The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 835 Old Demon Pang's Accidental Discovery

Qi State, inside a cave dwelling in the deepest part of the Gorefiend Mountains.

Pang Laomo, the great elder of the Blood Refining Sect, was sitting cross-legged in front of a bronze-colored pill furnace. Below the pill furnace was a blood-red flame, and the scorching temperature permeated the secret room.

Pang Laomo's eyes flashed with red light, and he stared at the pill furnace, his hands changed various mysterious magic, and one after another, the magic light exuding a tyrannical aura was shot out, turning into a thick fog surrounding the pill furnace.

With the movement of Fa Jue, the magic fog outside the pill furnace became more and more, and the strong aura of Nascent Soul was surging inside, and the magic energy in the cave spontaneously gathered here.

Seeing this scene, Old Demon Pang folded his hands slightly, and a large amount of magic mist outside the pill furnace quickly condensed and gathered into a small black ball above the pill furnace, directly submerging into the pill furnace.

After a while, a strong and pure Danxiang gradually spread out.

Pang Laomo's eyes showed satisfaction, he stretched out his hand, and the blood-red flame turned into a strong magic light and disappeared into the body.

There was a smile on the corner of his mouth: "With this third-order wedding gown blood pill, Xu Zihang's blood demon cultivation base can advance by leaps and bounds, and in the remaining time, he can completely break through to the stage of forming pills."

"The blood pill in the wedding dress has the power of my blood demon, and the small bottleneck in the foundation-building stage hardly exists, and it is also convenient for me..."

Just as Old Demon Pang was talking to himself, a milky white jade pendant on his waist suddenly radiated a lot of light, and a white light was lasing out, rushing towards the pill furnace.

Old Demon Pang's expression changed, he clenched his fist with one hand, and the rich magic energy around him seemed to be guided, turning into a thick black hand, holding the entire pill furnace and protecting it.

Bai Guang slammed into the aura of the big black hand, and his speed dropped sharply.

Taking advantage of this buffer time, Old Demon Pang grabbed the jade pendant around his waist, muttered something in his mouth, and injected the strong energy of Nascent Soul into the jade pendant. The white halo trembled and was about to come out.

Old Demon Pang's face was heavy, and the magic hand outside the pill furnace deftly opened the lid and grabbed a blood-red pill the size of an apple, which was suspended not far away.

Old Demon Pang hesitated a little, picked up the jade pendant with a milky white halo, and slowly approached the blood pill of the wedding gown.


A slight vibration came from the apple-sized pill, and some black threads gradually appeared on the surface of the pill.

When Old Demon Pang saw this scene, he was stunned for a moment, and then he seemed to remember something, and quickly mobilized the incomparable magic power and the power of Nascent Soul in his body to activate some kind of spell.

As he casted the spell, the magic hand wrapped around the medicinal pill gradually shrank, mixed with the power of Nascent Soul to cover the surface of the blood pill of the wedding gown, forming a layer of black mud, which protected the medicinal pill like an armor.

Old Demon Pang looked slightly nervous, he let go of the control of the jade pendant, the milky white halo was like a wild horse that had lost its rein, turned into a white aura and shot out, covering the medicine pill.

With a hissing cracking sound, a small black silk thread gradually struggled out of the medicine pill.

The breath of this silk thread is extremely weak, but it has extremely high-purity energy inside.

Under the illumination of the white light, this thread shrinks at a speed visible to the naked eye, and it will dissolve at any time.

Old Demon Pang felt the strange and inexplicable aura of the black thread, and said incredulously:

"It's really the magic soul power, such a small one, if it weren't for the scent of the medicine, I'm afraid even a dollar jade pendant would not be able to find it."

"Such a weakened demon soul power should be condensed through the demon king's soul contract."

Old Demon Pang looked at the demon soul silk that had been melted away by the white light, and his eyes flashed with excitement.

"It seems that my previous inference is correct, a demon soul with a demon king level was born!"

"The Scarlet Lianzong can restore the Scarlet Refinement Demonic Art. Obviously, the demon soul has taken action. This old guy discovered the flaws of the Scarlet Refinement Demon Art, so he will naturally covet the Blood Demon Art of this Sect."

Pang Laomo frowned: "The devil's soul power appeared in the blood pill of the wedding dress, that is to say, it had been living in Chen Fenghua's golden pill before."

His expression gradually calmed down, and he thought: "This demon soul is so cautious, he did not sneak into the sect himself, but contacted Chen Fenghua unknowingly, and used some kind of secret technique to conclude a soul contract with him, thereby generating this A trace of demonic soul power."

"Not only can you use Chen Fenghua to obtain the blood demon art, but it will be more convenient to take the house in the future."

"If I hadn't been activating the one-yuan jade pendant, this demonic soul power would have been completely hidden in the blood pill of the wedding dress, and then transferred to Xu Zihang's body. The consequences would be unimaginable."

Pang Laomo had a few cold sweats on his forehead, and he felt more and more that Chen Fenghua and the demon soul had reached a deal. Chen Fenghua was also in the period of time after the appearance of the Chi Lian magic art, and his cultivation level advanced by leaps and bounds, and he entered the foundation establishment.

"This little guy has the help of the demon soul, and he broke through to the stage of forming a pill and became a blood demon in the stage of forming a pill. He was killed by Bayongkai not long ago. In this case..."

Thinking of this, Old Demon Pang flashed annoyance in his eyes.

"Chen Fenghua is dead. With the cunning character of the demon clan, that demon soul must think we have found something, and I don't know where to hide at this time."

"Damn, if I had personally checked Chen Fenghua's body, I would have been able to discover this trace of demonic soul power. At that time, if I set up a game, there is a high possibility of ingesting the demonic soul."

"The Demon Soul Pill, which is made with the soul of the Demon King as the main material, is the dream of a demon cultivator in the late Nascent Soul, and it has a great auxiliary effect on promotion to God Transformation."

Pang Laomo looked at the blood pill of the wedding dress in his hand. Under his protection, only the breath was slightly weakened, and the medicinal power was not affected in any way, so he took out a jade brocade box and placed the blood pill of the wedding dress inside.

He stood up, a bit of unwillingness flashing in his eyes: "Even if there is only a small chance, I can't let it go. Chen Fenghua is related to the demon soul, I must investigate it myself."

"Go to Bayonkai first, then..."

Thinking of this, Old Demon Pang arranged several unfathomable restrictions and left the cave.


Wei State, Luzhou.

Wei Kingdom's Xiu Xianjie has experienced the martial arts war more than a hundred years ago, and the Tianjianmen destroyed Jiuyoumen, and now there are only three major forces left.

Demon Gate, Tianjian Gate, and Youth League.

These three sects have not fought in a big way for decades. They only scrambled for resources in Zhongzhou. However, the scale of the conflict was limited, and there was almost no battle at the level above the formation stage.

Despite this, the small clans in the Wei Dynasty all felt that a storm was coming, as if a certain opportunity would ignite a war between the sects.

Devil's Gate is located in Luzhou of Wei State, second only to Zhongzhou in area.

After occupying the whole of Luzhou, the residence of the Demon Gatekeepers was expanded, and all the disciples were divided into two inner sects, the Demon and the Spirit. The disciples who practiced the magic arts were called the Demon Sect, and the residence was the Yunling Mountains in the north of Luzhou, the base camp of the Demon Sect.

The disciples who practice other exercises and need to absorb the essence of spiritual energy are merged into the spiritual sect, and the station is set up in the Yueyang Mountains where the original Yueyang sect was located.

The two inner sects of the demon spirits have strong powers in the Nascent Soul period, and there are two people from the spirit sect and three people from the demon sect. It can be said that the strength of the demon spirit sect surpasses the entire Wei country.

As for Old Demon Stone, who has the highest cultivation level in the Demon Sect, it is said that he has been in seclusion, and it is not clear to the outside world whether he has entered the late Nascent Soul.

In the depths of the Yunling Mountains where the Demon Sect is located, there is an incomparably huge Demon Abyss, which is filled with incomparably pure Demon Qi, and the further down the abyss, the more intense the Demon Qi.

In the Demon Sect, only the elders who practiced pure-blooded magic arts can live in the Demon Abyss, while other Demon Cultivator disciples can at most open caves near the Demon Abyss.

The great elder of the Demon Spirit Gate, the cave dwelling of Old Demon Shi, was naturally placed in the deepest part of the Demon Abyss.

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