The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 833 New changes

"I didn't expect that nine times the blood magic power of the Great Perfection of the Foundation Establishment, after being compressed to one time, can enter the middle stage of forming a pill in one go, and the total amount is no different from the magic repair in the middle stage of forming a pill!"

Lu Kun felt the surging blood magic in his blood, with an expression of extreme surprise on his face.

He burned blood essence, and with the incomparable power of qi and blood, combined with the mana and the accelerated flow of blood, he forcibly squeezed the blood magic to double.

After the blood magic power is compressed to the extreme, it is like a bomb that will explode in his body at any time, and with such a quality of blood magic power, the little real devil intent left in his body is not enough to motivate the blood magic power formula, so he ventured into the real world. Magic Pool.

Thanks to Lu Kun's decisiveness, the transformation of blood magic power requires a true demon's meaning far beyond his imagination, and it took a quarter of an hour in the true demon pool to barely break through the barrier.

Finally, with the assistance of sufficient demonic energy, the blood magic energy entered the middle stage of the formation of pills in one fell swoop.

The reason why the Gorefiend Bone Refining Technique encountered a bottleneck in the middle stage of Bone Treasure was because the energy level of Gorefiend was too low, and the annihilating power generated by the two could no longer temper the formed Bone Treasure.

According to Lu Kun's plan, through the comprehension of high-level blood magic art, let blood magic power enter the level of the initial stage of formation, then the annihilating power generated by mana and magic power will have a qualitative change, and can continue to strengthen the bone treasure.

However, he did not expect that the nine-star physique that once appeared in the body quenching stage would bring such great help to the middle stage of Gubao, causing the blood magic to surge to the level of the middle stage of the ten percent formation, which is incompatible with his thunder attribute mana. up and down.

Obviously, the fusion of blood magic power and thunder attribute mana in the middle stage of the formation of elixir, the resulting annihilation power is definitely far greater than the blood magic power of the initial stage of formation of elixir, and the speed of quenching bone treasure will be faster.

"In addition to blood magic power, the density of blood has increased to a higher level, and the weight has been reduced. It seems that it has been refined again and become more pure. Hey, the color of blood has become dark golden."

"Even if the blood magic power increases greatly, today's blood can completely seal it, restore the mana first, and try the current blood magic bone refining technique, how effective it will be."

Lu Kun was a little impatient. He circulated the blood in his body, and the concentrated blood crystals wrapped the magic power in the middle stage of the formation of pills.

Then he flickered and came out of the cave. He took out several magic disks, and arranged a magic circle to simply isolate the magic energy. Then he held a few spirit stones in his hand and began to restore his mana.

Two days later, Lu Kun's physical mana returned to its peak. With anticipation and anxiety, he slowly released the blood magic in the depths of the bone marrow.


An explosion sound appeared in Lu Kun's body out of thin air, followed by a large amount of purple treasure light pouring out, and the strong magic baby light accompanied by the aura of destruction filled the underwater magic cave.

Lu Kun sat cross-legged on the ground, his body twitched unconsciously, and his facial expression was extremely hideous, as if he was enduring some kind of extreme pain.

He gritted his teeth, and his teeth, which were as hard as magic weapons, squeaked, and even sparked.

Although Lu Kun had expected it, he still underestimated the annihilation power generated in the middle stage of the formation of pills. He only released a little blood magic power, and the annihilation power erupted in the bone marrow cavity almost made his bones fall apart.

Fortunately, all Bone Treasures have been portrayed with a solid array, and the precious light shines in times of crisis, resisting the power of the power of annihilation. Otherwise, the Bone Treasures will definitely suffer a great loss of spirituality in the first place, not only will they not be tempered, but even worse. There will also be material regression.

Hearing the overwhelmed crunch of the bones, Lu Kun breathed a sigh of relief and survived the first round of explosions.

He endured the severe pain transmitted from his nerves, and guided the power of extinction to circulate. After this power of extinction was exhausted, he began to reduce the output of blood magic power and continued to temper it.

After three days and three nights, Lu Kun stopped.

At this time, the mana and magic power in his body had been completely exhausted, and the 206 bone treasures had been tempered for a whole round. Lu Kun sensed the changes in the bone treasures in his body with a satisfied expression on his face.

"As expected, the annihilation power generated by the blood magic power of the foundation building cannot shake the bone treasure, and the level of the core is completely fine. Just this round of tempering, I feel the enhancement of the bone treasure material."

"The only troublesome thing is that the magic and mana consumption is too high, and one round of bone quenching is used up."

Lu Kun pondered for a while, and then ran the exercise to restore blood magic.

The blood magic power in the middle stage of the formation of the core is very different from the previous foundation-building stage. It took a full day for him to restore the blood magic power to its peak.

The mana gave him some headaches. In this magical environment, even if there were a lot of spirit stones, it would take two days and two nights for the mana to recover.

If you were in a blessed land with abundant spiritual energy like Yaoling Island, the mana would only take one day, but blood magic could only be cultivated with magic stones, and it would probably take two or three days.

Thinking of this, Lu Kun smiled somewhat self-deprecatingly.

"I'm too greedy. The Gorefiend Bone Refining Technique itself greatly speeds up the tempering of the bone treasure. Even if it takes six days to temper one round, it is many times faster than the normal breeding speed of the bone treasure."

After calming down, Lu Kun followed the previous steps to seal the blood magic power, and it took two days to restore the mana.

Then he ran the Gorefiend Bone Refinement Technique and continued to refine it.

But when a trace of annihilation power appeared in the depths of the bones, Lu Kun's face suddenly changed. He quickly mobilized the huge power of qi and blood, and at the same time the mana surged. Lightning flashes through the flesh.

Soon, the annihilation power was wiped out by a large amount of thunder attribute mana.

Lu Kun had a look of fear on his face.

"Bone Treasure's spirituality is somewhat damaged, but I didn't realize that the power of the just-reinforcing magic formation dropped, and it almost couldn't resist the power of annihilation."

Lu Kun frowned.

"In the early stage of Gubao, the bones of the whole body still belong to the category of materials, but in the middle stage of Gubao, the bones become magic weapons. Under the forcible tempering, it also makes sense that the spirituality is damaged."

"For ordinary cultivators at the stage of forming a pill, the spirituality of the natal magic weapon is damaged, and they need to be nurtured with mana before they can gradually recover."

"Although this round of bone treasure tempering, the degree of spiritual damage is very low, but I have too many bone treasures, and it will take several days to conceive with all my heart."

"There are many changes in the Gorefiend Bone Refining Technique in the middle stage of Gubao, and I have to try it a few more times."

Thinking of this, he mobilized the thunder-attribute mana in the skeleton and circulated in the skeleton.

Ordinary cultivators in the dantian stage cultivate magical treasures in their dantian, and Lu Kun's mana is in the bone treasure. The speed of nurturing is much faster than that of immortal cultivators. It took less than four days, and the spirituality of bone treasure fully recovered.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Kun continued to run the Gorefiend Bone Refinement Technique to study its changes.

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