The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 813 The Roar of the Sky and the Transformation of the Demon Ape

Seeing the appearance of this demon ape, the two worms felt the strong aura of brutality in the air, as if they recalled some kind of terrifying existence, and panic waves surged in their spiritual senses.

The ghost ants in mid-air gave a shock, and flew towards the teleportation formation on the edge of the cave without any hesitation. The ghost scorpions on the ground also trembled, moving in the same direction, while the power of the Yin-cold Nascent Soul remaining in the body was turbulent. Incessantly, a thin layer of gray awns appeared on the surface of the armor.

At the moment when they turned and fled, the sturdy muscles on the black ape's body shrank for a while, and the two giant arms raised to the sky, at the same time, they opened their bloody mouth full of huge fangs.

The true demonic energy surrounding him seemed to be guided by some kind of guidance, forming a phantom of a magic ape nearly two feet high outside his body.

This demonic ape phantom also opened its fangs, and the brutal aura on the black ape reached its peak at this moment.

The huge fist with strange fluctuations bombarded the black ape's own chest, and the phantom shadow of the two-foot-tall ape behind his back instantly sank into his big mouth.


The sky-shattering roar, accompanied by a terrifying invisible wave, was like a huge wave, rushing wildly in all directions, and the true demonic energy in the cave turned into countless hurricanes under the influence of this wave.

Hundreds of ghostly flying ants near the True Demon Pond were just affected by this wave, and their fist-sized bodies burst open, turning into countless blood mists, which were blown away by the turbulent demonic energy.

The ghost ant that just started flying and fleeing in the air, the body of the ghost flying ant attached to it, took the initiative to explode before it touched this wave, and a fat gray ant phantom flashed in the air, as if teleporting. , flashing rapidly into the distance.

And outside the chitin armor of the scorpion, a layer of gray aura appeared, and the strong power of Nascent Soul rolled.

But even so, after being affected by this terrifying roar, the worm's body was fixed in place, as if it had been hit by the immobilization technique. The inertia of flying and this invisible fluctuation caused the worm's body to turn over directly. Up, the power of Nascent Soul seems to be unable to resist this strange magical power.


The remaining compound eye outside the scorpion's armor couldn't bear the power of this sound wave and burst open, the green plasma scattered, the gray aura trembled violently, and the broken armor wound on its back reappeared.

After the demonic ape roared out this terrifying ripple, the huge body that was one zhang tall seemed to have vented something. It shrank a section and became eight feet tall, only a little taller than the ordinary human race. The huge arms on both sides of the body were still hideous. Abomination.

After the body of the demon ape shrank, the waist sank, and the hands and feet were used together. The whole body turned into afterimages and shot out in the sound of the ground breaking, and instantly appeared in front of the scorpion who turned over.

A giant stone several feet long, grey and dull appeared between its giant arms, and on the big black-haired hand of the magic ape, one after another blue veins bulged and twisted, arrogantly tossing the giant stone towards the sky. The rising scorpion smashed to the back.

The solid ground under the Demon Ape's feet collapsed more than a foot deep at the moment of exertion.

Accompanied by the thunder-like blasting sound of the air, the strong winds were like sharp-edged magic weapons, squeezing in all directions. This boulder was like a meteorite from outside the sky, carrying the power of thunder, and slammed into the armor wound on the back of the scorpion.


The tumbling worm body of the scorpion was smashed into the ground by this stone without any resistance, and a scorpion-shaped pothole was printed, and the gray aura outside the armor trembled even more.

After the magic ape hit this blow, without any pause, he let out an excited roar, and used his Optimus Prime's huge arm, waving the boulder to bombard again.

"Boom! Boom!"

After two more terrifying brute force blows from the Demon Ape, the scorpion body sank deep into the ground, and the edge of the pothole was also shocked by the amazing aftermath, which stretched two or three feet away.

The wound and crack of the scorpion-backed armor expanded a lot, and a lot of green blood spilled out, dyeing the armor green, and the gray aura containing the power of the Nascent Soul on the surface of the armor was only a thin layer. The scorpion's pliers and legs twitched slightly, as if it was about to regain control.

After the magic ape attacked three times in a row, its size shrank again, becoming the height of an ordinary person.

Looking at the scorpion's reaction, a violent look flashed in the red eyes of the magic ape. He threw away the gray boulder in his hand, and a slightly smaller black hammer appeared on his thick fingertips.

As if feeling something, the black hammer made an excited roar, a layer of black aura appeared on the surface of the hammer, and a deep magical aura flashed on it.

"Magic weapon, how could the arm-armed ape be able to activate the magic weapon!"

The scorpion just recovered from the terrifying fluctuations of the previous roar. After discovering the change of the black hammer, his consciousness was full of incredible meaning, and his body trembled even more.

The magic ape grinned, and the huge black-haired fist clamped the inexplicable black hammer, violently bombarding the armor wound that was only covered by a thin layer of gray.

In an instant, the gray and black rays of light flourished, and the layer of gray aura on the surface of the scorpion was shattered with a trembling. The wound on the back of the armor shattered under this terrifying force, and a large amount of green blood and armor fragments splashed out. , the entire fist of the devil ape, took advantage of the situation to sink into the body of the scorpion.

Immediately afterwards, the Demon Ape's exposed forearm trembled, its five fingers spread out, and five sharp fingernails slid out of the palm.

Suddenly, a miniature gray scorpion phantom flew out from the worm body, flashed again and again, as if teleporting, appeared in the distance, and flashed twice, and entered a teleportation array on the edge of the cave. , merged with the flying ant phantom that arrived earlier, and then the two insect souls disappeared in a gray light.

Seeing this, the demon ape spit out a mouthful of turbid air, the bloodshot in his eyes gradually faded away, and the meaning of the real demon remaining in the body was also shackled by some kind of force, disappearing into the body.

Then the black hair on the body shortened and faded at a speed visible to the naked eye, the ferocious arm turned into a normal human arm, and the face of the ape was blurred and distorted.

The Demon Ape soon turned into a burly man with a naked body.

Lu Kun looked at his unscathed body with a look of excitement and excitement on his face, but then his expression changed, his strong body "thumped", and he was half-kneeling on the ground, the murderous and violent real devil's intention was in his body roll.

Lu Kun's eyes were red, his teeth were clenched tightly, and the strong energy of qi and blood rose into the sky. The original violent real devil's meaning gradually calmed down, and then he remained motionless, combing the violent real devil's meaning in his body.


Qi State, a certain cave under the abyss of death in Nanzhou, is full of densely packed nether flying ants, and the dense buzzing of wings in the cave will make people shudder.

In the deepest part of the cave, there is a large magic circle with a lot of aura shining in it. Tens of thousands of ghostly flying ants cover the magic circle, and the jaws and teeth snap together, swallowing up all kinds of auras that emerge, outside the magic circle. In the corner of the room, there was a plump ant covered in gray armor and seven feet tall. It was motionless and seemed to have lost consciousness.

All of a sudden, the white light on the magic formation exploded, accompanied by a wave of spatial fluctuations, and two illusory insect shadows appeared in it, a fat gray flying ant and a miniature scorpion.

Their worm souls are dim, their spiritual consciousness is extremely weak, and they seem to be greatly traumatized.

There was a trace of panic in the fluctuation of the soul of the scorpion: "Tongtian Roar, it is definitely a Tongarm Demon Ape!"

"Is there really any remnants of the gibbous ape in this world?"

"Why can he transform into a human race and use the magic weapon of the demon race?"

The ant next to him looked at the incoherent scorpion, and said with a hint of strangeness in his consciousness: "Ming scorpion, this time we failed, you even lost the ninth-level insect body, what are your plans for the future?"

The soul of the scorpion scorpion was agitated, and looked at the ant vigilantly: "What do you mean, the ant, don't forget that we still have a contract, you can't do anything to me."

Ming Ant said lightly: "Don't worry, I won't shoot at you."

When the scorpion heard the words, the soul loosened, and he felt that he was thinking too much, but at this moment, all the ghostly flying ants in the cave suddenly flew up and rushed towards the soul of the scorpion.

"Ming Ant, you... ah..."

The ant soul floated lightly to the fat ant body in the corner, and the consciousness became extremely cold: "But my children can make a move. If you don't have a worm body, you might as well contribute your soul and memory."

"In this way, I can not only make up for the loss of cultivation, but also go further!"

"By the way, I forgot to tell you, I have been practicing in the Abyss of Death for so many years, and I have already discovered another way to enter the insect king..."

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