Luochuan City is located in the eastern part of the North Desolate State of Chu State. It is the mortal city closest to Qi State. Because it is located on the main road of transportation, a large number of merchants who take goods come and go here, which is extremely prosperous.

In charge of Luochuan City, the famous Duan family of Chu State controls various industries in Luochuan City, and the daily income is amazing.

The Duan family is a martial arts family that has been inherited for nearly two hundred years. The Three Hundred and Sixty Road Piaoling Swordsmanship is even more famous in the world. This highly skilled swordsmanship can often defeat opponents with stronger internal strength.

Second-rate internal strength has the combat power of first-class masters, and first-class internal strength can rival super-first-class masters. But in the Duan family today, there are six super-first-class masters, nearly 30 first-class masters, and countless second-class masters.

The head of the family, Duan Yuanfeng, is also a super-first-class peak powerhouse. Fifteen years ago, he killed eight top masters with one sword per person and fifty strokes, completely consolidating the Duan family's position in Beihuangzhou.

There are even people in the martial arts who speculate that Duan Yuanfeng has entered the legendary realm of martial arts.

With such a record and rumors, the Duan family's position in Luochuan City is extremely stable, and the resources of this prosperous city are firmly in their hands, and no sect around them dares to reach out.

The Duan family is located in the center of Luochuan City. It is divided into inner and outer courtyards. The outer courtyard is very large. The outer courtyards are inhabited by the outer disciples of the Duan family and some deacon elders. Only the core disciples of the Duan family can live in the inner courtyard.

On this day, in the discussion hall of the Duan Family Inner Court, there was a dignified atmosphere.

Sitting in the first seat of the conference hall is a middle-aged man in his forties. He has a long face and short hair, his face is like a crown of jade, a pair of sword eyebrows are placed over his sharp eyes, he is calm, and he holds a purple and green sword in his hand. .

He is the head of the Duan family, Duan Yuanfeng.

And below sat three old men in their fifties and two women who looked to be in their thirties. The eyes of these five people were shining, and each of them had a very strong aura. 's top players.

One of the pale old men coughed lightly, breaking the calm in the discussion hall: "Yuan Feng, are you telling the truth? The dignified immortal cultivators will take action against us mortals?"

"Even if our Duan family is rich, there is nothing worthy of immortal cultivators."

Duan Yuanfeng said in a hoarse voice: "Third uncle, I received a code sign from Wanshu, saying that she and the second elder, who had been missing for a month, were poisoned by a cultivator in the city, and this cultivator would slaughter my Duan family. "

"Only me and Wan Shu know this code, and there will be no mistake."

Hearing this sentence, everyone's expression became solemn.

Wanshu's full name is Zhu Wanshu, and she is Duan Yuanfeng's wife. Her aptitude is as amazing as Duan Yuanfeng's. She is the second-class master of the Duan family, second only to Duan Yuanfeng, and the second elder of the Duan family is also a warrior of this level.

Such a strong man actually died silently in the city. If it wasn't for the Patriarch to say it, they would not have believed it at all.

Looking at the expressions of the people below, Duan Yuanfeng's pupils flashed a sad color, and he took a deep breath and said:

"This time, I recruited several clan uncles to discuss matters overnight. I want you to take Yun'er and the core disciples of the Duan family to leave Luochuan City overnight and go dormant in Pingjing City to avoid immortal cultivators."

The white-haired old man raised his brows and said, "What about you, Yuanfeng?"

Duan Yuanfeng narrowed his eyes and said in a cold tone, "I'll stay and ask this immortal cultivator why he killed my wife and destroyed my Duan family. Compared with swords, how much is the difference!"

After the five people below heard the words, their expressions changed.

"The head of the family is not allowed! Immortal cultivators can fly to the sky, and they can also use all kinds of magical techniques. They are among the gods and immortals, and we are not capable of fighting against us warriors at all."

"Let's leave together overnight, immortal cultivators may not be able to find out!"


Duan Yuanfeng clenched the long sword in his hand and said, "Don't worry, I am not a reckless person."

"According to the news passed by Wanshu, although this immortal cultivator is in Luochuan City, he still needs to practice some kind of exercise, which will take a month. When I first got the news, I had already sent flying pigeons to pass the news. book, please ask my father and his old man to come out of the mountains."

The crowd was even more astonished.

"What? Is the old master still around?"

"Didn't the old master leave the Duan family thirty years ago and disappear?"

The white-haired old man flashed a look of surprise in his eyes and said: "Yuan Feng, in order to break through the current martial arts realm, eldest brother went to find the illusory martial artist holy city, you can contact him, don't you..."

Others also thought of something, and their expressions were shocked, and they all looked at their Patriarch.

Duan Yunfeng said with a look of admiration: "Yes, my father successfully found the Holy City of Martial Artists, got the guidance of experts, and entered the legendary realm of Martial Saints as early as 20 years ago. My Duan family has cultivated for two hundred years. The highest man."

"Twenty years have passed, and my father's cultivation has reached an unfathomable realm, so he may not be afraid of immortal cultivators!"

Hearing the words, the white-haired old man looked relieved, and his eyes flashed with hope: "The Holy City of Martial Artists is the myth of the martial arts. It is rumored that the powerhouses of the Martial Saint level can fight against immortal cultivators. Our Duan family is saved. "

Duan Yuanfeng continued: "The battle between the Martial Saint and the Immortal Cultivator must be extremely dangerous. Those who are not strong enough will probably die if they are encountered by the aftermath of the battle."

"I have to trouble the third uncle to coordinate and arrange for Yun'er and the children of the Duan family to evacuate Luochuan City overnight."

The white-haired old man nodded and said, "Okay, we'll make arrangements now."

After speaking, the white-haired old man waved his hand and led the others out.

After seeing everyone leave, Duan Yuanfeng said with a bit of helplessness on his face: "Yun'er, come out, because my father knows you are here."

As soon as he finished speaking, a slender yellow figure jumped off the roof beam and landed in front of Duan Yuanfeng.

But it was a little girl of fifteen or sixteen years old. She was wearing a yellow shirt, tall and tall, with a two-foot dagger on her left and right waists. She was full of heroism.

The little girl bit her lip with her little teeth, and there were a few tears in her big beautiful eyes, staring at Duan Yuanfeng.

Duan Yuanfeng touched the little girl's forehead lovingly, and sighed, "Yun'er, you heard it all."

The little girl clenched the hilt of the sword at her waist with both hands, her voice was clear and angry, and she said loudly, "Dad, I want to stay too, I want to avenge my mother!"

Duan Yuanfeng's eyes flashed with reluctance, and he said softly, "Father and grandfather will avenge their mother, Yuner, your cultivation is too low, staying here will only make father scruples, be obedient, go back and pack things, and you three Grandpa left Luochuan City overnight."

The little girl held her white lips, her face was full of struggle, but after a while, she slowly released her hands that were holding the dagger, wiped the tears from her eyes, nodded with difficulty, and then she turned around. With a flash of form, he jumped back to the roof beam with an elegant movement, and turned out from the side window of the roof.

Duan Yuanfeng looked at the figure of the little girl leaving, and his eyes were full of doting.

This heroic girl with a strong atmosphere in the rivers and lakes is the daughter of him and Zhu Wanshu, Duan Yiyun, who is fifteen years old this year.

It seems that she has inherited her parents' talent. Duan Yiyun's martial arts talent is extremely high. What is rare is that her determination is incomparable to ordinary people. Outsiders can't imagine that such a little girl can persist in practicing for five or six hours a day.

As early as when Duan Yiyun was thirteen years old, she had already practiced the Three Hundred and Sixty Way Piaoling Swordsmanship very well, and the Duan family's Qinggong also made her extremely slippery.

Duan Yiyun is now fifteen years old, and he can completely compete with second-rate masters. If it were not for his young age and lack of vigor and internal strength, I am afraid that first-rate masters would not be a match for a little girl.

Duan Yuanfeng muttered to himself: "Anyway, Yun'er must leave Luochuan City first."

At this moment, some noises suddenly came from outside, and the white-haired old man hurriedly returned to the conference hall with a look of fear on his face.

Duan Yuanfeng had a bad premonition in his heart, and hurriedly asked, "Third Uncle, what happened outside!"

The white-haired old man said in a difficult tone: "Yuan Feng, outside my Duan family's inner courtyard, I don't know when, a large amount of black mist appeared, wrapping the Duan family's house, if we hadn't prepared to evacuate, I might not have found it in the dark night. "

"Many disciples walk into the clouds and return to the distance without knowing it. Such a strange scene is likely to be the means of the cultivators."

Duan Yuanfeng said quickly, "Where's our secret way?"

The white-haired old man smiled bitterly and said, "I've already gone to check it out. The underground secret passage is filled with soil again. We didn't notice it at all, Yuan Feng, we're trapped here."

Duan Yuanfeng grabbed the Ziqing long sword and used his light power to blast out. He wanted to personally try this weird black fog.


The guards on duty at night also noticed the black mist that appeared in the first place. A large number of the outer disciples of the Duan family were alerted, but no matter what method they used, they could not enter the inner courtyard. Once they entered the black mist, they would lose their way.

There are many first-class masters among the outer disciples, and they have heard of the legendary cultivators. They vaguely guessed that the black mist that wrapped the inner courtyard was the means of the cultivators. Except for the black fog, they did not find any traces of other cultivators.

In the first few days, most of the outer sect disciples thought that this was an immortal cultivator invited by the Duan family to arrange the legendary magic circle for the inner courtyard to protect it.

And the various systems of the Duan family are extremely perfect. Even if the core disciples in the inner courtyard do not appear, Luochuan City will operate normally.

But after waiting for half a month, there was still no movement in the inner courtyard, some shrewd disciples became active, and they left Luochuan City on the pretext of performing various tasks.

If the immortal cultivator is the enemy, staying away from Luochuan City is a life-saving move. If the immortal cultivator is invited by the Duan family, the reason for going out to perform the task is sufficient.

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