The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 602 Fierce Fight (Part 2)

Sun Huo only felt a gigantic force acting on the mana shield outside his body, although the shield of the red magic art was very tough, blocking the might of the black stick.

However, the thrust formed by the tens of thousands of kilograms of power attached to it could not be offset, so Sun Huo was shot ten feet away together with the protective shield.

Through the shield, Sun Huo looked at the unharmed figure behind the black stick with a shocked expression, it was Zhao Qingtian who was hit by his blood demon hand before.

At this time, Zhao Qingtian's black armor was tattered, but the body under the clothes did not have any scars, and even the skin in some places appeared white and red, like a newborn baby.

"This... what kind of terrifying resilience."

Sun Huo's face was sluggish. He must know that before, he saw the opponent's skin being corroded by the blood demon hand. Although it was slow, it could only show that the opponent's defense was strong, but how could he imagine that the most terrible thing about the opponent was the recovery of the body. force.

Sun Huo cultivated from the lowest level of immortal cultivators, and his knowledge is not bad, but not to mention a human being, even if it is a monster, he has never heard of it, which has such a terrifying physical resilience.

And Zhao Qingtian doesn't find it strange, since Lu Kun used various spells and talismans to temper his body and improve his cultivation, he has completely handed over this method to Zhao Qingtian.

After all, among the disciples of the generation, in terms of physical recovery, only Zhao Qingtian's Primordial Wood Refinement Art has such a physical recovery effect.

Therefore, after Zhao Qingtian entered the foundation-building stage, he kept tempering his body with various spells and talismans, which led to his fastest cultivation speed.

After entering the coagulation stage, the resilience of Yuanmu Refinement Art has entered a new realm. I am afraid that in terms of resilience, even Lu Kun in this realm is not as strong as Zhao Qingtian.

Therefore, Zhao Qingtian was not afraid in the face of the blood demon hands of the middle and top class.

This is one of the reasons why Lu Kun sent him and Pan Yan out this time.

It can be said that these two disciples of the first generation of physical cultivation, one has exerted the defense power to the extreme, and the other has unimaginable physical recovery power. The two cooperated, and it was almost impossible to kill them with a base-building level attack.


A few crisp sounds appeared, Zhao Qingtian held the iron-wood long stick that had been combined with him, and with the strength of his body, he broke the magic hand that trapped Zhao Xueer and Pan Yan.

This re-condensed little bloody hand has only the fluctuations of intermediate and high-level spells, and cannot resist Zhao Qingtian who uses a complete set of magic tools.

Seeing that the two of them escaped his control spell, Sun Huo's face was a little ugly: "Damn, two of these three are stinky and hard, and the Gorefiend can't do anything about them."

"If it wasn't for that stick just now, that woman would have been killed by my fake magic weapon."

Sun Huo looked at the incomparably dark knife in his hand, with a swaying expression on his face.

The three of the other party have merged together. Even if he uses a fake magic weapon now, it is difficult to hit them with the distance between the two parties and the strange speed of the other party on the ground.

But Sun Huo thought of the man with the giant stick, the blood on his body was like several monks in the late stage of foundation establishment, and he was a little unwilling.

"No, just to be on the safe side, evacuate first. With my stronger spiritual power than them, I can completely follow them secretly, and then take the opportunity to use the fake magic weapon to kill them with one blow, and defeat them all."

Sun Huo immediately came up with a countermeasure in his mind, knowing that this was not the time to confront the three of them head-on. Although from the current point of view, the three of them could not threaten his life, but he could not kill them head-on.

This is the country of Qi, and if a demon cultivator passes by and thinks that the fisherman will benefit, he will be in some trouble.

Thinking of this, Sun Huo quickly took out the previous spirit shuttle and wanted to leave this place.

But when he made this action, Zhao Xueer, who was about ten feet away, threw the double swords in her hands, turned into a white lightsaber, and shot at Lingshuo.

A black line appeared on Sun Huo's forehead, very angry.

"These three guys, don't you think they can kill me and won't let me leave?"

He put the spirit shuttle back into the storage bag, and this flying instrument can't resist the opponent's attack at all.

"Hey, why did that guy leave?"

Just as Sun Huo was thinking about interfering with the other party and trying to fly away, he found that the simple and honest-looking young man on the opposite side of the earth-attribute cultivation technique suddenly sacrificed a small flying boat and flew into the sky.

"Does this guy want to interfere with me by casting spells in the air?"

As soon as this idea popped into his mind, Sun Huo realized that the young man's flying boat was all the way up and disappeared into the clouds in the air. Even if he released a spell, he would not be able to attack him at such a long distance.

"Really gone?"

Sun Huo couldn't figure out the other party's mind, and he didn't have time to think about it, because after the simple and honest young man flew into the sky, the remaining two people had already attacked him.

And he found that the ice long sword used by the woman was also a complete set of magic weapons. After harassing him, the two ice swords returned to the woman's hands, and she was combined into a white heavy sword. The great sword exudes a powerful aura, and its attack power has clearly reached the late stage of Foundation Establishment.

"Hmph, now only two people dare to attack."

Sun Huo moved the magic trick, and three blood demon hands appeared in front of him, which quickly turned into three palms of light, protecting him inside.

He knows that the opponent moves very fast, and he doesn't expect the blood demon hand to attack the opponent, and even if it hits, it can't kill the opponent, so it is better to use it as a defense.

With the three blood demon hands and the shield of the red magic art, Sun Huo can say that he will maximize his defense. More importantly, after these spells are used as defense, he does not need to consume his spiritual power. , allowing him to calmly activate the pseudo magic weapon.

Moreover, after the outermost Gorefiend hand is broken, it may also be turned into a control spell, limiting the opponent's figure for a short time.

Sure enough, after Zhao Qingtian and Zhao Xueer rushed in front of Sun Huo, they just held the huge weapons in their hands and did not launch an attack. They obviously knew that after breaking the Gorefiend's hand, they would be temporarily trapped.

Sun Huo let out a sneer in his heart, slowly mobilized the remaining mana in his body, and injected it into the black knife in his hand, and an evil and powerful pressure emanated from the knife.

Zhao Qingtian and Zhao Xueer, who were both physique cultivators, used to be cultivators at the foundation-building stage, and they also practiced the divine art.

It's a pity that Sun Huo couldn't be seen through the blood demon's hand and the shield. The two of them looked at each other, nodded, and stepped back several feet.

Then the two of them surrounded Sun Huo, and the maximum speed broke out under their feet, and they started to circle.

Such a scene made Sun Huo's movements stagnant, and he didn't know what the two of them were fighting, but Zhao Qingtian and his sisters, this fake magic weapon in Sun Huo's hand, was even less sure to hit the opponent.

Just as Sun Huo was thinking about how to deal with it next, a roar gradually came from far to near in the sky, causing him to raise his head.

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