Lu Kun shook Yu Jian's hand slightly, and his face showed a thoughtful look.

"I didn't expect that the demons are the same as me. The energy flows in the flesh, but their system is slightly different from mine."

"After getting the basics of King Kong Jue, the physical training first enters the muscle training period. The mana is in the muscles. The flesh and blood described by Hong Yuntian should be the muscles. The first-level magic soldier is the same as the muscle training period."

"However, in the second to fourth level demon soldiers, the demon energy is in the internal organs. This is a little different from us. It should be the difference between race and magic power, but after the fifth level demon soldier, it is the same as me. It's all in the bones."

"The One Yuan Sect doesn't seem to pay attention to the discovery of physical energy. If it develops in this direction, with the background of the One Yuan Sect, there should be physical cultivation in the current world of immortal cultivation. Why?"

With doubts, Lu Kun continued to stare at the jade slip in his hand.


"Two hundred and fifty-six years old: Damn, what the hell are the elders doing, they actually handed over all the disciples of the body training to me to arrange it, it seems that they don't care about the body training all the way, by the way, I am also an elder of the one yuan sect now, I have the right to know some sect secrets."


"What, the supreme elder of this sect is actually... (shrouded by an inexplicable force of prohibition), so it is, after the war between the demons, the world has changed dramatically... (shrouded by an inexplicable force of prohibition)... I have to find a way Entering the Nascent Soul level..."


Seeing this, Lu Kun's face was strange, and there was a large paragraph of text that was very vague. With the power of his consciousness, he couldn't read it clearly, as if there was an irresistible force covering the text.

Lu Kun murmured: "Yuanzong is a sect that existed 80,000 years ago and has long since disappeared in the rivers of history. Could this text be the reason for the disappearance of the Yuanzong?"

He then looked down, and the text behind it was normal.


"Two hundred and sixty-six years old: I didn't expect the Han family to perfect the Phantom Demon Zi-Mu Gong. Hmph, back then they looked down on the elder brother who practiced the Phantom Zi-Mu Gong, ruined the marriage contract, and actually went back and studied this practice. "

"Damn the Han family, they still want to compete for the resources of the body-refinement line, saying that the Phantom Demon Child-Mother Art is more suitable for breakthroughs in the magic art. Shit, this practice was created by the elders for body-refinement!"

"Two hundred and sixty-eight years old: Damn it, the Illusory Demon Child and Mother Technique I practice, can't refine the sixth-level Demon Zombie Body. Is it hard to ask the Han family?"


"The bastard of the Han family actually wanted a complete Demon Zombie Body Refinement Battle and the corpse of the Demon General with me. He wanted to use the Demon Zombie Child Body to directly absorb the True Demon Water and speed up the cultivation of the Demon Skill."

"I have to enter the Nascent Soul Stage as soon as possible. I accept this transaction. When you cultivate the magic power of the underworld, you will know the pain. I am afraid that at that time, you will have to merge into my body line."


"My brother's Yuntong body refinement line, I can't let it cut off, and continue to let those disciples continue to practice, but swallowing the child is the fastest way to cultivate, since the demon swallowed by my brother, other top bloodline monsters Just as well..."


"Two hundred and seventy years old: The Illusory Demon Child and Mother Technique has really been perfected. After swallowing the sixth-level demon, I also successfully entered the middle stage of the formation of elixir. The strength even suppresses the average seventh-level magic soldier!"

"The physical magic energy of the sixth-level demonic stiffness is still in the bones. Yes, my bones are also under the blessing of the blood and blood magic, and it is easy to regret the magic weapon!"


"The Devil's Body Refinement Art has been modified by me, and the magic power has been changed to the blood and blood magic power. Some disciples have already entered the foundation-building stage. Hmph, the combat power of my Devil's Lineage will definitely be the best in the future!"


"Three hundred and forty years old: I finally reached the peak of the formation of elixir. It's really scary, and my strength has reached 400,000 pounds. Haha, who can be my opponent below the Nascent Soul stage!"

"What, the disciple of Yuntong Body Refinement Jue failed to break through the formation of pills and turned into a half-human half-beast, a monster with a confused mind?"

"These guys can't even grab the will of the progeny. They deserve to fail. Half-human and half-beast monsters can't be killed. They have to be gathered together. After all, they still have the existence of blood and blood magic pills."

"Brother, the combination of Yuntong Body Refinement and Demonic Body Refinement is the kingly way!"


"Three hundred and forty-two years old: Han Ting has entered the Yuan Ying stage, and she has actually researched the secret technique of absorbing the water of the real magic pool by using the magic zombie clone, and she has also become an elder of the Yuan Sect!"

"Han Ting wants a lot of corpses of demon generals? No, I won't give them! I'll ask her for a theory!"


"Damn, the power of Nascent Soul is so terrifying, it suppresses my qi and blood magic power, without the blessing of qi and blood magic power, the bones are too fragile, not her opponent, strange, her magic power is not magic power..."

"The corpse can't be given to other people, it can only be given to us to refine the body. Damn, I must enter the Nascent Soul Stage!"


"Three hundred and forty-five years old: How could this be the case? The power of qi and blood did not appear to be the power of Nascent Soul, and breaking the pill failed to become a baby, am I going to fall?"

"Hey, I consciously recorded the manuscript, indicating that I haven't died, why is my body missing, what is this, a pool of purple-black liquid, isn't this the magic power of blood and blood? Where is my body, why is there only liquid left? Qi and blood magic power, what about Qi and blood magic pill?"

"By the way, I still have a child, and I just refined the child of an eighth-level demon general!"


"Three hundred and fifty years old: Huh, I failed to break through. Now I live in the body of the devil through the magic of blood and blood. The magic of blood and blood is a bit scary. devoured clean."

"Fortunately, I also practiced the Phantom Demon Child-Mother Art, and the spirit did not dissipate. Now I have survived in another way."

"The blood and magic power also contains the flesh and blood of my body. I have to find a way to integrate it into the body of the demon. The sub-body is my own will.


"Three hundred and seventy-six years old: I can finally control Ruyi with this demonic body, and the blood and magic power has also condensed into a pill in the child's body. My body is considered to be combined with this demonic body in another way. But I have made a breakthrough, or not?"

"This eighth-level demon general's body has scales on its body, and its defense has greatly increased. My strength should increase a lot!"

"But the essence of my magic power has not changed. Like before, the strength is also 400,000 kilograms. It seems that I can't use the maximum power of this magic zombie. Is it because I don't have the power of Nascent Soul?"


"Three hundred and seventy-seven years old: In the face of the power of Nascent Soul, I still can't compete. My soul has not changed, and obviously it has not reached the Nascent Soul stage!"


"I'm too eager to break through. The elders once said that the demon king and some high-level demon generals have top-notch physical supernatural powers. What is this supernatural power..."


"Fortunately, the elders have left a record. This physical supernatural power seems to be a special power. Only the demons who focus on the cultivation of the physical body can comprehend it in the tenth-level demon general stage."

"This kind of power can make the demons form a unique physical force field, making their short-distance flight speed soar, and only the lightning escape and wind escape can be compared. The greatest brute force, even in the face of multiple magic weapons, can be repelled, the strength is terrifying."

"The corpse of such a demon general should be preserved in this sect. I will look for it. The breakthrough point of the Nascent Soul period must be here..."

"There is only one corpse of a demon general who understands supernatural power, and it is actually rarer than the corpse of a demon king."

"Hey, the breath of this tenth-level demon general is terrible. The length of the bone spurs and the scales of the flesh are almost the same as those of the demon king. This guy must be a master in the demon race..."


"Three hundred and eighty years old: the corpse of an ordinary demon general, the sojourn of the magic energy is in the bones, but the tenth-level demon general who has realized the supernatural power, the sojourn of the magic energy is actually all over the body, in the flesh and blood, and also in the internal organs, There is even more in the bones, and my blood and magic power cannot devour any part of his fleshly body at all."


"Three hundred and ninety years old: Very good, the magic power of liquid blood and blood is somewhat amazing, and successfully combined the corpse with this tenth-level demon."


"Four hundred and ten years old: I finally understand that the magic energy in the body of this tenth-level demon general does not change the sojourn point to various parts of the body, but the flesh, bones, and internal organs of this fleshly body are condensed into a whole. Magic resides in the whole."

"I also understand why the blood and blood magic power devoured my body before."

"The instinct to break through the blood and magic power is to integrate my body, instead of simply strengthening the bones, simply strengthening the flesh and internal organs."

"In terms of qi and blood magic power, integration is to devour all the fleshly body and dissolve it together. But after my fleshly body disappears, there is no physical carrier, and such a different power cannot be born..."

"How on earth did the demons generate different powers, is it the racial characteristics of the demons?"

"The blood and blood magic power failed to break the baby, and my body has been integrated into one, and my will and consciousness are also integrated into it. If the inference is correct, I have already met all the conditions..."


"Four hundred and twenty years old: Hahaha, after ten years of attachment to this demonic body, the silent qi and blood magic power really began to produce that strange power."

"It's amazing, this power comes from the source of my body, so it's called the source of the body."

"Those few disciples of the demonic body refinement can also prepare to break through, and let them possess the liquid Qi and blood magic power from breaking the pill into the eighth or ninth-level demon general's body."


"Four hundred and thirty years old: How could this happen? I have a problem with my mind again. Damn it, the qi, blood, underworld magic power has comprehended the source power, which is equivalent to an upgrade. This is a tenth-level demon general, the source force is much stronger than me, I don't know how long it will take!"


"Damn, I was just in a state of confusion, and I almost killed a few of my classmates. They actually thought that I was taken away by the remaining demon souls. If it wasn't for the ineffectiveness of the Soul Capture Jade Pendant, those old guys would have killed me."

"I understand the source power of the flesh, and I just need to sink my heart and come up with a way to enter the Nascent Soul Stage!"


"Four hundred and forty years old: Hmph, the old guy arranged me and the other Demon Zombie disciples in the secret realm where the true demonic energy was extracted from our sect, and he actually used a secret room made of Broken Dragon Stone to set up a formation, obviously he didn't trust me. "

"Okay, I'll prove it to you. Before the end of Shouyuan, you will enter the Nascent Soul Stage. Don't forget the promise you gave me!"

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