After confirming the alliance with Qishamen and forming a contract with the Blood Oath Magic Board, Ma Jie breathed a sigh of relief.

He looked at the dark wall in front of him that could not be detected by his spiritual sense, and turned his head and said, "Bone soul, where the pure water of true demons appears, there must be strange restrictions. Use your ghost to find the way."

Behind Ma Jie, a handsome young man in black robe heard the words and said bitterly: "Senior Brother Ma, the evil ghost below was injured by the guy surnamed Xu, and now the breath is a little..."

Ma Jie waved his hand and interrupted: "Bone Soul, there are still many loose cultivators in the secret realm. We will help you make up for your evil ghost's vitality."

Bone Soul's face was overjoyed, and he said quickly, "Thank you Senior Brother Ma, I will leave the matter of exploring the way to me."

After speaking, Bone Soul opened his mouth and spit out a gloomy black long banner. A one-horned evil ghost composed of mist climbed out of the long banner, exuding the coercion of the late stage of the formation of Dan, but the mist was shaking, and the breath was extremely unpleasant. stable.

Bone Soul thought of Ma Jie's promise, and when he gritted his teeth, he spewed a mouthful of blood essence onto the evil ghost. A strong and cold magic power surged in his body.

Under the blessing of Luo Hunfan, the foggy one-horned evil spirit gradually became materialized, as if wearing a piece of armor, the breath became solid.


Under the urging of the bone soul, the one-horned evil spirit quickly floated towards the passage ahead.

Bone Soul closed his eyes and described the scene behind the passage while sensing.

"You can move forward from left and right. The opening in front of us is a crack in the passage wall. There are traces of prohibition on the passage wall."

"Let's go to the right first. The passage here has a dotted arc. The wall on the left has been surging with pure magic energy. The water of pure true magic should be behind the wall."

"There are a lot of huge stones on the ground. Hey, this jade fragment seems to be the ground of the square above. Strange, although this passage is ten feet high, the top is sealed. How did the gravel on the jade square come here? ."

"There are so many stones..."

"Hey, there is a hole in front of it, it's a small sealed cave with a teleportation array inside!"

Bone Soul opened his eyes, a little surprised.

Ma Jie raised his brows and said, "Bone Soul, what kind of magic circle is this, can you tell?"

Bone Soul frowned and murmured: "It seems to be a one-way teleportation array, which is sent here from the outside world, and cannot be transmitted. It is strange that the array pattern in the cave is much denser than other places."

"There is nothing of value in the cave. Wait, the big rock at the entrance of the cave has a palm print on it. There is no dirt or dust. It seems to have just been printed."

Hunsha's expression changed, and he immediately asked, "How big is this stone?"

"One zhang high, at least 10,000 catties!"

As soon as the Bone Soul was finished, the demon cultivators present tightened their expressions, teleporting the magic circle in one direction, and there were brand-new handprints on the boulder. It seemed that someone sent it over and pushed the boulder away.

If it was a normal immortal cultivator, he would definitely use his magic weapon to smash the stones, and push the 10,000-pound boulder away with his hands. Needless to say, it must be the terrifying loose cultivator Zhang Tianbiao.

Ma Jie said solemnly: "Be careful, our previous joint contract with Zhang Yiyang has expired. This guy is good at concealment, his explosive speed is comparable to that of a demon, and his attack power is even more... Hey, fellow Soul Shaman, you guys..."

Before he could finish speaking, he saw Soul Sha and the others prop up a gray shield, and a trace of the power of Nascent Soul flickered.

Soul Sha looked at the strange eyes of everyone in the Blood Refinement Sect, and he was not embarrassed at all, he said coldly: "Don't look at us like this, this guy named Zhang Tianbiao, he attacked us before, and also stole our pure true devil. water, be careful."

Ma Jie didn't expect that Qishazi and Zhang Tianbiao would still have such a fight, he said in a low voice: "Let's be careful too, treat this guy as a top-level demon, Zhan Le, you and the others activate the secret defense technique, bone soul. , you continue to investigate."

A blood-colored magic light rose up, and the others did not hesitate to execute Ma Jie's order. After the battle in the square, they were even more afraid of Lu Kun. After the shield appeared, everyone's sense of security greatly increased.

At the beginning, the top demons with the power of Nascent Soul could not break this shield, and it should be no problem to block Zhang Tianbiao.

"Strange, the passage has always been curved to the left, like an arc, the walls and the ground have no special features, and the restraint force is very weak."

"There is a bright light ahead, as if there is a new hole. Hey, that's not right. My ghost went around in a circle and returned to the crack in front of us. This passage is a huge arc!"

Ma Jie pondered for a moment and said, "The pure magic energy comes from the inside of the passage, that is to say, the place surrounded by this circular passage is where the True Magic Pond and the Pure True Magic Water are stored!"

Bone Soul nodded and said: "Senior Brother Ma is right, there should be a huge cave with a radius of 100 zhang, which was originally sealed by the prohibition on the wall, but the force of the prohibition suddenly weakened here, and we can completely break through the wall and enter it. "

"Hey, what is this?"

Bone Soul suddenly showed a look of doubt: "There seems to be a magic weapon on the wall in front!"

"magic weapon?"

"Yes, it is a sharp blade with four-sided blades, exuding a strong icy aura, embedded on the wall. If it weren't for my unicorn's sensitivity to icy and cold things, I'm afraid it wouldn't be able to find it?"

"Strange, why didn't I notice this when I first went in, the cold and cold aura seems to be deeper than the demon above!"

The bone soul showed a bit of greed. Of all the people present, he was the only one who cultivated the magic power of the cold and cold attribute. Unfortunately, the magic zombies that Ma Jie harvested will definitely be handed over to the sect to be studied by the old man in the Yuan Ying period who refines the corpse in the door. , he can't tell anything.

However, the sharp-blade magic weapon in front of him was completely within his grasp. Thinking of this, Bone Soul couldn't help but control the unicorn to step forward.

Just as the unicorn ghost approached, the four-sided sharp blade suddenly shot out from the wall. The unicorn ghost did not respond, and was directly pierced through the black armor of the body, and the green eyes showed a look of extreme horror. .

Its solid black mist turned into a cloud of smoke, condensing into the body, and the sharp blades on all sides were like a bloody mouth, greedily devouring the body of the unicorn.


"Ah... not good, my magic weapon!"

The bone soul let out a painful scream, his face was pale, and most of the aura in his body dissipated.

"Everyone be alert!"

Ma Jie and the others all felt a chilly aura of great consummation of the formation of pills appearing in the passage in front of them. Although the aura was not strong, it seemed to be colder than ice, almost freezing the soul, and the defensive shield could not stop it. Cold meaning.

A terrifying spiritual thought came from the entrance of the cave: "Tsk tsk, human immortal cultivators are still so cautious, this scorpion will not ambush, uh... This magic weapon of the cold attribute tastes pretty good..."

A half-human-high scorpion creature wrapped in thick chitin armor slowly appeared at the entrance of the cave. Its two sharp-edged pincers, holding the soul of the soul, sent it into its mouth, and bursts of chewing sound came from there. Outgoing from sharp jaw teeth.

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