The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 1394 Fate King Buddha

Jin State is located in the middle of Xiuxianjie continent.

The north and Dazhou are separated by a Tongtian River, the west and the southwest are separated by a Hengduan Mountain Range, the east and the middle of the Dongyun Thirteen Kingdoms are a long and narrow barren land, and the south is an incomparably vast desert.

During the war between the underworld and the insect race in the ancient times, the first war between the demon race and the rise of the One Yuan sect led to a great change in the vitality of the heaven and the earth.

In this environment of lack of spiritual energy, immortal cultivators cultivated to the late stage of qi refining at most, and most of them went to other immortal cultivating countries. Without the intervention of many immortal cultivators, Jin developed into a mortal dynasty.

Every two or three hundred years, there will be large-scale wars in this dynasty, changing dynasties, and entering into a cycle of dynasties one after another.


On this day, somewhere in the barren land in the east of Jin State, two monks were walking barefoot on the ground full of sand and gravel. One of them was a fat monk with benevolent features, wearing a gold-trimmed cassock and turning a string of Buddha beads in his hand.

The other monk looked in his twenties and looked quite handsome. The strong wind and sand blew on the loose monk's robe, outlining the thick and sturdy muscle lines under the clothes.

They are the abbot Zhiyuan and monk Huiming of Huatian Temple.

"Master, the Buddhist cultivator is so powerful after entering the spirit transformation. Dongyun's two hometowns... old seniors, they can't help Master together." Huiming seemed to be immersed in a certain scene, and his tone was very excited.

Abbot Zhiyuan listened to his disciple's words, moved the Buddha beads in his hand and said: "Daoyou Cangfeng and Xue Xue are hindered by the vitality of heaven and earth, so they can only break through the method of pseudo-god. The real God Transformation is much weaker in the early stage."

"But if they can fly to the upper realm, with the help of pure and rich vitality, they may not be able to officially enter the initial stage of spiritual transformation. At that time, they will be no match for their husband and wife."

Zhiyuan looked up at the sky and clasped his hands together and said, "It's good, the Great Spirit King Buddha, for the teacher to make a smooth breakthrough, it all depends on the opportunity bestowed by the Great Spirit King Buddha."

"Under the illumination of the golden Buddha statue, almost all the demons hidden in the depths of the heart were wiped out. Otherwise, even if there is a special demonic spirit of the Shattered Kingdom, it will be difficult to successfully condense the primordial spirit."

Speaking of this, he said with worry: "I don't know what stage the war in the upper realm has reached. Losing the senior of the Great Spirit King and Buddha, the human race is equal to one less strong person, and the situation may be even more difficult."

Hearing this, Huiming couldn't help but think of the scene when he recited the Buddha's name and fell into some kind of spiritual resonance, he squeezed his fist and said, "It has been 110 years since the fall of the Great Spirit King Buddha, but for the upper realm , and only one year."

"Master, you also said that there are at least three illusory practitioners in the human race, and they will definitely be able to support it in such a short time. Maybe the news of the death of Senior Great Spirit King Buddha hasn't spread."

"When Pavilion Master Lu, Master, and a few God Transformation seniors ascend to the upper realm to support them, they will be able to make up for the vacancy of Senior Great Spirit King Buddha."

Zhiyuan's fingers fiddling with the Buddha beads slowly stopped, and he frowned slightly and said: "For some reason, after entering the spirit of the master, every time I recall the short-lived golden Buddha statue of the Great Spirit King Buddha, there is always a strange feeling. Feeling, this senior seems to want to convey some message to the next world."

"Convey information?" Huiming asked in surprise.

Zhiyuan shook his head and said: "This is also a guess, but I have a hunch for the teacher that the fall of the Great Spirit King Buddha's predecessors does not seem to be as simple as a breakthrough failure."

"A hunch in the dark? Master, you said you wanted to bring me to Jin, and that's what you said." Hui Ming grumbled.

When Zhiyuan heard the words, she restrained the thoughts in her head, looked at the young monk with kind eyes, and said with a smile, "Yes, I have a premonition for the teacher that the trip to the mortal kingdom will help you find a way to break through to the eighth level of the physical body."

Huiming showed a bit of distress: "Master, the risk of breaking through the physical body is extremely high. With the Buddhist mana in the middle of the Nascent Soul, there is no way to completely suppress the Qi and blood magic power of the peak of Jiedan."

"Even if the disciple enters the late Nascent Soul, the mana cannot penetrate deep into the bones and internal organs, and there is no way to guarantee that the body will not be swallowed..."

Abbot Zhiyuan said: "So at this time, let go of physical cultivation and go to the mundane world to walk around. You will definitely enter the late Nascent Soul in the future, and you can first cultivate the meaning of compassion."

"The cultivation of this kind of will requires the realization of the seven emotions and six desires of the secular world, and the constant use of the Buddhadharma to purify all beings, so that those mortals who are in pain can be freed from the sea of ​​suffering, and resonate with the souls of the living beings, so as to comprehend the essence of the Buddhadharma and cultivate the spirit of compassion. meaning."

Huiming patted his sturdy chest and said, "Master, don't worry, the disciple will definitely be able to enter the spirit transformation and reach the master's level."

Speaking of this, he was a little excited and said: "If the disciple enters the transformation of the gods, do you want to change the name of the law to the name of Buddha, called Huiwang Buddha?"

Zhiyuan chuckled and said, "If a Buddhist monk enters into the spirit of transformation, he will be named after the second character of the Dharma name, which is the name of the teacher, Zhiyuan, so the name of the Buddha after the condensed Yuanshen is the Buddha of Destiny King."

Huiming slapped his mouth and said, "The disciple's future Buddha name, wouldn't it be called King Ming Buddha, it doesn't sound like Master's artistic conception."

When the abbot Zhiyuan heard this, he couldn't help but stretched out his palm, tapped the little monk on the head, and scolded with a smile: "Huan Ming Wang Buddha, it is much more difficult for you to understand the meaning of compassion than other Buddhist practitioners, think first. Let’s talk about how to get over the will.”

"If you have the meaning of compassion, you should be able to completely suppress the blood and magic power."

Huiming covered his forehead with his hands and shrank his neck, looking very painful, he rolled his eyes and said:

"However, Master, I heard you say that the method of comprehending the will of the body training pavilion is different from that of traditional immortal cultivators. Pavilion Master Lu has combined the two wills. Can the disciple's method of comprehending the dual cultivation of the body and the body can learn from the cultivation of the body and comprehend the will? Famen?"

"Or combine the meaning of compassion with the will of physical cultivation?"

Zhiyuan shook his head and said, "I have communicated with Master Lu more than ten years ago. With the help of special physical source power, the body repairs interact with various energies deep in the ground, so as to understand the will of the five elements of heaven and earth."

"Your double cultivation method is different. If you can't cultivate the source power of your physical body, you can't use this method."

Huiming said unwillingly: "How did Pavilion Master Lu's will integrate? The dual cultivation of Dharma and body should be able to combine the advantages of Dharma cultivation and physical cultivation. Otherwise, what's the use of a strong physical body?"

He said with hopeful eyes: "Master, can you let the disciples meet the pavilion master Xialu, he founded the body refining line, maybe it can solve this problem."

Zhiyuan said solemnly: "Both physical cultivation or Dharma cultivation, the cultivation process is gradual, and the dual cultivation of Dharma and body should be the same. Your mana cultivation base has not yet reached the late stage, and your physical body is only at the peak of the seventh level. How can you be so ambitious."

As he spoke, there was a peaceful and calm aura in his body. Huiming seemed to be affected, and the desire to explore in his heart was suppressed. He lowered his head and said, "This disciple is wrong."

Zhiyuan put away the power of the primordial spirit and sighed softly: "You don't know, Pavilion Master Lu is repelled by the power of the interface, and if he stays for at most fifty years, he will have to fly to the upper realm.

"Apart from Fellow Daoist Hong, there is no new body training in the zangyuan period in the Refinement Pavilion. I heard that Pan Yan has successfully comprehended the will, and there is a possibility of a successful breakthrough, but Fellow Daoist Huang Xiaoyun has not yet grasped the power of will."

"Physical cultivation is different from Dharma cultivation. It is impossible to forcibly integrate the residual will of the predecessors. Therefore, Pavilion Master Lu's current energy is all on the breakthrough of his disciples. I must not be easily disturbed."

Huiming said solemnly, "Disciple understands..."

When the abbot Zhiyuan saw this, he sighed in his heart.

The idea of ​​his disciple is really different from ordinary people, and he is often very ambitious, but this kid's talent is very terrifying, and his cultivation speed is very fast. At the age of 300, he not only entered the middle stage of Nascent Soul, but also cultivated his physical body to the peak of bone treasure. Body repair level.

Such a genius disciple, even if Zhiyuan was a Buddhist practitioner in the early stage of spiritual transformation, still felt a headache. What he was most worried about now was Huiming's reckless impact on the bottleneck of his physical body.

If the breakthrough of Qi and blood magic power at this stage fails, the physical body will be swallowed up, turned into a pool of blood, and the gods and forms will be destroyed.

Therefore, he wants this disciple to enter the world and practice compassion in advance. According to Pavilion Master Lu's judgment, if he successfully cultivates his will, its effect on qi and blood magic power is similar to that of blood, and the probability of physical breakthrough is greatly increased. .

"The pace is quicker. There are mortals living in this barren land. We have to walk through each village..."

"Yes, Master."

The figures of the two monks gradually disappeared into the increasingly dense sandstorm...

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