The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 845: Poison Wood Refinement

On this day, in an area of ​​Yaoling Island filled with gloomy and cold aura, Lu Kun and Huang Xiaoyun and other four body cultivation disciples whispered and pointed at the objects in front of them, as if they were communicating something.

The most striking thing in front of them was an incomparably huge corpse of a scorpion. This scorpion was covered in chitin armor and exuded an inexplicable pressure.

However, on the back armor of the scorpion, there was a hole the size of a watermelon, which looked empty, and the flesh and blood had disappeared.

Around the corpse of the scorpion, there were thirteen sturdy ants the size of tigers and leopards. The limbs of these ants were full of muscle pimples, and each limb was extremely thick.

They are covered with a layer of light gray chitin armor, which looks similar to the armor on the scorpion corpse. There are also faint green rays of light on the sharp-blade-like jaw teeth, which seem to contain highly poisonous.

Transparent wings curled up on the back of each ant wrapped in thick armor, obviously a kind of weird flying ant.

In addition to the strange flying ants and poisonous scorpion corpses, there is also a copper armored corpse exuding a strong corpse aura lying on the ground. It has a strong cold force surging in its body. In addition to the cold force, there is a terrifying incomparable faint. energy is brewing in it.

Lu Kun looked at the bronze-armored corpse, touched his chin and said, "I didn't expect that the inner alchemy of this sharp-blade poisonous scorpion would be of such great help to the Taoist corpse, and directly put it into a dormant state."

Huang Xiaoyun stood beside him, feeling the fleshly mana shrinking in his body because of this terrifying energy, and said with a wry smile:

"Master, you already said that this sharp-blade poisonous scorpion is comparable to the existence of the middle stage of Nascent Soul, and its inner alchemy is definitely not trivial. Compared with it, the corpse Taoist is not only worse than a big realm."

Lu Kun nodded lightly, with a hint of hope in his eyes.

The thirteen mutant flying ants on the ground woke up after being in the body of the sharp-blade poisonous scorpion for more than 20 years. magic.

These flying ants found an inner alchemy containing the power of strong yin and cold in the corpse of the sharp-blade poisonous scorpion. Flying ants can eat it.

So Lu Kun thought of Daoist Corpse.

According to his inference, the worm pupae found in the cave of the land of death at the beginning is likely to be the sharp-blade poisonous scorpion. The corpse Taoist used to rely on the rich and cold power of the worm pupae to cultivate.

So he wanted to see how this inner alchemy could help the corpse Taoist.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he took it out, Daoist Corpse seemed to smell the fishy smell of a cat, and swallowed it directly, Lu Kun didn't have time to stop it.

As a result, Daoist Corpse entered a dormant state just after taking it, and seemed to be forcibly absorbing the energy in this inner alchemy.

Lu Kun looked at the corpse Taoist whose aura was fluctuating. He pondered for a moment, then raised his hand and took out a brown branch that was more than four feet long.

"Demon Soul Wood."

Huang Xiaoyun and others, who often practice on Yaoling Island, recognized at a glance this treasure that can nourish spiritual consciousness. It was the ghost tree that Lu Kun brought back from the mountain black ape clan.

The deep mana in Lu Kun's body surged, and a deep purple mana real fire appeared out of thin air, wrapping the limbs of the demon soul, and then he took out several different spiritual woods in succession and added them to it.

Under the calcination of the real fire of mana in the middle stage of the core, the branches of the demon soul gradually turned into a mass of wood pulp, and then a flash of aura flashed, and a bunch of incomplete insect limbs exuding the power of cold and cold appeared in the air.

After that, Lu Kun's powerful power of consciousness came out, and these scattered insect limbs and wood pulp gradually mixed together and turned into an eight-foot-long coffin.

The worm body of the sharp-edged poisonous scorpion on the ground was also printed in the center of the bottom of the coffin.

Looking at the coffin that Lu Kun had casually refined, Huang Xiaoyun and the others showed a bit of thoughtfulness. The Demon Soul Wood can condense the consciousness and nourish the power of the consciousness, which is of great help to the breakthrough of the great realm.

And those corpses with scattered insect limbs and sharp-edged poisonous scorpions still contain a strong cold force. This coffin refined by Lu Kun is obviously an excellent environment for corpse practitioners to practice.

Next, Lu Kun put the corpse in the coffin and buried it under the ground.

After doing all this, Lu Kun said slowly: "I don't know how long the corpse's sleep will last, and I will be in seclusion for a long time soon as a teacher. These mutant flying ants will be handed over to you for self-defense."

Huang Xiaoyun and the others were surprised when they heard the words.

These thirteen mutant flying ants, they can be regarded as experience, the combat power is extremely amazing, the vigor of each flying ant has reached a huge 50,000 to 60,000 kilograms, which is not too much compared to their body repairing period.

Moreover, the poison on the jaw teeth can corrode the mana shield of the immortal cultivator. If it is bitten by the jaw teeth, even Pan Yan, the strongest defensive guy, will be directly broken and bitten to the bone.

"Xiaoyun, you put away the mutant flying ants first, then go back and discuss... Hey..."

Just after saying a few words, Lu Kun's face showed a look of surprise, and he turned his head to look in the direction of the Eight Spirits Valley in the center of Yaoling Island.

After a while, Huang Xiaoyun and others also felt the spiritual energy in the center of Yaoling Island, and began to fluctuate violently.

With such a vision, they immediately understood something, and their expressions were all excited.

"Jiedan Celestial Phenomenon!"

"That's great, Second Senior Brother, he broke through."

"Apart from Master, the Body Refinement Pavilion finally has a second Bone Treasure Stage Body Cultivator!"

There was a strange look in Lu Kun's eyes. With a wave of his hand, a purple aura shrouded Huang Xiaoyun and the others, turned into an escaped light, and blasted away in the direction of the Eight Spirits Valley.

The news of Zhao Qingtian's impact on the Bone Treasure Stage, Lu Kun learned from the jade slip passed on by Du An, which also described Zhao Qingtian's mutated physical mana, as well as the method of using the ten poisons to help congeal the elixir and melt the bones.

Lu Kun, the founder of physique cultivation, did not expect that after Yuanmu Physique Refining Jue borrowed poison to rehabilitate his internal organs, his physical mana would contain toxins, which would indirectly allow Zhao Qingtian to cultivate poisonous wood mana.

This kid Zhao Qingtian was also daring, he made a breakthrough without discussing the specific secret technique with him, which made him both gratified and worried.

But looking at the current celestial phenomenon of forming a dan, it is obvious that Zhao Qingtian has succeeded!

Lu Kun's escape speed was extremely fast, and he soon landed in Zhao Qingtian's cave. Besides him, Qin Yushu's figure also appeared here.

Seeing Lu Kun coming, Qin Yushu said with joy on his face: "Junior Brother, I didn't expect a second Bone Treasure Stage powerhouse to appear in the Body Refinement Pavilion so soon. We are one step closer to the day of revenge."

Lu Kun nodded and said with emotion: "Yes, it can be said that the number of our Core Formation Stage is no less than that of the former Yueyang Sect, and the breakthrough of Qingtian is of even greater significance to our Body Refinement Pavilion."

While the others were talking again, the restriction outside the cave was lifted, and a hearty laughter burst out: "Master, this disciple has finally succeeded in breaking through."

As soon as the voice fell, a figure shot out from the cave, a pair of fists wrapped in a dark green light film, mixed with a strong whistling sound, bombarded Lu Kun.

"Boom!" There was a loud noise, and the invisible winds like swords spread to all around. Lu Kun's hands became palms and resisted Zhao Qingtian's fists.

At this moment, the corner of Zhao Qingtian's mouth twitched, his fists turned into claws, several green cold lights flashed past, and the harsh friction sound accompanied by several sparks appeared out of thin air.

Then came the voice of Zhao Qingtian smacking his tongue: "Uh, Master, your bones are too hard, and my fingernails are broken."

Lu Kun turned a deaf ear to Zhao Qingtian's words, but looked at his arm. At some point in time, several green scratches appeared on that skinny wrist, and a corrosive poisonous aura emanated from it.

When Zhao Qingtian first entered the Bone Treasure Stage, he broke Lu Kun's flesh and blood with a single blow.

Lu Kun was stunned for a moment, then he laughed and said: "Okay, very good, there are toxins in the nails, Qingtian, your Primordial Wood Refinement Jue can be called Poison Wood Refinement Jue."

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