Seeing the death of the immortal cultivator, except for the white-haired man, the other two swayed and fell down, and even the weapons were scattered on the ground with a bang.

The bald monk looked at the white-haired man and smiled bitterly: "Brother Duan, we are still a step late."

Anger flashed in the eyes of the sturdy woman. She smashed a stone brick with a fist, and said hatefully, "It's all my fault for my poor qinggong, otherwise I will definitely arrive a few days earlier."

The white-haired man sheathed his sword and turned to look at Duan Yuanfeng, who was lying not far away. His fingers holding the hilt turned pale, and a trace of sadness flashed in his eyes:

"Where are the two of you, if it weren't for your help, even if you came a few days earlier, Duan would not be able to deal with the two immortal cultivators in the late stage of qi refining, and even my own life would be at risk. Like now, I can still be destroyed in front of the ghost of the dog. enemy."

He continued: "Duan Mou will not participate in the distribution of the contribution points of the two immortal cultivators in the later stage of Qi training. With these 100 contribution points, your spirit control instruments can be redeemed and truly become your own weapons. ."

Seeing the two still hesitated, the white-haired man said softly, "Don't say no to the two of you. With your help, Duan's granddaughter was able to save his life."

As soon as the white-haired man finished speaking, a small door opened in the corner of the conference hall.

Duan Yiyun's petite figure ran out of it, she looked at the white-haired man's face that resembled her father, she couldn't hold back the tears in her eyes any longer, she plunged into his arms and wept loudly: " finally... Here, my father and mother are..."

The white-haired man is Duan Yuanfeng's father, Duan Han.

Duan Han's eyes flashed with love, and he patted the little girl's back lightly, sighing: "It's okay, grandpa has already avenged his revenge, and your parents can rest in peace."

With these words, Duan Yiyun cried even louder, hugged Duan Han tightly, even if she had the strength of a second-rate martial artist and her mind was mature, she was still only a fifteen-year-old child. It burst out all at once.

The sturdy woman looked at this scene with a sad look in her eyes, as if recalling the past.

The bald-headed monk on the side also sighed and said in a low voice, "Sister Niu, let's deal with the body of the cultivator first, and let them stay for a while."

Big Sister Niu came back to her senses, nodded silently, and took off the robe of the dead male cultivator under her feet. A little spiritual energy flashed in her muscles, and with a sense of consciousness, she put it into the male cultivator's storage bag.

Then he got up and walked towards the corpse of the nun in the distance, doing the same, then took out a small stone box smeared with black paint from his arms, and put all the storage bags he received into it.

The bald-headed monk on the other side twitched his muscles, waved his long stick, and fired an extremely hot fire, burning the bodies of the two immortal cultivators to ashes.

Duan Han gently hugged Duan Yiyun, looked at the dozens of corpses of the Duan family's children around him, and murmured, "Immortal cultivators regard mortals as ants and slaughter them arbitrarily. I didn't expect that it would be my Duan family's turn this time."

"The dust returns to the dust, the earth returns to the earth, Monk Fang, please also burn the corpses of my Duan family's inner courtyard and clansmen. After removing all traces, we will leave immediately. The dead are the disciples of the Ghost Spirit Sect. Don't be careless."

"it is good."


Half an hour later, Duan Han and the three of them plus Duan Yiyun were already sitting on a carriage, and the strangely-shaped weapons disappeared.

They were mixed in the caravan, and they looked like ordinary people in the martial arts, unremarkable.

"Evian, are you saying that these two immortal cultivators want to destroy my Duan family because the souls of my Duan family martial artists are refined?" Duan Han asked with a frown.

Duan Yiyun had calmed down at this time, no sadness could be seen on his face, and she seemed to have vented all her emotions. She nodded and said, "Yes, grandpa, that person said that to father himself."

Duan Han said with a gloomy expression: "My Duan family's swordsmanship, the most important thing is to concentrate on the condensed spirit, and the soul of a top martial artist will be different from other martial artists."

"Gui Lingmen is proficient in ghost cultivation techniques, and I am afraid that the refined soul is a great supplement for their cultivation."

Then Duan Han looked at Duan Yiyun with a serious face, and said word by word: "Evian, remember, when you see an immortal cultivator in the future, you must retreat. Immortal cultivators are not something that ordinary warriors can compete with."

Duan Yiyun was silent for a moment, and his face calmly said: "Grandpa, rest assured, Yiyun knows that his father's super-class warrior realm cannot pose any threat to immortal cultivators."

"Even if the strength of Grandpa and the two senior Martial Saints depended on sneak attacks, they killed the female immortal cultivator unexpectedly, and the male immortal cultivator seemed to have misestimated Martial Saint's means, and was defeated only by blindly defending. of."

When Sister Niu and Monk Fang heard this, their eyes showed surprise. They knew that Duan Han's granddaughter's martial arts talent was amazing, and she had the strength of a second-rate martial artist at a young age. The battle judgment is inseparable.

Duan Yiyun continued to say crisply: "If the female cultivator regards Senior Niu as a strong enemy, and uses the yellow defense method of the male cultivator from the beginning, the battle situation will be completely different."

"So the Martial Saint Realm has the power to counter the immortal cultivators, but the strength is still weaker than the immortal cultivator, so Evian will never provoke the immortal cultivator when his strength is insufficient."

Duan Han was shocked when he heard his granddaughter's analysis. Although he knew from Duan Yuanfeng's letters before that this granddaughter's martial arts talent was amazing, he didn't expect that his fighting consciousness was so high.

He patted the little girl on the shoulder and said with emotion: "Evian, your analysis is very good, but there is one thing you may not know, the cultivation of the three of us has reached the peak of Martial Saint."

"The pair of men and women who just died are only the bottom of the cultivators, and their real age is no more than thirty years old."

When Duan Yiyun heard this, an incredible color flashed on his face, and he blurted out: "How is it possible! Less than thirty years old! Aren't they 100-year-old old monsters?"

Duan Han shook his head and said, "Immortal cultivators are a group of people with unique aptitudes. They practice all kinds of terrifying spells by cultivating special exercises, and their lifespans will be longer due to the breakthrough of their realm."

"This pair of men and women are just beginners in cultivating immortals, and they only know basic spells, but even if they are entry-level spells, they can easily destroy our Duan family."

Duan Yiyun was extremely shocked. She always thought that immortal cultivators were monsters who had been cultivating for hundreds of years, but she did not expect that immortal cultivators were just a group of people who relied on their unique talents to practice magic.

She has seen the power of this spell. The black fog, the hideous ghosts, the faint green fireballs, the shimmering shields, and the super-class warriors are helpless.

Listening to Grandpa's tone, it seems that it is only the most simple spell for immortal cultivators.

Duan Han touched the black storage bag in his arms, and said with a look of admiration:

"If we hadn't found the Holy City of Martial Artists and obtained unique exercises and weapons, not to mention the late stage of Qi refining, even if we just entered the middle stage of Qi refining, it would be very difficult for us to defeat them."

When Duan Yiyun heard the words, he immediately thought of something, and his eyes lit up: "The legendary holy city of warriors! Grandpa, you are all at the peak of the martial arts. Are there warriors of higher realms in the holy city, and can they truly compete with each other? Cultivator."

Duan Han said with a bit of pride: "Of course, Martial Saint is only the weakest warrior in the Holy City. I have seen the predecessors of the Holy City of Martial Artists, who can kill immortal cultivators in the late stage of Qi Refining with just a raised hand. The strength is terrifying."

Duan Yiyun's eyes were full of longing: "Grandpa, Yiyun also wants to become a strong man against immortal cultivators. Take me to the holy city of warriors."

"As expected of my good granddaughter, we have aspirations. We are going to the Holy City now, but the ascending cloud ladder in front of the Holy City is not easy. Whether you can enter the Holy City and pass the exercises depends on your own ability."

Duan Yiyun's small fists were clenched tightly, and a firm look flashed in his eyes.

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