The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 884 Sword Valley Competition (Part 1)

In the north of Tianjian Peak, there is a small valley with a radius of more than ten miles. This place is shrouded in mist all the year round. It is the forbidden area of ​​Tianjianmen, Jiangu.

Every 50 years, Tianjianmen will hold a great competition among the monks of the foundation-building stage. The top three disciples can enter the Sword Valley for seven days.

It is said that within the Valley of Swords, there is a certain chance that a sword cultivator in the foundation-building period will comprehend the sword intent, which is an attribute that will only be produced in the mana after condensing the sword core.

If the Sword Intent Mana is cultivated during the Foundation Establishment period, the probability of condensing the Sword Pill will be greatly increased, and the attack power after the Pill formation will be stronger than that of ordinary Sword Cultivators.

Every time the martial arts competition, the disciples of the foundation-building stage of Tianjianmen have made a lot of money for these three places.


On this day, the three of Lu Kun appeared above the clouds in Jiangu.

Their positions are a bit weird. Dugu Peak is at the bottom, suspended above the clouds and mist, chanting words in their mouths and holding a magic plate in their hands, while Lu Kun and Yue Longfei are about ten feet apart, talking in the air, it seems quite for pleasure.

After a cup of tea, the clouds and mist above Jiangu opened an entrance several meters in size, and then the three of them seemed to have discussed it. Dugufeng flew into it first, Lu Kun followed closely, and Yue Longfei entered last.

After Lu Kun passed through the clouds and mists of about ten feet, before he could observe, he felt a strong sense of sharpness coming towards his face, even with his huge consciousness, he felt a slight tingling.

Lu Kun's face changed slightly, his consciousness quickly glanced, and he found that this sharp meaning filled the entire sword valley, and it was not Dugufeng's actions.

This made Lu Kun a little surprised. He could say that he had come into contact with a lot of this special idea.

At the earliest in Luzhou Lingming Demon Valley, he felt the madness of the demonic energy. Later, he soaked in the water of the real devil, and experienced the brutality of the real devil. From Hong Yuntian's handwritten notes, he learned about the magic power of the underworld. bloodthirsty.

These three kinds of thoughts are extremely vicious. If the immortal cultivator encounters it, his consciousness will be greatly impacted, and he will lose himself. If he does not have the spiritual sense to hide the magical power, I am afraid that in the Lingming Yaogu, the consciousness will be mad and die.

But this sharp meaning is different. Although it also directly affects the soul, it is very gentle and does not seem to impact the consciousness of the cultivator.

In addition to this sharp accident, Lu Kun also discovered that the vitality of heaven and earth that can only be used by great monks is surprisingly rich in this sword valley, which is several times that of Yaoling Island.

With the help of the five elements of chaotic devil bones, he can perceive the existence of the vitality of heaven and earth. I wonder if Yue Longfei and the others know this.

Lu Kun shook his head, flew towards the center of the valley, and looked around with his divine sense.

The Sword Valley is very empty, with only some sporadic vegetation growing on the surrounding mountain walls, shrouded in a forbidding halo, which should be the herbs that Tianjianmen planted in the Sword Valley.

In addition, there are only sword marks and ravines of various sizes left in the Sword Valley, and the sharpness that fills the valley is emanating from these ravines.

The prohibition that shrouded the entire Sword Valley seems to be related to the sharpness here. It is somewhat similar to the demonic prohibition of Lingming Yaogu. As for the place where they came in, it should be the only gap in the prohibition, which was covered by Tianjianmen. stand up.

Yue Longfei looked at Lu Kun, who was looking around, and said with a slight smile: "The sword valley of this sect is quite simple, which made Pavilion Master Lu laugh."

Lu Kun landed on the ground, shook his head and said, "Fellow Daoist Yue is too modest, there is a strong sense of sharpness here, I am afraid it will be of great benefit to Jianxiu, Tianjianmen has been staying in Cangzhou, it should be the reason of Jiangu Bar."

Yue Longfei nodded and said, "That's right, but thanks to Cangzhou's relatively poor spiritual energy and its proximity to the land of death, my Tianjianmen barely managed to keep this foundation."

Lu Kun bewitched: "If Tianjianmen occupies more resources, the development speed will definitely be very different."

Yue Longfei snorted and said, "After chatting for so long, we almost forgot our business, Pavilion Master Lu, let's start now."

Lu Kun raised his brows and said, "It's a bit boring to simply discuss, why don't we add some luck, how about a bet?"

"On gambling?"

Lu Kun said: "Lu has heard that the technique of Tianjianmen is very unique. The condensed sword pill will make the mana contain sword intent, and the attack power will be greatly increased. If Lu wins by luck, I hope fellow Taoists can teach me the method of condensing the sword pill. "

"If Lu Mou loses, then Daoyou Yue can take a look at the exercises from the cultivation of the body and the cultivation of the immortals to the stage of forming an elixir."

Hearing this, Yue Longfei's face sank and he said, "Pavillion Lu thinks too highly of his own body training method. The method of condensing sword pills has been perfected by countless generations of seniors in this sect. How can you use it as a bet at will!"

Lu Kun shook his head and sighed, "It was Lu who was abrupt, so let's start."

Yue Longfei's face was solemn, a sword light flashed, and a large brass sword appeared in front of him. Different from ordinary long swords, this sword was about five feet long and one foot wide, and it was extremely huge.

This sword is Tianque sword, which was passed on to him by the chief elder of Tianjianmen through a secret method. After two generations of cultivators in the Nascent Soul period, it reached the level of maturity. In addition to its amazing power, it is also full of spirituality.

Previously, Tianque Sword used the sword sound as a warning because it sensed a more powerful magic weapon.

Yue Longfei's fear of Lu Kun is not only because of Lu Kun's other magical powers, but also because this person has a magic weapon that is more powerful than Tianque Sword.

Yue Longfei quickly moved the magic in his hands, and golden sword qi gushed out from the Tianque sword and attached to the surface of the giant sword.

After a few breaths, the Tianque Sword was enveloped in a thick layer of golden light, turning into a golden giant sword more than ten feet long, and a terrifying coercion spread out.

Lu Kun showed a look of amazement. The power of this attack was much stronger than that of Tu Tiancheng. The power of the Nascent Soul contained in it was extremely sharp. Even at a distance of dozens of meters, he could feel the heart-pounding piercing. meaning.

Yue Longfei saw Lu Kun clasping his chest with his arms and looking at the Tianque Sword, but he didn't call out the magic weapon. An imperceptible strange color flashed in the depths of his pupils, and he waved one hand.

The huge golden giant sword blasted forward with a rolling whistling sound, and the speed was no slower than that of an ordinary magic sword, slamming towards Lu Kun's seemingly insignificant body.


A dull sound of concussion came out, Yue Longfei couldn't help widening his eyes, and Dugufeng, who was watching the battle, was also dumbfounded.

I saw that Lu Kun's whole body was covered with a layer of silver light film, and the relatively small hands were holding the tip of the golden giant sword firmly.

Yue Longfei felt that the golden giant sword was blocked by an arrogant force and could not be stored, and the golden sword energy outside was subjected to an inexplicable shock, as if it was about to fall apart.

The Master of the Body Refinement Pavilion actually took the terrifying attack in the middle Nascent Soul with the palm of his hand, and a strange force trembled in his palm, trying to disperse the golden giant sword.

A look of shock flashed in Yue Longfei's eyes.

"Impossible, even a ninth-level demon cultivator wouldn't dare to take this blow."

"Wait, the silver light film on his palm is extremely dazzling, I understand, he condensed the terrifying defense of the light film to block this attack, and the silver light film in other parts must be weak!"

Yue Longfei's heart moved, and the golden giant sword suddenly turned into nearly a hundred golden sword qi, blasting towards Lu Kun's body from all directions.

This giant sword technique of his contains two layers of supernatural powers. First, he condenses the sword energy on the Tianque sword and turns it into a golden giant sword, which greatly increases the attack power.

During the duration of the giant sword technique, the sword energy will absorb the magical power of the Tianque Sword, and it can be blasted out unexpectedly.

Each sword qi contains a trace of the power of Nascent Soul and the power of magic weapons. The bombardment of hundreds of terrifying sword lights cannot be resisted by any mana shield in the middle stage of Nascent Soul.

Sure enough, in just two breaths, the silver light film on Lu Kun's body was shattered by the bombardment of the golden sword energy in the sky. At the same time, the precious light of the Tianque Sword was released and slammed into Lu Kun's head.

Yue Longfei's eyes were cold.

Learn from each other? On gambling? This is a joke!

Life and death in battles often happened in an instant, especially in the battles between the Yuan Ying period. In the face of him, the first sword cultivator in the Wei Kingdom, this guy didn't use magic weapons, and he couldn't blame others for being killed by mistake.

In Jiangu's ban, Yuan Ying couldn't escape. As long as he caught his Yuan Ying, what kind of body training method, news of Pang Laomo and Shi Laomo, and that powerful magic weapon, Yue Longfei would have it at his fingertips.

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