Lu Kun was stunned for a moment, and he couldn't help thinking: "Evil Emperor Luo Yue is the only remaining high-level demon clan who invaded the Xiu Xian world. If his words are not suspected by the demon clan, then the demon clan will think that the invasion has won and regard the Xiu Xian world as the devil's. Cultivation treasure land, constantly sending demon disciples with amazing aptitude..."

"And they are likely to let Demon Emperor Luo Yue stay in the crack of space, responsible for arranging the disciples of the demon race to enter the world of immortal cultivation, and all the demon generals who are sent in are extremely talented. This is for the body refining pavilion..."

Hong Yuntian squinted his eyes, and a bit of chill flashed inside: "Not only that, if there are other disciples of True Demon Art entering the Dirty Yuan period, they can also be parasitic in the body of the Demon King or Demon Emperor just like this seat."

"For the Immortal Cultivation World, it ascends every five hundred years, but for the Demon World and the Spirit World, it is once every five years. As time goes by, there will be more and more True Demon Body Cultivators, parasitic in the body of the Demon Race. Ascend to the Demon Realm."

"These devil cubs are geniuses in the devil world. After they ascend, they will be dispersed to various families, and even hold a certain power..."

Lu Kun was stunned, Hong Yuntian's plan was so crazy, it was even a little scary.

Although it is extremely risky, if it is successful, the physical training of the True Demon Art will spread all over the demon world. At that time, Hong Yuntian will not be undercover alone, but a group of undercover demons who are practicing the True Demon Art...

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