The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 805: The Bottom of the Cave

Somewhere in the Chaos Valley, there is an extremely vast underground cave with a radius of hundreds of meters.

The walls of the entire cave were shrouded by an inexplicable restraint, and in the middle was a ten-zhang-sized silver shield, with a faint silver glow, illuminating the real magic pool and a bright multi-faceted crystal.

In addition to the silver shield in the middle, the most eye-catching thing in the cave is a teleportation circle in the corner. Inside the circle is a creature with a height of half a person, similar to a scorpion, with bright pincers and sharp blades, and angular gray chitin. The shell, all of which indicate that this is a dangerous creature.

Outside the teleportation circle, there is a thick gray eggshell shield shrouded, this scorpion-like creature stays very quietly inside the shield, motionless.

I don't know how long it took, the gray eggshell shield suddenly trembled, the gray light on it quickly subsided, and the thickness of the shield's aura was reduced by half, almost becoming a transparent color.

The scorpion creature opened its compound eyes at this moment, and the color of surprise flashed inside. The scorpion tail with four sharp blades behind it, like a javelin, slammed into the shield.


The shield that trapped the magic circle was like a broken mirror, and it turned into a little bit of starlight and dispersed.

"After waiting for so long, your descendants have finally destroyed the secondary formation of the Abyss Ten Absolute Nether Formation, temporarily isolating the transmission of the cold power. The time is limited, let's start quickly!"

With the surging of this spiritual sense, the scorpion has already rushed outside the silver prohibition in the center of the cave, and opened its four fangs.

A ghostly flying ant with huge wicked teeth quickly crawled out, grew to the size of a fist in a blink of an eye, and dexterously climbed to the side of the silver restraint.

"Ming Scorpion, your inference is correct. Let my strong boys break this ban."

The scorpion continued to open its mouth, and the tiny gray ants crawled out one after another. After they left the scorpion, they gradually became the size of fists.

These ghostly flying ants with ferocious jaws spread their transparent wings on their backs and climbed up the silver forbidden light curtain with difficulty.

In a short time, thousands of ghostly flying ants had covered most of the silver shield, and the sharp jaws were biting down fiercely.

The sound of "crunching" began to appear in this very quiet cave.

The scorpion's tail swayed intentionally or unintentionally, with a look of extreme longing in his compound eyes, looking at the multi-faceted crystal within the silver prohibition, his spiritual sense trembled.

"Ming Ant, this group of guards you spawned is absolutely worth the money. Looking at this situation, it only takes half a day for us to break this layer of prohibition and take away the sacred relics of our family."

The ghost ant lay on the ground, raised the jaws in his mouth, his spiritual sense trembled, and he looked extremely excited:

"Yeah, after I return to the abyss and cultivate for hundreds of years, I can try to enter the realm of the insect king."

But at this moment, a dazzling silver luster suddenly lit up on the walls around the entire cave, and small bright silver lightning flashed on it, illuminating the entire cave.

An inexplicable coercion emerged from the surrounding walls. The demonic energy in the cave seemed to have encountered something terrifying. They kept away from the walls of the cave and squeezed toward the center. Even the real demonic energy in the silver ban had converged back to its true state. in the magic pool.

"Impossible, why is there an attack ban here, the One Yuan Sect has disappeared for tens of thousands of years, who can activate it!"

The scorpion's compound eyes showed disbelief, watching the silver lights on the surrounding walls gradually converge towards them, it had a hunch that the next attack would target all of them.

The scorpion felt this coercion and the strange situation of the surrounding demonic energy, and a ruthless color flashed in his eyes.

"It's all under my belly!"

Thousands of ghostly flying ants stopped biting and rushed towards the ghost scorpion.

The scorpion worm's feet trembled, and the body was surging with a strong cold force. The gray-black body of the worm suddenly swelled in a circle, and then its pliers with gray sharp blades intertwined, blocking the back protected by the thick chitin armor.

It just finished all this, and the silver inch light on the wall all gathered above its head, and it converged into a dazzling silver lightning lasing down within the prohibition of the top of the cave.

The silver flickering exudes terrifying fluctuations, and the surrounding air is subjected to some kind of oppression, and it becomes extremely distorted. The magic energy that is touched by the silver lightning seems to evaporate, and is directly annihilated by the silver lightning.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the silver lightning struck the back of the scorpion.

A lot of charred armor fragments were mixed with gray sharp blades, blazing around, and the body of the scorpion was directly blown away and fell into the distance. Most of the cold power in its body dissipated, and the body of the worm returned to its original state. size.

The 200 or so Netherworld Flying Ants that didn't have time to dodge turned into gray flying without any resistance under the residual power of the lightning, but as the scorpion was blown away, the terrifying silver lightning also disappeared. not see.

The scorpion's feet trembled, its tail flicked, and it turned over. It had a gap in its claws that had gray sharp blades, and the claws turned into broken blades. The thick chitin armor on the back , was also blasted into a small pothole, but the armor of the scorpion was extremely thick, and it was not completely broken.

The scorpion's consciousness trembled a little and said: "This attack should be aimed at the tenth-level demon general and above. If the energy of the silver lightning is not aimed at the demonic energy, I am afraid that my ninth-level insect general's defense cannot be resisted at all."

The scorpion's compound eyes are full of lingering fears. Even if the energy contained in it is aimed at the demons, the attack power still broke the pincers of its ninth-level worm general, and the chitin armor behind it was also blasted. half.

The ghost ant, who escaped the catastrophe by hiding in the abdomen of the ghost scorpion, also heard a sense of fear: "Why is there an attack ban here? With your body, you can only barely catch a blow. If it comes again, won't we? Failed?"

Ming Scorpion rubbed the injured pliers, and observed with compound eyes: "Ming Ying, although I don't know how this attack was activated, it obviously doesn't have the power of a second strike."

"Look at the surrounding walls, the original strong restraint aura has become weak and weak, and the remaining restraint force barely maintains the wall's fixation. Obviously, the silver lightning just now has completely consumed the surrounding restraint force."

The ant observed around and found that it was exactly as the scorpion said, but its compound eyes still flashed with anxiety, and then its fist-sized body burst out with surging spiritual thoughts, killing the remaining more than 700 Nether flying ants shrouded.

The ants, which were only the size of their fists before, seemed to have been stimulated by some kind of stimulation. The bodies of the worms rose again, their compound eyes were red, and they rushed to the silver shield again. The jaw teeth opened and closed, swallowing the silver forbidden aura. doubled from the beginning.

The mind of the underworld ants is a little weak and said: "I have to lose some spiritual sense. The Yuanzong led the Xiu Xian world in the past, and successively repelled our underworld insect race and the demon race. The strength should not be underestimated. The sooner you leave here, the better."

When Ming Scorpion heard this sentence, his consciousness couldn't help but snorted coldly: "If the immortal cultivators of the year had not had the help of the demon clan, it would have been so easy to repel us."

"Now that the demon clan has fallen, no one will help them. The next time the underworld insect clan comes, it will be... eh..."

The scorpion seemed to have discovered something, and a hint of surprise flashed in his compound eyes: "There are immortal cultivators here. By the way, the restraining power of the wall has been greatly reduced, and they can sense the strong demonic energy here."

"The one-yuan secret realm is opened, and the top Pill cultivators of Qi will come in. I don't have much combat power. You can solve them quickly, and don't interfere with our collection of holy relics."

"Of course, just to get some golden pills and beat the teeth!"

The scorpion flashed and disappeared in place.

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