The Ancestor of Body Repair

Chapter 913 Zhenyuan Palm

Lu Kun jumped off the rock and said with a slight smile, "I didn't expect the two of you to remember Zhang. How can we say that we fought side by side in the secret realm, so you don't need to be so nervous."

Soul Sha snorted coldly: "Fellow Daoist Zhang robbed our Seven Shazi's treasures in the secret realm, and later swallowed the top-level Demon Zong's corpse. Is this called fighting side by side?"

Lu Kun said with a calm expression: "I, Zhang Tianbiao, are just a loose cultivator. Naturally, I have to find a way to get the best out of me."

Xu Junwen's pretty face sank: "Loose cultivator? Could it be that Fellow Daoist Zhang is a member of the loose cultivator alliance."

Lu Kun showed disdain: "It's just a mob, not even a big cultivator, Zhang would not join such a weak alliance."

Xu Junwen's face was a little ugly: "Since Daoyou Zhang is not a member of the Loose Cultivation Alliance, it is even more impossible to know this place. The old guy Xueyazi will never tell others."

Lu Kun glanced up and down at Xu Junwen's plump body, and said with a tsk tsk: "Xu Fairy's ecstasy is not simple, but she can confuse Xueyazi quietly, even if Zhang searched for Xueyazi's soul, he didn't find it. Traces of fairy ecstasy."

When Xu Junwen and Hunsha heard it, shock flashed in their eyes. Xueyazi was not strong, but he was also a cultivator in the Yuan Ying stage, and Zhang Tianbiao captured Yuan Ying alive.

Lu Kun said with some emotion: "I didn't expect Zhang's curiosity to discover the plan of the Soul Demon Lord and the Yin-Yang Holy Son. If the news of the two killing their allies was revealed, the war between the three major demons would probably end. There are a lot of variables.”

Xu Junwen said, "Could it be that Fellow Daoist Zhang wanted to threaten us, but no one would believe this sentence from a loose cultivator."

Lu Kun said: "I don't believe Zhang Mou doesn't know, but the plan of the two is probably going to fail."

Hunsha heard the words, and his expression changed: "Could it be that Fellow Daoist Zhang wants to trade with us?"

Lu Kun said: "Not bad!"

Xu Junwen snorted softly: "If you want to trade with us, you have to try Zhang Daoyou's magical powers again!"

As soon as the words fell, her plump body exuded a dazzling white light, and countless white blades spurted out, rushing forward overwhelmingly, like hundreds of magical treasures, the power of the Nascent Soul exuded is extremely powerful and powerful. fear.

Soul Sha's body also trembled slightly, and three yellow lights flashed out of the body and disappeared.

Lu Kun watched the white-blade attack in the sky, raised his palms, covered with a layer of silver light film, and surrounded by three layers of twisted force fields.

After that, his arms shook rapidly. Due to the speed, more than a dozen palm afterimages appeared in front of him, and each palm print rippled around with invisible ripples, forming a spider-web-like pale silver twisted light curtain. .

The white blade in the sky, with unparalleled power, bombarded this light curtain.


An extremely dull voice came out, and a large number of white blades turned into a little aura, dissipating before the light curtain, as if there was a terrifying shock force, which shook it into pieces.

After a while, the white blades all over the sky disappeared, and only a white meniscus remained, trembling slightly in front of the silver light curtain, and next to it, three dark yellow spikes appeared at some point, which were also blocked by the light curtain. .

There was a hint of excitement in Lu Kun's eyes, his rapidly dancing arms stagnated, the palm afterimage and the rippled light curtain dissipated, leaving only two thick palms, with three layers of twisted force fields, bombarded at On the meniscus knife and the long nail magic weapon.

Soul Sha and Xu Junwen felt that there was an incomparably arrogant force, rushed into their magic weapon, and scattered most of the magic inside.

The two of them were startled, and they were just about to inject magic power into the magic weapon to counteract the strange shocking power of the other party.

But at this moment, Lu Kun's burly figure suddenly disappeared in place.

"not good!"

Xu Junwen and Hunsha's expressions changed, and almost the moment Lu Kun disappeared, they shot towards the sky.

They have seen it in the one-element secret realm. The body of this loose cultivator is comparable to that of a top-level demon. It can exert its speed to the extreme on the ground, but it cannot exert its terrifying speed in the air.

But as soon as the two of them flew into the air, the bald man appeared in front of them. The strange pressure mixed with the burly body made their bodies tremble, as if they had encountered some kind of natural enemy.

Xu Junwen and Hunsha were startled, but they didn't react slowly, and quickly deployed defensive measures. The inner armor under Hunsha's robe exuded a yellow glow, and its outer shield was suddenly thickened.

As for Xu Junwen's long skirt, a line of lingerie appeared, surrounding the delicate body.

The corners of Lu Kun's mouth twitched slightly, and his strong body suddenly shrank in a circle, while his arms quickly swelled up, full of sinister veins and muscles, as if he had transferred the flesh and blood of his body to his arms.

Lu Kun kicked his legs slightly, the void became a pedal, and the whole person turned into several afterimages, revolving around Soul Sha and Xu Junwen, and at the same time, each afterimage swiped a vague palm print.

Some of these afterimages are facing the two of them with their palms, while others have their backs facing them strangely, and their arms make palm prints backwards at a twisted angle.

The wave-shaped palm prints continuously bombarded the outermost shield of the two. Although the defensive aura was trembling, there was no sign of dissipating, and it seemed that the shield could not be broken.

Soul Sha and Xu Junwen were overjoyed at first, but then they were horrified to discover that the continuous shocking force was transmitted inward through the outer shield, and the aura of defense magic could not be stopped.

These shocking forces are like strange force fields, shaking the magic power in their bodies, and even the power of Nascent Soul vibrates.

Xu Junwen immediately felt that it was difficult for her to cast other spells when the magic power and the power of the Nascent Soul trembled violently.

The Soul Sha on the side was slightly better. He possessed the cultivation of the Nascent Soul's mid-term, endured the shock of the magic power, and forced a spell, and three dark yellow spikes in the distance shot back.

Lu Kun's body stagnated in mid-air, and he slapped his right palm back at will. Who would have guessed that the spikes instantly merged into one, the speed increased sharply, flashed past this palm, and stabbed Lu Kun's head.


A crisp sound passed, and the thick spike bombarded his forehead, piercing the skin, revealing a bright silver skull inside.

Lu Kun didn't move, and quickly slapped his palms in front of his forehead. Two palm prints hit the spikes. The latter trembled slightly and split into three spikes.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Xu Junwen regained the control of the magic power. A very different power of the Nascent Soul gushed out from the depths of her Nascent Soul, and a little black magic light appeared on the white shield outside her body.

The strong aura of Nascent Soul's power is not even lower than that of the middle Nascent Soul.

As for the soul shaman, he was choking a certain magic, and his body suddenly exuded an astonishing evil spirit. The spikes that Lu Kun held in his palms seemed to be affected in some way, and trembled violently.

Lu Kun let out a sigh, his eyes were dazed for a while, as if he was affected by something, but he recovered quickly, and the three spikes in his hands quickly broke free from his palm while he was in a trance, and fell into Hunsha's body.

Xu Junwen's delicate voice became a little low: "Daoyou Zhang is amazing, but if we continue to fight, it will be a battle of life and death..."

Hearing this, Lu Kun shook his hand, the swollen muscles on his arm returned to their original state, the flesh and blood of his arm returned to his body, and the inexplicable pressure in the air dissipated.

What he just used was the newly created combat skill, Zhen Yuan Palm.

This magic-type combat skill can superimpose three layers of shock source force field in the hand, and transmit the terrifying power of hundreds of thousands of pounds in the form of shock.

In addition to the shock-dispersing energy attack, when Lu Kun killed Xueyazi, he also discovered that the shocking power of Zhenyuanzhang can pass through the shield of the cultivator and sway the power of the soul of the soul in the opponent's body, making it difficult for him to cast spells.

In the battle just now, he used the magical power of the unity of flesh and blood, blessing part of the flesh and blood essence of his body on his arm, increasing the strength of the arm by 10%, forming an absolute suppression to Xu Junwen in the early Nascent Soul.

As for Soul Sha, if his endless Zhen Yuan palms are all slamming at Soul Sha, I am afraid that this guy will not be able to easily mobilize the power of Yuan Ying.

With these thoughts in mind, Lu Kun said lightly, "The two of you have tried Zhang's magical powers, so can we trade?"

Hunsha and Xu Junwen heard the words and breathed a sigh of relief. The short fight made them feel that Zhang Tianbiao's strength was unfathomable, far exceeding the ordinary Nascent Soul mid-term.

Although the two of them still have some means of pressing the bottom box, they cannot use it easily. It is the best choice for both sides to stop.

Xu Junwen made a slender move and put the magic weapon of the crescent moon knife into her body. The power of the black and white Nascent Soul was still lingering outside her body. She asked, "What does Fellow Daoist Zhang want to trade with us."

Lu Kun said meaningfully: "What do you think, if the three of us join forces, how difficult is it to capture the early Nascent Soul monk alive?"

Xu Junwen immediately remembered the scene where the magic power was agitated and it was difficult to cast spells. If this guy helped, it would be almost certain to capture Nascent Soul alive in the early stage.

Soul Sha frowned and said, "What does fellow Daoist Zhang want?"

Lu Kun chuckled and said: "Soul Shaman needs the soul of Nascent Soul, Fairy Xu absorbs the power of Nascent Soul, and Zhang is currently researching a secret technique, which requires a living test of the Nascent Soul. conflict."

"As for the worth of this Nascent Soul cultivator, Zhang does not need it, as long as the two of them exchange some magic treasure refining methods."

Soul Sha was stunned for a moment, obviously did not expect Lu Kun to be this request, this not only has no effect on him, but even has some benefits, after all, he and Xu Junwen teamed up, and there is still the possibility of missing.

Xu Junwen said cautiously: "Do you think this secret technique of Fellow Daoist Zhang will destroy the spiritual body of the monks in the Yuanying period? If the legal body is destroyed, the evil spirit of the soul will lose its effect, and the soul will escape by teleportation, then It's like a failure."

Lu Kun shook his head and said, "Fairy Xu, please rest assured, Zhang's experiment will only destroy his meridians at most."

Xu Junwen and Hunsha looked at each other, and secretly communicated for a while with spiritual sense, agreeing to Lu Kun's deal.

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