Yue Longfei kept a little bit of vigilance against Shi Yin'er secretly, took a sip of tea and said: "The previous news from Pavilion Master Lu is indeed correct. Old Demon Pang failed to break through the God Transformation Stage and died. The three major demon sects in Qi country may break out at any time. War."

"The blood refining sect lost this top powerhouse, and the overall strength of the sect was greatly reduced. The blood refining sect's subordinate Zongmen Extreme Demon Palace in the Chu country has been recalled to Nanzhou. Next, it is likely to ask for help from the magic spirit door. After all, Zong does not have a great cultivator in charge."

Lu Kun shook his head and said, "This is not necessarily the case. The outside world may not know that Qian Jingshan of the Blood Refinement Sect has already entered the late Nascent Soul, and besides the Extreme Demon Palace, the Loose Cultivation Alliance in Xizhou of Qi State is also an ally of the Blood Refinement Sect."

Yue Longfei's expression changed: "What, Qian Jingshan has become a great cultivator! There is also the Loose Cultivation Alliance!"

Lu Kun said: "The news about the Loose Cultivation Alliance and Qian Jingshan, Qishamen and Yin-Yang Holy Sect don't know yet.

"So the Blood Refinement Sect will not seek help from the Demon Sect in the short term. After all, Shi Jingtian was injured by Pang Laomo, and there is a crack in the relationship between the two."

Yue Longfei calmed down and couldn't help sighing: "The Blood Refinement Sect is worthy of being a major sect of the Demon Dao. Even if Pang Laomo is lost, its power is still so terrifying, it is much stronger than the Shangqing Sect back then."

"Although the combined strength of the Seven Demon Sect and the Yin-Yang Holy Sect is strong, they won't come out in full force. Instead, the Blood Refinement Sect has some advantages."

Lu Kun snorted coldly and said, "The Blood Refinement Sect must be at a disadvantage, so that they will find the Demon Spirit Sect to take action, and even let Old Demon Shi come out."

Yue Longfei's expression changed: "Could it be that Pavilion Master Lu wants to..."

The golden light flashed in Lu Kun's eyes: "I am afraid that the people of the Blood Refinement Sect don't know. I, Lu Kun, know so many things. As long as I secretly interfere, the design of the Blood Refinement Sect will fall short."

He searched for Bayongkai's soul and learned a lot of information. Combined with his strength, he could make a deal with the two major demon sects.

Regarding the refining of weapons in the bone transformation period, he still needs a lot of reference, especially the refining method of top magic treasures, and even some magic tools, and only top magic sects can have these.

Yue Longfei nodded lightly, and Lu Kun went to Qi State to secretly interfere, he completely believed it.

Having been in contact with this pavilion master Lu for so long, he could only judge Lu Kun as the pinnacle of his cultivation in the middle of the Nascent Soul through the power of the opponent's spiritual consciousness in the middle of the Nascent Soul and his strong combat power.

As for the mana in the opponent's body, no matter what kind of spell he uses, he can't detect it. That is to say, Lu Kun can easily hide his own cultivation, and coupled with his physical cultivation supernatural power, he can easily blend into the battlefield of Qi Kingdom.

Yue Longfei pondered for a moment and said, "Then the opportunity for us to start the war is when the Blood Refinement Sect seeks help from the Demon Sect."

Lu Kun's eyes were cold and he said, "If Old Demon Shi comes out of the mountain, then we will immediately attack the Demon Sect."

"If the Demon Sect sends other Yuan Ying monks to aid the Blood Refining Sect, we will join hands to ambush. If you and I join forces, they will surely die."

Yue Longfei said with a hint of excitement: "Next, we will kill the Yueyang Mountains. Counting Fairy Shi, two Yuan Ying sword cultivators and two physique cultivators, the two old guys from Lingzong will not be able to survive."

"In this way, the Demon Sect will only have at most one Nascent Soul Stage except Old Demon Shi. As long as Pavilion Master Lu entangles Old Demon Stone, the Demon Sect will surely perish."

Lu Kun's eyes were cold and he said, "But before that, we should solve our worries first."

Yue Longfei's face changed slightly, and he hesitated: "Pavillion Lu is talking about the Qingmeng?"

"That's right, Wei Guo said that it's not big or small, so we should take this opportunity to completely shuffle the cards."

Lu Kun glanced at Yue Longfei and said, "Does Brother Yue think we can't destroy the Qingmeng?"

Yue Longfei said with a wry smile: "The strength of our joint effort, the Qingmeng naturally does not matter, but I'm afraid that when dealing with the Qingmeng, the Demon Sect will be vigilant."

Yue Longfei had always been deeply disturbed by Lu Kun's ambitions. This feeling became even worse after seeing Shi Yin'er. If the Demon Spirit Sect was destroyed, the power of Tianjian Sect would be greatly increased, but the same would be true of the Body Refinement Pavilion.

The alliance between the two parties is only fifty years old. If the Body Refinement Pavilion will attack Tianjianmen in the future, if the Youth League is there, the Body Refinement Pavilion will at least be a little afraid.

Although the old man of Qingyang Sect has exhausted his lifespan, he used a secret technique to transfer the power of Nascent Soul to a disciple in the sect. period monk.

In addition to Tianjianmen, there are four other forces in the Wei state of the Nascent Soul Stage, which can barely form a balance with the Refinement Pavilion.

Lu Kun looked at Yue Longfei's expression, and seemed to know what he was thinking. He smiled and said, "Brother Yue is right. If the Qingmeng sticks to the station, it will be troublesome, so I will put it on hold at this time."

"By the way, Brother Yue hopes that Lu Mou will teach him a secret technique suitable for sword cultivators to strengthen the meridians. Lu Mou already has a clue, but this secret technique has some limitations."

Yue Longfei's spirit revived: "Pavillion Lu, please speak."

Lu Kun said: "This secret technique can only be practiced by low-level monks. I'm afraid that monks at the Nascent Soul stage like Daoyou Yue will not be able to practice it."

Yue Longfei couldn't help but ask, "Why?"

Lu Kun explained: "This method involves the power of life. It needs to be cultivated under the age of 50 to get started, and the meridians can be nourished slowly, so that the meridians can be strengthened to the point of extreme tenacity."

Yue Longfei couldn't understand it, and he said unwillingly: "What kind of situation is Yue Mou's meridian in? I already told Pavilion Master Lu last time. Is there no way to strengthen it?"

"If you want to help fellow Daoist Yue, there is only one way."

"any solution!"

The corners of Lu Kun's mouth were slightly raised: "That's me personally, manipulating the unique energy of body repair to help Daoyou Yue strengthen his meridians, but in the process of cultivation, Daoyou Yue's dharma body is controlled by Lu Mou."

"And this method is still a preliminary idea, and it is still unknown how effective it will be."

Hearing this, Yue Longfei smiled wryly: "If Lu Pavilion mainly attacked Yue, he would have done so long ago. Yue still believes this, but the gap between my legal body and Lu Pavilion's body is too big, if it is damaged. , then it's more than worth the loss."

Lu Kun added: "The method that started from the low-level monks involves the core exercises of the Body Refinement Pavilion. I am afraid that Lu will not be able to exchange them."

Yue Longfei could only show regret.

Lu Kun took a sip of the spirit tea. In fact, he didn't have any secret method to strengthen the meridians at all. If he wanted to strengthen the meridians, he had to practice his body refining skills from the beginning.

Yue Longfei's thoughts were clear in his heart. If Tianjianmen had another secret technique to strengthen the meridians, not to mention the whole sect, Yue Longfei's own strength would also increase a lot. At least the magical power that attracts sharpness into the body will be easy to use. a lot of.

Lu Kun thought on the contrary, the sword cultivation method of Tianjianmen should be incorporated into his body training pavilion to improve the Yuanjin body training.

Although he doesn't have any secret techniques to simply strengthen the meridians, Lu Kun has some eyebrows on how to help the Nascent Soul monks like Yue Longfei to strengthen the meridians, but he needs to use the Nascent Soul monk's method to test.

Lu Kun doesn't want to destroy Tianjianmen, it is best to annex it. If he has this method, Tianjianmen will belong to the body training pavilion, but it is a matter of time. If this method does not work, then he can only force it. .

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