The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 910: The Intersection of Ice and Fire

On the left side of the mountain wall of the Lianti Pavilion valley, is the cave where the earth fire was placed.

There are two mortal warriors in the Earth Fire Cave. They are all wearing a fiery red cloak. One of them is a bald man with a naked upper body, his muscles are swelled, and he is waving a sledgehammer, hammering something.

Although the other man was short in height, he was full of thick muscles. His body was about the same width as his height, like a sturdy meat ball. He stood in the distance and looked at the bald man nervously.

In front of the two of them, a huge furnace sits in the middle of the cave, exuding amazing heat.

The shape of the furnace is extremely strange. The middle is like a teapot, with eight long mouths sticking out.

At the top of the furnace, a thick silver chain stretched out, passed around a gear on the top of the cave, and was tied to the bottom of the turntable by the wall.

In addition to the furnace, there is a gray rock three feet long and wide next to it. One of the furnace mouths is spraying hot flames against the rock.

Below the flame are three semi-circular grooves, two of which are filled with a red and a white pool of liquid. The air above the liquid is twisted, apparently at a high temperature.

As for the last groove, there was a black stone the size of a fist, and the hammer wielded by the bald man was hammering the stone rhythmically.

With the passage of time, the black stone gradually turned into a liquid state under the hammering of gravity and the burning of flames.

Seeing this, the bald-headed man put down his hammer and moved a mechanism on the edge of the gray rock. A gap appeared on the edge of the three circular grooves, and the three liquids flowed into an oval groove in the middle.

This oval groove looks very delicate, and it is covered with various textures.

The bald-headed man said like a bell: "Brother Guo, turn the furnace, the fifth burner."


The short man stood beside the turntable, and immediately pulled up the handle after hearing the words. With a heavy creaking sound, the flame nozzle in the middle of the furnace first stopped the flame spray, and then began to turn.

A click.

The nozzle, one size larger than before, aimed at the gray rock, and hotter flames spewed out.

The bald-headed man said solemnly, "Brother Guo, help me with the secret technique of combining the senses and senses."

The short man walked behind the bald man with a solemn expression, and the spiritual consciousness in the middle stage of qi refining came out through his body, exuding a unique wave, intertwined with the bald man's spiritual consciousness.

After the fusion of these two spiritual senses in the middle stage of qi refining, they actually reached the level of the late stage of qi refining.

A few bloodshots appeared in the eyes of the bald man. He manipulated the surge of consciousness and rushed to the mixed liquid in the gray rock, and at the same time, a pile of pale white powder was ejected between his fingers.

Then he raised the hammer again and struck it lightly. Gradually, one after another mysterious miniature magic circles took shape.

"Separate the consciousness, close the furnace!" The middle-aged man commanded.

The short man's muscles and nerves shook for a while, withdrew the power of divine consciousness, rushed to the turntable, and turned off the flame of the furnace.

The bald-headed man quickly took out a talisman, and the iron bracelet on his wrist burst out with aura, activating the talisman, and a cold mist rushed towards the gray rock, making a babbling sound.

After a while, the fog dissipated, and an oval-shaped object appeared in the gray rock, exuding a spiritual luster.

The short man walked over with great excitement. He took off his outer cloak and carefully embedded the object in the center of his inner armor, just at the position of his sternum.

With a look of gratitude, he clasped his fists and said, "Brother Li's art of refining weapons is well-deserved, I am afraid it is comparable to the cultivators of the Treasure Pavilion!"

The bald-headed man laughed loudly and said, "Thanks to these two treasures in Treasure Treasure Pavilion, otherwise, how could Li Mou, a worldly method of blacksmithing, be able to refine a spirit-controlling magic weapon."

The short man looked at his chest, and his eyes radiated incomparably hot light: "Brother Li, don't say more, I'm going back to practice."

After speaking, he walked out in a hurry.

The bald man was familiar with this scene, he touched his chest, walked to the place near the furnace and sat down cross-legged.

His name is Li Kui, and he is well-known in the secular martial arts of Western Desert.

In addition, Li Kui, with the help of this refining furnace and the Dragon Breaking Stone, can refine the spirit-controlling magic weapon. Besides him, there are only four mortal warriors who can barely refine the weapon.

Later, by chance, Li Kui discovered that he was practicing near the ground fire furnace, and the quenching effect of the sternum was excellent.

However, other warriors did not feel this way. It seemed that his physique was very special. After all, Li Kui was born with divine power, and his vigor was 20% higher than that of other warrior saints.

The cultivator of the Treasure Pavilion is very busy, the task of refining the weapon is heavy, and the Earth Fire Stone is tense, and it is impossible for him to be used by a mortal warrior alone.

So Li Kui thought of a way. He found a cultivator in the Treasure Pavilion, and he wanted to take over the refining tasks of all the sternum spirit control instruments. After testing Li Kui's refining tools, the top management of the Body Refinement Pavilion decided to set aside A fire room, handed over to Li Kui for refining.

In this way, he helped the warriors to refine the spiritual control instruments while practicing beside the fire. After ten years, the sternum had become the hardest part of his body.

However, according to Li Kui's judgment, the sternum is still a long way from the material of the magic weapon.

The thought in his mind flashed, Li Kui stuffed a spiritual stone into the inner armor and concentrated on practicing, but it didn't take long before he opened his eyes again.

"What's the matter? Fire attribute aura is so active today, and there seems to be a terrifying flame power in the air."

Then Li Kui blushed and spit out a mouthful of blood. He looked terrified and quickly left the Earth Fire Cave.

When he came to the outside of the cave, he suddenly found that directly below the Earth Fire Cave, there was a huge underground hole, and the disciples of the Body Refinement Pavilion flew out from it, with waves of heat.

"It turns out that there are caves in the ground, and disciples with spiritual roots cultivate under the ground flint."

Li Kui jumped and jumped to the ground. Standing behind many disciples, he found that these disciples with spiritual roots had more or less burn marks on their bodies, and the air was filled with the smell of barbecue.

"These disciples cultivate mana, and their bodies are strong. With the heat of the ground fire, it is impossible for the flesh to burn into this shape. Is there a more powerful source of flame than the ground fire?"

Just when Li Kui showed his doubts, the spiritual energy in the valley suddenly fluctuated violently, and everyone raised their heads.

I don't know when, in this valley where a large spiritual gathering array was arranged, the rich fire attribute aura gathered together, turned into an amazing aura vortex, and flocked to the underground cave where everyone escaped.


This underground cave is actually divided into two floors. The position of the body refining pavilion's body tempering is on the upper floor, and the lower floor is a secret room about ten feet in size, with two figures sitting cross-legged inside.

Yuxuan and Zhao Xueer.

Yuxuan was naked, the muscles on his face twitched, and he seemed to be enduring great pain. From time to time, a dark red glow appeared on the surface of his charred skin.

Zhao Xueer was behind Yuxuan, her hands exuding an icy aura, and pressed against Yuxuan's back.

With the infusion of rich spiritual energy, Yu Xuan seemed to suppress the terrifying flames in his body, the dark red flames on his body gradually disappeared, and the terrifying heat in the secret room seemed to be under some kind of control and was taken into his body by him.

Yuxuan slowly opened his eyes, a flame was reflected in the depths of his pupils, and there was a faint light of fire in his eyes.

Yuxuan stood up, feeling the skeletal mana fused with the strange fire in his body, his body trembled slightly, he muttered: "Ten years, ten years, I finally entered the bone treasure stage."

Then he turned to look at Zhao Xue'er with hot eyes: "Senior sister, if you hadn't suppressed the power of the strange fire at the last moment, I'm afraid my flesh and blood would have been burned before I could refine the fire of the Three Suns."

Zhao Xue'er stared blankly at her charred hands, as if she hadn't heard Yu Xuan's words.

"Sister, what's wrong with you?"

Zhao Xue'er took a deep breath and said with a shocked expression, "Junior brother, just now, the strange fire magic power in your body entered my hand bones, and it stirred with my ice magic power, creating a terrifying power of destruction."

She murmured: "This energy is even stronger than the annihilation power of the Gorefiend Bone Refinement..."

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