The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 865 The completion of bone treasures, the change of mana (2)

At the moment when the milky white mana appeared, Lu Kun suddenly felt an inexplicable throbbing, as if he sensed a unique power in the surrounding aura, but this feeling was fleeting, like an illusion.

Lu Kun shook his skull and focused on converting mana.

With the influx of a lot of spiritual energy, these milky white mana gradually turned into mana crystals and combined with the bones to form the skeleton mana at the level of dandruff.

This brand-new white mana is the mana with the attributes of the five elements that he realized by combining the connection between the body-refinement technique, the five-element technique, and the five-color halo.

More and more spirit stones were taken out by Lu Kun for bone absorption. It was not until the third day that the five-color halo outside slowly dissipated, revealing the bone treasure as white as jade again.

The body of Jade Bone trembled slightly, and a tyrannical mana wave came out from it. It was extremely majestic, even thicker than the immortal cultivators in the late stage of the formation of elixir.

"After the completion of the bone treasure, the amount of crystal mana that can be accommodated has more than doubled!"

Lu Kun was only slightly surprised, but he took it for granted.

According to his plan, after Gubao entered the mature stage, he would start to generate the source power of the physical body; while the cultivator in the formation stage entered the Great Perfection, he was also preparing to break the elixir into an infant, and generate the power of the Nascent Soul.

How similar the two are. From this point of view, as long as Gubao enters the mature stage, it is equivalent to the realm of the Great Perfection of Forming Pills. The mana of the two is similar, so it is normal.

These thoughts flashed in his mind, and Lu Kun began to mobilize the new mana in his bones, while running the flesh and blood essence deep in the bones.

First of all, he actively contracted the reverse muscles in the bones and turned them into tendon essence again. Through the backbone, it slowly emerged on the surface of the bones. The tendons seemed to be affected by the attributes of the bones, turning from the original lavender to white.

Then Lu Kun injected the white mana into the blood, and the incomparably huge power of qi and blood rose into the sky, and traces of dark golden blood began to flow from the tendons on the surface of all bones.

The tiny muscle fibers are like tender grass bathed in the spring rain, slowly growing up. The crystal clear white jade bones are fertile soil, and the blood containing mana is the rain that nourishes all things.

Under the irrigation of blood, the muscle fibers became more and more lush, entangled and multiplied one by one, flashing a bloody luster.

Gradually, the entire jade bone body, including the skeleton face, was wrapped in a large number of muscles, and the surface of the muscles also began to form pink and tender skin.

Lu Kun has a nine-star physique, and only one blood mana can be converted from nine parts of bone mana, which consumes a lot of mana.

With the improvement of muscles, blood vessels are also interspersed in it, intertwined into a complex blood vessel network, and the concentrated internal organs are carried out by blood from the adjacent bones.

One by one, the internal organs of a newborn gradually emerged in the blood vessel network. First, large organs such as the liver and gallbladder, heart, intestines, and kidneys, then the eyes, ears, and nose, and small organs such as the cavernous body representing the gender of men.

In this way, after a day and a night, Lu Kun slowly opened his eyes, a golden light flashed in his eyes, and there was a fresh and rich breath of life in his flesh, like a newborn baby.

Lu Kun looked at his brand new body and spit out a heavy breath. Even though the defense of his bones was terrifying, he still felt a little empty without being wrapped in flesh and blood for so long.

Fortunately, as he expected, the physical body returned to its original state, as if it was reborn, but its vitality was even stronger.

Lu Kun looked at the reborn body.

"The method of concentrating flesh and blood is complete, and body repair has an additional method of life-saving. The cultivator of the Nascent Soul can escape from the body, and the body repair can concentrate the flesh and blood, and the bones can be separated from the body."

As Lu Kun pondered, his mana moved slightly, and a white light film appeared on the surface of his skin, revealing a thick and strange aura. It seemed that the defense was much stronger than that of the thunder shield.

"The new mana is comprehended by the technique of the Great Five Elements, and the breath is very similar to the Chaos Power of the Great Five Elements, so let's call it Chaos Mana."

"The five elements of chaos magic bones have caused changes in mana. I don't know if the magic power will be different."

Thinking of this, the thick chaotic mana was absorbed into the depths of the bones, and then he took out several magic stones, and his muscles trembled slightly.

The essence of magic energy in the magic stone, like the five elements of spiritual energy before, scrambled to penetrate Lu Kun's skin. Through the absorption and operation of muscles, it turned into magic power into the blood at a ratio of nine to one.

After just one day, a magical aura in the middle stage of the formation of pills emerged from the blood.

The blood magic power at this time, whether it is capacity or purity, is no different from the middle stage of Gubao.

The only difference is that the speed of Lu Kun's transformation of demonic energy has been greatly increased. Just relying on the magic stone, he can restore all the magic energy in one day. In the past, only in the Dead Sea Devil's Nest, there was such a speed of recovery.

"The material transformation of Bone Treasure will lead to an increase in bone mana, no change in blood, and no increase in natural blood magic power."

"However, the increase in the recovery speed of blood magic is probably due to the integration of the bones into the essence of the demon race."

Lu Kun touched his chin and thought.

"The recovery speed of mana has also improved a lot. In the past, it took three days for the mana in the middle stage of the formation of the pill. Now the formation of the pill is complete, and it only takes the same time. The five elements of chaos magic bone has improved my aptitude."

"I don't know what kind of annihilation power will be produced by the current chaotic mana and blood magic?"

Lu Kun ran the Gorefiend Bone Refining Technique, urging part of the magic and chaotic mana to destroy each other in the bones.


The conflict between chaotic mana and magic seems to be more intense than the previous thunder-attribute mana. As blood magic is eliminated, more turbulent destructive energy surges out.

However, Lu Kun's bones were still crystal clear and could easily withstand this destructive energy.

Lu Kun had some regrets: "As expected, although the power of annihilation is stronger than before, it can't do anything about the mature bones integrated into the silver dragon meteorite."

Thinking of this, Lu Kun was suddenly stunned: "By the way, it's been the sixth day, my spiritual roots have disappeared, and the spirit control circle is gone. Why can mana and magic be controlled freely!"

Afterwards, his divine consciousness quickly disappeared into the body, secretly running mana, and found that there was an inexplicable fluctuation on the bones, giving people the feeling similar to the spiritual root.

Lu Kun recalled the previous scene of transforming the chaotic mana, and murmured: "Even when Lei Linggen was there, I could only control the mana of the three attributes of water, fire, and wood. Now that Lei Linggen has disappeared, I can control the chaotic mana. "

"That is to say, the Great Five Elements Chaos Demon Bone completes my Five Elements Spiritual Roots!"

Lu Kun seemed to have thought of something, and murmured, "The magic weapon that complements the spiritual root, isn't this characteristic of the Five Elements Chaos Demon Bone the Item Spiritual Root I guessed before!"

A very bold conjecture immediately appeared in his heart, and his body trembled slightly: "If it is reversed like this, the mortal warriors of the great achievement of King Kong Jue can really make up for their spiritual roots, cultivate their physical mana, and refine their bodies with the resources of mortals. Cultivation!"

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