The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 842 The Body of Profound Gold

Lu Kun's figure flashed, and his incomparably thin body fell on the tower. Huang Xiaoyun and Pan Yan immediately felt a heavy pressure, as if they were not a thin man, but a wild beast.

Then a golden figure flashed, and a little monkey with golden hair all over his body appeared on Pan Yan's other shoulder, squealing at the little silver silkworm, as if to say hello.

Lu Kun smiled and said, "You have been practicing the method of concentrating internal organs for 20 years. Can't you guess when you see your teacher like this?"

Huang Xiaoyun heard the words, and his eyes lit up: "Could it be that Master has completely refined the method of concentrating flesh and blood?"

Pan Yan on the side was also surprised. When Zhao Qingtian taught the method of concentrating the internal organs, the two of them heard that the master retreated to understand the method of concentrating the flesh, which was said to be a necessary stage in the Bone Treasure Stage.

Now skinny and bloodless, the flesh exudes invisible oppression, obviously condensing the internal organs, blood and muscles.

Lu Kun nodded first, then shook his head and said, "It should be said that the method of concentrating flesh and blood was created for the teacher, but he has not yet successfully cultivated it, but concentrated 90% of his body."

Huang Xiaoyun and the two were taken aback for a moment: "90%?"

Lu Kun smiled and didn't say anything. Instead, he looked at the little silver silkworm on Pan Yan's shoulder, showing a bit of surprise: "Xiaoyanzi, you little bug sleeps without any problems. So soon to reach the peak of the fourth level?"

Pan Yan said with a bit of a headache: "Master, Xiao Yinzi relied on providing the silver silkworm gu poison, and insisted that we exchange it with poison. Over the years, Xiao Du has provided every one of the poisons it has eaten."

"Its aura, along with the use of various poisons and the help of the demonic spirit in Yaoling Island, has made rapid progress. The technique of earth escape is even more astonishing. The speed of the underground is no less than the speed of the cultivator in the formation stage."

The little silkworm seemed to understand Pan Yan's words, and the man stood up, his fat waist twisted, and his big eyes narrowed, looking very proud.

Lu Kun's eyes were even more curious. He rubbed his chin and said, "Before this little guy became a Gu worm, he was called a ten thousand poisonous worm. It's interesting to be able to rely on devouring poison to improve his cultivation."

Then the golden light flashed in his eyes, and he continued: "By the way, Xiao Du is a disciple of the Holy Poison Sect, have you asked him?"

Pan Yan shook his head and said, "Xiao Du knows about the Wan Poison Insect, but this Silver Silkworm Gu worm was forged by the Gu Poison Sect's Gu refining technique, and it is completely different from the original Wan Poison Insect, so he I don't know about this change in Little Silver."

"By the way, count the time, Xiao Du is coming over recently, haven't you met him, Master?"

Lu Kun continued to stare at the silver silkworm with a look of thought in his eyes, and said casually, "This guy was arranged by me to cultivate in the devil's cave, and he will come out in at least three years."

Huang Xiaoyun and Pan Yan showed some envy.

"Three years?"

"Is Xiao Du hitting the realm of the Core Formation Stage?"

Lu Kundao: "This guy's talent for refining poison is the most suitable qualification for the Holy Poison Art. The ten poison magic power in his body has been condensed very smoothly by him. , there should be no problem with Jiedan."

He ignored the expressions of the two apprentices, looked at the little silkworm and said: "Xiaoyanzi, your silkworm has reached the peak of the fourth level, and it is just a step away."

"Master, there just happens to be some special poison here, you can give it a try. If it breaks through to the fifth level and becomes the golden silkworm Gu insect mentioned by the Gu Poison Sect, the toxicity should be greatly improved."

Pan Yan came back to his senses and said curiously: "Master, except for the three holy poisons of the Holy Poison Sect, all other poisons have been tasted by Xiao Yinzi. Could it be that Master is feeding the three holy poisons?"

Lu Kun was about to say something, but suddenly raised his brows and turned his head to look in the direction of the city gate of the Holy City of Martial Artists: "There is actually a little girl climbing the Holy City, she has the strength of a first-class Martial Artist at a young age, hey, she seems to have the strength of a first-class martial artist. Linggen."

When Huang Xiaoyun and the others heard it, they spread out their consciousness, with a surprised expression on their faces.

Under the mountainside of the Martial Artist Holy City Mountain, there is a little girl of fifteen or sixteen years old, her hands and feet are flashing rapidly, stepping on all kinds of rock edges and corners, climbing upwards.

After a while, the little girl climbed to the mountainside. From here, five hundred feet up, the rocks were polished to a very splendid, and there was no point of focus. Only the middle one with a little rock bulge could be climbed. Climbing ladder.

She seemed to be startled by the incomparably splendid rocks above, showing a look of shock, but then her eyes burst into extreme longing.

Without any hesitation, the little girl took out the two daggers from her waist with both hands, used the sword edge to provoke the raised rocks, stepped on it with both feet, and quickly climbed up.

Different from the bare-handed climbing of ordinary warriors, the little girl seems to be using some kind of exquisite swordsmanship, using elegant sword moves to hit the rock bumps, so as to use her strength to climb.

Because the Ascension Ladder is extremely steep and stands almost vertically, a sword move like the little girl climbs and places her small body in mid-air. If a sword move fails and does not hit the bulge of the rock, she is likely to directly Fall down the mountain.

On the platform of the city gate of the holy city of warriors, three warriors stood. When they saw the little girl taking such a risk, their expressions suddenly became extremely nervous, for fear that she would slip and fall.

However, according to the rules of the Holy City of Martial Artists, any Martial Artist who fails to climb the ladder cannot be rescued by any Holy City disciple.


Duan Yiyun's small face is very serious, waving the short sword in her hand, and using their Duan family's most exquisite floating swordsmanship, she has insufficient vigor and internal strength, and only by fully exerting her sword strokes can it be possible to climb this incomparably steep mountain. rock wall.

I don't know if it's because of the swordsmanship or Xiao Yiyun's own qualifications. Every time she seriously uses the full set of the floating swordsmanship, her spirit will become very condensed, and everything in the outside world will be thrown out of her mind.

Duan Yiyun's eyes were bright, her sword was waving, with the sound of knocking on the rocks, her small body kept climbing upwards, and after about a stick of incense, she finally saw the top of the ascending cloud ladder, a vertical body. climb over.

As soon as she landed on the platform, her legs softened and she fell directly. The dagger in her hand was still tightly held in her hand, and a lot of sweat broke out on her beautiful little face.

Just as Duan Yiyun was gasping for breath, a surprised voice suddenly came out: "It's actually a mysterious body, no wonder you have such martial arts accomplishments at such a young age."

Profound gold body? Duan Yiyun raised his head in confusion.

A skinny uncle appeared in front of her, with a strange golden monkey standing on his shoulders, and behind him stood two burly young men.

These two young people are not bad. They are full of energy. At first glance, they are powerful warriors, but the uncle in front of him is bloodless and scrawny, like a refugee from famine.

But her grandfather and the other two seniors bowed respectfully to the three, indicating that the uncle who looked like a refugee and the two young people were seniors who surpassed the realm of martial arts.

After a while, Duan Yiyun heard the refugee uncle smile and say, "Little girl, what's your name?"

Although Duan Yiyun was puzzled by the uncle's physique, he still showed respect in his eyes: "Junior Duan Yiyun, I have seen senior, I hope senior can allow Evian to become a disciple of the Holy City of Martial Artists."

"You can climb to the holy city alone, and you are still in the blood of a disciple of the holy city. Naturally, there is no problem, but you have spiritual roots and will be accepted as an official disciple."

Linggen? Formal disciple? Duan Yiyun naturally knew what spiritual roots were. On the way, her grandfather explained it clearly, but she did not expect that she herself was a person with spiritual roots.

Lu Kun was extremely pleasantly surprised. He didn't expect that the little girl who climbed to the Holy City of Martial Artists had a body of profound gold, which was stronger than Huang Xiaoyun's body of magic gold.

The attack of the body of magic gold is aimed at the magic method, but the immortal cultivator with the body of mysterious gold strengthens his metal attack power and can completely leapfrog battles.

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