The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 882 Visit (1)

Qingshi Town is located in Chizhou, in the east of Chu State. It is a mortal town close to the land of death. The mountain range twenty miles west of Qingshi Town is where the disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion gather temporarily. The spiritual energy here is rarer than in other states, and there are very few cultivators. pass through.

Lu Kun was flying over the land of death, feeling the strong chilly aura and feeling quite emotional.

The place of death can be said to have a very close relationship with him. More than a hundred years ago, he relied on the cold power of corpse refining and the magic talisman of thunderbolt to build a foundation for the second time, laying a solid foundation for the physical body, and his vigor increased sharply.

From his current point of view, the 50,000 jins of strength far surpassed ordinary physical training at that time. In addition to the reason for re-cultivation, I am afraid it is also related to his bloodline.

Afterwards, when he returned to the land of death, he was already at the Bone Treasure Stage. By chance, he discovered the damage restriction of One Line Heaven, and harvested the corpse Taoist, the mutant flying ant, and the worm pupae of the sharp-blade poisonous scorpion.

The land of death extends northward until it reaches the abyss of death in Qi State. According to Lu Kun's guess, the sharp-blade poisonous scorpion and the terrifying ant with divine sense are the one-element secret realm entered through the abyss of death.

Thinking of this, Lu Kun's figure stagnated, and the figure of the corpse appeared beside him. After this copper-armored corpse absorbed the inner core of the sharp-blade poisonous scorpion, it was raised to the realm of the top bronze-armored corpse.

That sharp-blade poisonous scorpion is a ninth-level worm, which is equivalent to the existence of the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

What kind of conditions are needed for a corpse to break through the bottleneck and become a silver-armored corpse. If there is a silver-armored corpse comparable to the Yuanying period, Lu Kun will be more confident about the next series of plans.

After pondering for a moment, he suddenly took out a dark stone box. After opening it layer by layer, a small blood crystal appeared in his hand. There were a few bright green awns in the depth of the crystal, which was Bayongkai's power of Nascent Soul.

Lu Kun's thoughts moved, and he flicked with one hand, and the corpse swallowed it in one mouthful. After a while, his red eyes flashed a bit of agility, and an extremely longing thought came out.

Lu Kun's huge consciousness scanned the body of Daoist Corpse, feeling the subtle changes in the power of the cold and thoughtful.

"Zombies devour powerful blood essence, it is their instinct, I didn't expect that the cold and cold power in the body of the corpse can devour the power of the Nascent Soul, do you have to swallow a whole Nascent Soul, the corpse can break through to the The realm of the silver armored corpse?"

The more Lu Kun thought about it, the more he felt that there was a possibility. Back then in Old Pang's Devil's Cave Mansion, he witnessed Qian Jingshan's demon clone, and after swallowing Old Man Pang's Nascent Soul, he directly reached the level of the middle Nascent Soul.

Then he showed annoyance again. Before killing Tu Tiancheng, the source of his physical body was not well controlled, and his Nascent Soul was directly crushed.

"The force of the void squeezes from all directions. Although it can limit the teleportation of the Nascent Soul, it is too rude and crushes the Nascent Soul accidentally. If I twist the void force field into several vortices, it will form a huge suction force. I know if I can control the Nascent Soul."

Thinking about the use of the source power of the flesh, Lu Kun put the corpse into the ribs, which is equivalent to the huge magic energy in the early Nascent Soul pouring into the bone treasure and lasing in the direction of Tianjianmen.


On the sky-high Tianjian Peak, two Nascent Soul elders from Tianjianmen were sitting in the pavilion, with a pot of fine wine and two wine glasses on the stone table.

Among them, the dark-skinned, ordinary-looking middle-aged man is the contemporary great elder of Tianjianmen, and Yue Longfei, a mid-Yuanying sword cultivator who is very famous in several nearby immortal kingdoms.

The other person has half-white hair and a pair of eye-catching sword eyebrows. He is a strong man from Tianjianmen who entered the early Nascent Soul a hundred years ago, Dugufeng.

Yue Longfei took a sip of the fine wine in his glass and asked, "Junior Brother, how did you inquire about that matter?"

Dugufeng said: "Senior brother, I have received the exact news that Li Wan from the Demon Sect failed to break through to the Nascent Soul Stage, but she did not die from a broken pill. Relying on the special nature of her psychic body, she barely maintained her cultivation in the late stage of pill formation. ."

He picked up the wine glass and said with some emotion: "The body of psychic is born with psychic energy, and the probability of having a baby must be much higher than me. I didn't expect..."

Yue Longfei showed a sneer: "Junior brother, I'm afraid it's not that simple."

Dugufeng was taken aback and said, "Do you think Li Wan is disguising? Quietly condensing Nascent Soul in other countries?"

Yue Longfei shook his head and said, "The Devil's Sect is already the strongest sect in Wei, so there is no need to hide it. I guess Li Wan has already lost her psychic energy, which has greatly reduced her chances of breaking through."

Dugufeng seemed to have thought of something, and his face changed: "Senior brother means that Li Wan's psychic energy was taken away by other Nascent Soul-level elders from the Demon Sect and used as a breakthrough?"

Yue Longfei continued: "Decades ago, I met Yu Liansheng from the Demon Sect, and that guy has already reached the peak of the early Nascent Soul. We must know that the bottleneck in the middle stage of the Nascent Soul is extremely difficult, and it is impossible for Yu Liansheng to let Li Wan go. psychic aura."

"For the Demon Sect, the value of one middle Nascent Soul is stronger than that of two early Nascent Souls."

Dugufeng drank all the wine in the cup, his face was not good-looking: "That is to say, there are probably two middle Nascent Souls in the Demon Sect?"

A look of fear flashed in Yue Longfei's eyes and said, "More than a hundred years have passed since the fall of Yueyang Sect. Shi Jingtian, this old guy, has been going deep into Jianchuan. I suspect that he has entered the late Nascent Soul."

Dugufeng was startled and said, "No way, how easy is it to break through the bottleneck of a great cultivator?"

Yue Longfei poured two more glasses of wine: "Shi Jingtian practiced the Demon Spirit Hunyuan Art. According to the records of the seniors of this sect, this method can speed up the cultivation of magic power through the stimulation of spiritual energy, so the Demon Spirit Gate is located in Yunling. A place where the demonic aura is mixed like a mountain range."

"Shi Jingtian worked hard and spent so many years to obtain massive spiritual stone resources. If he hasn't broken through now, then he has failed too much."

Dugufeng suddenly felt that the wine in the glass was tasteless, put down the glass, and said with some worry: "If Shi Laomo enters the late Nascent Soul, and Yu Liansheng also has the cultivation level of the middle Nascent Soul, will the Demon Sect attack us? "

Yue Longfei closed his eyes and seemed to be savoring the delicious wine in his mouth. He said slowly:

"Counting the time, Old Monster Li's lifespan of Qingyangmen is almost the same. That is to say, there is only one Yuanying monk left in the Youth League, and even if the Devilsmen want to start, they will win the Youth League first."

Dugufeng's expression changed: "The strength of the Youth League has weakened, and the sense of crisis has greatly increased. Brother, can we take the opportunity to annex them!"

Just as Yue Longfei was about to say something, there was a sudden screeching sound from his body, which was very abrupt at the peak of Tianjian Peak.

While speaking, Yue Longfei spurted out an incomparably dazzling golden sword qi from his body, and shot it into the void not far away. This sword qi contained a terrifyingly sharp power, as if it was about to tear everything apart.

A burly man with short hair appeared in midair out of thin air. He looked at this sword energy, the corners of his mouth twitched slightly, the air in front of him suddenly twisted, and the palpitating force stirred inside, forming an invisible vortex.

The golden sword energy trembled slightly, trying to bypass this vortex, but who knew that a terrifying suction force came from the vortex, and it was sucked into it.

This powerful golden sword energy was then shattered by this strange invisible vortex, turned into a little bit of aura, and dissipated in the air.

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