The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 828: The First Battle of Nascent Soul Stage (Part 1)

Chen Fenghua's face was pale, he endured the oppression brought by this terrifying consciousness, spit out a mouthful of blood essence mixed with magic power, tried his best to stimulate the magic power in his body, and a blood-red shield wrapped his body.

Chen Fenghua was extremely frightened in his heart. After the burly man he traded with entered a state of battle, although he looked astonishingly powerful, judging from the mana he radiated, he was only in the middle stage of forming a pill, and could not be an opponent in the Nascent Soul period.

So he thought of running for his life for the first time. Even the strongest among the disciples of the blood refining sect in the early stage, Ma Jie, the blood demon son who has completed the elixir, still needs to rely on the seed magic beads to resist the strong initial stage of Nascent Soul for a short time. By.

"Blood Demon Escape Heaven Dafa?"

In midair, a slightly fat middle-aged man in a white robe appeared out of thin air. A light green magic shield appeared on his body, and the black poisonous miasma around him were directly repelled to ten feet away.

The middle-aged man sneered, waved his hands quickly, and shot out two dark green magic lights, which shot towards Chen Fenghua and Lu Kun respectively. Although this magic light was not so tyrannical, the fluctuations it emitted made people feel Feeling a little dizzy.

A trace of confusion flashed in Lu Kun's eyes, his legs trembled, as if he didn't have time to dodge, he subconsciously held the hammer in both hands to block in front of him.

This dark green magic light didn't seem to have any attack power. After hitting the Heavenly Hammer, it split apart and turned into a little green light all over Lu Kun's body.

The layer of purple light film outside Lu Kun's skin collapsed as soon as it came into contact with these green lights, and Lu Kun also woke up at this time, showing a look of horror.

In the middle of his formation, his mana became very weak, and the whole person stood on the branch in a daze, as if he was being controlled.

On the other side, Chen Fenghua was also affected by the fluctuation of the dark green magic light. The Gorefiend Escape to Heaven was terminated, and the blood-red shield outside the body was hit by the dark green magic light, and it turned into a little red light with a slight trembling. dissipated in the air.

Chen Fenghua's face was pale, and he felt that the magic power in his body was losing ground, as if he had encountered a natural enemy, and all of them had shrunk into the golden elixir.

At the same time, small dark green silk threads appeared in his meridians, rushing into his dantian frantically, forming a green net, wrapping the golden core, and the magic power inside was instantly imprisoned and could not be used.

When the middle-aged man saw the situation of the following two people, he showed contempt, not to mention the coercion carried by his huge consciousness. Dao Moguang is still his unique magical power.

The middle-aged man waved his sleeve robe, and a dark green jade ruler shot out with a deep spiritual light, and landed on Chen Fenghua's head in a blink of an eye.

The appearance of this jade ruler made Chen Fenghua's whole body stand up, and the breath of death rushed towards his face. At this critical moment, the blood magic in Chen Fenghua's body violently stirred up, and a blood-red flying knife rushed out of his body. , facing the jade ruler above.

Although Chen Fenghua's golden elixir was imprisoned, the magic power could not be activated, but after the blood magic power entered the fourth floor, there was 50% of the blood magic power in the blood, and the magic power was not imprisoned.

The middle-aged man touched his chin with his hand, and said in surprise: "The blood magic art is really powerful, and the little guy who has just completed the pill can still mobilize the magic power after being hit by the Qingluo magic light."

While speaking, the jade ruler radiated a lot of light, spurting out a magic light that was countless times stronger than before, like a thick beam of light, bombarded down, and directly wrapped Chen Fenghua's flying knife magic weapon along with his body.

The black poisonous miasma several meters around the beam of light, and the giant tree under Chen Fenghua's feet, were blasted into nothingness by the terrifying aftermath of the beam of light, and disappeared without a trace.

The middle-aged man flickered and came to the jade ruler. The magic in his hand moved slightly, and the remaining magic light milk swallows returned to their nests, all returned to the jade ruler, leaving a pale red golden pill in the original place. The blood-colored throwing knife and several storage bags.

Standing on a branch not far away, Lu Kun lowered his eyes and watched Chen Fenghua being killed by this Nascent Soul cultivator. He was amazed in his heart. Ordinary alchemy cultivators were like an ant in front of the Nascent Soul cultivator. , was easily killed.

Although he has fought against existences of this level, whether it is the demon zombie or the scorpion, there is a big difference between him and the cultivator of the Nascent Soul.

Just like the magic light shot by this middle-aged man, the power of the Nascent Soul contained in it did not have much attack power, but the supernatural powers attached were so strange that he lost his mind for a moment.

Then this magic light deftly bypassed the Heavenly Hammer and spread into his body.

Under the pressure of Nascent Soul's power, all the mana in his fleshly body was shrunk into his bones, and the Thunder Protector lost its mana urging, and naturally disintegrated easily.

Those green silk threads containing the power of Nascent Soul entered his dantian through his meridians, trying to find his golden core.

With such a flexible use of the power of Nascent Soul, Qi Shazi and Ma Jie, who used the power of Nascent Soul with the help of secret techniques, were simply impossible to use.

Fortunately, Lu Kun's dantian was empty, not to mention the golden core, and there was no mana at all, and these threads could only wander in the dantian blankly.

Lu Kun breathed a sigh of relief and was also sweating coldly. Based on his previous experience with the power of Nascent Soul, he faced the attack of the monks in the Nascent Soul stage, and he did not expect such a change at all.

If he had the intention of dodging from the beginning, with his explosive speed, this magic light might not be able to enter the body.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in Lu Kun's mind, and suddenly he found that the middle-aged man had placed Chen Fenghua's golden pill in a delicate jade box very solemnly. He seemed to attach great importance to this golden pill, which made him feel a little strange. .

"What is that guy doing? With his cultivation in the Nascent Soul period, what is the use of using the golden pill in the early stage of the formation of pills? Could it be to study the Blood Demon Art?"

Just when Lu Kun had doubts in his heart, the Nascent Soul powerhouse turned around and looked at Lu Kun with interest: "Little guy, you look very calm, do you have any means to escape from me? "

Lu Kun looked at the middle-aged man fearlessly, and said lightly: "If the senior is in the middle stage of Nascent Soul, the junior will naturally be unable to escape, but in the early stage of Nascent Soul..."

The middle-aged man felt a burst of laughter, as if an ant was dancing in front of him, he pinched the magic with one hand, shook his head and sighed: "Little guy, you have been hit by the Qingluo magic light, I can destroy your gold at any time. …”

Before he finished speaking, the middle-aged man's expression suddenly froze: "What's the matter, your dantian doesn't have..."

At this moment, a dazzling golden light bloomed in Lu Kun's eyes, and the thick blood in his body erupted like a volcanic eruption. Black and long hairs grew up, and at the same time an inexplicable brutal magic power emerged.

The thick branches of the water tank under Lu Kun's feet exploded in an instant, and he shot out like a cannonball, his arms full of black hair, deformed and ferocious, waving the Heavenly Hammer, and slammed into the middle-aged man in mid-air .

The middle-aged man did not expect that the ants in the middle stage of the formation of pills would take the initiative to attack, but also burst out with such a terrifying speed and power. In this flash of lightning, he only had time to bless the power of the Nascent Soul, the light green shield outside the body. It quickly turned dark green.


With a loud bang, the Heavenly Hammer, which exudes a black aura, bombarded the shield.

The terrifying fluctuations spread out, and the surrounding giant trees were smashed by the invisible force squeezed in the air. The black poisonous miasma turned into layers of violent waves and swayed outwards.

The middle-aged man, together with the protective shield, was smashed into the air, and Lu Kun was not feeling well. After the attack, his ferocious black-haired arms shrank, and his whole body was blown away by the huge anti-shock force. , it broke five or six giant trees before it stopped.

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