The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 852 Magical Treasure (1)

"Although the power of the Demon King's Soul can be refined four times, the power is weaker each time."

"I didn't expect the old man to successfully condense the pill for the first time, making it the ultimate in efficacy."

"This little guy seems to be the chance for the old man. After he was eliminated, everything went very smoothly."

Old Demon Pang had a look of joy on his face. In the air in front of him, there was a dark green medicinal pill floating in the air. It was covered with complicated lines and exuded an inexplicable fluctuation.

Just using his divine sense to probe, made his divine sense in the late Nascent Soul extremely comfortable, showing that its medicinal effect was astonishing.

After Old Demon Pang put away the Demon Soul Pill, he walked towards a pile of blood-colored masks in the corner of the secret room.

The terrifying spiritual sense swept away, and he focused on the lilac skeleton of Lu Kun, showing satisfaction: "In two months, the blood spirit essence is only on the surface of the skeleton, and the material is close to the mature magic weapon. ."

"With such exotic treasures added to the cornerstone, my improved Jade Bone Demon can be transformed into a magic weapon, not the original psychic magic weapon."

Old Demon Pang then looked at the last blood-colored mask, and a dark red light ball shot out, turning into a blood net, and submerging into the body of the old man inside.

The white-haired old man with a jade-like face trembled slightly, his eyes slowly opened, he saw Old Demon Pang, and sighed: "Senior Pang, it seems that the time for the junior is up."

Old Demon Pang said, "Nie Wufeng, you are the most knowledgeable. With your active cooperation, this old man is more confident to make a Jade Bone Demon."

Nie Wufeng showed a tragic smile: "Senior, such a slaughter and decisive demon giant, is willing to let Junior Brother Zhu go and let the Yueyang Sect pass on. What is my Nie Wufeng's wrecked body?"

Old Demon Pang chuckled and said, "Very good, you have entered the late stage of the formation of pills, and you are also the spiritual root of the wind attribute. This old man needs you to actively cooperate at the last moment to reconcile the power of alien species."

Nie Wufeng was a little puzzled: "Reconcile the power of alien species? Didn't the predecessors want to refine my golden core and flesh as the material for the Jade Bone Human Demon?"

The corners of Old Demon Pang's mouth were slightly raised, showing a bit of pride: "Yes, but the jade bone human demon developed by this old man is different from the refining method passed down by this sect, and requires your cooperation, although the effect is a little worse, But the material requirements are greatly reduced.”

"Do you know what kind of materials the original Jade Bone Human Demon needs?"

Nie Wufeng smiled bitterly and said, "How do you know such a treasure of the devil's way, with the cultivation level of the younger generation?"

Pang Laomo said with a bit of fascination: "The legend of the Jade Bone Man and Demon has been circulating among high-level demon cultivators. It is rumored that whoever has this magic treasure will be able to break through to the stage of spiritual transformation."

"This sect has a good chance. Thousands of years ago, I obtained the refining method of jade bones and demons from the secret realm of Yuanyuan. I didn't expect this treasure to be developed by the predecessors of Yuanzong."

Hearing such treasures that assist in the advanced divine transformation stage, Nie Wufeng couldn't help but sink into Old Demon Pang's narrative, even if he knew that his life was imminent.

"Magic Dao Cultivation Technique was created by the One Yuan Sect after studying the Demon Race. Although the combat power of the Demon Dao Cultivation Technique is generally higher than that of ordinary cultivation techniques, the breakthrough of the Spirit Transformation Stage is much more difficult than that of cultivating Spiritual Qi."

"The key lies in the Pond of True Demons!"

"The Pool of True Demons?"

"It is said that the high-level demon generals in the demon race must soak and cultivate in the real demon pool before they can break through the bottleneck and enter the realm of the demon king, which is the realm of the transformation of the gods."

Nie Wufeng couldn't help but ask, "The Blood Refinement Sect is at the top of the Qi Kingdom's Demon Sect, so there should be a True Demon Pond."

Pang Lao Mo said: "Qi's Qisha Gate, Yin-Yang Sacred Sect, and even your Wei Kingdom's Demon Gate, all have true magic pools, and there is more than one true magic pool in this sect, but so what?"

"There is a kind of brutal and terrifying idea in the real devil pool. With the special consciousness of the old man's Nascent Soul stage and the blood devil art, it can withstand up to three hours. If it exceeds, he will be invaded by the real devil's spirit. Be a lunatic who has lost his mind."

"The breakthrough in the transformation of the gods can be over in just a few days, at least it takes several months to soak in the true magic pool, if there is no means of resisting the true magic, even the most highly qualified great demon cultivator will not be able to. Break through to the Divine Transformation Stage."

Old Demon Pang paused and continued: "The One Yuan Sect, who understands this point, has come up with various ways to help, the most secure one is to purify the brutal thoughts in the water of true demons, produce pure water of true demons, let the yuan Immersion in magic cultivation at the peak of infancy."

"But this method takes too long, and produces too little pure true devil water, which is not enough at all."

"The only senior in this sect at the God Transformation stage, in the Core Formation Stage, coincides with the first appearance of the One Yuan Secret Realm, and obtained the pure water of the real devil that has been accumulated for tens of thousands of years, plus other opportunities, and then entered the Soul Transformation Stage. ."

When Nie Wufeng heard the secret of the breakthrough of the God Transformation and Demon Cultivator, he immediately understood something: "Could it be that the Jade Bone Human Demon..."

Pang Laomo nodded and said: "Yes, the Jade Bone Demon is a treasure that was researched by the One Yuan School and can resist the invasion of the true demon. Its refining requires magic cultivation as the core in addition to various rare magic materials. Material."

Old Demon Pang looked at the figure inside the blood-colored mask, and said slowly: "The refining of the orthodox jade-bone human and demon requires the Nascent Soul Demon Cultivation to capture the four kinds of spirit roots: wind, thunder, ice, and darkness. With the bones of a demon general who died within a thousand years."

"First, the Nascent Soul and the flesh body of the four demon cultivators are refined into their respective bones by secret methods to form four spirit bones with different attributes, and then they are fused with the five-element technique developed by the seniors of the One Yuan Sect to form the Five Elements Chaos Spirit. bone."

"With the addition of the bones of the demon general and a series of materials, the jade bone human demon can be refined."

Nie Wufeng was stunned when he heard it. He, who inherited the orthodox artifact refining technique, had never heard of such a terrifying artifact refining method. The most basic materials required four demon cultivators at the Nascent Soul stage.

Pang Laomo sighed: "The senior who invented this method is really a genius. The three spiritual roots of wind, thunder and ice are generated by the mutation of the five elements, and the dark spiritual roots, according to rumors, only appeared in the world of cultivating immortals under the influence of demonic energy. "

"The chaotic spirit bones with the four different spirit roots in one, not only fit the power of the Five Elements in the Immortal Cultivation World, but also have a strong affinity for demonic energy."

"The rumored skeleton of a demon general, in addition to its texture comparable to a mature magic weapon, also has great resistance to the meaning of true demons."

"The demon cultivator at the peak of Nascent Soul, as long as he refines the jade-bone demon and integrates it into his own body, it can not only solve the conflict between the primordial qi of heaven and earth and the primordial qi of the devil, but also resist the invasion of the true devil's will, and the period of spiritual transformation is almost stable. when."

Nie Wufeng was extremely amazed. Such treasures of the magic way have long gone beyond the scope of refining. It is conceivable that the predecessors who invented the Jade Bone Demon are definitely above the spirit transformation stage.

Old Demon Pang sighed, "It's a pity, it's been 70,000 to 80,000 years since the invasion of the Demon Race, even if there are several corpses of Demon Generals in this sect, it's useless."

"In the refining method of the Jade Bone Human Demon, it is specially emphasized that only the bones of the demon generals who have died within a thousand years have special energy reserves, which can maintain the mature material of the bones."

"After a thousand years, as this special energy dissipates, the material of the magic bone will decline to the level of an ordinary magic weapon. In this way, it cannot withstand the destructive force generated by the repulsion between the chaotic spirit bone and the devil bone."

Old Demon Pang said again: "Let's not talk about the bones of the devil general, it is also difficult to get to the sky with the four attributes of wind, thunder, ice, and darkness. Infancy is even rarer."

He sighed incessantly: "Among all the Nascent Soul Demon Cultivators that this old man knows, there are only two of them, not counting his Dark Spiritual Roots. Among them, the middle Nascent Soul Demon Cultivator from Feng Linggen is proficient in the method of air escape. way to catch them alive.”

"The one from Bing Linggen is also a late Nascent Soul cultivator, and he is also the leader of the faction. Although the strength of this old man is stronger than her, it is impossible to capture him alive."

Nie Wufeng was stunned for a moment. Old Demon Pang didn't seem to be talking about the Qi country's demon cultivators. That is to say, in all the countries that the great cultivator traveled to, there were not four Nascent Soul demon cultivators with different spiritual roots.

"It's no wonder that senior wants to revise the refining method of the Jade Bone Demon and reduce its difficulty. I am afraid that in the ancient times, the real Jade Bone Demon was difficult to achieve."

I lost sleep, my mind was full of the plot behind, I simply got up and wrote another chapter...

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