The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 825 The Four Great Monkeys

Lu Kun's heart can be said to be very pleasantly surprised. The power of Xiaojin's explosion just now is close to 200,000 kilograms.

It means that under the explosion of its open arms, its combat power exceeds that of ordinary cultivators in the middle stage of the formation of pills.

In normal state, Xiao Jin has about 130,000 jins of strength.

Thinking of this, he hurriedly asked: "Xiaojin, how many times can you sustain the attack with the strength of your arm?"

The little monkey sensed the demon spirit power in his body and gestured with his claws.

"You said that it can sustain at least sixty or seventy rounds of attacks?"


Lu Kun was startled, it lasted much longer than he had at first, and then he thought that Xiao Jin was the pure bloodline of the demon king among the monkeys, and he felt relieved, he couldn't help asking: "Could it be that you used the magical power of the ear to learn from me? come?"

The little monkey scurried over Lu Kun's shoulder, grabbed the short hair on his head, and nodded complacently.

The corners of Lu Kun's mouth twitched. This little monkey, connected to his blood, is not only highly qualified, but also has unheard of innate supernatural powers. The hearing range of spiritual ear supernatural powers far exceeds the power of consciousness, and he can "hear" his exercises. and supernatural powers.

"Wait, this magical power seems to have some impressions, and the ears of the ape phantom..."

Lu Kun's expression suddenly froze, and then he took the little monkey off his neck, held it in his hands, and looked at Xiao Jin's ears carefully.

I saw that the edge of the little monkey's two ears was a layer of light golden meat balls with a little spiral inside, which looked like another ear that had not grown out. If it was fully grown, the little monkey would have four. ear.

And he remembered that the ape phantom just now seemed to have three ears on each side.

Lu Kun's eyes flashed with shock, and he murmured, "Four ears? Six ears? Is it a six-eared macaque?"

"According to the myths on the earth, the six-eared macaque can know things thousands of miles away, listen to sounds, understand things, know before and after, and understand everything. It is very similar to Xiao Jin, but it is not the same!"

"After all, in addition to having a very wide range of hearing, Xiao Jin can also learn my exercises."

Lu Kun released his hand and let the little monkey rush to Da Hei's body, his eyes flashing with a strange color: "Six-eared macaque, gibbon monkey, looking at it this way, the gibbon-gibbon bloodline I possess is also the same as that of the gibbon monkey. The four god monkeys in earth mythology are related."

At this moment, he recalled the murals he had seen in the cave of the black ape clan in the mountains. The beginning of the murals described the human race and the monster race fighting against a strange creature. Judging from Lu Kun's current knowledge, that kind of Creatures are naturally demons.

Later, on the murals, there are the top demon kings of the demon ape family. One of them is naturally a giant ape. Besides, there is a beautiful ape and a horse monkey.

If you think about it this way, everything seems to be connected. The handsome and extraordinary ape is naturally the Lingming Stone Monkey. The famous Monkey King Sun Wukong on the earth is of this bloodline.

"But why when the demons invaded, all they encountered were giant apes, and the Lingming stone monkey and the red horse monkey didn't hear the Heisha guy mention it?"

Lu Kun fell into memory.

While guarding Xiao Jin, he asked the Demon King Heisha about the Gibbon and the Gibbon.

In ancient times, the giant ape was the most powerful race in the body of the demon clan. Under the same realm, the demon race was not the opponent of the giant ape at all.

The gibbon became a thorn in the eyes of the demons. The demons captured many young gibbons, trying to dig out the secrets of their powerful bloodlines to see if they could make the demons more powerful.

The demons transformed the captive giant ape into a magical beast through the secret method they researched.

However, they did not expect that the transformed arm demon ape had a great fit with demonic energy, especially the real demonic energy that contained the meaning of true demons, and even produced the terrifying supernatural power of Tongtian Roar.

Afterwards, a few of the Demon Apes with the highest cultivation level soaked in the water of the True Demon Pond and got rid of the Demon Race's control technique, causing a lot of losses to the Demon Race.

Lu Kun knew that the words of the Demon King Heisha could not be believed. The loss caused by the Demonic Ape to the Demon Race was by no means a little bit. From the memory of his bloodline, the Demonic Ape of the Armored Arm had played an important role in the war to repel the Demon Race. Great help.

"The ancient demon ape family seems to have a lot of secrets. When the demon clan fought, why was there only one lineage of the giant ape, where are the other demon king royal families, and what does it have to do with the four great monkeys on earth?"

The more Lu Kun thought about it, the more doubts he had in his mind...

"Haha, Senior Brother really succeeded in the promotion, congratulations." Zhao Qingtian's figure appeared not far away, interrupting Lu Kun's thoughts.

Xiao Jin stood on the shoulders of Da Hei, dancing with joy.

Lu Kun shook his head and put the matter of the four great spirit monkeys to the bottom of his heart. In the world of immortal cultivation, he is only at the level of the formation stage, and he can only ask the high-level immortal cultivators about the ancient demon clan after his cultivation goes further. .

He then looked at Zhao Qingtian with a bit of satisfaction in his eyes.

With his eyes, it is natural to see that Zhao Qingtian is about to enter the Great Perfection of Body Tempering. It can be seen that the effect of the poison refined by Du An on body cultivation has exceeded expectations, which further strengthened Lu Kun's determination to win the Holy Poison Sect.

"Qingtian, Xiaojin has entered the Bone Treasure Stage, and his strength has greatly increased. As a teacher, he plans to keep Xiao Jin by Du An's side. In this case, Du An's safety will be greatly increased, and Xiao Jin can also practice in the Bone Treasure Stage in Qi."

Zhao Qingtian asked curiously, "Could it be that during the Bone Treasure Period, you need the help of demonic energy?"

Lu Kun nodded, without explaining, but said, "You should retreat on Yaoling Island behind you, how is your understanding of the secret technique given to you by the master?"

Zhao Qingtian said: "Master's technique of concentrating internal organs, Qingtian has already comprehended almost, but with my blood essence concentration, it seems that it can only be refined by 20%."

An inexplicable look flashed in Lu Kun's eyes and said: "You haven't practiced the auxiliary exercises of the Bone Treasure Stage, the blood density is not enough, and it is not bad to concentrate 20%, and then you can leave this method of visceral concentration to Xue'er. "

Zhao Qingtian respectfully said: "Yes, Master."

Lu Kun looked up to the southeast and pointed, "It's almost time to calculate, I'm going back to the Blood Refinement Sect, and when your rebuilding is complete, notify me again, and the Master will come back to help you."

Zhao Qingtian looked at Lu Kun and the little monkey with some reluctance, and nodded heavily.

Lu Kun patted Zhao Qingtian on the shoulder, turning it into a bright purple light, wrapping Xiaojin into the sky, and rushing towards the exit of Yaoling Island.


During Lu Kun's stay on Yaoling Island, he did not meet any of the brothers from Treasure Pavilion. He heard from the disciple that Qin Yushu, Xiao Hongfei and Lu Xiao teamed up to hunt monsters in the open sea.

There are many immortal cultivators in the overseas places of the Chu State. Apart from the abundant spiritual energy here, it is because of the overseas monsters. The inner pills of the monsters can refine the medicinal pills to improve their cultivation.

As long as enough demon pills are hunted, it means that there are a lot of pills to improve cultivation.

Qin Yushu and the others have entered the stage of forming pills. If they only rely on hard work, the progress is very slow. They must rely on the power of medicinal pills, and the various materials on the monsters can also be used to the best of the treasures.

With the three of them together, the safety is greatly increased, and the seventh-level monsters can also fight.

As for Zhu Xiaofeng, knowing that his aptitude is mediocre, and it is difficult to break through in the middle stage of forming a pill, he simply sits in several Treasure Treasure Pavilions in turn, teaching some of the newly recruited disciples of Treasure Treasure Pavilion.

Yu Lin, the son of Yu Yifeng back then, has a dual fire and wood spirit root, and now he has the cultivation base of the early stage of foundation building. The level, placed in the peak of Yueyang Sect's Item Refining, can also be ranked in the forefront.


After Lu Kun left Yaoling Island, he went directly to the Holy City of Martial Artists, and after explaining to several disciples in the town, he took Du An back to Xizhou of Qi State.

In the past five years, in addition to refining poison, Du An also taught the second-generation disciple Zhao Qiming the technique of refining poison. Anyway, this guy has thousands of magic stones from Lu Kun to help him, and his practice has not fallen.

In addition to the various medicinal pills that increase the magic power and the ten poison magic power that has been successfully transformed, it only takes twenty or thirty years for Du An to enter the Great Perfection of Foundation Establishment.

When the Zhao brothers and sisters and Du An broke through one after another, it was time for Lu Kun to attack the Holy Poison Sect.

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