After Bayonkai left for half an hour, a faint gray light flew carefully, and soon came to the middle of the swamp.

The gray light gradually dissipated, revealing an old man with gray hair. A copper shield magic weapon and a gray magic shield were suspended from his body. The poisonous miasma around him spontaneously gathered and seemed to be under his control.

This old man with full defenses exudes the magical aura of the middle stage of the formation of pills, and his consciousness spreads out. He carefully inspects the surrounding scenes and checks the battle marks here.

A quarter of an hour later, the old man stood at the mouth of a broken giant tree, sensing the remaining breath, his eyes flashed with horror, and he wiped the sweat from his forehead:

"The aura of Nascent Soul's power, coupled with the two terrifying escaping lights just now, means that two old monsters in the Nascent Soul stage came to our Holy Poison Sect's territory, and I don't know why they started."

The old man sighed: "Senior brother's speculation is correct. Someone wants to plot against my Holy Poison Sect, and there is more than one faction. Otherwise, these two Nascent Soul Stages will not start their hands."

The old man suddenly raised his brows. He seemed to sense something, and a strange wave surged in his hand, and the gray aura spread to the black poisonous miasma outside his body.

These poisonous miasmas were immediately attracted by this wave and gathered in his hands. In a blink of an eye, they turned into small black balls, and a strong rancid smell emanated from them.

The old man looked a little cautious, and the magic power in his body slowly surged into his hands. Soon, the small black ball became smaller and smaller and gradually became transparent under the injection of magic power. pack.

The old man looked at it carefully, his face suddenly changed, and he said in shock, "This is... Senior Brother Sha's Xuanming Rotten Poison, this trace of holy poison cannot be kept for too long. This probe has found the direction of Xuanming’s rotten poison and found the forces that want to attack our Holy Poison Sect.”

Thinking of this, he hurriedly used the secret technique, wrapped the black mist with a lot of magic power, and then affixed a few seal runes, put them in the jade box, turned into a ray of light, and hurriedly left the place.


Hundreds of miles away, Lu Kun pushed the 206 bone treasures in his body with all his strength, his body was wrapped in a layer of purple treasure light, his skin was dyed purple, and he shuttled through the sky like a flash of lightning.

The light of the two hundred magical treasures is amazing, and it explodes faster than most of the magical treasures of immortal cultivators. Occasionally, the magic cultivator of the elixir stage sees this light of light, and they think it is an old monster of the Nascent Soul period. Don't dare to get too close.

Although the escaping speed is no less than the Nascent Soul stage, Lu Kun's face is not very good-looking. With his mana in the middle stage of the formation, it is still a bit reluctant to push the two hundred and six bone treasures with all his strength, and he can't hold on for too long.

And during the flight, his muscles and nerves have been twitching slightly. Obviously, the consciousness of the old man in the Nascent Soul period is still locked on him.

"That guy's escape light has not yet entered the range of my consciousness, which means that the distance cannot be shortened in a short time. If I bless Gubao with the blood escape technique, the speed can continue to increase, and I can definitely get rid of that guy."

Lu Kun's consciousness probed towards his dantian again, with calmness flashing in his eyes.

"No, even if I bless the Blood Escape Secret Technique and leave the range of the old monster's consciousness, the power of the Nascent Soul in the body is still there. If the old guy casts a spell to sense it, he can lock my position and continue to track."

"With his unfathomable magic power, I can't afford to consume it at all. When I stop to recover my magic power, this old guy will be able to catch up. I have to find a way to solve these Nascent Soul powers."

Lu Kun couldn't help but ponder.

Before in the swamp, after Lu Kun used the magic arm magical power to hit Bayongkai's magic shield, he knew that he was definitely not an opponent of the Yuanying period.

As for the crazy attacks in the back, I mainly wanted to test the magic weapon attack power in the early Nascent Soul. After a few rounds of bombardment, Lu Kun could only regretfully find that his strongest attack power was not even worse than that of Bayongkai. few.

The power of the opponent's magic weapon, not counting the power of Nascent Soul, is at least equivalent to an attack power of 500,000 kilograms.

In addition to temptation, his frantic attack was also to paralyze the enemy, and he unexpectedly shot Xuanming rotten poison, filthy magic weapons, and took the opportunity to escape.

At the beginning, Xuanming's rotten poison just stuck to his bones, which greatly damaged the spirituality of the bone treasure. If Lu Kun forcibly peeled it off, I am afraid that the bone treasure would be corroded and worn through.

Du An also described that the three holy poisons were transformed by the power of Nascent Soul, the former Nascent Soul predecessor of the Holy Poison Sect, and could cause damage to the monks of the Nascent Soul.

Sure enough, the corruption of Xuanming's poison on its magic weapon restrained Bayongkai, causing Lu Kun to take the opportunity to fly away and widen the distance between the two.

"There's a way!" Lu Kun looked happy, and the golden light flashed in his eyes: "If it can't be eliminated, then seal it."

The essence and blood coagulation skills he learned from the Chi-Lianxiangong method, coupled with the powerful qi and blood of physical cultivation, can seal the top energies of the demons such as the meaning of the true demon, and maybe also the power of the Nascent Soul.

When he thought of it, he did it, and Lu Kun quickly ran the blood secret technique. For a while, the blood in the purple treasure light rose to the sky, and the sound of rolling waves was faintly heard in the body, and the blood of extremely high density poured into the dantian.

The ten or so dark green filaments, wrapped in pieces of blood essence that condensed into crystals, entered the blood vessels from the meridians, and disappeared into the depths of the bones. The process was easier than the original intention of the real devil, and the power of Nascent Soul was sealed in the bones. deep.

Lu Kun let out a cheerful whistle, and the surging energy of qi and blood did not dissipate, but rushed to the bones of the whole body. Blood light flashed in the purple treasure light, and soon it turned completely blood red.


There was a thunderous cracking sound in the air, and an invisible sonic boom exploded out of thin air, tearing through the clouds and mist. Lu Kun's body turned into a bloody light, and the speed increased sharply, hurricaneously heading towards the west.


Thirty miles away, Bayongkai felt the acceleration of Lu Kun's evasion light, showing a bit of surprise. He obviously didn't expect this little guy in the middle stage of the formation of pills, and the supernatural ability to accelerate the speed of evasion.

"This kid not only has many magical treasures, but also has such a secret technique of flying escape. It looks similar to the blood escape technique of the Blood Refinement Sect, but the power of qi and blood is much stronger."

"Powerful brute force, the flesh and blood are similar to those of the monster. This guy is more and more interesting to me. If I get his practice, maybe it can make my flesh become so powerful."

With excitement flashing on Bayongkai's face, he made a move in his hand, trying to activate the Qingluo magic light that he had injected into Lu Kun's body before.

But then his face changed, revealing an unbelievable color, those Qingluo magic lights seemed to have disappeared, and he couldn't move the slightest.

"This guy actually has the magical power to obliterate the power of Nascent Soul."

Bayongkai didn't believe in evil and tried several times, but the result was the same. Qingluo Moguang didn't have any response. This would be a delay in time, and Lu Kun's escape had already exceeded the range of his consciousness.

He looked towards the west with a gloomy expression on his face, but his escaping light did not stop but sped up a bit.

After another half day, Bayongkai stopped escaping, and his eyes flashed with unwillingness: "This guy appeared in the realm of the Holy Poison Sect, and Xuanming Rotten Poison, obviously it has something different from the Holy Poison Sect. small relationship."

"When I go to the Blood Refining Sect, I will come back and investigate."

After he finished speaking, Bayongkai changed his direction and shot towards the direction of Nanzhou Blood Refining Sect.

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