The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 874 Lu Kun's Hole Card

"This...why is the thunder tribulation not over yet?" Lu Xiao stammered as he looked at the dark cloud whirlpool that continued to breed the thunder tribulation.

Xiao Hongfei's expression was already numb, and the sights that appeared one after another in a short period of time had completely escaped his cognition.

Especially the sixth thunder calamity just now contained the vitality of heaven and earth, and was almost close to the attack of the great monk. Not to mention the early Nascent Soul, I am afraid that most of the powerhouses in the middle of the Nascent Soul would not be able to take it hard.

Who would have known that Lu Kun, this pervert, actually blew away the huge destructive power in the sixth thunder tribulation.

This is attacking attacking, not relying on lightning resistance, indicating that Lu Kun's own attack power must have reached the level of the middle Nascent Soul.

The powerful strength of Nascent Soul's mid-term, coupled with lightning resistance, so Lu Kun resisted the sixth thunder calamity comparable to that of a great monk.

Xiao Hongfei did not believe that the other disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion had such abnormal strength and lightning resistance.

Even a demon cultivator with extraordinary talent is likely to fall when faced with the third thunder tribulation that contains the vitality of heaven and earth, not to mention the following ones.

According to the previous law of thunder tribulation, I am afraid there will be three more thunder tribulations, all of which are absolutely terrifying attacks of the great monk level.

If all the thunder tribulations of the body repair were like this, even if Lu Kun had passed through, no one else in the body repair line would be able to resist the thunder calamity, and the body repair line would stop at Lu Kun alone.

What is the use of the method of refining the body and cultivating immortals that he created.

Thinking of this, Xiao Hongfei couldn't help but look stunned for a moment, he vaguely grasped the point, and said somewhat incredulously: "Could it be that Lu Kun created a line of physical training and became the first high-level physical training, and it was only because of the ninth-level thunder calamity that only came down. Prevent the appearance of body repair?"

Listening to Xiao Hongfei's nonsense, Lu Xiao clenched his fists, and hope flashed in his eyes.

The scene of Lu Kun's bombardment of the sixth thunder tribulation was in his eyes. It was absolutely comparable to the middle stage of Yuanying. With such a strong presence, they could hope to return to Wei State and regain the Yueyang Sect's territory.

"We must succeed in transcending the calamity!"

Xiao Hongfei said with some cold water: "It's too difficult, no surprises, the seventh thunder calamity is the level of a first-time cultivator, the eighth is the peak of the great cultivator, as for the last..."

He pursed his dry lips: "The cultivator-level Nascent Soul's power is extremely strong, and it can arouse the vitality of heaven and earth by itself. If Jieyun takes the initiative to bless the vitality of heaven and earth, I am afraid that it is close to the spirit transformation stage, even if it has lightning resistance. , Lu Kun, he..."

Lu Xiao interrupted: "Brother Xiao, this is not necessarily true. Junior Brother Lu still has a magical power that has not been used, so it may not be impossible to resist."

When Xiao Hongfei heard it, he immediately thought of Lu Kun's powerful supernatural power with his arms soaring and his attack power soaring, but just as he was about to say something, Lu Kun's voice came from his ear.

"Brother Xiao, Senior Brother Lu, Xiao Jin and Xue'er, they encountered other monks in the formation stage outside the island. Please help the two of them to prevent other monks from entering the Yaoling Island and protect the law for Lu."

Feeling this enormous power of divine consciousness, Xiao Hongfei froze in his heart, cupped his hands in the direction of Lu Kun, and flew away with the worried Lu Xiao.


In a certain corner of Yaoling Island, Daoist Corpse stood on a yellow wood coffin.

This bronze-armored corpse has changed a lot, and the muscles surrounding its body are getting tighter and firmer, like a rock, its color has changed from black to gray-black, and the fingernails of its hands are flashing with a green luster, which seems to contain a certain kind of poisonous.

As early as a few years ago, it had absorbed the inner alchemy of the sharp-blade poisonous scorpion. Unfortunately, for some reason, the power of the cold has been stuck at the peak of the bronze-armored corpse, and it cannot break through to the realm of the silver-armored corpse.

Not long ago, the terrifying thunder tribulation aura woke it up. Seeing Lu Kun's physical body against the terrifying calamity, this bronze-armored corpse became more and more in awe of its owner.

Suddenly, the bloodthirsty light in Daoist Zombie's eyes flourished, and it seemed to have received a certain order. It rubbed the emerald green nails, and a gray light flashed and quickly disappeared in place.

At the same time, Da Hei, who was in the demon area, shook his ears, glanced at the demon wood beside him, and stood there, looking at the direction of the Eight Spirit Valley with a worried expression.


Lu Kun was suspended in the air, absorbing the pure energy transformed by the sixth thunder tribulation with his whole body, and the silver energy in his body was rapidly recovering.

With his spiritual consciousness at the peak of Nascent Soul's early stage, he could barely cover the Demon Spirit Island with a radius of fifty miles, and he noticed that Zhao Xue'er and Xiao Jin were fighting against two cultivators in the pill formation stage outside the island.

On the other side of the island, there is another guy who is not weak in concealment. He wants to sneak into the island secretly, but he doesn't want to be disturbed by these people.

Reining in his mind, Lu Kun looked up at the roaring Jieyun in the sky, his face was a little heavy, the guess in his heart was the same as Xiao Hongfei, even less optimistic.

Lu Kun faintly felt that his breakthrough seemed to break a certain rule of the human race immortal cultivator. It was because of this that he angered this world and wanted to kill him.

Although he survived six thunder tribulations, the sense of crisis in his heart became stronger.

Lu Kun exhaled deeply, feeling the silver energy in his body that had returned to its original state, he clenched his fists, and his eyes flashed with madness.

"What about the Nine Heavens Tribulation? You are hiding something. I also didn't use my full strength. Let me, the master of the Body Refinement Pavilion, Lu Kun, break the rules between heaven and earth!"

As if hearing Lu Kun's cry, the rotation speed of the robbery cloud in the air accelerated in vain, and a pitch-black lightning ball rolled down from it.

The huge power of destruction, even if it is far away, can be felt, and even the cultivators outside the island at the stage of forming pills stopped fighting in horror.

As the thunder ball slowly fell, a trace of heaven and earth vitality hidden in the depths of the nearby spiritual energy was attracted and gathered towards the thunder ball, wrapping a layer of purple halo around it.

Lu Kun looked at the slow lightning ball, his eyes suddenly lit up, the force field outside his body trembled slightly, his body exuded a shimmering light, he rose into the air, and he actually took the initiative to meet him.

His speed was much faster than that of the thunderball, and after a few flashes, he came to the ten feet below, and a huge and incomparable power of qi and blood rose into the sky, and the silver energy in the bones stirred in his arms.

Thick blue veins coiled around Lu Kun's arm like a python, and each muscle bulged like a steel bar, filled with terrifying and incomparable strength, filling the hideously deformed arms.

With his fists bigger than his head clenched, Lu Kun could even hear the ear-piercing crackling sound from the surrounding air, and his strength increased by 50%. That terrifying strength of 1,200,000 kilograms can be carried with just a slight tremor. A strong wind like a knife.

"Hmph, what I, Lu Kun, need is not arrogance, but survival! Just try the magical power of the source of the flesh!"

After the urging of the arm, the force field around Lu Kun's body quickly disappeared. Relying on the bone treasure to fly in the air, a stream of silver energy surged rapidly in the body.

His gigantic arm-length fist was aimed at the void above, ruthlessly venting out the enormous force of his through-arm.

Almost in an instant, near the black thunderball eight feet apart, the air twisted strangely, and the folded air seemed to form a pair of thick fists, which slammed into the thunderball.

In the face of such a terrifying power attack, the surrounding air did not fluctuate at all, and the explosive force slammed into the black thunderball, causing it to tremble violently.

Immediately afterwards, Lu Kun turned his hands into claws and slammed into the void in front of him.

On the violently trembling black thunderball, ten claw marks appeared out of thin air, and with invisible terrifying brute force, it was roughly torn in half and turned into two smaller black thunderballs.

At this time, the power of destruction in the thunderball still existed, and Lu Kun did not destroy it, but the power of destruction and the vitality of heaven and earth in each thunderball were divided into two parts.

Leiqiu seemed to feel a little uneasy, and wanted to accelerate towards Lu Kun.

But at this time, Lu Kun stretched out his thick and long five fingers, and his claws turned into hand knives, slashing horizontally.

The black thunderballs that have been divided into two, as if they were cut off by a powerful and terrifying sharp-blade magic weapon, changed from two to four, and cut them into four purple-black thunderballs.

Each thunderball has only a quarter of the original power, and in terms of pure power, it is still smaller than the sixth thunder tribulation.

After these three attacks, Lu Kun quickly retracted the power of his arms, and within three feet of his body, a twisted force field reappeared.

His burly body exuded treasure light, flashed flexibly in mid-air, and quickly hit one of the black plasma, and then his body turned into phantoms, dodging other lightning balls.

Under the blessing of Nascent Soul-level energy, Gubao's speed has greatly increased, and Lu Kun's speed of tossing and turning has been accelerated to the extreme by leveraging the void of his body's source power, which is more than double the speed on the ground before.

While Lu Kun was moving and flashing, the black lightning ball on his body, under the weakening of lightning resistance, barely passed through the defense of the muscles, and was easily resisted by Gubao, which turned into pure energy to make up for Lu Kun. loss.

The other three thunderballs couldn't catch up with Lu Kun for a short time, so they re-fused.

In the face of the thunderball that descended with great power, Lu Kun did the same, using the airborne bombardment of the physical source to disperse it.

He divided the seventh thunder tribulation into several parts and endured them one by one, which was only equivalent to hitting a few thunder tribulations in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

In the end, the power of thunder tribulation was exhausted, and Lu Kun's muscles were almost dry. Fortunately, Gubao's spirituality was slightly damaged, and the silver energy in his body was still as much as 50%, which meant that he was not injured.

Absorbing the pure energy dissipated by the thunder tribulation, Lu Kun's eyes flashed with an inexplicable color.

"Sure enough, as I expected, the source of the physical body can not only radiate power, but also make millions of pounds of brute force have the ability to fight against high-level energy, and then split the seventh thunder tribulation in the air, giving full play to the physical body. defense."

That's right, Lu Kun's strongest right now is not his attack, but his defense. Not only does it have lightning resistance, but the bone treasure is also a fusion of silver dragon meteorite, which is a terrifying material.

In the face of Lei Jie, his defense methods are absolutely no less than the late Nascent Soul!

A thoughtful look flashed in Lu Kun's eyes: "Where there is a lot of excavation of the source power of the physical body, the current power transmission through the air and the use of power from the void have made my combat power soar, resulting in a variety of changes."

"The source power of the physical body and the silver energy in the body are related in some way, and it seems that it can be used as..."

He was silent for a while, then looked up at the robbery cloud that was flickering with electric lights.

"If it is the eighth thunder tribulation at the peak of the great cultivator, with the strength of my arms, I am afraid it is difficult to separate it, and the ninth is even more impossible."

Lu Kun pondered for a moment, the treasure in his body flashed, and the whole person turned into a human-shaped magic weapon, lasing towards the center of Yaoling Island.

The center of Yaoling Island is an artificial lake, which was excavated by the little guy Pan Yan.

And the bottom of this artificial lake happens to be connected to the prohibition of the Dead Sea Devil's Cave.

Just below the ban is the Pool of True Demons.

The thunder robbery of heaven and earth contains incredible power, and the restrictions on the periphery of Yaoling Island are almost self-defeating, so the prohibition of the Dead Sea Devil's Nest will certainly not be able to resist the thunder robbery.

If Lu Kun wants to fight against the final ninth thunder tribulation, he must rely on the two supernatural powers of Tongtian Roar and Demon Ape Transformation!

And these two kinds of magical powers, he can only display them by relying on the water of the true magic pool.

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